Explorer of Teyvat

Chapter 325 Expedition Team and Pioneers (5k)

Near Dachishahai·Mystical Temple

A blond young man is leading an expedition team here to explore ancient architectural ruins.

This expedition team is not large in size, with only about thirty people, including only eight scholars, and the rest are hired from the Gilded Brigade.

"Senior Kawei, why don't we hire people from the thirty-man group and choose this gilded brigade? Isn't the thirty-man group more suitable to cooperate with our inspection?"

A young scholar asked the blond man next to him, and if Wang Daoyi were here, he would recognize that this blond man is Elhaysen's roommate, a senior scholar of the Miao Lun sect, and a master of Xumi architecture. dimension.

"Huh? Hire a group of 30 people? Junior, this is a desert. Believe it or not, within three days of the group of 30 people coming in, we will be forced to leave." Kawei laughed, looking at the cute new scholar next to him. He found it very funny.

This time he came to the desert not to build any buildings, but simply to bring people to inspect.

Except for him and another senior scholar, the others were all new scholars of the Miaolun sect. It was their first time to go on an inspection trip, so the college assigned two experienced scholars to lead it, and one of them was Kawei. .

The new scholar was even more curious about Kawei's laughter: "Ah, why?"

"Why? Of course it's because the tribes in the desert don't like the thirty-man group."

Kawei replied, and then waved his hand helplessly: "Okay, go over there and see what is engraved on that stone pillar, whether it is a pattern or an inscription, and see if it can be engraved on it."

Kawei doesn't like things like bringing up cute new students very much, but he has no choice. Who makes him owe a lot of debt? If he doesn't accept the task, the hospital will not give him funds for activities.

Thinking of a certain guy who collected debts every day, Kawei became furious.

If he hadn't lost money building buildings, he wouldn't want to live with that guy.

Kawei was secretly angry, but did not notice that on a sand dune in the distance, a Sand People was observing them.

After taking note of the number of this group of people, the Sand People left the sand dunes and ran towards a camp not far away.

It was a secret camp where dozens of people from the Gilded Brigade were resting. This should be their small stronghold.

The Sand People who had been monitoring Kavi and others ran into the camp, panting heavily, and shouted to a tall gilded brigade leader: "Boss, boss, someone has entered the temple area, it seems to be an inspection team from the Order Academy. .”

Hearing this, everyone in the camp turned their attention, and the tall leader of the gilded brigade had a cold look on his face: "The expedition team of the Order Academy, huh, the garbage in the rainforest dared to peek at the secret treasure of the desert, Samer The boss has ordered that any expedition team approaching the Mystery Temple must be monitored and then killed."

As he said that, he stood up and picked up a long-handled axe. He was also a member of the Gilded Brigade, Thunder in the Day,

"Brothers, let's go and give those rubbish in the Order some color."

"Oh, oh, let's give them some color."

Shouting, dozens of people from the Gilded Brigade poured out of the camp and rushed towards the Mystery Temple.

Soon, these people saw the Apostolic Order team that was inspecting in front of the Mystery Temple, as well as the mercenary group protecting them around it.

"Hey, does anyone know the Gilded Brigade over there?" the leader Bai Riming Lei asked,

If it's someone you know, then you can talk. If you don't, then just kill him.

The people under his command all shook their heads: "Boss, who among the Gilded Brigade we know doesn't know that this is our territory. They won't accept the mission here. Even if they accept it, they will notify us. Those below will probably He’s new to the industry, right?”

Bai Ri Ming Lei nodded and showed a cruel smile: "That's it, then what are you waiting for? Come on, tie up the members of the Gilded Brigade and ask their tribes for ransom. As for those from the Teaching Academy, look Depending on their status, those with money will be tied up, and those without money will be killed."

The Gilded Brigade members behind him also smiled. They liked this kind of thing, and it was not the first time they had done it. They were very familiar with it.

A group of people rushed towards the expedition team from the sand dunes,

The Gilded Brigade guarding the expedition team also quickly discovered something was wrong and immediately sounded the alarm, with a sharp whistle sounding.

"The enemy is attacking, protect the scholar!"

The mercenaries of the expedition team immediately formed a formation and blocked the attacker's path towards the scholar.

Kawei and another senior scholar gathered the new scholars behind the mercenary and then stepped forward.

Kawei glanced at the senior scholar next to him, received a slight shake of his head, and gestured with three fingers on his right hand.

Nodding slightly to express his understanding, Kawei took a step forward and shouted: "We are scholars from the Order Academy and a regular inspection team. Who are you and what do you want to do?"

"Ha? Hahaha, isn't it obvious? We are robbing!" The Gilded Brigade on the opposite side made a mocking sound.

Listening to the ridicule from the other side, Kawei's eyes turned cold, but he did not get angry. Instead, he continued: "The team that robbed the Order, aren't you afraid of the Order's revenge?"

"Hahahahaha, the Teaching Order, revenge, no more, hahahaha, I'm going to die laughing, are you a fool? This is a desert, the Teaching Order is here, it's nothing!"

The people on the other side laughed even more happily when they heard Kawei's voice.

Even the gilded brigade protecting Kawei couldn't help but pull Kawei's sleeve and whispered: "Scholar Kawei, the name of the Order is useless in the desert."

Kawei's mouth twitched. Of course he knew that the name of the Order was useless. Wasn't he stalling for time?

He looked to the side of the senior scholar and saw the other person making a zero gesture.

The time has come, then it will be easy to solve.

Turning to look at the giggling Gilded Brigade robbers opposite, Kawei showed a smile: "Is it funny? Do you want to show you something funnier?"

Something's wrong!

The leader of the Gilded Brigade on the opposite side quickly realized that Kawei's reaction was a bit wrong. He was just about to call his companions to come forward.

But before they had time to speak, they saw another scholar who had been standing aside silently throwing a ball-like object towards them.

"No, stay away!"

Although the leader of the Gilded Brigade didn't know what it was, he also understood that it was definitely not a good thing, and it was most likely a powerful destructive weapon.

With a cry, the leader immediately dodged to one side.

Unfortunately, it was too late.

The ball thrown into the opponent's camp shook violently and exploded violently. There was no flame or element. There was only an inexplicable wave that swept across the entire field and then disappeared.

The people on Kawei's side felt their heads shake and felt a little dizzy.

But it was different on the other side. After the ball exploded, they only felt that their heads were hit hard. Their eyes turned black and they fell to the ground, unconscious.

Only a few high-level Erling messengers with strong physical fitness still retain some sanity, but they have basically lost their combat effectiveness.

Kawei shook his head and said: "Damn it, Ghazali, can you make a restraint device next time? This kind of sonic weapon can't distinguish between ourselves and the enemy!"

Gazali, a senior scholar standing next to him, took out two special earplugs from his ears and chuckled: "Ha, you can, but it's not necessary. It will waste my research funds, and this is very useful, isn't it?"

"It's really useful. Scholar Ghazali, are you selling this thing? Our group can purchase it."

The speaker was the mercenary leader of the Gilded Brigade hired by them. He did not expect that a desert attack would be solved by the scholar they protected.

That ball just now is really a powerful weapon!

"Ha, this is a high-risk weapon and can only be purchased by a group of thirty people. If you need it, you can first make a report to the Order Council and then go through twelve approvals before you can purchase it. If there are no problems along the way, then you can probably It will be available for purchase in three years.”

Senior scholar Ghazali showed a strange expression and said to the mercenary leader of the Gilded Brigade beside him.

Twelve approvals! Procurement after three years?

The mercenary leader looked stunned, a little speechless, and shook his head at Ghazali: "Forget it, after three years, I don't know if I can live for another three years."

After complaining, the mercenary leader waved to the members behind him: "Brothers, tie these people up first and deal with them later."

In the desert, he did not dare to kill these people directly. If there were still people behind these people and came back to find them, these people would be bargaining chips.

Watching his men tie up the attacker,

The mercenary leader looked at Qavi and Ghazali and asked: "You two, this is only the first day and there is an attack. Do you want to continue?"

Kawei and Ghazali looked at each other, then nodded: "Go on, it's the first time for these scholars to come out for inspection. If they don't experience something more this time, they may not be able to go back next time they go out."

The new scholars gathered in a group behind, shivering.

I had only heard that the desert was dangerous, but I never expected that someone would attack me on my first day at my destination.

After hearing the two seniors who led the team talk about staying and the reasons for staying, these new scholars wanted to tell the two seniors that they did not want to stay and would not want to come again in the future.

It's a pity that the two seniors control the scoring power of their operation. If they can't get high marks, they may not even be able to graduate.

The mercenary leader nodded. He didn't care. Anyway, the other party paid the money. The money counts every day. If you stay a few more days, you will make more money.

As for danger, haha, the Gilded Brigade is still afraid of danger?

So, everyone tidied up, threw the prisoners aside and tied them up separately, eliminating the possibility of them getting close to each other and untying the ropes.

Then the inspections that should be made, the inspections that should be made, and the inspections that should be made, everything was as if nothing had happened.

And on the other side,

A huge team is marching. This team consists of more than 300 beasts of burden and nearly 2,000 people. It carries a large amount of supplies and weapons.

"Leader Greta, don't you like fighting? Why did you take on this pioneering mission?"

The gilded brigade Blazing Sun Ningbing, who was holding a double blade, asked the tall man holding a giant ax next to him.

"Oh, what happened before made me understand that although force is important, the ability to coordinate and manage is also very important. Just like me, I only valued force before, but after losing my right arm, I could only do some simple jobs. , but look at West Germany, if he loses his right arm, he won’t be like me, he will still be Chisha’s great steward, helping my god to deal with mundane affairs.”

Greta's eyes were a little bright, and she continued: "Even my god may directly help West Germany recover, because West Germany is my god's most powerful assistant, and before I was just a warrior, a warrior who can be replaced That’s all.”

After a pause, he looked at the deputy next to him: "So, do you understand? Force is very important, but to have a place in the future tribe, the ability to coordinate and manage is also very important."

His deputy, Chiyang Ningbing, who asked the question just now, nodded: "So that's it, I've learned a lesson."

"Hahahaha, and the development mission here is not impossible to fight. According to the intelligence, there are quite a few forces entrenched here. These people are all targets that can be fought!"

Greta laughed again when she saw the deputy's thoughtful look.

A few days ago, he and many leaders of the Chisha tribe received orders from Wang Daoyi to expand outward and occupy important positions in the entire desert.

Many people chose places with water sources and oasis, but he was the only one who immediately chose this place when he saw a large number of robbers entrenched in the Mystery Temple.

He really liked this kind of place where he could go on a killing spree.

Of course, he did not choose randomly. The Temple of Mysteries is not far from the base camp's Fertile Oasis, and supplying supplies is not too difficult. Moreover, there are many ruins in this place, and the chance of being remembered by Wang Daoyi is also high.

He has now accepted the status of West Germany, but he still wants to fight for the status below West Germany.

The huge team marched slowly, and a spy with a red sand flag pattern tattooed on his clothes ran over from the front of the team.

He trotted to Greta's side: "Leader Greta, we've made an discovery."


"Next to our destination, there is a group of people from the rainforest. They don't know what they are doing there, and they have tied up dozens of people."

"Huh? People from the rainforest kidnapped people? Is it some kind of criminal gang? Interesting, interesting." Greta said interesting a few times, and then said to the adjutant beside her, "I'll go take a look. You keep an eye on the team. "

Without waiting for the adjutant to reply, Greta picked up the giant ax and ran away with the spies, accompanied by dozens of guards.

These guards were all his former subordinates. After Greta lost his arm, these people followed Greta's adjutant, the Blazing Sun Ice. After Greta accepted the transformation of the holy skeleton, he defeated his The adjutant became the leader again, and these people returned to his side and were used as his personal guards.

In the desert, this situation is very common. After all, Greta retired due to disability and was not murdered by the adjutant. After Greta came back, the adjutant gave up his rights in time.

Seeing Greta leave in a hurry, the adjutant shook his head and kept talking about coordination and management. But when he heard that something was going on, he went with the axe.

I actually believed what the leader said just now, how stupid I was!

I don’t know if it was his deputy complaining about him.

Greta rushed to the vicinity of the Mystic Temple in a hurry, and she saw a group of Rainforest people doing something unknown under the protection of the Gilded Brigade.

In their camp, there was a group of desert people who were tied up.

"Oh, the rainforest people kidnapping desert people in the desert? That's really interesting. Let's go meet them."

Greta took the lead, holding a giant ax and walking toward the expedition team. The guards behind him quickly followed.

Because Greta had no intention of hiding a sneak attack, nor did he have any intention of making a surprise attack, he walked over carelessly and was quickly discovered by the mercenaries of the expedition team who were letting loose.

The sharp whistle sounded throughout the entire venue again, and the mercenaries quickly gathered to protect the scholars of the expedition team behind them.

Qavi and Ghazali looked at each other and couldn't help but complain: "Is the desert already so chaotic now? Two consecutive attacks in one day?"

Even though Qavi and Ghazali are well-informed and have a lot of investigation experience, they have never experienced being attacked twice in one day.

Shaking his head helplessly, Kawei came out again: "We are scholars from the Order Academy and a regular inspection team. Who are you and what do you want to do?"

Following the old rules, Qavi wanted to delay time again, giving Ghazali time to activate the sonic weapon.

Greta stopped and looked at the Eye of God on Kavi, and then looked at Ghazali who took a step back.

He showed a smile: "Scholar of the Order Academy, haha, do you want to delay time to give your companion time to activate some kind of weapon of mass destruction?"

Kawei's face was stunned for a moment, and then his eyes turned cold. He knew that he had met his opponent.

Greta didn't give them more time to react;

As soon as the giant ax was raised, flames bloomed, and it struck Ghazali who was standing on the right side of Kavi.

For Greta, no matter what small tricks the opponent wants to do, with one axe, either the opponent's life will end, or the small tricks will be cancelled.

Facing Greta's attack, Ghazali's expression remained unchanged and he retreated slightly away from Greta's giant axe.

The next moment, a big sword swung up from below and collided with the giant ax, making a loud noise.

A strong backlash came. Greta's eyes lit up and she looked at Kavi. Unexpectedly, this guy who looked like a pretty boy turned out to be a character playing with a big sword.

"Hehehe, okay, not bad, come again!"

Swinging the giant ax in his hand, flames spread out. Greta ignored Ghazali and attacked Kavi directly. Kavi could only block with his sword and kept responding to Greta's attacks.

With the blessing of the power of the holy bones, Greta's giant ax is not only powerful and heavy, but also faster than ordinary people using one-handed weapons to chop.

Green light spots appeared faintly on Kawei's sword, but he could only resist Greta's attack with difficulty.


Ghazali held the sonic weapon in his hand, but was unable to throw it out.

The two of them were too close to each other during the battle, and Kawei did not wear special earplugs. Once thrown, Kawei would also be within the range of damage.

On the other side, the Chisha warriors who came with Greta also gathered around.

Having seen Greta's new power, they were not worried about their leader's safety. They just kept a close eye on the other members of the expedition team.

The mercenary leader hired by the expedition team had a solemn expression. He glanced at the red sand warriors surrounding them, and then saw a strange emblem on the other party's clothes. A red sandstorm surrounded a golden sun.

His pupils shrank sharply, and a trace of horror appeared on his face.

"No, no, Mr. Carvey, please stop, they are not robbers!"

The mercenary leader first shouted to Kawei, and then shouted to Greta, "Sir, Chisha, please don't hurt my employer. We are a regular inspection group and have not done anything to harm Chisha." thing."

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