Explorer of Teyvat

Chapter 221 The ungrateful Tanit (Fourth Day)

Dachishahai·Chishaqi·Main tent

Wang Daoyi walked out of the blue earth channel.

I put on the mask and looked around. The tent was still so clean. It didn't look like I was in the desert at all. Someone must have been cleaning it up.

Nodding with satisfaction, Sid still kept him in his heart.

Perhaps the movement of Wang Daoyi coming out of the ground was noticed. The curtain of the tent was opened, and two pure water in the sand appeared. It was the two young ladies who had been following Wang Daoyi before.

Two pure water figures found figures in the sand. They first became alert and glowed with the light of the water element. Then after seeing clearly that it was Wang Daoyi, they hurriedly saluted: "Sir."

Wang Daoyi didn't care about their caution and respect, and nodded casually: "Go and call Xi De and the others."

One young lady nodded and left, and the other came to Wang Daoyi and poured a glass of sand coconut wine for Wang Daoyi.

Soon, a group of gilded brigade leaders arrived at the main tent.

Wang Dao took a look and saw that there seemed to be a few people missing, but he didn't care: "Has anything happened in the past month?"

Facing Wang Daoyi's inquiry, Xi De took a step forward and said, "Sir, everything is fine recently. In addition, the scholars from the Order Academy have arrived."

In fact, he was kidnapped.

"Are you all still cooperating? Nothing happened." Wang Daoyi was quite concerned about these scholars. After all, they were expected to educate the children of the clan.

"We first set up a quicksand trap on their inspection route. After they fell into it, we rescued them by pretending to be a passing caravan. In return, they signed a five-year teaching contract. So they all cooperated and did not cause trouble. "

Wang Daoyi glanced at Xi De in surprise. He didn't kidnap him directly with swords. He also used a little trick and learned to use his brain. It's really good.

"Very good, give them a little preferential treatment. I hope that in one year, all the children of the tribe will be able to read."

Sid nodded, indicating that he had taken note of it.

"Is there anything else? I see you are missing a few people." Wang Daoyi looked at everyone.

Seeing Wang Dao ask about this matter, West Germany's expression suddenly became nervous: "Sir, we recently went to war with Tanit."

"Huh? What's going on?" Wang Dao's voice turned cold. He remembered that before he left, he clearly said that he wanted to resume trade with Tanit, not start a war.

West Germany shuddered: "After you left, we sent people to contact Tanit to negotiate about resuming trade, but Tanit did not accept our kindness and instead intercepted and killed the caravan we sent."

Silence, silent silence.

"Oh, you ungrateful guy, so... where are your countermeasures?" Wang Daoyi's voice turned completely cold.

He originally wanted to resume trade, which would ease relations with surrounding tribes and make the Red Sand Banner stronger, but was he actually considered weak?

"We retaliated against Tanit, and both sides have suffered a lot of casualties." West Germany quickly handed a document to Wang Daoyi.

After a casual glance, I found that the two sides had almost a one-to-one record, and most of the Red Sand Banners were the attackers, so the battlefields were mostly in the Qianhe Sand Land, because that was Tanit's nomadic territory.

With such favorable geographical location, they are even with the Red Sand Banner. How dare such a tribe dare to challenge itself?

"Send out a plundering team to expel the scattered tribes into the Thousand Valley Sands and let them live in Tanit's hunting grounds."

"Block several good passages in Qianhe Sandy Land and cut off Tanit's trade routes."

"Increase manpower to defend against Tanit's counterattack and drag them to death."

Wang Daoyi said coldly.

For the desert tribe, the most important things, entrance, territory, and trade routes, can kill Tanit's two fatal points at once.

"It's my lord."

Everyone bowed their heads in response.

After talking about the strategy against Tanit, Wang Daoyi talked about his return this time.

It’s better to find Xi De. He is the big housekeeper. No matter what happens, you just need to give him orders.

"Well, in addition, West Germany, collect more of the materials on this paper, and then kill them when the people from the Order come to buy it." Wang Dao stretched out his hand, and a piece of paper filled with words floated to West Germany .

The "God-Creation Project" has begun, which will definitely consume a huge amount of resources. As one of the designers, Wang Daoyi knows the most important materials, and these materials are produced in the desert.

Think about the richness of the Ecclesiarchy, think about the poverty of the people of the sand,

For such a good opportunity, even if he didn't kill the Imperial Academy, he would not be able to live up to his Liyue people's business talent.

West Germany took the paper and didn't dare to ask any more questions. Ever since he accepted the sandstorm seeds given by Wang Daoyi, it became increasingly difficult for him to resist Wang Daoyi.

The worship in my heart is getting stronger day by day.

Wang Daoyi looked at West Germany. With the blessing of authority, he could see West Germany's growing faith in him.

[If I were to become a god now, West Germany would probably become my first dependent. 】

Thinking of this, Wang Daoyi shook his head. He didn't want a middle-aged desert man to be his family member.

Therefore, West Germany should just be the steward of the Red Sand Banner.

"Okay, if nothing happens, you can go back and put things into practice as soon as possible." Wang Dao waved his hand and asked these people to leave. There is no use staying here anyway, so it is better to let them go back and complete the task as soon as possible.

After everyone left, Wang Daoyi sat on the carpet in the middle of the tent and thought for a while.

When he first conquered these desert tribes, he just wanted to find some free workers so that he could develop the ruins.

These latter people did not disappoint him. When developing the Holy Epiphany Hall, they showed very good abilities and allowed him to obtain part of the authority of the Red King.

But now, this force, which outsiders call the Red Sand Banner, is getting bigger and bigger.

After gaining authority, Wang Daoyi's thoughts changed somewhat, and the meaning of these gilded brigades also began to change.

[God loves people, so will these people be my first people? 】

With this idea in mind, Wang Daoyi began serious governance.

Occupy the oasis, count the population, collect resources, and popularize education.

Even Wang Daoyi's attitude towards them changed from the pretense of arrogance at the beginning to the attitude of a monarch towards his people.

These things all prove the importance Wang Daoyi attaches to these people.

"Gnosis, soul, zodiac sign, and body are all important things on the road to becoming a god. But what about after becoming a god? Faith is also very important."

"Liyue's faith has been stubborn for thousands of years. Even if the emperor doesn't mind, I can't shake his position, let alone there are so many immortals."

"And other countries also have their own governance. Even Wendy seems not to care and seems to be free, but if someone dares to touch Mondstadt's faith, he will dare to use the wind of high heaven to let this person know what It’s called freedom.”

"Not to mention Dao Wife, I don't want to bear the knife from Lei Movie yet."

"As for other countries, they don't seem to be suitable for me."

"Only here, Xumi, is the place that is most suitable for me. The Little Lucky Grass King is weak, and the Order Academy has made the desert and the rain forest confront each other. This is a good opportunity for me to seize the desert."

"And now that the Red Sand Banner exists, they will naturally become my first people after I become a god."

Wang Daoyi thought more and more, and the storm kept rising in his mind.

After a long while, he let out a long sigh, felt the authority and gnosis in his soul, and showed a trace of self-mockery: "Why are you thinking so much? Let's solve the fusion of authority and gnosis first."

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