Explorer of Teyvat

Chapter 292 Goodbye Skirmishers

As the forest spreads,

Monsters and beasts have begun to gather outside the tribe.

They felt the breath of life spreading from the depths of the tribe, couldn't control their desires, and began to attack the Chisha tribe that they didn't dare to approach.

Sid led the tribal warriors and looked at the group of monsters in front of him, with coldness and cruelty in his eyes.

He was holding a big axe, with wind and sand faintly surrounding him: "Chong, kill all these garbage!"

He rushed out at the lead, swung his ax in his hand, and sent a Qiuqiu man flying.

The tribal warriors around him didn't lag behind either. They rushed out one by one with sharp blades to fight the monsters.

Standing on the edge of the lake, Wang Dao, who was already surrounded by the forest, glanced into the distance and then withdrew his gaze.

Although there were casualties, he was not prepared to take action.

After all, he wants to be a god, not a nanny.

Besides, the people of the sand have their own blood and do not need his constant protection.

"Daoyi, don't you need to help?" Naxida could obviously feel the fighting outside the tribe, and looked at Wang Daoyi with some worry.

"No need, Nasida. Gods are not nannies. Fighting at this level is just enough to train them."

Nasida was a little puzzled: "But shouldn't gods protect their people?"

Wang Daoyi shook his head, then looked at Nasida and said: "If the people rely too much on the gods, then when the gods are gone, the only thing waiting for them will be destruction."

"." Nasida was silent for a while. She didn't understand this. Now she just wanted to be a qualified god who could bring happiness to the people of Sumeru.

"Ha, this is my idea. You don't have to think too much. You can also have your own ideas. Maybe, if I have the opportunity, I should take you to meet other gods, so that you will find that everyone has different ideas. ."

When Wang Dao saw Nasida's silence, he knew that this young god was thinking too much.

"Hey, does Daoyi want to take me to meet other gods?" Nasida's eyes lit up.

Since her birth, she has never seen any other gods. The only one who is close to her status is Wang Daoyi.

So when she heard Wang Daoyi talk about other gods, she was really moved.

She once read information from the void and thought that the previous demon war was just a fight for seven positions.

Now that Wang Daoyi has allowed her to see many things that are different from those in the void, she has begun to give up this idea, but really wants to see what those gods really look like.

"If Nasida wants it, I can contact them and take you to visit when I'm ready."

Most of the kings would not refuse Nasida's wish.

"Okay, thank you Daoyi."

"Between you and me, there is no need to say thank you."

Knowing the story of the three gods of Xumi, Wang Daoyi wanted to become a god in the desert. He had extraordinary doting on Nasida.

Not to mention that he promised King Daci Shu to take Nasida to see him.

Not long after

Sid, covered in blood, came back: "My God, the monsters have been cleared away."

Wang Dao nodded: "Okay, let's go down and rest. This forest must be protected from now on. Whether Chisha can develop better, this place is very important."

Sid nodded and swallowed. He naturally knew the importance of this forest.

This is a forest that can truly resist wind and sand and stabilize water and soil.

If the Red Sand Banner were not powerful enough, he was sure that the next day after this forest appeared, other desert tribes or gilded brigades would come to attack.

After West Germany left,

Wang Dao looked at Nacida and asked, "Is there anything else Nacida wants to play? Do you want to go find the Lannalos?"

Thinking of the happy play between Nasida and Lannalo last time, Wang Dao made a suggestion,

But Nasida shook her head: "No, I've been out playing for several days this time. It's time for me to go back to Jingshan Palace. There are still many things that I want to check out!"

"Well, that's fine, let's go back."

Since Nasida didn't want to continue playing, Wang Dao wouldn't force it. Anyway, for them, time would always be enough.

"Let's go." Nasida held Wang Daoyi's hand, took another look at the slowly growing forest, and said.

The blue earth channel opened, and Wang Daoyi led Naxida into it.

Xumi City·Holy Tree·Jingshan Palace

The two came out of the earth channel. Nasida waved her hand to Wang Daoyi: "Daoyi, goodbye."

Stepping into the void, Nasida returned to the Tree King's meditation room.

Wang Daoyi also waved: "Goodbye, I'll come and play with you next time."


After bidding farewell to Nasida, Wang Dao left Jingshan Palace.

I looked up at the sky,

"Oh, the weather is so nice, I should do something meaningful."

He stretched out his hand and wiped it on his face, and a mask of fools appeared.

After arriving at the door of a laboratory with ease, Wang Daoyi gently opened the door.

The busy scholar next to the door heard the knocking sound and turned his head to take a look. His eyes lit up when he found a familiar figure.

"Your Excellency Chisha, you are back!"

The scholar's voice immediately attracted the attention of others. When many scholars saw Wang Daoyi, they also expressed surprise.

"Well, how's the transformation experiment going?"

"After you left, progress has been very slow. Without your help, we can only use instruments to imitate your previous fluctuations and slowly guide the power of God's Heart. It is simply impossible to carry out a large number of debuggings in a short period of time."

"Ha, isn't it time for the test subject to curse?"

"To tell you the truth, we started to miss the time when you sealed his ability to speak."

These days, the slow progress of the experiment has made the soldiers more and more impatient. Although they hate Wang Daoyi's existence, when Wang Daoyi is around, the transformation surgery is very fast.

"Give me a protective suit and take me to see the test object."

"Okay, here it is for you."

Soon, a piece of protective clothing was brought over, and after changing into clothes, Wang Daoyi followed the scholar to a brand new laboratory.

Entering the room, you saw the half-transformed skirmishers.

"It looks great!"

Wang Daoyi smiled and looked at the several energy interfaces modified behind the skirmishers, as well as the blue-purple energy pool connected to the interfaces on one side.

In the energy pool, a purple heart of God is suspended, slowly releasing energy.

This is simulating the core warehouse of the [God of Positive Opportunities], and connecting it with the skirmishers is to adjust the fit between the skirmishers and the [God of Positive Opportunities].

Perhaps hearing Wang Daoyi's voice, the skirmisher's originally closed eyes slowly opened, and a deep purple flashed through. At this time, the skirmisher already had a hint of a god.

"Oh, I thought it was Dotore coming here, but I didn't expect it was you. Didn't you leave already? Why are you back?"

The purple color in Xiansheng's eyes faded and he said calmly.

Wang Daoyi was a little surprised. This guy didn't speak sarcastically, but spoke normally.

When the scholars from the Teaching Academy reformed him, did they change his brain?

Seeing Wang Daoyi's surprised look, the skirmisher's expression changed: "What rude thing are you thinking about!!"

"Huh?. That's right. With your attitude just now, I thought the Order had changed your mind."

After being questioned by the skirmishers, Wang Daoyi showed a satisfied expression.

"Humph, Dotore said, you have got what you want, tell me what you are doing here this time."

The skirmisher snorted and asked directly.

Wang Daoyi shrugged, walked to the skirmisher, and observed his body structure: "Come back and check the progress. I am also your surgeon after all."

The golden pupils in his eyes flashed, and Wang Daoyi discovered that the energy level in Xiansheng's body was already very high.

"It seems pretty good. At least the transformation can be successful before the [God of True Machinery] is completed."

The skirmisher curled his lips. He wanted to say that compared with when Wang Daoyi was around, the progress of this transformation was too slow.

However, this seemed to be a compliment to Wang Daoyi, so he refrained from saying it.

Wang Daoyi doesn't care about the little thoughts of the stragglers.

With a move of his right hand, the Heart of God that was originally suspended in the device flew into his hand.

After weighing the Heart of God and feeling the intact chain structure inside, Wang Dao had a smile at his eyes.

"Yes, God's Heart, be respectful." The corner of the soldier's mouth twitched and he said unbearably.

Wang Dao curled his lips, threw the Heart of God back into the device aside, and then looked at the skirmisher: "It's just a tool, why bother so much."

"." The skirmisher looked at Wang Daoyi with cold eyes and said nothing.

"What are you looking at?" Wang Daoyi returned the provocative look to the skirmisher and continued to reach out to check the connecting pipe behind the skirmisher.

"Hmph." The soldier snorted coldly, closed his eyes and stopped talking.

After checking for more than ten minutes, Wang Daoyi clapped his hands with satisfaction.

"Although the progress is average, it is very stable and has no loopholes. It is very good."

The soldier opened his eyes, but still couldn't hold it back and asked, "Will you continue to preside over the transformation next?"

Thinking of Wang Daoyi's surgical speed, he still found it difficult to accept the slow movements of the scholars from the Academy of Education.

"You want to eat shit? I don't have time to come over and check it for you. It's already not easy." Wang Daoyi said disdainfully, rolling his eyes.

After finally letting go of his face, he got such an answer. The skirmisher's face became even more disgusting, and he felt that Wang Dao was guilty of one more crime. When he became a god, he must beat this man as soon as possible.

"Put away your malice, Scaramucci, or I will take the Heart of God away. Dotore is not here, but no one can stop me."

The skirmisher's eyes turned cold, then he calmed down and gave a stiff smile: "Oh, you can't be serious."

"Who knows!" Wang Daoyi shrugged, and then changed the subject, "The lady is dead, do you know?"

The skirmisher curled his lips: "Dotore told me before he left, but I had already predicted that that woman's character would definitely lead to her own death if she encountered him."

Skirmisher is disdainful of the lady's arrogance. As a creature of God, he understands how powerful God is.

When he was in Inazuma, he once reminded the lady in the underground factory. Unfortunately, the lady did not listen to him.

Therefore, the stragglers had already anticipated the lady's fate.

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