Explorer of Teyvat

Chapter 234 Nasida’s first question about the Order (seventh day)

After clearing up his expression, West Germany quickly entered the tour guide mode.

He reached out and led Wang Daoyi and Nasida away from the shadow under the torch.

The first one to arrive is naturally the most lively party so far.

In front of the huge pedestal of the statue, there is an atmosphere of joy

"Two adults, this is the center of the tribe and the place where the statue of the future god will stand. Nowadays, some large gatherings of the tribe will be held here!"

Nasida looked curiously at the bustling scene in the venue, with uncontrollable confusion in her eyes.

This lively scene is completely different from the life of the desert people she read in the void.

In the void controlled by the Order, the desert is always synonymous with poverty, violence, and ignorance.

The only thing in the desert that the scholars of the Teaching Council use praise are the remains of the institutions left by the ancient Red King civilization.

Only when faced with things that scholars still don't understand, the Teaching Council will use words such as magical, unknown, and interesting.

"I have never read this kind of scene in the void!"

Nacida's tone was filled with emotion, or maybe she was disappointed.

I lament that the people of the desert also have a rich entertainment life. The loss and the discrimination against the desert by the Ecclesiastes have had a great impact on the perception of justice.

[When will the water in the rainforest and the sand in the desert live in harmony? 】

While Nasida kept thinking in her heart,

West Germany continued the introduction.

"Due to the continuous expansion of the Red Sand Banner, conflicts between different tribes within the banner have gradually increased, so I designated the full moon night of each month as a celebration day."

Under the protection of Wang Daoyi, the strength of the Red Sand Banner has far exceeded half of the desert tribes.

Without the influence of foreign enemies, conflicts among some internal tribes inevitably arise.

The method West Germany chose was to establish a holiday so that people with conflicts, feelings, and ideas can resolve their suppressed emotions on this day.

If there is a conflict, okay, go to the ring and give everyone a fight. Whoever wins will be right.

If you have feelings, okay, go to the ring, confess your love in public, see if people will accept you, see if you have a love rival.

In the warm atmosphere of the festival, everyone's grudges and grudges can be resolved.

Although this is not a very good method, it is just right for the desert people.

This kind of grand and joyful gathering is what they like.

"Are all the desert people as happy as you are?"

Looking at the gold-plated female group dancing in the venue, and looking at the cheering desert people around her, Nasida couldn't help but ask this question.

Sid shook his head, and then looked at Wang Daoyi with admiration: "Of course not, Your Majesty Buyer, all of this was brought to us by my god. Without the coming of my god, we would still be a group of people in the desert today. Miserable people struggling to survive.”

For Wang Daoyi, West Germany is really full of worship and belief

On the one hand, it was the seeds of power in his soul that were influencing him. On the other hand, after Wang Daoyi came, their lives were indeed getting better and better.

After listening to West Germany's words, Nasida looked at Wang Daoyi, hoping to get some answers.

"The desert is barren, but it is not clean. I just gathered these desert tribes together, managed the manpower in a unified way, and distributed the materials reasonably. Then, with more trade, I reduced the number of people between them. If you plunder, life will naturally be easier."

Speaking of which, Wang Daoyi didn't put much thought into the Red Sand Banner. After integrating these tribes, West Germany was in charge most of the time, and what he did was actually just suppressing them with force at the highest level.

And it just so happens that the people of the sand need a strong force to subdue them.

Regarding Wang Daoyi's words, Nasida nodded thoughtfully, as if she understood something.

Seeing Nasida's thoughtful look, Wang Dao didn't even ask her what she knew, and directly told Sid: "After reading the humanities, let's go and take a look at the material reserves."

Sid nodded and continued to lead the way, while Wang Daoyi held Nasida's hand and followed slowly behind.

The three of them came to a huge fence.

"This is the tribe's beast of burden taming place, but now most of the beasts here are cubs and nursing mothers. All the normal beasts of burden that can be used have been sent out."

When the introduction came here, West Germany's face looked very happy. For the desert tribes, beasts of burden were very important assets.

The large number of cubs and mothers represent the future, while the beasts of burden sent out represent the prosperous business of the tribe and the sufficient supply of supplies for the tribe.

"Our caravans are now traveling throughout the desert. Even Tanit has to buy supplies from us, otherwise they will not be able to get any supplies from the outside."

Nasida raised her head and looked at Wang Daoyi doubtfully.

Wang Dao, who understood instantly, said: "Tanit is another tribe in the desert. They are generally nomadic in the sandy area of ​​Qianhe. They are currently at war with my forces, but they probably won't be able to hold on for long."

Nacida nodded calmly and did not ask about the war.

If Wang Dao alone goes to war with a desert tribe, Nasida will persuade Wang Dao to

But the desert tribe under Wang Dao's command and another desert tribe started a war, and it was difficult for Nacida to speak.

After all, the desert tribe under Wang Daoyi are also desert people.

It was precisely after understanding Nasida's 'gentleness' that Wang Daoyi chose to tell her all the facts.

Then West took Wang Daoyi and Nasida to visit the tribe's food warehouse, weapons warehouse, medicine reserves and other important material reserves.

Nacida became more and more shocked as she watched.

The wealth of this desert force conquered by Wang Daoyi has exceeded that of many giant Xumi merchants. It can be said that it has completely subverted Nasida's understanding of the desert tribes.

Finally, Sid led the two of them to a row of stone houses.

"Is this here?" There was a trace of curiosity in Nasida's eyes.

You know, most of the tribal buildings are tents, and the stone house in front of you looks like a wooden house where ordinary people in Xumi live, except that the wood is replaced by stone.

"This place was built for the scholars of the Order Academy. They teach the children in the tribe to read and write. They are not used to living in tents, so we built these stone houses for them."

Syd replied honestly.

Nasida became even more curious: "Are there any scholars here?"

"This" Xi De hesitated for a moment and looked at Wang Daoyi.

Wang Dao nodded: "As I said, there is no need to hide everything here. You can tell His Majesty Buyer the truth."

"Yes, my God, I understand."

[Cid told Nacida how he bribed the Order to buy scholars, how he set up traps to trick scholars into the tribe, and how he made scholars sign teaching contracts. 】

After listening to Sid's story, Nacida's eyes were full of disbelief, but the authority of the God of Wisdom told Nacida that the desert man in front of her was not lying.

Raising her head blankly, Nasida looked at Wang Daoyi: "Can I meet those scholars? No, just meet one first!"

She was suddenly afraid of seeing these 'sold' people.

"Of course, I said, Nacida can do whatever she wants!"

Wang Dao nodded and looked at West Germany: "Go ahead and call a scholar out."

Sid nodded and walked towards the nearest stone house: "Scholar Elias, I am Sid, can you come out for a moment?"

A rustling sound soon came from inside the stone house, and then a figure opened the door of the stone house: "Elder Xide, do you have anything to do with me so late?"

Sid nodded and said, "These two have something to do with you. You just need to answer their questions seriously."

Then the scholar was introduced to Wang Daoyi and Nasida: "Two adults, this is Ilias, a teacher that the children like very much."

Scholar Ilyas looked at Wang Daoyi and Nasida. After seeing Nasida's small figure, he was stunned for a moment, but he quickly recovered.

Of course, he didn't recognize Nacida, but was shocked by Nacida's childlike appearance. After all, Sid said "two adults".

Looking at the scholar in front of her, Nasida suddenly didn't know what to ask.

Wang Daoyi shook his head. This god is too gentle to his people. Is it difficult for him to even ask about such a thing?

"Scholar Ilyas, may I ask, do you know how you came to the tribe?"

The scholar hesitated for a moment and said, "Didn't the tribe rescue me?"

"Oh, Scholar Ilyas, please don't lie to us, and there is no need to worry that West Germany will hurt you later. Please answer again, why did you come to the tribe?"

Ilyas was stunned and couldn't help but look at Sid.

As for Wang Daoyi, he is still more willing to believe West Germany's words. After all, West Germany is his 'direct superior'.

Sid nodded quickly: "Just say whatever you know, don't worry."

Ilyas thought thoughtfully. It seemed that the young man holding the little girl's hand had a much higher status than West Germany.

After thinking about it a bit, Ilyas slowly said, "I should have been bought back by the tribe."

"After all, our group of scholars are not meant to study the desert. It is so strange that we were suddenly arranged to come to the desert for inspection. Moreover, as soon as we entered the desert, we encountered quicksand. Then the caravan of the West German elders happened to pass by. After arriving at the tribe, they encountered quicksand. It’s such a coincidence that we just need teachers.”

"So, if I'm not wrong, the tribe purchased us from some big shots in the Order, and the big shots in the Order chose us, unsociable scholars, and sent us to the desert in the name of investigation and research, and then... Elder Xi De planned everything that followed."

The scholar's tone was calm, but he completely guessed West Germany's plan.

"Hahahahaha, yes, that's great. Are you the only one who knows it, or do all other scholars know it?" Wang Daoyi continued to ask.

Ilias hesitated for a moment: "I should be the first to guess everything, and other scholars have more or less noticed it."

"Then why don't you leave? Just like tonight, everyone is having a party. If you want to leave, it should be possible, right?"

"Oh, as misfits who have been sold, where can we escape to? It is better to continue to stay in the tribe. At least, the children in the tribe like us and are willing to share everything with us."

Ilyas's eyes first showed disappointment with the Order, then showed love for the tribal children, and finally looked at West Germany with a trace of gratitude, "And Elder West Germany said that he would send our salary to our relatives. We don’t even want to leave.”

"Hahahahahaha, okay, okay, that's it. You can go and have a rest." Wang Daoyi nodded to Ilyas, then looked at West Germany, "Those parents of those children who participated in the Scholar Action will be deducted one Month’s extra supplies.”

Looking at Elias's calm expression, Nacida remained silent,

Elias's words completely confirmed that someone in the Holy Order was 'selling' his people.

This kind of bad thing finally made Nasida have some doubts about the Ecclesiarchy.

Is the Order Council, which has committed such evil deeds, really capable of leading Sumeru forward?

Nacida's beautiful eyes were filled with sadness, sadness, and even more confusion.

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