Explorer of Teyvat

Chapter 328 Let’s make a plan (5k)

Chapter 328 Let’s make a plan~ (5k)

"Your Excellency, scholar, please maintain your etiquette."

When Sid heard Wang Daoyi's voice, he said something solemnly to Kawei, and then stepped aside.

Kawei didn't pay attention to West Germany's warning and came to Elhaysen angrily: "Elhaysen, what on earth is going on?"

"Haha, if you didn't interrupt us, you already know what's going on." Elhaysen's expression did not change, and he glanced at Kawei with a lowered eyebrow.

Kawei's momentum froze. Why did he feel like he was the one who did something wrong?

Ignoring the stunned Kavi, Elhaysen looked at Wang Daoyi and Nasida: "You two, do you need me to introduce you to them?"

Wang Daoyi lowered his head and looked at Nasida,

Nasida shook her head. He was ready.

With West Germany leading the way, the three of them walked to the center of the camp.

"Everyone, please allow me to introduce myself. I am the Little Lucky Grass King. You can call me Nasida, or Buyer!"

Little Lucky Grass King! ! !

Nacida's soft voice sounded in the camp, but it made everyone feel shocked.

As the nominal god of Xumi, scholars do not know much about this god. They only know that this god lives in Jingshan Palace and has not come out for hundreds of years.

"Impossible, how could the Little Lucky Grass King appear here?" A scholar couldn't help shouting, with unconcealable absurdity in his tone.

Many scholars also nodded subconsciously. In their understanding, it would be understandable if the Little Lucky Grass King appeared in Xumi City.

But appearing among the desert tribes was simply unreasonable.

Just like you find that your leader does not show up at your own house, but turns up at the house of a "hostile force\

,"How ridiculous, how bizarre.

Seeing that many scholars showed disbelief, Nasida didn't pay attention. This was all expected.

The little hand stretched out, and a little green light shone, along with the void terminals in the ears of many scholars.

There was data flowing in Nasida's eyes: "Void, the terminal that connects everyone."

[The Void Terminal link has been successfully linked. 】

"Void, open to everyone the information about Jingshan Palace, the information about Little Lucky Grass King, and the information about Prisoner God Project!"

[The information has been unlocked and can be read now. Some of the information is top secret, and reading requires signing a confidentiality agreement. 】

After finishing everything, Nasida looked at the many scholars: "Everyone, you can try to retrieve my information from the void, and the void will give you the answer."

After Wang Daoyi returned the authority of the Tree King's Meditation Room to Nacida, Nacida had more and more void authority.

As if the imprisonment of the Tree King's meditation room had been lifted, he began to gradually regain his authority.

Not only is her control over the grass element getting stronger and stronger, but the void is also beginning to open up more secrets to Nasida.

Some secrets were left behind by the great sages of the past generations, and even the current great sage Azar has never seen them.

For example, the Imprisoned God Project.

It was the plan left behind by the great sage who first imprisoned Nasida. He imprisoned the gods in an attempt to seek knowledge of the gods from the World Tree and control the Order Academy himself.

the other side,

After hearing Nasida's words, many scholars put their hands to their ears doubtfully.

[Void, read the information of the individual in front of you. 】

[Reading, this individual involves the top secrets of the Order Council, and the transfer requires signing of a confidentiality agreement. Do you agree to sign it? 】

[Agree to the confidentiality agreement and obtain information. 】

[Confidentiality agreement has been signed and information is being retrieved, please wait.]

[Name: Buyer

Identity: Little Lucky Grass King

Information involved: Jingshan Palace Renovation Plan, God Imprisonment Plan, God Substitution Plan, God Knowledge Extraction Plan, Dream Reincarnation Plan.]

In the eyes of many scholars, the Void Terminal revealed a large number of top-secret plans.

And the opposite person’s true identity.

"Surprisingly, it's really Mr. Little Lucky Grass King."

"But, these plans?"

"How dare you, how dare those people, this is blasphemy!!!"

"So, Mr. Little Lucky Grass King has been imprisoned for five hundred years? Damn it, damn it, those people deserve to die!!!"

In an instant, these originally gentle scholars began to curse one by one.

Originally, they just thought that the gods liked peace and quiet, so they lived in Jingshan Palace.

Now the message given to them by the Void Terminal is that the gods have been imprisoned by those people for five hundred years!

Perhaps their belief in the Little Lucky Grass King is not deep in their hearts, and it may just be the extent of saying "Grass God's blessing" when doing experiments.

Even to this extent, they cannot accept that their god has been imprisoned for five hundred years.

Don't underestimate the status of gods in Teyvat, this is blasphemy! ! !

After a long time, the scholars calmed down,

They looked at Nasida and bowed slightly: "Salute to you, Mr. Little Lucky Grass King, you have been wronged."

Nasida waved her hand: "There is no need to be polite. Accepting the imprisonment was originally my own will. However, I was too immature at the time and did not notice the mistakes of those people."

Nasida said, pointing to Wang Daoyi beside her: "This is the Lord of Red Sand and my friend. With his help, I have made preparations. I will officially assume the responsibility of governing Xumi." .”

"Thank you for your help, Lord of Red Sand." The scholars bowed to Wang Daoyi.

Wang Daoyi also nodded to them: "No need to be polite, we are bringing you here this time because we need your help."

Elhaysen took a step forward: "You are all selected by me from countless scholars in the Order Academy."

"What are the criteria for selection?" Some scholars couldn't help but ask. Yes, it was Kawei who asked.

"Oh, Kawei, it's an accident that you come here. You are not on my list!" Elhaysen glanced at Kawei and said in a habitual tone,

Then he looked at the other scholars and saw that they were also looking curious, and Elhaysen explained: "From all the files after you entered the Order, you have no stains, you are dedicated to the pursuit of knowledge, and you are good enough. Smart, they all graduated successfully and became laureates.”

"The most important thing is that none of you are from the Azar faction, so I found you from among the thousands of senior scholars in the Order Academy, and through certain permissions, brought you here."

Azar is a great sage. Under his command, he has gathered a large number of scholars from the Order Academy. Those people are all targets to be eliminated. Naturally, Elhaysen cannot let those scholars come over.

"The main reason for bringing you here is to conduct an interview with you."

"Interview?" Some scholars were confused.

Since the people of the Great Sage have harmed the Little Lucky Grass King, then the Little Lucky Grass King must have come to them to resist the Great Sage.

This logic is easy to guess. Scholars are not fools. They have already guessed some things.

However, Elhaysen said this was an interview, which surprised them.

"Yes, interview. Your task is mainly to quickly take over those positions after we eliminate Azar's influence and ensure the normal operation of the Order and Xumi."

From ancient times to the present, no matter where it is, after the former rulers are eliminated, the biggest problem for future generations is how to smoothly take over the power.

Although the Little Lucky Grass King is the most orthodox ruler of Sumeru, she has been sidelined for too long, and there is no one under her who can take over Azar's power.

Therefore, summoning these scholars in a roundabout way this time is equivalent to preparing people in advance to take over the political power.

Of course, after these scholars join the Nasida camp, they will also make great efforts to eliminate Azar's forces in the future.

[Elhaysen interviewed all the scholars and recorded their specialties and abilities one by one. 】

"Okay, everyone, thank you for your cooperation. If there are more needs, we will give you news."

Elhaysen signaled to the scholars that the matter was over and they could leave first.

That's it?

They couldn't figure it out. They spent a lot of effort to gather people like themselves, but in the end it was just for an interview?

Is it a bit too fussy?

Moreover, people like me have seen the Little Lucky Grass King, don't they need to impose any restrictions? Aren't you afraid that they will tell the truth?

Unfortunately, facing the doubtful looks of scholars, Elhaysen did not respond.

The scholars had doubts on their heads and left the camp in confusion.

When the scholars all left the camp, no, there was one Kawi who also stayed. Instead, Ghazali looked at Elhaysen and Kawi, did not stay, and left with the others.

After the last scholar left, Kawei finally couldn't help but wonder: "Elhaysen, what are you going to do? That guy Azar actually did such a blasphemous thing, we can't let him go, right?"

"Oh, instead of worrying about Azar, you should worry about yourself first." Elhaysen rolled his eyes at Kawei. He really didn't expect Kawei to be involved.

Kawei's face changed: "Elhaysen, what do you mean? Are you questioning my loyalty to Mr. Little Lucky Grass King?"

He heard the threat in Elhaysen's voice.

"Elhaysen probably doesn't mean this. However, Kawei, given your love of drinking and your frequent blunders after drinking, I will trouble you to stay in the desert for the next few months."

Wang Daoyi smiled, explained to Elhaysen, and then said to Kawei.

"Ah? You want to imprison me?" Kawei's face changed drastically.

Elhaysen slapped his forehead helplessly: "It's not a prison, it's a restraint."

Is there a difference?

Kawei gave Alhaysen a roll of his eyes, what's the difference between being restrained and being imprisoned.

"Ha, I heard that Kawei is a great architect. How about this? Have you seen the statue in the tribe?" Wang Daoyi said with a smile, "Although the statue has been completed, the surrounding buildings are still there. Not yet, how about I hire you to design a matching building for the statue?"

Design buildings! !

Kawei's eyes changed, and the resistance just now gradually turned into light.

When it comes to this, he is no longer sleepy. "Will I design the entire statue area?"

Wang Dao nodded: "I can leave it all to you."

He also knew a little bit about Kawei's story. A genius who could bankrupt himself by building a palace, entrusted him with the buildings in the statue area, so that he was not afraid of his carelessness, let alone corruption.

"Okay, no problem. It's just a matter of staying in the desert for a few months. It's nothing. It's nothing."

Kavi grinned, looking happy.

For him, being able to design a building and realize it is a very happy thing. Moreover, looking at Wang Daoyi, the Lord of Red Sand, it is obvious that he will not cheat him like Dolly.

After this project, he will definitely be able to make some money!

Thinking of his bill, Kawei finally breathed a sigh of relief. Even for a scholar of some status, it was very uncomfortable to owe money.

Of course, this is for people like Kawei who are shameless. If they are shameless, there will be no pressure to owe money.

After being happy for a while, Kawei remembered that he was not alone this time.

"No, I still have an inspection team, and Ghazali also heard about you, can't he go back?"

Wang Dao nodded: "Don't worry, although your arrival is not in our plan, Elhaysen will arrange it. You should trust his ability."

Kawei looked at Elhaysen with a look of disgust.

Sensing Kawei's eyes, Elhaysen shook his head slightly. Forget it, let's save some face for this idiot in front of the little Lucky Grass King.

"You can take your juniors to continue the inspection first. When the inspection is over, we will send people to return them to the Holy Order area, and you can start designing the temple. As for Ghazali, I know that he studies ancient ruins. As a mechanical scholar, it just so happens that there is a huge ruins guarding Chisha's territory. We will entrust him to support his research, and he will naturally not return to the Imperial Academy."

Although there was no advance arrangement, Alhaysen quickly provided a solution.

Kawei nodded: "Let Ghazali study the giant relic machinery? That's good. He has applied for funding several times in the hospital, and this time he got his wish."

"Are you satisfied? If you are, please leave first. We still have some things to discuss."

Elhaysen looked at Kawei and pointed at the curtain door of the tent, with the obvious intention of asking Kawei to leave.

"You" looked at Elhaysen. Kawei was angry for some reason, but he still restrained himself. After all, the little Lucky Grass King was still watching.

Ignoring Alhaysen, Kawei gave a slight salute to Nasida: "Little Lucky Grass King, I will take my leave now."

"Okay, let's go." Nasida nodded slightly.

After Kawei leaves,

Wang Daoyi looked at Alhaysen: "Are you sure these people will not leak secrets?"

Elhaysen nodded, his plain expression full of confidence: "Please rest assured, no matter in terms of beliefs, interests, or morals, they have no possibility of leaking secrets. I know from among the thousands of scholars in the Order Academy We just selected these people, there won’t be any problems, and”

"And according to the regulations of the Order Council, even if those people want to report, they can only report it to the Disciplinary Officer first, and cannot directly submit it to the sages."

A figure walked in from outside the camp, "If you report it to the disciplinary officer, you will obviously be stopped by me."

It was none other than Gale Disciplinary Seno, who was holding a staff of red sand and wearing a jackal headdress.

"Salute to you, Mr. Little Lucky Grass King. It was our negligence that allowed scum like Azar to hurt you."

"It's not your fault, Disciplinary Officer." Nasida didn't mean to blame the Disciplinary Officer.

Compared to other scholars, Seno, as a disciplinary officer, was obviously more apologetic towards Nasida.

As the supervisory agency of the Order Council, the Disciplinary Officer was not aware of the sages imprisoning the Little Lucky Grass King. What a dereliction of duty.

For Sano, this is a shame.

After receiving Nasida's verbal forgiveness, Seno looked at Wang Daoyi again: "Long time no see, Lord of Red Sand, thank you for your help to my god."

"Ha, I didn't expect that the second meeting would be like this. You were able to break free from my chains last time, but you surprised me." Wang Daoyi smiled, then was a little surprised, "I didn't expect that Elhaysen Did you even win over me?"

"I did not recruit the Gale Disciplinary Officer. In fact, the Gale Discipline Officer came here to investigate." Elhaysen shook his head and denied that he had solicited Seno.

He didn't lie, he really didn't want to win over Sano. He was not familiar with Sano, and sometimes there were even conflicts at work.

Sai Nuo nodded: "It is true that I came here to investigate on my own. The scholars who were investigating in the desert all gathered in one place. It was obvious that something happened, but there was no response from the Teaching Council, so I came here on my own. Investigated.”

Because Wang Daoyi controlled the great sage and suppressed all the reactions here, Saino felt that there was no reaction from the Order Academy.

"I just didn't expect that sages like Azar would actually do such blasphemous things. They really deserve to be killed!"

As the Disciplinarian of the Great Wind and the defender of the laws of the Teaching Council, Sainuo's favorability towards the Great Sage and others instantly dropped to zero, even falling below negative numbers.

"It is true that they should be killed, but before killing, they must be squeezed out of their value."

Wang Daoyi very much agreed with Seno's idea. The great sage and his followers should all get retribution, but before that, their use value should be squeezed out, so as to be worthy of Nasida's five hundred years of suffering.

"Well" Seno's momentum calmed down and he looked at Elhaysen, "Tell me, is there anything I can cooperate with?"

"Nothing special. Just like you said, if someone snitches, you can just stop them. In addition, you can start collecting information about Azar's gang members. When the time comes, we will catch them all." Elhaysen With that said, he took out a document and handed it to Seno, "Here is a part of the list that I investigated. You can use it as a reference."

Obviously, although Elhaysen did not specifically win over Sano, he also guessed that Sano would investigate and even prepared the documents for cooperation.

Sano took the document and put it away directly: "What is your plan?"

Wang Daoyi held Nasida's hand and smiled: "Plan. Haha, let's make a plan~"

I’ll update it at 12 noon in the future. I don’t have enough manuscripts saved, so I have to rush them.

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