Explorer of Teyvat

Chapter 220 The Sage’s Choice (The Fourth Day)

[Would you also be sad if you saw the sages who once followed you in opening up the rainforest become like this? 】

When Wang Dao thought of the Great Merciful Tree King, he only had some regrets and still cared about Xumi.

Then he looked at the Great Sage, with a murderous intent flashing in his eyes. To be believed by such a person was a blasphemy against the Great Cishu King.

[When the plan is completed, let this great sage disappear, or he can be sent to the desert. 】

A hint of malice appeared in Wang Daoyi's heart, causing the doctor and the soldiers to turn around and look over.

Perhaps it was because Wang Daoyi looked down on the great sage. He did not hide his inner malice, and the doctors and skirmishers could easily sense it.

Just like three days ago, Wang Daoyi and Xingbing could sense the doctor's inner malice towards Azar.

"What's wrong?" The doctor asked Wang Daoyi in a low voice. He was very curious as to why this person suddenly appeared so malicious.

Wang Daoyi looked at the sages on the side and showed a contemptuous smile: "It's nothing, I just thought of something fun."

He had no intention of explaining to the doctor, although he knew that the doctor would not remind the great sage, and might even help him deal with the great sage.

On the other side, Azar interrupted the doctor's idea of ​​continuing to talk to Wang Daoyi.

"Then, tell me your plan to create a god and how to proceed."

The doctor became increasingly disgusted with the great sage. This kind of person who always interrupted his speech was not even qualified to be the material for his experiments.

However, the doctor on the surface is still polite: "Let's find a safer room first, Great Sage Azar, there are some things that cannot be taken out casually."

[The great sage took everyone to a secret room in the Palace of Wisdom. The doctor showed the sages the "Drawing of the God of Zhengji" that he had discussed and revised with Wang Daoyi]

"How?" asked the doctor.

"Is it just this? A huge mechanical demon god? This is not what the Order Academy needs. We don't need this kind of god. What we want is a god of wisdom, a god as great as the Great Merciful Tree King."

The sages were very dissatisfied. Although the installation of the [God of Righteousness] described in the drawings just now has real demon-level combat power, this is not what they want. Compared with combat power, wisdom This is the pursuit of the Order.

What they want is a god with infinite wisdom and power like the Great Kind Tree King.

"Oh, please don't worry. [The God of Positive Opportunities] is only part of the plan. He is the body we prepared for the new god."

The doctor has a smile on his face, as if he is trying to sell you a house. Pointing his finger at the cold-faced skirmisher on one side: "He is the core of the god-creation and will become the inner part of the new god."

"The God of Positive Opportunities is used for fighting and storing the Heart of God. Skirmishers serve as the core, connecting to the Heart of God and driving the God of Positive Opportunities. This is the complete body of the New God."

"Hmm? Using the resources of our Order Academy to help the executive of your fools become gods, doctor, are you a little too rude?"

A sage snorted coldly.

Regarding the sage's reaction, Wang Daoyi rolled his eyes and didn't want to speak, just like that, he was still a sage.

"No, no, no, he will be the new god of the Order, not the fool." The doctor replied patiently.

Among the gods of fools, there is only the Ice Queen.

Unlike other sages, there was an inexplicable light in the eyes of the great sage Azar. As a great sage, he just didn't like the current God of Wisdom. It didn't mean that he was a fool. He quickly understood what the doctor meant.

"You mean the gods canned knowledge"

The doctor nodded, his reaction speed was barely acceptable.

As we all know, at least people here should know that the use of canned knowledge will continue to deepen the user's certain stereotypes.

And helping stray soldiers ascend to the gods must refer to real gods.

A being with the wisdom of God, the soul of God, and the body of God.

Only such an existence can be called a true god.

But today's skirmishers seem to be substandard in every aspect. If you want to use skirmishers as the core of the New God, you must transform and evolve the skirmishers.

Transformation of body, evolution of wisdom

The transformation of the body is unknown to the great sage, but for the evolution of wisdom, the best choice is naturally the canned knowledge of the gods.

When transforming skirmishers, you can mix Xumi's information into the god's canned knowledge, and guide the god to bear Xumi's mark at the moment of its birth.

"In that case, we can cooperate, but doesn't he have any objection?" The great sage pointed at the silent soldier.

"What Xiansheng pursues is the heart and ascending to the throne of God. He doesn't care about other things." The doctor explained to Xiansheng, and received a cold snort from Xiansheng.

It was just a cold snort, so the skirmisher agreed with the doctor's intention. He really didn't care about anything other than the Heart of God.

"So, when can I start planning? I don't have much time to delay here."

The experiment hadn't even started yet, but so much meaningless time had already been wasted, which made Wang Daoyi unhappy.

If I had known that I was going to talk about such things, I would have been better off reading in the library. I had obviously told the doctor before that I would call him when the experiment started.

The skirmishers also rarely agreed with Wang Daoyi's point of view: "Yes, when can we start?"

"Can't wait? It's not that easy to become a god." The doctor smiled gently, "We still need the help of the Order Academy and more scholars who are capable of assisting us."

"Hmph." Wang Daoyi snorted coldly without refuting. It is indeed the case. Transforming the stragglers must be a long-term and arduous task. Without the help of auxiliary scientific researchers, he probably won't be able to do it alone. of.

"The sages of the Bioscientists rejected this plan and have been put under house arrest by us. If we want to carry out biological transformation, we need to recruit new members of the Biosect."

The great sage took the words and thought for a moment: "Two days, the laboratory and supporting scholars will be ready in two days."

"Oh, the efficiency is pretty good. Great Sage Azar, I don't hate you so much anymore." Wang Daoyi nodded to him, and decided in his heart that after the experiment was completed, he would not kill him, but would catch him and teach in the desert. .

emm, a great sage should be enough to teach the children of the people of the sand, and maybe there will be a few academic masters.

Some random thoughts flashed through Wang Daoyi's heart.

Then he looked at the doctor: "Since the test time has been determined, I will leave first. I am wasting time here. It is better to go back and read."

As he spoke, he waved his hand, and a faint blue earth channel opened, entered it, and left.

The doctor's eyes flashed, and he could distinguish the smell of desert at the other end of the earth channel.

"Earth channel? As expected of a person who is going to perform surgery on a living body, he really has something." The great sage nodded, and then showed a puzzled expression, "He just said he hates me, why?"

"Pfft, that's really funny. Do I still need a reason to hate you? As a divine person, seeing you is like seeing the most despicable maggot. I feel disgusted. That's a natural reaction."

The skirmishers seemed to have heard some joke.

After a brief contact, Wang Daoyi gave Shan Bing the impression that he was a different person from the world.

Therefore, if the skirmishers don't like the great sage, then Wang Daoyi also hates the great sage. From the skirmishers' point of view, this is a very normal thing.

The Great Sage frowned. As the supreme leader of Sumeru, he had not been offended like this for a long time.

However, his desire for the god-making plan still made him suppress his anger, and instead continued to ask: "A god?"

The skirmisher nodded: "Yes, the one who ascended to the gods, the one just now, is a strong man who has embarked on the path of gods. He hates you, but he didn't directly destroy you. You should feel lucky."

The skirmisher seemed to be kind-hearted in explaining to the great sage, but in fact he was still applying eye drops.

How could a straggler who hated Wang Daoyi say good things about Wang Daoyi? He wished that Wang Daoyi would conflict with the great sage.

However, the Great Sage is also the supreme leader of the Teaching Council. Although he pulls his hips a little sometimes, he often plays this kind of trick to sow discord, and he doesn't care at all about the small actions of the skirmishers.

Instead, he paid more attention to the masked man in his heart.

"The one who ascended to the gods." The great sage thought silently in his heart, "Is he actually such a strong man?"

[Looking at the relationship between the fools, it seems that they are not harmonious. Perhaps, I can bribe the strong man just now. 】

An idea appeared in the great sage's mind, and he wanted to bribe Wang Daoyi.

Seeing the unintentional expression on the great sage's face, the doctor's eyes flashed, and then he smiled, as if he had seen something interesting.

"Okay, now that the time has been set, let's say goodbye first. I hope we won't be disappointed in two days."

"Don't worry, the Teaching Council is conducting experiments, and no one can be better than us yet."

The great sage assured confidently.

He wasn't bragging. The people at the Institute of Education were indeed good at doing experiments. Unfortunately, most of them were migrant scientific workers who followed the project leaders to follow the project.

There are very few who can conduct independent research.

However, the doctor just smiled noncommittally.

Whether he is a genius or a scientific research worker, he doesn't mind.

What he wants, or what he and Wang Daoyi want, is just someone who can attack, as long as they are familiar with the laboratory.

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