They enjoyed a wonderful performance with Nasida and presented flowers to the dancers on the stage.

When the show came to an end, Wang Daoyi took Naxida's little hand and walked out.

"Where does Nacida want to go next?"

In Nacida's wish, she wanted to see the sky, the earth, the running water, the rainforest, the desert, go to the Grand Bazaar to see a show, go to the rainforest to find Lanaro, listen to the singing of colorful birds, and see the long temples. Tiger playing.

Nowadays, a lot has been accomplished. The only remaining things are to see the desert and to find Lanaro.

Nacida raised her head and looked at the sky, which was already darkening.

"I have read in the void that the starry sky in the desert is very beautiful. Is it true?"

Nacida asked softly.

"Yes, for some reasons, the starry sky in the desert is more beautiful than in the rainforest area."

Wang Dao nodded and answered.

Because of the drought in the desert area, there are basically no clouds accumulating in the sky, so every night, the starry sky in the desert will be exceptionally bright and endless, making people feel relaxed and happy.

Of course, the premise is that there is no sandstorm that night.

"So, Nacida wants to go to the desert?"

Nasida nodded vigorously: "Well, I want to see if the people on the other side of the desert are doing well."

Nacida never forgot that the desert was part of Sumeru.

He is the god of the rainforest people, and he is also the god of the desert people.

However, this relationship is currently not recognized by the desert people.

"Okay, then let's go to the desert. I also have a secret to show Nasida."

Wang Daoyi wanted to tell Nasida some of his thoughts.

If he wanted to ascend to the gods in the desert, Nacida would be a hurdle he couldn't bypass.

Instead of waiting for Nasida to find out when the matter comes to a head, it is better to let her see it now.

The blue earth channel opens, target: Red Sand Flag.

In the endless yellow sand, a huge tribal alliance gathered here. Even though it was already dark, the place was still in full swing.

In front of a huge pedestal, thousands of desert people gathered here, and dozens of huge torches illuminated the place as if it were daytime.

In front of them was a huge open space. In the open space, two strong sand people were fighting.

Both of them were strong men among the people of the sand. They did not use the power of Erling, but relied entirely on their physical strength and fighting skills to collide with each other again and again.

Every collision or parry would elicit loud applause from those around him.

And when the two warriors fought to the end and were carried down exhausted, everyone once again gave them the warmest applause.

Of course, the party was not over yet. When the soldiers walked down the field, several girls from the Gilded Brigade quickly came up. They played the violin and danced gracefully. Their graceful figures made the atmosphere of the night even more lively.

Although the resources in the desert are very poor, in terms of entertainment, they also have passionate fighting performances and cheerful dance performances.

If it weren't for this barren desert, they could definitely live a better life and create a larger and more advanced civilization.

The people of the sand were enjoying the happy dance and did not notice that West Germany, who was sitting at the front and watching, changed his expression, and then walked out of the crowd silently.

Under a huge torch, Wang Daoyi and Nasida stood in the shadows.

At night, under the brightest light source is the darkest place that is best hidden.

West Germany hurried over and lowered his head to Wang Daoyi in the darkness: "I salute you, my lord."

Wang Dao nodded: "Nice performance, West Germany. It seems that the tribe is doing well recently."

"Under your protection, Chisha can survive." West Germany looked at Wang Daoyi with fanatical eyes.

"Oh, how long can such prosperity last?" Wang Daoyi sneered. The prosperity of Chisha Banner is now based on his powerful force, the squeeze on other small tribes and the development of ruins. .

However, all small tribes will eventually disappear one day, either joining Chisha or being destroyed.

The ruins will one day be fully developed, and by then, the Red Sand Banner may quickly decline again.

However, Wang Daoyi was not prepared to discuss this topic with West Germany today.

"Nasida, this is West Germany, who is currently also the chief steward of the Red Sand Banner Tribal Alliance. He will show us the living conditions of the desert people here in a moment."

Wang Daoyi lowered his head and introduced Nasida.

Only then did Sid realize that in the shadows, Wang Dao was holding a little green lolita on his hand.

"Sir, what is this?" Sid couldn't help but ask.

Although he is called Wang Daoyi, in Xi De's heart, Wang Daoyi is his god, and now, the god actually leads a little girl.

Could it be that she is the daughter of my God?

"What bad things are you thinking?"

Looking at Xi De's strange expression, Wang Daoyi knew that this guy was thinking wrong.

As soon as Wang Dao's eyes narrowed, Sid felt as if he had been hit in the head by a giant hammer, and he let out a cry of pain: "Ah!!"

Nasida quickly pulled Wang Daoyi's hand: "Daoyi, no."

"Hmph, for Nasida's sake, I'll spare you once. Next time you dare to have such disrespectful and blasphemous thoughts, just go to the cliff and feed the red vultures."

Nasida also sensed West's inner thoughts. In her eyes, the inner thoughts of most of the people of Sumeru were transparent.

However, she was not angry. Her child-like image, held by Wang Daoyi, really looked like a child holding a parent's hand.

What concerned her more was that this middle-aged man called Wang Daoyi "my god" in his heart.

Is Dao Yi a god?

Nacida knew the answer was no.

Although she may not be as powerful as Wang Daoyi now, Nasida can easily feel Wang Daoyi's status and is definitely not a god.


"Dao Yi, are you going to become a god in the desert?"

Nacida is very smart. She has never been a child-like existence on the surface, but she figured everything out in an instant.

"Does Nacida agree?"

Wang Daoyi neither admitted nor denied, but asked Nasida, do you agree?

"I have no idea."

As a god who has been denied for hundreds of years, Nasida clearly knew that Wang Daoyi's approach was infringing on her own rights, but she could no longer say no.

Because in the information input into the void by the Apostolic Order, the desert is always a representative of poverty, violence, and ignorance.

And when Wang Dao brought her here today, the grand party just now couldn't be explained by poverty, violence, and ignorance.

The conflict caused by cognition made Nasida unable to distinguish the situation.

The desert is what it is, and the Apostolic Order discriminates against the desert, so it labels the desert as barren, violent, and ignorant.

Or was it Wang Daoyi who brought changes to the desert, allowing the current tribes to get rid of the words used by the Order to describe the desert?

"Don't you know? It doesn't matter, Nasida, we have enough time to see, listen, and feel. By then, you will know the answer. You are the god of wisdom and the god of Sumeru. You have the ability. He is also qualified to make all judgments.”

Wang Daoyi reached out and rubbed Nasida's hair, comforting Nasida.

Wang Daoyi believed that with Nacida's gentle character, as long as she saw the improvement she had brought to the desert, she would not stop herself from developing in the desert.

She can be imprisoned by the Order Council for hundreds of years without resisting. Isn't it because she has seen Xumi operating stably under the management of the Order Council?

Nasida accepted Wang Daoyi's comfort, shook her head slightly, and raised her head: "I will go see and listen."

"That's good." Wang Dao nodded, then turned to the recovered West Germany, "Sid, did you hear everything?"

West Germany was sweating coldly and kneeling in front of Wang Daoyi: "I heard it."

Of course he heard it, whether it was Nasida calling Wang Daoyi's name, or Wang Daoyi calling Nasida the god of Sumeru, the god of wisdom, he heard it all.

Horror and fear echoed in West Germany's heart. He didn't know why his god was with the god of the rainforest.

Desert and rainforest, shouldn’t they be opposites?

"Ha, I feel like you are thinking of something rude again." Wang Dao's eyes turned cold again. West Germany was his disciple and was given the seed of power by him.

This resulted in West Germany having almost no privacy in front of him, and all his thoughts were clearly sensed by him.

"I don't dare." Sid lowered his head quickly.

"Humph, this is the Little Lucky Grass King. You can call him Buyer's Majesty, or you can just call him the Little Lucky Grass King."

Wang Daoyi did not investigate West Germany's inner rudeness this time and punished him according to his heart. Once was enough.

Nasida also nodded to Cid: "Hello, I am the Little Lucky Grass King."

After Wang Dao's nagging all day, she was finally willing to introduce her true identity to mortals, instead of simply introducing herself as Nasida.

"Welcome to you, Your Majesty the Little Lucky Grass King, I am Sid, the elder of the Kasak Tribe of the Red Sand Banner, and I am also the current steward of the Red Sand Banner."

Sid saluted Nasida respectfully.

Wang Daoyi nodded with satisfaction, it was okay, at least it wasn't too rude.

"Little Lucky Grass King wants to see what the desert people look like. You can lead the way. There is no need to hide anything. Show him the most real scene of the tribe."

"Yes, you two adults, please follow me."

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