Explorer of Teyvat

Chapter 358 Research on Bashi (5k)

Three days after Tuheluo Valley was covered by heavy rain,

Xumi·Xumi City,

Elchingen Chamber of Commerce’s headquarters,

During the information meeting regarding the continuous heavy rains in the desert area Tuhoro Valley,

The doctor looked at the fools in front of him expressionlessly, and an indescribable atmosphere filled the hall.

"Pantarone said before that our intelligence system was like a joke, but I didn't take it seriously. Now it seems that he was right."

Seeing that no one dared to speak, the doctor taunted.

A stupid official looked around at his colleagues who were pretending to be dead, with a touch of speechlessness. How could they do good intelligence with these idiots?

At this time, if no one steps forward to answer the doctor's question, then everyone will die together.

Gritting his teeth, he raised his head and looked at the doctor's cold face. Although it was blocked by the mask, he could also feel the garbage-like look behind the mask.

He knew that if they were regarded as useless by the doctor, their results might not be very good.

Bracing the bullet, the Fool officials spoke with difficulty: "Sorry, Doctor, our previous arrangements in the desert have been destroyed. It will take at least half a year to restore the previous intelligence system."

"Haha." The doctor chuckled. He didn't know whether he was laughed out of anger or amused. "Didn't you learn about the urgency of information when you were studying in Zhiwin? Do you want me to wait for half a year? , will I ask you for information again?"

The Fool officials lowered their heads, but they were complaining in their hearts. If you, Doctor, had not canceled your investment in the desert in order to suppress Professor Frodlock, the intelligence system there would not have been completely destroyed.

As far as the current situation is concerned, it would be best to wait for half a year to ask for information!

Of course, no matter how much he complained in his heart, he did not dare to show any disrespect on the surface.

"No, Sir Doctor, please give us more time. We will restore the intelligence system over there as soon as possible."

The doctor looked at the foolish officials who were speaking, and then at the other people lying aside like dead dogs.

There was also a hint of helplessness in his eyes. As the fools' stall became bigger and bigger, the number of elite personnel became increasingly scarce.

His subordinates are all such idle people.

But fortunately, at least there is someone who dares to talk to me.

"Three days, give you three more days. If you still can't get the desert information after three days, you can go to the laboratory and report."

After leaving a few words, the doctor nodded slightly to the fool officials, then waved his sleeves and left.

The Fool officials watched the doctor leave in silence.

After the doctor left,

Those fools who were pretending to be dead got up from the ground and looked at the officials who had just spoken: "Captain, what should we do? Our arrangements over there in the desert have been cleared by the people of the Red Sand Banner."

"Then send more people in." Fool and the officials shouted at the top of their lungs. He was also speechless. Don't these insects have any brains?

The fools around were also speechless. It sounds easy to say, but in reality it is not that simple.

"Captain, let's not talk about whether our people can pass through Chisha's defense circle and enter the target location. First of all, our personnel are not enough. It's not like you don't understand Doctor's plan. Just to transport the materials. It has already tied up a large number of our manpower.”

Although ordinary fools don’t know the inside story of the doctor’s god-making plan, they are also responsible for the transportation of some of the materials.

Out of consideration for the gilded brigades everywhere in Sumeru, a large number of fools were mobilized to protect those precious materials.

"First, allocate some manpower and send them into the desert. Then, send a message to the base camp, requesting more men." The officials of Fool thought for a while and came up with a solution.

The other fools hesitated for a moment, and finally nodded without saying anything else.

They all know that transferring manpower from other places will inevitably lead to defense holes in other places.

However, compared to the possible loopholes, if they can't go to the desert to make some noise, the doctor will definitely put them into the laboratory in three days.

In the doctor's laboratory, if people with military positions like them are allowed in, they can't be used as experimental assistants, right?

Therefore, even though they knew that redeploying manpower might cause trouble, they still decided to do it.

the other side,

The doctor left the conference room and came to a secret space under the sacred tree through a secret passage.

Here, a huge machine is being built.

"How is the progress?" As soon as the doctor arrived here, a scholar dressed as a researcher came over and he asked casually.

"The body of [God of True Machine] is too big, so we divided it into two parts for construction. At present, the construction of the lower body is relatively smooth, but the upper body, because it needs to be connected to the living body, is currently not progressing satisfactorily. "

The scholar said, handing a document to the doctor,

The doctor reached out and took it, opened it and browsed it briefly.

"So, the biggest problem now is to use the heart of God to draw energy, right?"

"Yes, the Heart of God contains powerful power. Although we have completed the resonance with the living body, once the Heart of God is connected to the body, the parameters need to be modified again, and we need more knowledge to perform calculations. .”

"Zhineng. I understand. I will negotiate with the Great Sage."

The movement of the void requires the heart of the grass god. If you want to use the void to calculate something, you need knowledge, and knowledge comes from the dreams of the people of Sumeru.

If we just maintain the normal operation of the void, then this level of knowledge acquisition will not cause too big a problem to the people of Sumeru.

However, if you want to use the void to develop the heart of God, then the knowledge and energy required will be an astronomical amount.

It will also inevitably cause harm to the people of Xumi City.

At this point, even if you are as depraved as a great sage, you will not agree quickly.

However, the doctor had a smile on his face, and he was confident of 'persuading' the great sage.


Tuhe fell into the valley.


"Everyone is careful. Don't let anyone go in and disturb you, especially those from the north. If you see them, kill them immediately. No prisoners are needed!"

Groups of Red Sand warriors patrolled back and forth here. They looked into the depths of Tuheluo Valley and looked at the rain clouds that had lasted for three days in the sky. There was unstoppable joy and admiration in their eyes.

They don't know what happened,

But they knew that the desert was short of water, and the rain clouds deep in Tuhe Luo Valley seemed to keep falling.

So, does it mean that this is an endless source of water?

Just thinking about it, the Chisha warrior's admiration for Wang Daoyi became more and more profound.

If Wang Daoyi knew what they were thinking, he would probably smile and shake his head.

How could there be rain clouds that kept falling?

The reason why the rain clouds in the depths of Tuhe Luo Valley keep falling is because the magic circle drawn by the real and fake Abedo restrains the rich water element in this area.

If the magic circle is dispersed and the water element here disperses, the rain clouds will naturally disappear.

"Records, the target tissue activity far exceeds that of standard flesh-and-blood organisms, and most of the tissue structures have been elementalized."

"Record, the target elemental force is far more infectious than normal elements. After infection, it will distort the life form of living things. The distortion features are mostly snake-shaped and scaled."

In the pouring rain, next to the huge ruins guarding,

In a 'house' formed by an inverted light curtain,

Wang Daoyi and Abedo continued to analyze Basha’s organizational structure and elemental power.

Two beings close to gods are constantly exploring all the secrets of a god's remains.

And Mr. Abei, who is also known as a master of alchemy outside, can only be reduced to a recorder due to the two people's analysis speed.

He simply couldn't keep up with the two's thinking speed.

And in front of them,

The originally huge body of the Bazhao Dragon was now intact only with its head. Below the dragon's head, the blue flesh and blood essence had either been taken by Wang Daoyi and Abedo, or it had disintegrated to the surroundings. The body looked a little shriveled.

Under the influence of the power of the Bash Collapse, the nature of the sand was directly distorted. The original dry appearance here has completely disappeared, puddles began to accumulate, and the soft sand gradually became like a swamp. It did not look like a swamp. In deserts, but like bodies of water in hot and humid areas.

Wang Daoyi couldn't help but sigh, if we find a few more demon gods to kill, can we use the demon gods' dispersing power to directly distort the desert back to a 'normal' land?

However, he quickly gave up this idea. It was not that there were not so many demons.

Although there are few demon gods, you can still encounter one or two if you wander around the Dark Sea for ten days and a half.

The main reason is that most of the land twisted by the demon god has their own properties. These uncertain properties may make the twisted land a harmful place.

After dispersing the elemental power in his hand, Wang Daoyi looked at Bashi's dragon head.

"There is nothing special about Bashi's body. Although it is powerful, there is nothing we don't understand. I think the biggest secret should be in his dragon head."

Abedo nodded slightly, and the light of alchemy flashed, turning the body tissue of Bashi in his hand into black soil, and then dissipated.

It is obvious that Albedo has mastered the secret of Basha's body. He can dissipate it, and naturally he can also give birth to it.

Of course, it is hard to say whether Albedo alone can provide the energy required for birth.

Looking up at the three dragon heads hanging high on the giant ruins guard,

A trace of curiosity flashed in Abedo's eyes, but it quickly disappeared. He looked at Wang Daoyi and said, "Let's take a rest. I have been doing analysis for three days in a row. Although I am not tired yet, I want to take a rest and be more prepared for the next research." favorable."

Wang Daoyi raised his eyebrows, he really didn't feel tired.

Now, he has only been analyzing for three days, and he is completely unable to reach his limits.

However, Wang Daoyi followed Abedo's eyes and looked, oh, Abedo is a little tired.

Although it is only responsible for recording test information,

But he had to record the words of two people alone, and what he recorded was some complex research data.

Feeling tired is normal.

Mr. Abei's expression changed, and he knew that Abedo was taking care of him.

For a time, my feelings towards Abedo became more complicated.

An idea came to his mind again,

[Should I continue to follow Abedo, imitate him, and watch his back for the rest of my life, or should I leave Abedo and find my own life? 】

As for surpassing Albedo? Seeing more and more of Abedo's abilities, this idea has disappeared from Abedo's heart.

Noticed that Mr. Abei was slightly distracted,

Wang Daoyi and Abedo looked at each other, and both saw the satisfaction in the other's eyes.

Why did Abedo have to bring Abedo here?

Although part of the reason is that he is afraid that Mr. Abe will lose control in Mondstadt,

Or maybe he wanted to bring Mr. Abe here to see him,

But the original reason was the tacit understanding between Wang Daoyi and Abedo.

Abedo knew that Wang Daoyi wanted to kidnap his brother to the desert.

Wang Daoyi knew that Abedo wanted his brother to take his own life.

Under the tacit understanding between the two of them, Abedo must bring Abedo to the desert.

In a sense, Abedo sold Abedo to Wang Daoyi.

Well, as the price of elemental creation.

"Then let's take a rest. Do you want to go back to the tribe for a meal?" Wang Daoyi stretched out his hand and suggested.

Abedo shook his head: "Forget about eating, the magic circle here is already unstable. If we leave, it will probably collapse soon."

After a pause, Abedo looked outside the canyon and gave Wang Dao a questioning look: "Besides, won't you interfere in the affairs outside?"

Wang Daoyi shook his head: "No need, they are just a bunch of fools. The Red Sand warriors will deal with them."

"Okay." Abedo nodded and said nothing more.

The three of them rested for a while until Master Abe came back to his senses.

"Sorry, I was distracted." He apologized to the two of them with some apology.

Wang Daoyi shook his head: "Don't be sorry, it's your rest time, so just let your mind wander."

Abedo also looked at him: "How are you, have you rested?"

Mr. Abedo nodded: "Well, my condition has recovered, but, Abedo, when things here are over, I hope to be calm with you."

"Of course, I welcome you to come and talk to me at any time." Abedo smiled.

He has been waiting for this day since he knew the other person existed.

"Now that everyone has had a good rest, let's continue. Open the dragon head of Basha and see the secrets that belong to him."

Wang Dao waved his hand, and a golden light flashed, and the three dragon heads that were originally hanging high on the giant ruins guard detached themselves from Bashi's torso and floated down.

"When I fought with Him, I first destroyed two of His dragon beasts."

As he spoke, Wang Daoyi waved his hand, and the two dragon beasts, one on the left and one on the right, were separated separately.

"And after all he had left was the dragon head in the center, he still maintained his ability to think, and he also had the power to drive authority."

"So, either all three of his dragon heads have the ability to think and act, or the dragon head in the center is the sole controller."

"Of course, it may be a single controlling consciousness, but it can be freely transferred among the three dragon heads."

Wang Daoyi explained some things that he knew and inferred.

First of all, the probability that Bashi's control consciousness exists alone in the two dragon heads on the left and right is eliminated.

Abedo nodded: "In that case, let's take a look at the two unimportant dragon heads first."

Wang Daoyi smiled and waved his hand, and the dragon head floating on the right floated in front of Albedo.

Abedo was not polite. The light of alchemy shone in his hand, gradually covering the dragon head in front of him.

"The material of the external tissue is similar to that of the torso, but there are some differences in structure. The defense of its head will be much higher than that of its body."

"The head has a complete biological structure, including eyes, ears, mouth, nose, and tongue, and is not a decoration."

"The brain is also complete. It seems that this head is not a disguise, it is useful."

Abedo first briefly checked to ensure that the dragon head was worthy of in-depth study.

The light in his hand gradually dissipated, and Abedo looked at Wang Daoyi and his brother: "Next, I will connect to the brain of this dragon head and try to read the memory left in his brain. There may be some movement. Please protect my body."

Wang Dao nodded and gave Abedo a reassuring look.

Mr. Abei also nodded: "Don't worry."

After receiving the replies from the two of them, Abedo nodded and closed his eyes in relief.

The halo in his hand shone again, turning into a golden belt that connected between Albedo's forehead and Longsou's eyebrows.

When Albedo connected to the dragon head, he closed his eyes and seemed to have come to a blue space.

A huge snake dragon is entrenched here, but it seems to have entered a deep sleep, and Albedo's arrival did not wake it up.

"A single-headed snake dragon? So, Bashi stored his memories in three dragon heads?"

Facing the huge snake dragon, Abedo was not afraid at all. He walked to the snake dragon and stretched out his hand to it.

When Abedo's hand touched the snake dragon, the huge snake dragon collapsed, and a large number of memory lights and shadows appeared around Abedo.

This is Ba Cha's memory space, and the snake dragon is the embodiment of memory in this space.

A large number of memory lights and shadows flashed and disappeared around Albedo,

If an ordinary person were here, he might be washed away by the demon's thousand-year memory and become a fool, and become a puppet of the demon's memory.

It's a pity that the person standing here is Albedo, and these memories are just right for him.

With a mysterious color in his eyes, Albedo began to read these vast but scattered memories.

outside world,

Wang Daoyi and Abei Shao, who were guarding Abedo's body, shook slightly when they saw Abedo connected with the dragon head.

Before the two of them showed worried expressions, they saw a shadow appear behind Albedo and shine with its own light.

It was a star map that looked like a huge alchemy bottle. However, in the alchemy bottle, there was an image that resembled a baby.

This huge throne of destiny is like a cradle that nurtures life.

Wang Dao's eyes lit up and he recognized that this was Albedo's destiny seat - [The Son of Chalk Seat].

Book recommendation: "Hogwarts: The Witch's Path to Harry"

During the battle between the God of War and the Goddess of Night, Witch Harley used Mr. Door to successfully escape back to her original world.

Although there is no possibility of promotion, it seems good to return to his original world.

Everything would be better if there wasn't that familiar madness...

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