Explorer of Teyvat

Chapter 327 Scholars Gathering with Chisha (5k)

"Damn it, why are you here?"

Although Dolly looked like a small lolita, Kawei, who had suffered a lot, did not dare to look down on her. There was a wariness in his eyes, for fear that he would be sold by the other party accidentally.

"Oh my, don't be so outspoken. I am your dream investor. Are these your juniors? Do they have any dreams to invest in?"

Dolly didn't mind Kavi's resistance at all. She jumped up to the expedition team and looked at the new scholars in the team.

Kawei quickly blocked the junior students behind him: "Damn it, don't think about harming my junior students."

Then he turned around and looked at the new scholars: "Remember this person, she is Dolly Sange Mahabhai, the famous owner of [El Casazale Palace], a powerful businessman in the entire Sumeru , you can ask her for some props in the future, but you must not accept her investment."

There was inexplicable sadness and anger in Kawei's tone, which made his disciples unaware.

"Oh, don't be like this. After all, I am also a partner of your Miao Lun Sect. There should be a little more trust between us."

Dolly smiled playfully, but her eyes were looking at the expedition team's clothing and luggage, making some inferences about the purpose of these people.


Kawei was a little helpless, because what Dolly said was really not a lie.

Although the Ecclesiastical Council has blocked a lot of knowledge, because research funds are never enough, some people from the Miao Lun sect reached a cooperation agreement with Dolly.

The Miao Lun sect provides Dolly with various magical props, and Dolly uses Mora as research funds in return for the Miao Lun sect.

This is also one of the reasons why Kawei was fooled by Dolly and applauded.

"Okay, okay, you guys come here, I guess you don't understand anything. Because of my cooperation with the Miaolun Sect, I have some information about the Chisha Tribe Alliance. How about it? Do you want it?"

Dolly quickly realized that this kind of team did not come to the desert specifically to look for the Red Sand tribe.

Judging from the things they brought, most of them were tools for investigation. They probably came to the desert for inspection, and were told that they needed the permission of the Lord of Red Sand. Finally, in order to research the paper, they had no choice but to come here to try their luck.

Ask Dolly why she can see so much information?

Ha, she was stuck in this place specifically. Kawei was already the sixth group of scholars forced to go to the Chisha tribe.

With the Red Sand Banner occupying the desert, Dolly believed that this place would soon become a new ruling center, a 'Xumi City' in the desert. Therefore, Dolly, who was very sensitive to business opportunities, brought her people here. When I got here, I wanted to take advantage.

Don't look at the fact that Dolly is wandering around alone now. In fact, her caravan is already exploring various information in the Red Sand territory and trying to open a store.

"Intelligence from the Red Sand Tribe Alliance?"

Kawei was hesitant. He wanted information but was afraid of being deceived by Dolly.

Seeing Kawei's hesitant look, Dolly knew that the other party was already attracted, and quickly added: "Think about it, are the leaders of the Red Sand Army you meet very easy to talk to, remind you to come to the Red Sand Tribe, and give it back to you. What’s the proof?”

Kawei's eyes widened and he looked at Dolly: "How do you know?"

"Hey, Cheng Hui fifty thousand mola!" Dolly showed a happy smile and stretched out her little hand.

"Are you robbing the money?" Kawei roared angrily. Fifty thousand molas, how much wine can he drink? No, how many design drawings does he have to draw?

Dolly didn't care about Kawei's roar, but gave Kawei advice: "Think about it, fifty thousand molas must be very important information. Besides, this is information about scholars. You can discuss it with the teaching later." The hospital will reimburse you!"

Ask the Teaching Council for reimbursement?

Kawei thought for a while, but still couldn't resist his curiosity about the information. He stared at Dolly and said two words from between his teeth: "Deal!"

"Pay with one hand and deliver the goods with the other!" Dolly's little hand shook in front of Kawei, signaling Kawei to give him the money.

With a sad face, Kawei took out a money ticket from the small bag at his waist, no more, no less, exactly 50,000 Morads. This was his reward and bonus for caring for and guiding his juniors to inspect the ruins.

Kawei had advanced the money in advance so that he could pay someone back first.

Unfortunately, it belongs to Dolly now.

"Hey, Maura, Maura, your Maura is my Maura, and my Maura is still my Maura!"

Dolly sang a few words happily, then took out a piece of paper from the small bag beside her: "Here, the information about the Chisha tribe is on it."

Putting the paper into Kavi's hand, Dolly jumped up and ran away.

Looking at Dolly's back, Kawei suddenly had a bad feeling.

He quickly opened the note in his hand.

[Chisha Tribal Alliance/Chisha Banner, the leader is unknown, the manager is West Germany, the soldiers are unknown, the population is unknown, the area occupied is unknown, and the actual influence is unknown,

In addition, a large number of scholars from the Imperial Academy who have been conducting inspections in the desert have recently been gathered in the fertile oasis of the main camp in Chisha Banner. The specific form of gathering is as follows.]

After reading the note, Kawei's face turned pale. The only two pieces of information were one from the West German elder he already knew, and the other was that Dolly had just said that he was gathering scholars with his Red Sand Banner to get the letter.

Except for these two pieces of information, the entire note is completely unknown.

So, Kawi was fooled again.

"Dolly Sange Mahabhai. Don't let me see you again!!!"

Kawei's miserable voice echoed throughout the area, attracting the attention of those around him.

Ghazali pulled Qawi and asked him to be quiet: "Fooled again? Haha, why don't you have a long memory?"

"I'm going to argue with her!" Kawei said angrily.

"It's useless. When has Mr. Sange Mahabhai ever done a loss-making business? She didn't promise anything. I guess your note does have some information, which fully meets the needs of the transaction."

As a senior scholar of the Miaolun sect, Ghazali, who has often been in contact with Dolly, knows this big businessman very well. Most of the goods she provides meet your needs, but they are not that consistent.

Ghazali turned to look at the new scholars: "Did you see it? In the future, when you come into contact with this Dolly Sange Mahabhai, be alert and don't be deceived like your seniors."

"Ugh~" Kawei wailed, and he was dejected as he was being used as a negative example. "Forget it, let's move on, and write down this account first."

The group continued to move forward and finally saw the gate of the Chisha tribe. A line stretching hundreds of meters was queuing at the gate. They were inspected before being released.

"So many people? I have never seen such a scene in the desert." Kawei sighed, and then lined up with the expedition team.

After a long time, it was finally the inspection team's turn.

"Please show your pass, identify yourself, and check the goods." The guard at the door said indifferently like a robot.

Kawei took out the pass given by the previous patrol and the seal given by Greta, and handed the group's belongings to the other party for inspection.

Additional explanations are given about the sonic weapons of Ghazali Belt.

After the inspection, there was a hint of relief in the guard's eyes, and he nodded to Kawei: "The scholars of the Order Academy have been waiting for a long time. Someone, come and take them to Elder Xide."

How long do you have to wait? what's the situation?

Kawei and Ghazali looked at each other and felt something was wrong.

However, before they could think about it, a Chisha warrior came over and nodded to the two of them: "You two, please bring your people with me. The tribe has arranged accommodation for you. After you settle in, I will I’ll take you to see Elder Xi De.”

After saying that, the Chisha warrior motioned for the two of them to follow, turned around and began to lead the way, without any intention of explaining anything.

The actions of the Chisha warrior, coupled with the note given by Dolly before, made Kawei realize that this trip to the Chisha tribe might have been planned for them.

With a hint of caution in their hearts and expressions on their faces, Kawei and Ghazali followed the Chisha warriors deeper into the tribe.

on the road,

Kawei was making some insinuations, trying to get some information, but the Chisha warrior who led the way said nothing and just smiled politely.

After a while, everyone came to a huge camp cluster.

"You two, your people can rest here first. Any tent with a green sign at the door can be used. After choosing your tent, just take off the green sign."

The Chisha warrior said something.

Kawei led people into the camp cluster, and unexpectedly found that there were many scholars from the Order Academy that he was familiar with.

He frowned slightly. Could it be that the Chisha tribe wanted to kidnap everyone? It doesn't even look like it. How could there be such a kidnapping with such delicious food and drinks?

Kawei, who was really confused about the problem, could only arrange the accommodation for the expedition team first.

After he arranged everything, the Chisha warrior reappeared beside him and nodded very politely to him and Ghazali: "You two, please come with me. I will take you to see Elder West Germany."

In fact, the Chisha warrior didn't know why he treated these scholars so favorably. He was simply acting in accordance with the orders from above.

The Chisha warriors took Kawi and Ghazali to a huge tent. It looked several times larger than a normal tent. It was estimated that hundreds of people could enter.

Even in the desert, camps of this level are rare. It is Wang Daoyi's main camp.

Even before they entered, Kawi and Ghazali had already heard a lot of noise and some vague quarrels.

"You two, please come in. Elder Xide is waiting for you inside." The Chisha warrior raised his hand to the two of them, indicating that the tent was their destination.

"Aren't you going in with us?" Ghazali asked. Kawei could sense something was wrong, and so could Ghazali.

The Chisha warrior shook his head: "This is a party for you scholars, I can't go in."

After saying that, he looked at the two people.

Obviously, he needed to make sure the two of them got into it.

Kawei and Ghazali looked at each other and curled their lips. Kawei's eyes were solemn: "Then let's go in and see what kind of medicine Chishaqi sells."

After saying that, the two opened the curtain door and walked into the camp.

"Hey, someone new is here again?"

"Ah, it's Kaviha Ghazali."

"you know?"

"Hi, he is an excellent member of the Miao Lun sect and a very good scholar."

As Kawi and Ghazali entered the camp, they immediately saw many familiar scholars.

However, compared with what I saw in the previous living camp, none of the scholars here are simple. Most of them are senior scholars wearing laurels. In other words, the scholars here are at least at the mentor level.

"Ahem, everyone, does anyone know what is going on?" Kawei looked around and asked loudly.

Kawei's reputation in the Apostolic Order was pretty good, and someone quickly answered his question.

"We don't know the details. However, after we discussed it, we all were led here intentionally or unintentionally. It is obvious that the mastermind behind this is Chisha Qi."

Kawei nodded, and before he could ask any more questions, the scholars' conversation continued.

"Damn it, what do the Disciplinarians and the Thirty Men do? Why do such forces appear in the desert?"

"This red sand flag will almost unify the desert!"

"It's still a little bit close. When I came here before, I heard their people discussing. It seems that there are still a few desert forces trying to hold them back, but they probably won't be able to hold them back for long."

"As far as the forces in the desert are concerned, who else can stop the Red Sand Banner?"

"Those large gilded brigades, what a "Thutmose". What's the "Legacy of the God King"? It's not a problem for these famous mercenary groups to withstand it for ten days and a half. "

For a while, scholars began to discuss the power of the Red Sand Banner in the desert, and speculated when the Red Sand Banner could unify the desert.

By the way, he continued to scold the Disciplinary Officer and the Thirty-Man Group a few times. As the military department of Xumi, these two organizations actually allowed such a monster to appear in the desert, which would definitely affect the interests of the rain forest.

The prejudice between rainforest and desert still exists even among senior scholars like them.

However, their prejudice against the desert is not a simple dislike, but they know that the desert has great potential. If the desert develops, according to the hostility of the desert people towards the Order, there will inevitably be bloody conflicts.

Their prejudice against the desert stems from interests.

While the scholars were discussing, the curtain door of the camp was opened again, and a middle-aged man wearing a white sacrificial robe with gold edges walked in.

He was holding a book in his hand with a smile on his face. He looked around for a week after entering, and nodded to the scholar who had just discussed the Chisha Banner and its hostile forces: "Thank you for your concern for Chisha, but , your news is a little behind. Just yesterday, "Legacy of the God King" and "Thutmose" no longer exist. There are only some little mice on the loose, and they will be cleaned up soon. "

First, he dropped a shocking news that attracted everyone’s attention.

Then the middle-aged man walked to the middle of the camp and said loudly: "Everyone, I am Xi De, the chief steward of the Chisha Tribal Alliance. You can call me Elder Xi De, or you can just call me Xi De."

After a pause, Xi De saw that the scholars were all looking at him, and then continued: "Of course, these are not important. I think you all want to know why you are here."

Sure enough, as soon as these words came out, many scholars showed interest in their eyes. They are all senior scholars of the Order Academy, which means that they are definitely not stupid. In their hearts, they already know that Chisha must have brought them here. , but why they were gathered together made these scholars very curious.

Staring at West Germany with curious eyes, they wanted to get answers.

West Germany didn't waste any time and continued: "This is related to a very big plan, which may change the status quo of the Order Academy and even the entire Sumeru."

Hearing this, the scholars who originally showed interest suddenly became serious: "Elder Xi De, do you know what you are talking about? It is not funny to change the Order Academy and even the entire Sumeru!"

I mean, are you kidding? Changing the Order and Sumeru is something you, a desert person, can say?

"Haha, it is indeed a bit unbelievable, but I am not joking. Don't worry, there are still people who haven't arrived yet, please wait for a while."

"Now, let's solve the problem that brought you here." West Germany smiled, and then took out a pile of stamped documents:

"These are documents that allow you to conduct desert inspections. The time limit is three months. Within three months, no matter whether you are inspecting anything in the desert, whether it is buildings, ruins, ecology, starry skies, or other things, no one will stop you. ”

West Germany distributed the document to many scholars and continued:

"Chisha will establish various strongholds in the desert to ensure the material supply and life safety of everyone during the inspection. Of course, there is a fee."

The scholars nodded. If they could get supplies and protection from various strongholds, it would only be a trivial matter to spend a little bit of mola.

However, this Red Sand Banner force is actually doing good things? This made them a little unbelievable.

In the desert, it is already rare for these tribes not to attack the scholars of the Order, let alone establish supply depots and provide protection.

What they didn't know was that the Teaching Order and Chisha Banner were already part of the same family in Wang Daoyi's eyes. Chisha Banner provided protection and the Teaching Order inspected them, so the knowledge gathered in the end was not all his.

The Great Red Sand Sea is so big that Wang Daoyi alone has no idea how long it will take to conquer it. However, people from the Red Sand Banner can rob tombs and engage in scientific research and exploration. Oh, forget it.

West Germany also told the scholars some new instructions from Chisha, most of which encouraged scholars to study and explore, and the atmosphere among the scholars became lively again.

For these scholars, the instructions given by Chisha can help them with their research, which is a good thing.

"Elder Xi De, are these the things you said about changing the Order Academy and changing Xumi? Although Chisha Banner supports our exploration and research, talking about changing the Order Academy and Xumi is still a little bit meaningless."

West Germany shook his head: "Those just now were just normal instructions from Red Sand Banner. They were not the reason why you were gathered here."

"The real reason"

While Sid was talking, the curtain door was opened again, and everyone saw three figures walking in.

Sid quickly walked up to the three of them: "My God, Your Majesty Buyer, and His Excellency Elhaysen, the scholars are all here."


Before Wang Dao and others could speak, a sharp voice sounded in the camp.

Wang Dao turned around and saw that it was Kawei, and then raised his eyebrows at Elheisen beside him: "Ha, Elheisen, you have also circled Kawei?"

"It wasn't my plan. Kawei wasn't included in my plan. It must have been an accident." Alhaysen shook his head.

What they want to do is to subvert the Order, and Kawei is a guy who drifts off to who knows where after drinking some wine, and his ability to keep secrets is almost zero.

Therefore, even if he was Elhaysen's 'friend', Elhaysen would not call him that.

Kawei strode over, but Sid quickly stopped him, with a cold look in his eyes: "Don't be rude!"

"Let him come over here, Syd."

Wang Dao waved his hand, Kawei was a careless guy, and it was normal for him to do something offensive without knowing it.

Chapter one first, still working on it, chapter two will be posted at 12 noon

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