Explorer of Teyvat

Chapter 360 Bashi Reservoir (5k)

Outside, Abedo and Young Master Abed were looking at the shadow of the Fate Seat behind Wang Daoyi.

Then I saw the shadow trembling slightly and dissipating.

With Abedo’s previous experience, they knew that Wang Daoyi was about to wake up.

Sure enough, after the shadow dissipated,

Wang Daoyi opened his eyes,

Looking at Wang Dao with a hint of speechlessness,

Abedo was a little curious: "Why, didn't you get what you wanted?"

"It's not that nothing happened, it's just... a little unexpected." Wang Dao shook his head and remembered what he saw in the deepest part of Bashi's memory, and couldn't help but be speechless.

"Oh? It's interesting. Can you tell me about it?" Abedo was very interested. Although he didn't know what knowledge Wang Daoyi was pursuing, it seemed that it was definitely something interesting.

".I'd better not say it, it's a bit heavy."

Wang Daoyi thought about it and decided not to say it.

After he entered Bashi's deepest memory,

He saw two giant beasts entangled together, yes, entangled, two slippery things entangled together,

The breaths of each other blend together,

Until the breath reaches balance at a certain moment,

Osel bit Bashi with one bite,

This is how that tiny bit of authority was forcefully instilled into Basha's body.

Therefore, rather than saying that this son's authority was given to Basil by Oser, it is better to say that it was prepared by Oser for their heirs.

It's a pity that before they could have any heirs, Osel was sealed because of his opposition to Morax.

And this wisp of authority was left in Bashi's body.

Of course, although Wang Daoyi was speechless when Zi Quan entered Ba Shu's body,

However, he still caught a hint of inspiration from Osel's movements and understood how the sub-authorities were separated.

However, he was not prepared to tell Albedo any of this.

Seeing that Wang Daoyi was unwilling to mention it, Abedo didn't care: "Okay, then, do you have anything else to do next?"

"Oh, let's squeeze out the last value of Bashi." Wang Dao looked at Bashi's shriveled remains and smiled.

Don't look at the shriveled remains of Bashi,

It's just that the elements in the body have been purified away, but its most essential thing is still there.

Just like Orobas, although the flesh and blood have long since disappeared and the bones have become petrified,

But the essence he left behind is still continuously escaping, forming crystal marrow minerals.

Therefore, Bashi's remains are still of great value after the scourge of Wang Daoyi and Abedo.

"Oh, what are you going to do? Do you want to help?" Abedo asked.

"I plan to seal Bashi's remains here and leave an escape hole to ensure that his power can overflow within the control range. Then I will cover this area with a magic circle to block Bashi's power as much as possible, and then in the canyon Set up a purification circle at the exit to ensure that the devil's filth will not spread out."

As Wang Daoyi spoke, he controlled the elemental power to form the array and structure of his own conception in mid-air, so that Abedo and Abed Shao could clearly see what he was thinking.

Looking at the structure displayed by Wang Daoyi, Abedo nodded: "It is not complicated. However, such a simple structure may require frequent maintenance in the future, otherwise problems may easily occur."

"Of course, I did it deliberately. In my idea, I would let people drive a group of wild beasts to live here, try to see if they can artificially cultivate holy beasts, and then stipulate that a group of people should be organized to come here every month to experience, and at the same time strengthen the law. Formation."

"Look, it can not only produce 'specialties', but also provide a place for experience. Even after twisting this place, it can form an endless source of water. How great."

"Oh, it's really good, but what if someone comes in and destroys it? Like a crowd of fools or something?" Abedo once again raised a security risk.

Wang Daoyi shook his head: "That's not something I should consider. If I have already considered everything, then what else should Chisha do? Deal with the fools. That is what Chisha Banner should think about. I just want to ensure that they are there After failure, you can help them cover up, and that’s it.”

Abedo was stunned for a moment, then shook his head slightly. He was used to Captain Qin's meticulous and meticulous governance.

When I heard Wang Daoyi's statement about extensive farming, I sighed for a while: "If we were in Mondstadt, you would be like this"

Abedo was about to say that in Mondstadt, your approach of letting the people go will not be recognized by the people.

But he quickly thought that Wang Daoyi was not the leader of Qin, and their identities were completely different. The comparison between Mond and Wang Daoyi should be Barbatos.

And Barbatos seems to be a good hand in caring for his people. He is even more irresponsible than Wang Daoyi. Wang Daoyi has made some preparations at least.

And Barbatos. [If the people of Mondstadt want freedom, I will give them freedom].

"Huh, I probably understand something. This is God's consideration."

After speaking, Abedo shook his head, and then continued: "Let's get started. Although they are simple things, the amount of work is quite large. It is estimated that it will take another two or three days."

"Okay, let's get started. I will be responsible for sealing the remains of Bashi, and you two will be responsible for the magic circle in the canyon."


So the three of them got busy in the canyon.

Two days later,

canyon exit,

The ground that was leveled by the Red Sand warriors once again became bumpy.

On the ground, there is still blood that has not been washed away.

In the camp on one side, many injured soldiers were resting.


"These northerners are really not afraid of death."

"Yes, how many lives have they lost here these days?"

"Let's say at least a hundred. Hmm, if they hadn't been well-equipped, the number would have been at least double."

"It's true that the equipment of those northerners is better than that of the rainforest people."

Beside the soldiers' tents,

West Germany listened to the soldiers chatting, and there was a chill in his eyes.

Originally, he would not be notified of this level of battle at all.

But who let Wang Daoyi stay in the canyon?

These northerners actually dared to peek at their own gods. It would be a shame to die.

"How many people are here?" Sid looked at the soldiers beside him and asked.

"There are still about a hundred of our people, plus the other soldiers, there are about three hundred in total."

West Germany nodded. He knew what the other party meant. "Our people" refer to the people of the Kasak tribe, that is, West Germany's headquarters staff.

As for the other warriors, they were randomly transferred from other tribes.

"Three hundred people are definitely not enough for such a big canyon." West Germany shook his head. The crazy attacks of the Fools in the past few days gave him a bad feeling. "I remember, there is a branch here, right?"

"Yes, elder, there is an oasis above the lower wind erosion area. We have sent tribes to station there."

"Okay, it's probably too late to transfer people from the base camp. Pass my order and transfer people from that branch."

"How many people will you mobilize, Elder Xide?"

"As many as you want!" West Germany's eyes were fierce. Even if he fought with everyone in this branch, he would not allow Wang Daoyi to be disturbed.

"Yes!" Warrior Kasak nodded seriously and took the order to go out.


Sumeru City Elchingen Chamber of Commerce residence,

The officials with cold faces looked at their colleagues.

"Everyone, Doctor, you don't have much time left. If you still don't get the information, then see you on the test bench~"

I don't know why, but everyone always felt a bit of yin and yang aura when listening to his words.

"Captain, it's not that we don't want to get the information, there is really no other way."

"Yes, nearly two hundred people were sent out, but less than half of them came back. They didn't even enter the mouth of the canyon."

For a moment, the room was filled with screams and screams.

The Fool officials listened with a sneer on their lips: "Don't say this to me. Go talk to the doctor. Do you think he will listen?"

"." Everyone immediately fell silent,

Will the Doctor listen to their explanation?

Don't make trouble, why not change the question to whether the doctor likes to listen to their moans, so that the question can be answered more easily.

"Captain, why are you taunting us? If you can't provide information when the time comes, even if you are a non-commissioned officer, wouldn't you have the same result in front of the doctor?" The fools looked at the non-commissioned officer in front of them with the same ridicule in their eyes.

In front of the doctor, most non-commissioned officers, officials, or ordinary fools have the same status and are expendable resources.

Only academic fools can have other statuses in the eyes of doctors and receive some preferential treatment.

The officials of Fool showed a trace of ridicule, and then said: "I'm sorry, everyone, I am the [rich man]'s servant. I have requested to be transferred to Liyue. Although I will still be punished, at least, my little Life saved."

"You" the remaining fools are all anxious, good guy, no wonder you can be our commander, it turns out you have a backing.

"So, everyone, stop hiding the power in your hands. If you continue like this, you will be dead." The Fool officials looked around the entire room.

The other fools felt his gaze and felt a little unwilling. They said it nicely, but if all other powers were mobilized, there would really be no protection for Xumi.

Once you have no protective power, what should you do if you are attacked, what if you are robbed, or even what if you cannot rob others?

Driven by their respective interests, they thought about it for a long time, but there was still no interest that could be worth their own lives.

If you are empty of power and may be attacked by the enemy, that is better than being on the doctor's test bed.

"We know it. Next, we will throw all our strength into it."

"That's good."

After a group of people had finished their discussion, and after all the Fools had left, the Fools and officials got up, came to a secret room, and entered it.

"Master Doctor, everything has been arranged. Those guys will draw away all the protective power from Xumi." The officials of the Fool said respectfully to the doctor.

The doctor flipped through the report in his hand and nodded slightly: "Well done."

"Then my subordinate will go down first."

The foolish officials did not ask the doctor why he did this. He knew that for the doctor, it is best for you to just complete his task and not ask more questions. You might ask about things that you cannot know yourself.

And among the fools, it is not a good thing to know something that you should not know.

After the Fool officials left, the doctor slowly raised his head and looked in the direction of the desert: "I have sent all my people out. What are you going to do? This time should be the best."

That's right, the doctor's slice noticed some unplanned changes in Xumi after he came back from eating a feast in the solstice. Although he hasn't found out what these changes are yet, the doctor very naturally attributed these changes to something. on people,

No reason, just intuition.

And this time he forced the Fools under him to send everyone to the desert, which was his intention. He wanted to see if the existence that caused the change would show their fangs to the Fools after the Fools showed their weak side.

As for the possible losses caused by the fools, the doctor doesn't care.

at the same time,

Xumi Order and Clerk’s Office,

Elhaysen was handling those official duties as always,

I casually marked [Reject, the purpose of funds is not specific enough] on the document, and then picked up the next document.

"Elhaysen, the Fools seem to have undergone some changes." The voice of Gale Disciplinary Seno came from the void, "I found that the Fools are sending soldiers to the desert."

After confirming that Seno and she were on the same team, Nasida gave Seno the ability to use the void terminal to contact her people.

"Have you found out what they are doing?" Elhaysen was reviewing the documents in his hand while using the void terminal in his mind to respond to Seno's message.

"It can't be found at the moment, but it can be confirmed that it is related to the abnormal weather in the desert in recent days." Seno replied.

Elhaysen thought for a moment, then wrote [Rejected, the project does not comply with the regulations of the Order] on the document in his hand, and then replied to Seno: "Abnormal weather? Oh, the heavy rain in Tuhe Valley, then You don’t need to worry about them, the people from Chisha will take care of it.”

In Elhaysen's view, since it is a matter in the desert, then leave it to Chisha. It just so happens that this kind of violent action to deal with fools is what Chisha is good at.

"Then the defensive power of the Fools on Xumi's side has been weakened. What should we do?" Seno asked again.

After getting used to working with Elhaysen, Sano discovered that this clerk was really smart, so he formed the habit of asking Elhaysen if he had anything to do.

Looking at the fewer and fewer documents on the table, Elhaysen's eyes showed a hint of joy, as he was finally about to finish processing these documents.

Then he answered Seno's question: "There is no need to do anything. We can proceed slowly according to the plan of those two people. There is no need for extraneous matters. Moreover, the [Doctor] is back. How could such a big thing happen among the fools?" Where’s the flaw? Nine times out of ten, it’s a trap or a temptation.”

"Is this so? Okay, I understand. Then do I want to inform Chisha that the Fools are increasing their troops?"

"This is acceptable."


call ended.


Tuhe falls into the valley, at the mouth of the valley,

In the tent, West Germany looked a little unhappy because he had just received the message from the rain forest.

The fools actually increased their troops again.

"Come here," Sid shouted.

A Chisha warrior walked in: "Sir Elder."

"Inform the headquarters and send manpower to block the entrance and exit of the desert. If you find a northerner, kill one for me."


Tuhe fell deep into the valley,

The originally barren canyon has changed drastically.

There are sparkling runes everywhere, as well as devices similar to earth veins and stones.

And on the giant ruins guard in the middle of the canyon, the one-eye is studded with a giant rock crystal. Through the golden crystal, you can also see the body of Ba Sha spiraling into a ball.

Yes, Wang Daoyi chose to seal the remains of Bashi on the giant ruins guard.

Fortunately, Bashi's remains had shriveled up a lot after being harmed by Wang Daoyi and Abedo, so that such a seal could be achieved.

"With the help of the 'gold' energy block inside the giant ruins guard, Basha's seal can be maintained for at least ten years."

Looking at his masterpiece, Wang Daoyi nodded with satisfaction,

In the original design, Wang Daoyi was required to leave some power to seal the remains of Bashi.

However, he had an idea and thought of the giant ruins guard beside him.

If it can drive such a large machine and keep the energy weapon running after it is damaged, then the giant ruin guard must have energy reserves.

Sure enough, under Wang Daoyi's prying eyes, some 'gold' energy blocks hidden in the giant ruins guards were discovered.

Wang Daoyi also used these golden energy blocks as the energy source for the magic circle that sealed Ba Shu.

As for why it is sealed in the eyes of the giant ruins guard, it is because there is a ready-made energy circuit there, so you can be lazy.

the other side,

Abedo and Abedao also gradually completed the remaining work of the magic circle.

"The engraving of the magic circle has been completed, but the holding stones used in the core nodes are all temporarily made by me. They can only last for a month. In other words, next month, you will start the training you mentioned before. .”

Abedo pointed to the ten blue stones guarding the giant ruins above the canyon.

"These holding stones will absorb the demonic resentment emitted by Bashi in normal times, and release it after reaching the limit. The approximate form of the demonic resentment is probably a snake-shaped monster or a scaly monster."

"Okay, thank you very much. The next step is to activate the magic circle."

Wang Daoyi nodded to Abedo, showed a grateful smile, then stretched out his hand, wisps of gold gathered, stretched out his hand to press the one-eyed giant treasure,

This huge treasure is the core of this magic circle.

As the golden light in Wang Daoyi's hand came into contact with the giant treasure,

The runes all around lit up,

Dozens of ground-vein stones shook slightly, and an inexplicable fluctuation appeared in the canyon.

The most obvious thing is that the originally turbid water on the ground quickly became clear.

Obviously, the filthy power originally in the water was absorbed by the stone and purified by the magic circle.

Abedo raised his head and looked at the blue filthy power and demonic resentment slowly escaping from the one-eyed giant treasure.

Then he looked at the filthy power on the ground that was constantly being purified and absorbed.

Wei Wei nodded: "Very good efficiency. If this continues, in about 10 days, this canyon will become a reservoir. After 15 days, we can try to put some creatures in."

"Ha, I have to thank you two for your help. If it were just me, I wouldn't have the patience to do such a big project."

"Oh, no need to say thank you. The knowledge Bashi brought to me far exceeds the value of two days of work here."

Wang Dao nodded and said nothing more.

After checking the magic circle again to confirm that nothing was missing,

The three of them left the depths of the canyon and headed towards the entrance of the canyon.

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