Explorer of Teyvat

Chapter 291 Emerald in the Desert

After observing the sleeping madman for a while, the two agreed to treat the madman next time. Wang Daoyi and Nasida left here.

Returning to the warehouse area again, the people from Chisha Banner had loaded the goods and were waiting to set off.

Seeing Wang Daoyi and Nasida coming, Sid quickly came up to greet them.

"My God, Your Majesty Buyer, it's time to set off."


The huge beast of burden is lying on the ground, and on its body is a high seat, which is a position specially prepared for nobles.

In the desert, every beast of burden is an important asset and is usually used only to transport goods.

A small tribe may not have a few beasts of burden to use. It is a very luxurious act to use a beast of burden as a mount for one person.

Stretching out his hand and picking up Nasida, Wangdao tiptoed the ground and gently jumped onto the back of the beast of burden. The seat was large enough for two people to sit on it.

Putting down Nasida on the seat, and then sitting down himself, Wang Dao glanced at Sid below, indicating that he was ready to go.

Sid immediately shouted to the front of the pack animal team: "Let's go home!!"

Following the sound of the order, the huge team of beasts of burden began to move slowly.

In the distance of the team, some small tribesmen showed envy in their eyes.

Such a huge team must belong to such a powerful tribe. If your own tribe is so powerful, you will definitely be able to have enough to eat every day.

In a corner of the warehouse,

"Let me tell you, Candice, the Lord of Red Sand is a good person and will not harm Aru Village." Disiya looked at Candice and said a good word to Wang Daoyi, "He also took in those helpless people. Where are the children who have a home to go to?"

Candice nodded, the solemnity in her eyes not diminishing at all: "Well, maybe I'm worrying too much."

She was just perfunctory with Disiya. Deep down in her heart, she was still on high alert for Wang Daoyi, the Lord of Red Sand.

A guy who has gathered such a huge force in the desert in a short period of time is not a stable person no matter how you look at it.

"Right, I went to see the Chisha Tribal Alliance with my own eyes. He brought prosperity and knowledge to the tribe. He is a good person."

Desiya's idea is very simple. A person who is willing to educate, feed, and protect his children can't do anything bad.

Candice just smiled and said nothing more.

As long as Wang Dao comes to Aru Village, she will still monitor him.


A huge team of beasts of burden marched in the desert,

Nacida sat on the back of the tall beast of burden, looking at the entire area, her eyes full of curiosity.

Whether it’s yellow sand blown by the wind, scattered cacti, or tumbleweeds blown by the wind from time to time,

Everything in the desert intrigued the young god.

I have obviously seen all this in the void, but after seeing it with my own eyes, it is inexplicably interesting and fun.

"Is this the desert?"

Nacida said softly.

Wang Dao nodded: "This is the desert. It is beautiful and dangerous, barren and magnificent. It is a place full of crises and opportunities."

Nacida's eyes were bright, and she liked Wang Dao's description of the desert.

Looking at the majestic desert, she felt the beauty of the desert for the first time in her heart, and then sighed imperceptibly.

[It would be great if the water in the rainforest and the sand in the desert could coexist peacefully. 】

With such a thought flashing through her mind, Nasida raised her head and looked at the boy beside her.

"Dao Yi."


"come on!"


Looking at Wang Daoyi's puzzled eyes, Nasida showed a sly smile,

[Dao Yi, you will definitely help me. 】


After several days of trekking, the huge team finally returned to the fertile oasis where the tribe was stationed.

The return of the caravan made the atmosphere in the tribe even more lively.

The bags of supplies on the beasts of burden put a smile on the faces of the sand people.

Nothing makes them happier than the tribe getting richer and richer.

"Sid, send all those elemental materials to the lake, and clean up the lake."

Wang Dao ordered to West Germany.

In the center of the tribe is the core of the oasis, a lake that is not particularly huge. However, fortunately, it is relatively deep and can support the behemoth of the Red Sand Tribe Alliance.

And now, Wang Daoyi is going to plant the seeds of a big dream next to this lake.

Choosing this location not only supports the growth of Dameng seeds, but the forest that grows can also prevent soil erosion in the lake area, strengthen the soil, and improve the environment.

Sid nodded and was about to do what Wang Daoyi ordered.

He didn't know what Wang Daoyi was going to do. Anyway, he would do whatever Wang Daoyi said.

It was this obedient attitude that made Wang Daoyi choose him as the chief steward of Red Sand Banner.

After Cid left, Wang Daoyi took Nasida for a walk around the tribe, and told Nasida about the group of children sent by Disiya before, and focused on the behavior of the Fools in the desert.

"Fools," Nasida muttered the name, with obvious dissatisfaction in her tone.

"Fools, all countries have envoys, but most of them are elite soldiers with armed forces."

Wang Daoyi explained to Nasida the Fools in his eyes: "Whether it's Mond, Liyue, or Suo Guo's Dao Wife, the Fools are all involved and have done many dark side things."

Nasida looked at Wang Daoyi in confusion: "Don't they care?"

Wang Daoyi knew who Naxida was talking about and waved his hand: "I have not ascended to the throne of God, and many things are unclear. However, what is certain is that both Feng Yan and Feng Yan acquiesced in some of Zhi Dong's actions."

Nasida was silent for a while, then raised her head: "Then, what does Dao Yi want me to do?"

She knew that Wang Daoyi would not talk about something for no reason. Since he was talking about the fools, there must be something that required her to make a statement.

"I hope. It's nothing. It's not time yet. When the time comes, Nasida will know."

In the end, Wang Daoyi did not ask Nasida to lend him the Heart of Grass God.

There is still enough time,

All you have to do is do your best before the fools plot to get Nacida's heart of God.

Seeing that Wang Daoyi didn't say anything, Nasida didn't ask any further questions. She just held Wang Daoyi's hand and continued to wander around the tribe.

Not long after,

Xi De came to Wang Daoyi: "My God, everything is ready."

The elements and materials prepared by the Order Academy are all ready, and they only need to be moved to the lake. The reason why it took so long is to clean up the scattered buildings near the lake.

"Okay, Nacida, let's go. The first forest in the desert will be born soon."

Holding Nasida's little hand, Wang Daoyi motioned to Xi De to lead the way.

The group soon came to a blue lake, which was the source of life for the tribe.

Perhaps it was because West Germany had made a lot of noise around the lake before, but now there are many tribesmen here. Everyone is looking here curiously, full of expectations for what will happen next.

They didn't know what was going on here, but it didn't stop them from watching the fun.

After seeing Wang Daoyi coming,

These people immediately saluted respectfully: "Good day, sir!"

Wang Dao nodded. For these people of the sand, it was already a very good improvement to be able to salute and greet them.

Taking Nasida with him, Wang Dao walked slowly to the edge of the lake, stretched out his hand,

A green seed appeared in his palm,

The seeds exude a hazy light, like a dream.

This was the gift Nasida and Lanaro gave him, to the desert - the seed of the big dream, the continuation of a forest. According to the description on the panel, as long as it is planted, a brand new forest can be obtained.

As for its planting conditions,

Wang Daoyi smiled and waved his hand, and the golden chains spread out from the void, opening the box containing elemental materials not far away.

The neatly coded elemental materials flew out of the box under Wang Daoyi's control and continued to pile up on the edge of the lake.

Seeing that the materials were in place, Wang Dao turned to look at Nasida.

Without speaking, Nasida stretched out her little hand, and hazy green light spots gathered around her. Life, nature, vegetation, and beautiful concepts appeared in Nasida's hands, and then she gently sent them to the seeds of the big dream.

The originally quiet dream seeds suddenly vibrated,

It seemed like a young dragon about to hatch, stretching its body in the eggshell.

As soon as Wang Dao knew that the time was up, he thought and slowly sent the seeds to the edge of the lake.

As if sensing the land and water, the seeds turned into a green light and plunged into the moist land beside the lake.

next moment

Like a miracle from heaven, the thick tree trunk is like a giant dragon emerging from the ground, stretching its body toward the sky,

In the shocked eyes of the tribal people, this miracle did not end. As the accumulated elemental materials were consumed,

Thick trees rose from the ground and spread to the surrounding area.


Under the astonished gaze of everyone, trees rising from the ground surrounded the lake, and were still expanding outwards, forming a large forest.

Looking down from the sky, this place is like a green gem in the desert, extremely attractive.

"Xide." Wang Daoyi looked at the spreading forest and suddenly shouted.

Xi De was still amazed at first, but when he heard Wang Daoyi's voice, he quickly ran to Wang Daoyi's side: "My God."

"Take the warriors and go to the outskirts of the tribe. The elemental fluctuations here will definitely attract monsters and beasts. Clean them out."

"Yes, I'll go right away." Sid nodded quickly, said hello, and hurried out of the tribe.

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