Explorer of Teyvat

Chapter 324 Technological development and liberating the labor force (5k)

"Don't waste Nacida's kindness, Babel, if you continue to be in a daze, I will have to hand you over to Sid."

Seeing Babel suddenly stunned, Wang Dao looked at her with a hint of displeasure and scolded her.

Only then did Babel realize that she had been in a daze just now. Whether as the leader of the clan or as a person who played tricks, such a thing as being in a daze should not happen to her. It can only be said that Nasida just gave her The matter of begging for mercy had an impact on her outlook on life.

Just like you think that a person is a bad person, and think so for more than ten years, or decades, but finally find out that the other person is not a bad person and is still helping you.

Such ridiculous things will severely impact your worldview and cause cognitive conflicts throughout your entire being.

This is also the reason why many people cannot listen to you if you try to reason with them, because their world view has been locked and will not change easily.

And Babel is also such a person. After a brief cognitive conflict, Babel quickly stabilized her mind.

She felt that the god of the rain forest might have some conspiracy to plead for her.

But she didn't show it,

Instead, she continued to look at Wang Daoyi respectfully and said what she had just thought of.

"More than ten years ago, when I was an ordinary elder of the Tanit tribe, Tanit once obtained a strange stone slab, which may contain secrets about the Red King, so the tribe formed an expedition team at that time. Exploring.”

"Huh? Did you find anything?" Wang Dao showed a hint of interest in his eyes.

Obviously, Tanit, under the leadership of Babel, believed in the Mistress of Flowers, also known as the Flower Goddess.

But they supported an expedition to explore the legacy of the Red King more than ten years ago. This was not in Tanit's interests, or in other words, it was not in line with Tanit's interests under the current leadership of Babel.

Babel shook her head, hiding some small incidents in her heart, and then replied: "No, there was an accident in the expedition team, which caused the expedition team not to return to the tribe."

"The whole army was wiped out?" Wang Daoyi was a little unhappy. If nothing was detected, what was the use of this news? Isn't it the same as nothing?

Babel continued to shake her head and said: "No, great Lord of Red Sand, I know there are two people who are also members of the expedition team. They are still alive and have appeared in the desert."

Wang Daoyi looked at Babel and said nothing. This guy appeared and disappeared. Who did she think she was talking to?

The interest in Wang Dao's eyes gradually faded, and a trace of impatience appeared in Wang Dao's eyes.

Babel knew that Wang Daoyi didn't have much patience anymore, so she quickly said the two names: "It's Jebelele and Samer. Both of them are powerful warriors. After the expedition failed, the stone slab also Disappeared, but these two people did not disappear. They betrayed Tanit and have never been liquidated."

Normally, if people from the desert tribe betray the tribe, they will be eliminated by killers sent by the tribe.

However, these two people have not been eliminated. Either they have mastered some secret that interests Tanit, or these two people are very strong and ordinary killers cannot solve them. Of course, it is also possible that these two people They were not from Tanit, so Tanit did not initiate the execution of the two.

"Jebelele and Sameer. Interesting. Tell me. What else do you know?"

Wang Dao nodded, his expression softened a little, and he continued to ask.

"After Jibril and Samer defected, they formed a gilded brigade called "Thutmose" and clashed with Tanit many times. However, more than ten years ago, Jibril There seemed to be a conflict with Sameer. Jibrele left the Thutmose mercenary group and disappeared, while Sameer still controlled the Thutmose mercenary group and was looking for something in the desert. "

Babel didn't hesitate or have any intention of bargaining, she just told the information she knew.

In fact, the Tanit tribe originally sent an expedition team, but Babel, who was still an elder at the time, was already planning the Oracle of the Mistress of Flowers.

If this expedition team really finds the legacy of the Red King, it will definitely affect Babel's plan. After all, although the Red King and the Mistress of the Flower are not enemies, they are not the same god after all.

Once the expedition team comes back with the legacy of the Red King, Tanit's faith will inevitably shift towards the Red King, which is something Babel doesn't want to see and doesn't want to see.

So Babel bribed one of the explorers, and then the bribed explorer did a lot of dirty things, so the expedition failed.

The expedition team fell apart. Although Jibrele and Sameer finally discovered Babel's conspiracy, because there was no evidence, they could not bring down Babel, who had begun to gain more power at that time.

So these two people stayed away from the territory of the Tanit tribe and went to live in other areas of the desert.

After listening to Babel's words, Wang Daoyi looked at Nacida. It was great to have Nacida as a lie detector.

Nasida nodded: "She didn't lie, but she seemed to be hiding something."

Under Nacida's authority, no matter how deeply Babel hid herself, she could not escape the perception of authority.

Babel's face turned pale, and she quickly told everything about how she bribed spies and sabotaged the investigation.

Nasida then nodded: "I won't hide anything this time."

"Hahahaha, good, West Germany, take Babel down, give her treatment that matches her status, and let her live in that camp."

Wang Daoyi smiled and then waved his hand to West Germany.

Sid nodded, fully understanding what Wang Daoyi meant, and looked at Baber. The murderous intent in his eyes had faded, but he was still extremely cold: "Babel, come with me."

With that said, Xi De bowed to Wang Daoyi and Nasida, turned around and left, while Babel looked at the Lord of Red Sand and the God of the Rain Forest on the main seat. She wanted to say something, but still did not speak, and followed Xi De. De left.

After watching Sid and Babel leave, Wang Daoyi looked down at Nasida and asked what happened just now: "What do you think of the eternal oasis she mentioned?"

"I don't know. When I was born, the Red King and the Flower God had already fallen for a long time, and there is no information about them in the void. If you want to know their stories, you may need to get them from the World Tree."

Nasida shook her head. She, the Red King, and the Flower God were completely different from the same era, and her understanding of these two gods may not be as good as Wang Dao's.

"Oh, so, you still can't communicate with World Tree?"

Regarding the World Tree, Nasida was really helpless. He was obviously the god of Sumeru, and his duty was to guard the World Tree, but since her birth, the World Tree had not accepted her visit.

Even many scholars can connect to the World Tree through the incense of spiritual phenol, but as the God of Sumeru, Nasida has never connected to the World Tree.

He could very clearly sense the existence of World Tree, and he could also feel that World Tree was in pain, but when he wanted to see World Tree and made a request to enter World Tree, World Tree always refused him.

This is one of the reasons why the Imperial Academy believes that Little Lucky Grass King is not a qualified god, and it is also one of the reasons why Nasida has self-denial.

The God of Wisdom who cannot connect to the World Tree is a joke no matter how you look at it.

Nasida was a little helpless: "World Tree refused my visit before. I feel that he may be hiding something and doesn't want me to come into contact with it now."

What to hide? Of course, it’s to hide the pollution.

As soon as Wang Dao understood all this, it must be the restriction set by the Great Mercy Tree King. When the Little Lucky Grass King was not strong enough, he stopped him from entering the World Tree to prevent the filth of the World Tree from infecting the Little Lucky Grass King.

And when the power of the Little Lucky Grass King is enough, then it’s time for the Great Mercy Tree King to be ‘liberated’.

A hint of gloom flashed in his heart. Wang Daoyi had inexplicable feelings for the Great Ci Tree King. He could be sure that he had not fallen in love with the Great Ci Tree King, but he often missed that warm figure.

"Huh? Daoyi, what are you thinking about? Why are you a little...sad?" Nasida was too sensitive to changes in emotions. Although Wang Daoyi had the authority to cover up his current thoughts, at that moment, his feelings for King Daci Tree were still there. Captured by Nasida.

"Ah,, ha, it's nothing, I just thought of an elder. Let's continue our previous topic. How is it going at Elhaysen?"

Before Sid came in, Wang Daoyi and Nasida were talking about their plans, and they happened to talk about the part that Elhaysen was responsible for.

Although Nasida saw that Wang Daoyi was hiding something, she did not ask further questions. As usual, Nasida believed in Wang Daoyi just as Wang Daoyi believed in Nasida.

Turning the topic back to the previous topic, he informed King Dao Yi of Elhaysen’s recent actions: “Secretary Elhaysen has found some reliable people from various written reports from the Order Council, and thinks that these people can be used in our cleanup. After arriving at Azar's forces, we quickly filled their positions to ensure the normal operation of the Order."

"Is that all there is? Haven't we found any trustworthy partners? The kind that can help us on the day of purge." Wang Daoyi was a little surprised. According to Elhaysen's ability, he shouldn't have done this work. , and definitely got some other things done.

Nasida nodded: "Yes, but Elhaysen is still in contact. After all, even the great sage has been corrupted, and no one can guarantee that there will be no problems with other important figures."

Wang Daoyi thought about it and realized that it was indeed the case. Perhaps Elhaysen went to investigate the corruption of other high-level officials of the Order Academy.

However, when he was with Alhaysen before, there should be no problem with the Tinari and Kawei he introduced.

Thinking of the two young men who had been drinking together before, Wang Daoyi felt that these two people might have the potential to become high-level leaders of the Order Academy.

They are serious about academics, are very knowledgeable in their respective professional knowledge, and they are all holders of the Eye of God. Thinking about it carefully, they are really suitable to be the future senior leaders of the Order Academy.

"Okay, let's wait for him to investigate more people, and let's continue discussing the next topic."

"What topic?" Nasida was curious.

Wang Daoyi showed an amiable smile: "About the topic of replicating the Red King's light energy technology in the future and liberating the labor force of the people of Sumeru."

In Wang Daoyi's vision, Nasida would be in power in Sumeru in the future, and he would be her ally. If the two of them wanted to develop Sumeru well, it would be necessary to liberate productivity.

To liberate productivity, more effective tools are needed to improve productivity.

Effective tools come from more advanced science and technology.

In the world of Teyvat, although science and technology are different from those of Blue Star, there is no doubt that it exists. Whether it is Winter or Fontaine, their technology is not weak.

There is also the ruined ancient country of Canria, which also has alchemy technology that liberates people's productivity.

Among various energy technologies, Wang Daoyi chose the legacy of the Red King because it was closest to him and was on his current territory.

The Red King left many things to the desert, including Yuaneng mechanical structures, various huge ruins and buildings, and various mechanisms driven by light energy.

Among them, Yuaneng technology, architectural knowledge, ruins knowledge, and light energy technology knowledge can be analyzed.

After Wang Daoyi’s careful consideration, the final choice was Red King’s light energy technology.

Although Yuan Neng Technology is still more powerful in comparison, Yuan Neng Technology seems to have used some kind of strange power that Wang Daoyi cannot replicate.

As for light energy technology, Wang Daoyi is confident that he can reproduce it. After all, he himself controls the power of light.

“Free the workforce?”

Nacida was a little confused. This was the first time she heard this word.

[Wang Daoyi explained to Nasida what labor force is, what is liberating labor force, and what is exploiting labor force. 】

After listening to Wang Daoyi's narration, Nasida was silent for a while, then with bright eyes, she looked at Wang Daoyi with a hint of joy: "So, is it possible to understand human society from this perspective? It's such a powerful perspective. ."

Originally, in Nasida's opinion, to protect the people of Xumi, she only needed to give them enough food, warm clothing, a house to live in, and a place to take care of themselves when they were sick.

Of course, Nasida's idea was not wrong.

Food, clothing, housing, transportation, birth, old age, illness and death,

These eight things can provide the minimum guarantee to the people, and you are already a very, very good ruler.

But after listening to what Wang Dao said about the labor force, Nasida felt that she might be able to make the people of Xumi live a better life.

The word "liberating the labor force" was deeply imprinted in Nasida's mind.

As a result, the two had an in-depth discussion on the two terms of labor force and technological development.

the other side,

Sid left the main tent, nodded to the two sisters at the door, and took Babel towards the other direction of the tribe.

Over there is where the tribe imprisoned some important people.

For example, tribal leaders who made mistakes, other tribal leaders conquered by the Red Sand Banner, and spies sent from all forces.

Among these people, except for Chisha's own people, others will ensure a certain supply of living materials after being drained of their usefulness.

Of course, it's not that Chisha's own people don't deny supplies, but that they are detained here as a punishment. They are usually released after a few days. Not providing supplies is a punishment.

As for other people, although they have material supplies, they basically can't think of leaving in this life, unless they make some big contribution or die.

When Babel was brought here, a man came up to her. This was a gilded brigade warrior holding an eagle-beak spear, who was also the guard here.

"Elder Xide, do you have any orders?"

"Send a 'guest' here, take good care of her, don't bully her, and don't deprive her of supplies."

Sid gave instructions to the guarding gilded brigade, then turned to look at Babel: "Babel, go in. If you want anything, you can tell the guard. If you want to play any tricks, don't blame me. Yes, hum."

West Germany wanted to kill Babel. Just now, Babel was bargaining in front of his god, which already made West Germany very unhappy.

Moreover, when Nasida told Babel twice about lying just now, Sid realized that the 'evidence' previously found in Tanit was probably all forged by this woman.

Therefore, in West Germany's view, Babel offended her own gods and tricked herself with a false diary. This woman deserves to die.

However, Wang Daoyi said before that as long as the information was important enough, Babel would be spared, so West Germany did not take action immediately.

When Wang Daoyi forgot about this woman, or was no longer interested in what this woman said,

Syd would immediately take action and send her to Leyline.

After sending Babel into the prison cell, Sid stopped and stared for a while, then turned and left.

The war with Tanit is over, but the Red Sand Banner's external expansion has not stopped. West Germany still has many things to deal with.

After West Germany left,

Babel was imprisoned in a tent that was not too big or too small, with a space of about twenty square meters. There was only a simple bed, a desk, and a chair in it.

Although it looks very simple, it is already a very good place compared to the underground prison.

When Babel walked into the tent, the guard who sent her over said: "No matter what your previous status was, don't think about doing any small tricks here. Once discovered, we will transfer you to the dungeon, where there is no place like this." Feeling comfortable."

Although Babel looks beautiful and has a graceful figure, the guard guarding her was not moved at all, but coldly told her some of the rules here.

"Two meals a day, get up on time, go to bed on time. If you have anything to explain, you can call me."

After saying that, the guard turned and left, seemingly not worried that Babel would escape.

In fact, after the establishment of this prison camp, some people have been trying to escape. Unfortunately, no one has succeeded, because in addition to the entrance, there are rune restrictions and various traps around the place.

According to Wang Daoyi, if the person who will be detained here can escape from here, it means that his/her life is not worthy of death.

That's right, the rune ban here was imposed by Wang Daoyi himself.

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