Explorer of Teyvat

Chapter 359 Capture, Contact, Analysis (5k)

As mentioned before, in Teyvat, only the God's Fate Seat will be displayed in his own human image.

But Albedo is a special existence.

His destiny seat is his personal image, but it is not his personal image.

For example, Wang Daoyi’s zodiac sign evolved twice after the third and fourth zodiac stars were lit.

From the original book form, it has become the upper half of the human body holding the book. Among them, the human body is the main body, and the books have become incidental existence.

But the main body of Albedo’s Fate Seat is still the huge alchemy bottle that breeds life.

But his personal image is still the baby in the alchemy bottle, not the main body of the Fate Seat.

This is the difference between Wang Daoyi and Albedo.

Wang Daoyi evolved from a human to a god, and has already embarked on the path of becoming a god.

As for Albedo, he came as a being close to God from the beginning, but he was stuck in this initial position and found it difficult to make progress.

However, Wang Daoyi is more interested in the six destiny stars shining on the [Son of Chalk] constellation.

The constellation of destiny·Six stars, the limit of the human world.

This is the second person Wang Daoyi has seen who lights up the six life stars.

Sure enough, Albedo, the alchemist hidden in the Knights of the West Wind, known as the "Original Flawed Perfection", has also reached the final step.

Perhaps when he knows the answer the teacher wants, that's when he completely breaks away from the alchemy bottle.

The path he took to become the 'Original God' was completely different from Wang Daoyi, but it led to the same goal.

After the phantom of Albedo’s Fate Seat appeared,

The body that was shaking slightly stabilized.

Not long after,

Abedo opened his eyes, then looked into Wang Daoyi's curious eyes, shook his head slightly,

"This dragon head preserves some of Ba Shu's memories, but most of them are trivial things about growing up. They are not of much value. The only ones that are useful are some maps of the sea area outside the dark sea. If you need it, come back to me. Draw it for you.”

He read the thousands of years of memories in the dragon head, most of which were boring things.

Maybe ordinary people would be very excited if they got it, but to Abedo, the only thing of any value is the sea map of the Dark Sea.

"The Dark Sea? It's interesting. I'll ask for a copy later. Maybe we can go to the Dark Sea together next time."

Wang Daoyi is also very curious about what kind of existence there is in the Dark Sea, the place that accepted the defeated demon god in the Seven Kingdoms of Teyvat.

"Well, then I'll draw it for you later." Abedo nodded, and then looked at the other two dragon heads, "Leave the remaining two to yourself. Part of the memory should be retained, Bashi estimates. It’s to store your different memories separately.”

"Tsk, maybe this is also a way to resist wear and tear." Abedo said, with a rare 'tsk' sound.

Obviously, he already had some guesses as to why Bashi used this method of separately preserving memories.

If different memories are divided into categories, can we resist wear and tear?

Abedo was thinking in his mind, this seems to be an interesting topic,

the other side,

Wang Daoyi saw Abedo lost in thought and shook his head helplessly.

This person is so bad. Once he gets familiar with him, he will always get lost in his own thoughts, completely ignoring the people around him. However, maybe this is Abedo's true attitude towards people who are at ease with him.

On the other side, Mr. Abei nodded to Wang Dao, indicating that he was still there.

Wang Daoyi nodded in response, then waved his hand, and the dragon head on the left floated to his side.

Even with Albedo's experience, it is estimated that the memory in this dragon head will not be anything important.

But Wang Daoyi still chose it, because Wang Daoyi was worried that if he chose the middle dragon head first and got what he wanted, he would not be interested in looking at this dragon head that may not be very important.

Just like Abedo's action just now, a golden light belt emerged in Wang Daoyi's hand, and then connected Wang Daoyi's forehead and dragon head,

Wang Daoyi closed his eyes and entered Bashi's memory space.

As soon as you come in,

As soon as Wang Dao opened his eyes, he saw a huge snake dragon rushing towards him.

The snake dragon carries strong resentment,

"Tsk, tsk, didn't I just kill you? As for such a big reaction?"

Even Bashi himself died in the hands of Wang Daoyi. The snake dragon with a mere memory will naturally not have any impact on Wang Daoyi.

Reaching out, making a fist, golden light bloomed, Wang Daoyi punched the snake dragon's jaw mercilessly,

He beat the huge snake dragon into the air,

Unwilling to gain the upper hand, Wang Dao bent his knees and kicked off, jumped into the air, and punched Snake Dragon on the head again.

Shoot it down from mid-air to the ground,

The huge body of the snake dragon shattered suddenly, turning into an information flow of countless memories.

"Tch, that's it?"

He let out a sarcastic sound,

Wang Daoyi put away his fist, and then looked at the memories flowing throughout the space,

As soon as my mind moved, I casually captured a piece of information.

[Under the dark seabed, the huge demon slowly squirms and becomes entangled with Bashi.]

"Fuck, is this a close memory with Osel? It's really outrageous."

Wang Daoyi felt a little nauseous. Such a strong taste was still a bit beyond his tolerance.

In the words of the previous life, this kind of thing is a bit too 'advanced'.

After recording the physical data about Osel in this memory, Wang Daoyi quickly deleted this memory. It was too disturbing.

Then, Wang Daoyi continued to capture Ba Cha's memories in this space, record valid data, delete useless scenes,

Perhaps this dragon head was specially used to record the 'love' between him and Osel.

Therefore, in this memory space, nine out of ten are related to Osel, and most of the memories are about the two intertwining each other.

I don’t know how long it took,

After processing the effective information in the entire memory space,

Wang Daoyi was actually able to build a complete body model of Osel from his memory.

One can imagine how outrageous Bashi's memory of the dragon head is.

After leaving Bashi's memory space, Wang Dao opened his eyes,

I found the Abedo brothers whispering to each other.

It was obvious that they were not worried at all that something might happen to Wang Dao.

When he noticed that Wang Daoyi opened his eyes, Abedo turned his head and looked over: "How is it? Is there anything gained?"

"A little bit, but not much. They are all scenes of him and Osel getting along, which are eye-catching." Wang Daoyi said in a very tangled tone,

"Pfft~" Seeing Wang Daoyi's twisted expression, Mr. Abei couldn't help but laughed.

Wang Daoyi raised his eyebrows at him: "Your smile is very spiritual."

"Heh, there is another main dragon head. What do you think? Do you want to take a rest?" Abedo also showed a smile, and then pointed to the last dragon head floating on the side.

Wang Dao nodded: "Let's take a rest. Although I'm not tired, I have a hunch that there may be something I want in this dragon head."

He casually threw the left dragon head aside in his hand, and threw it together with the right dragon head that Abedo had read before.

"What were you talking about just now? You seemed very happy?" Although he was resting, he didn't have to close his eyes to rest. Wang Daoyi looked at the Abedo brothers with interest and asked.

Of course, he already had some suspicions in his mind, and when he asked, he just wanted to find something to talk about.

"Abeiduo and I talked about my future affairs." Abeiduo said.

"Hmm~ What's the result of the discussion? Do you want to consider my previous invitation?" Wang Daoyi raised his eyebrows.

When Wang Daoyi first met Mr. Abei, he extended an invitation to him and gave him rock crystals.

Mr. Abei nodded: "This is also within our consideration, but I haven't decided yet."

"He wants to leave me and go out for a walk. I think it's a good thing. If he doesn't settle in the same place as Mondstadt, maybe he can adapt to [human] life as quickly as possible." Abedo looked at Young Abed next to him. Showing a hint of relief.

It's like parents seeing their children grow up.

"In that case, why not start here with me as your first stop? The scenery in the desert may give you a different sense of humanity." Wang Daoyi issued a sincere invitation again and again.

Even if Young Master Abe cannot be kept in the desert forever, it would still be beneficial to let him stay for ten days and a half.

Looking at the way he tried his best to tutor alchemy apprentices in Mondstadt before, maybe he can bring some changes to Chisha's alchemy.

Even if there is only a slight change, it is a benefit that Wang Daoyi does not want to let go.

After hearing Wang Daoyi’s invitation,

Abeishao nodded slightly, stretched out his hand, a small box appeared, opened it, and revealed a rock crystal: "Of course, I will always remember your invitation. After this incident is over, I hope you can give me a small temporary residence." place."

The implication is that he will stay and take a look, but this is only a temporary stay here and he may leave at any time.

Wang Daoyi didn't care at all.

If you want to live temporarily, let’s live temporarily. Those scholars before were all ‘temporary residents’, but in the end they stayed obediently.

When Abei Shao appeared in the tribe and showed his abilities, Wang Daoyi believed that the people in the tribe would soon accept him enthusiastically.

And isn't the recognition of others one of the things Mr. Abei wants?

Therefore, as long as Mr. Abei chooses to stay temporarily, Wang Daoyi is confident that he will treat Chisha as his second home.

Well, the first home is to stay with Albedo.

"Chisha welcomes everyone who is friendly, and I hope you can like it here."

Wang Daoyi nodded to Mr. Abei.

After ending this topic, the three of them chatted about Bashi's body structure and the form of elemental power.

During this period, Wang Daoyi proposed his own plan for the Holy Skeleton Warrior.

Abedo is not very interested in this. He is not very interested in this kind of transformation that may cause harm to the user.

However, Abbey was very interested in this. If he wanted to get out of his own life, the first thing he had to do was to distinguish himself from Abbey.

As for the topics that Abedo studied, he would not touch them if he could.

As for the Sacred Skeleton Warrior Project that Wang Daoyi mentioned, it seems that Abedo is not interested, so should he study it and make it his first topic after leaving Abedo?

With their own thoughts, the three of them talked happily.

Seeing that the sky was getting dark, Wang Daoyi didn't waste any time. He waved his hand and Bashi's last dragon head flew into his hand.

"I feel like the noise this time will be a bit loud, please help me cover it up."

Wang Daoyi looked at the two people beside him,

The Abedo brothers nodded and gave him a reassuring look.

The golden light band reappeared, connecting Wang Daoyi and the last dragon head.

Wang Daoyi closed and opened his eyes, and his sight came to Bashi's memory space.

Compared with the memory space in the previous dragon head,

This space was obviously much larger, but it seemed unusually dead.

Moreover, the embodiment of memory entrenched in it is also larger,

If the memory embodied in the previous dragon head was a snake dragon,

Then the embodiment of Wang Dao in front of his eyes can be called a dragon.

"Family of Morax, even if I have fallen, you will not let me go?" The dragon hovered in the memory space, exuding endless resentment and anger.

However, even so, it did not attack Wang Daoyi. It knew very well that its body had died in the opponent's hands. It was just a memory left behind and could not be Wang Daoyi's opponent.

"Huh?" Wang Daoyi looked at it curiously, "Do you still have wisdom?"

Wang Daoyi couldn't help but be curious. You must know that the resentment left after the death of the demon god does not have the wisdom of the demon god itself. They will only be confused and instinctively use the power left by the demon god to distort the surroundings.

Wisdom will not appear unless you possess every person or thing.

And Bashi, the main memory, is obviously a wise and capable existence.

"I am the wife of the Demon God of the Whirlpool. I am the remnant power of the whirlpool. Is there anything strange about being wise? I am a dependent of Morax. Even if I lose at your hands, you cannot insult me ​​like this."

Jiaolong thought Wang Daoyi was insulting it and despised it as a beast without intelligence.

Wang Dao curled his lips and looked like he was not very intelligent.

"I am here for the knowledge of dividing the sub-authorities. If you are willing to hand it over, I can let you enter the earth line completely."

Since they are intelligent beings, let’s communicate first, and maybe they will give it to them.

It's a pity that after hearing Wang Daoyi's words,

The dragon looked confused. It didn't know what authority meant.

After looking at Jiaolong's appearance, Wang Dao twitched the corner of his mouth and roughly understood in his heart: "I thought you were Bashi's main consciousness, but now it seems that you are just a fake."

After saying this, Wang Daoyi lost interest in communicating with the other party, his body turned golden, and he rushed towards the dragon.

The dragon that was originally entrenched in the center of the space was shocked and immediately jumped into the air, trying to avoid Wang Daoyi's attack.

It's a pity, how could his speed be as fast as light?

The next second, a fist hit its head hard, knocking the huge dragon away.

"No, descendant of Morax, I will give you whatever you want. Don't continue fighting."

"Oh, I don't know about the so-called fake, but I thought you were the main consciousness of Bashi."

Hearing the dragon's scream,

Wang Daoyi curled his lips disdainfully. He was indeed frightened just now.

I thought that the other party was the main consciousness left behind by Bashi and retained his wisdom.

But looking at it now, this was probably a way for Bashi to protect his memory before he died.

Therefore, it can maintain thinking and wisdom after Bashi's death, because it itself was established when Bashi was still alive.

And it begged for mercy because after Bashi died, the real main consciousness dissipated, giving this fake guy the opportunity to replace the real with the fake.

What a temptation it is to go from a shadow set up by the devil to the devil himself.

It's a pity that Wang Daoyi will not give it this opportunity.

With his right hand clenched into a fist, the light gathered, and in the desperate eyes of the dragon, he smashed its head with a royal blow.

next moment,

The huge dragon turned into little bits of light and dissipated,

The originally dead space also revealed its original appearance and turned into a sky blue space.

Memories like streams of light also appeared in front of Wang Daoyi.

"I'm just telling you, Bashi's memory is so huge, how can there be death in the memory space."

After muttering something, Wang Daoyi looked at the memories that appeared and disappeared like a stream of light.

My eyes skip over these fleeting memories,

"What I'm looking for is the memory of Bashi gaining the power of Osel."

"And Osel was sealed by the emperor during the Demon God War, so this must have happened a thousand years ago."

"The time from the Demon God War to now has been too long. It's impossible for me to look past it bit by bit."

"If the same thing appears at different times, there will inevitably be a connection, and this point in time is"

Wang Daoyi's eyes lit up, and with a thought in his mind, he captured the scene in front of him.

It was a scene of a figure shrouded in golden light, nailing the giant beast to death with a spear that exuded endless majesty.

That's right, it was the last scene that Bashi saw before he died.

"The last contact between Bashi and Ziquan was before his death. As long as I capture this scene and use Ziquan in the picture as a clue, I can trace all the way back to the past, omitting those memories that are useless to me, and go directly back to Bashi. When I first saw the Son’s authority.”

Xu held the memory streamer in his hand, Wang Daoyi smiled at the corner of his mouth, and the golden color in his eyes became more and more diffuse. Based on the memory in his hand, he moved forward along Ba Sha's memory, heading towards that mysterious era of demon gods.

And in the outside world,

Abedo and Abedao noticed that the area was slightly shaken, and a tall shadow appeared from behind Wang Daoyi.

It was a half-length figure holding a book in his hand.

It is Wang Daoyi's destiny seat - [Inquirer Seat].

Looking at Wang Daoyi’s phantom of the seat of destiny and the second star of destiny shining brightly on the phantom,

Abedo nodded slightly. His guess was correct. Wang Daoyi was only missing the destiny star.

When Young Master Abei looked at the shadow behind Wang Daoyi, he was even more shocked than before when he saw Abei Duo's zodiac sign.

Albedo’s [Son of Chalk Seat] is at least within the scope of his understanding, and the human body is not yet the subject.

But Wang Daoyi’s [Inquirer Seat] is completely the seat of human life.

I don’t know what’s going on in the outside world,

In the memory space of Bashi,

Wang Daoyi is based on Bashi's last memory of his son's authority.

Keep moving forward towards the depths of Bashi's memory.

Bashi used his sub-power to fight Wang Daoyi - Bashi used his sub-power to fight against the demon god in the dark sea - Bashi used his power to turn into a whirlpool and huge waves to attack the ship.

Memory is like a spiral staircase and the royal road goes all the way down.

On the way, scenes of Bashi's memories of his son's authority appeared around Wang Daoyi, flashed by, and disappeared again.

I don’t know how long it’s been,

Wang Daoyi finally came to the deepest staircase,

Then, he saw two giant beasts entangled together!


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