Explorer of Teyvat

Chapter 364: Praise to the Lord of Mahasana, Great Auspiciousness and Wisdom (5k)

Abedo left, leaving behind his brothers and taking away the gifts that Sid had prepared for him.

And Nicholas, that is, Mr. Abedo is not sad about Abedo's departure. Instead, he is a bit like a child living alone without his parents.

There is only expectation for the future and a vague excitement in my heart.

Walking among the Chisha tribe,

"Hey, Sir Nicholas, have you eaten? Do you want to come to my house to eat?"

"Hmph, what's delicious at your house? Come to my house. I have spices from the rainforest. It's absolutely delicious."

"Have you ever tasted your spices?"

After a few words, a quarrel broke out among the good-quality Sand People. Nicored quickly went to mediate.

And these are just some sketches along the way.

The Sand People who see Nicored will greet him enthusiastically, and Nicoreed's people will wave to them enthusiastically.

After declining more than a dozen invitations to dinner and mediating more than a dozen civil disputes along the way, Nicorette finally arrived at a camp near the central forest of the tribe.

Here, there are already more than a dozen people waiting for him.

Seeing Nicored approaching, these people all stood up and saluted: "Chief Sir."

Yes, these people were the first batch of alchemists spawned by Chisha with canned knowledge, and they were also the first batch of subordinates Wang Daoyi gave to Nikolaid.

"Well, good morning everyone." Nicored smiled and nodded to everyone, and then introduced himself, "I think everyone knows me. My name is Nicoreid. I am currently invited by the Lord of Red Sand. As the chief alchemist of the tribe for the time being, I hope that everyone will cooperate with my work in the future."

After saying that, he looked around and said, "Well, everyone, please introduce yourselves. At least let me know what your names are and what you are good at."

Everyone looked at each other, and then one person stood up first: "Chief Sir, I am Kaidi, from the Kasak tribe, and I study rune carving."

Nicored nodded slightly: "Kashak's Kaidi, I have written it down."

After someone took the lead, the remaining people also stood up and introduced themselves.

Nicorette also kept smiling. He didn't speak again until everyone had introduced himself: "Sid told me that you all use canned knowledge to achieve quick success, although I have never used canned knowledge. Pretending to be knowledgeable, but I’ve also learned a lot in the past two days, it will have the side effect of creating stereotypes.”

"So, for the next period of time, you have to suspend the use of canned knowledge, and I will train you until you have digested the alchemy knowledge you acquired previously."

After saying that, Nicorette looked at everyone, wanting to see everyone's reaction.

The result was very good. No one felt any resistance, but rather looked forward to it.

How rare it is for an alchemist who can make holy warriors to teach them.

When Nicored was training his men in alchemy,

In the center of the Chisha tribe, in the center of the forest, in the deep lake, a small boat was slowly floating on the lake.

on the boat,

Wang Daoyi looked at Nasida's excited look and shook his head slightly. This young god really didn't have a childhood.

Even just boating on the lake can make her have a lot of fun.

"Daoyi." Nasida took her little hand back from the water, and then called Wang Daoyi, with some doubts in her eyes.

"Huh? What's wrong?" Wang Dao calmed down and looked at Nasida.

“There are fish in the water in the rainforest, why aren’t they here?”

Nacida asked her question, innocently like a child,

She knew why there were no fish here, and the reason why she asked Wang Daoyi was just being coquettish.

Just like a child asking his elder brother for a gift.

with a smile,

Wang Daoyi touched Nacida's head: "Does Nacida want there to be fish here?"

For Wang Daoyi, it doesn't matter whether there are fish in the lake or not.

With fish, the tribesmen have more food sources.

If there is no fish, the tribe will not be short of this food.

However, if Nasida wanted it, Wang Daoyi would give it to her. After all, this was easy for Wang Daoyi.

"Well, I want to see the fish swimming in the water. Then I put my hand into the water, and the little fish will come over and peck my hand. It must be fun."

Nasida nodded vigorously, with an expectant look in her eyes.

She had never doubted whether Wang Daoyi could do this. As long as she said it, Wang Daoyi would give it to her. This was the original agreement between them.

After hearing Nasida's thoughts, Wang Dao stretched out his hand, the light of alchemy bloomed, dark soil appeared, and tiny insects were born in the black soil.

Alchemy - the alchemy of life from the black earth of Kanria.

In Nasida's expectant gaze, small fish as big as a palm were born from Wang Daoyi's hands and fell into the water.

"Wow, Dao Yi, that's great."

Although Nasida could easily learn the Black Earth Life Refining Technique, she still clapped happily and praised Wang Daoyi's skills.

This can be considered a little fun between the two.

Nacida carefully put her little hand into the water.

Maybe it’s Wang Daoyi’s control, or maybe it’s the God of Grass’ affinity for nature,

Those newly born little fishes were indeed not afraid of humans at all. They circled around Nacida's little hand and touched Nacida's little hand from time to time.

The girl let out bursts of laughter as clear as silver bells.

Wang Daoyi, half leaning on the edge of the boat, tilted his body slightly, watching Nasida play, like an older brother watching his sister play.

A small boat floats on the lake,

Until a figure emerged from the forest beside the lake.

It was West Germany. At this time, he looked excited, but after seeing Wang Daoyi playing with Nasida,

He still suppressed his excitement and waited respectfully by the lake.

On the lake, the two people boating naturally saw West Germany's arrival.

"Dao Yi, let's go back, don't keep Xi De waiting."

Nasida knew how much West Germany admired Wang Daoyi.

If the two of them keep playing, West Germany will really wait respectfully.

"Okay, I'll play with you next time." Wang Daoyi also nodded. He saw the excitement on Xi De's face. He probably had something important to do.

After all, with West Germany's current habits, ordinary trivial matters would not bother him.

The two of them paddled back to the shore.

Sid came over immediately,

There was joy on his face.

"My God, Your Majesty Buyer." Syd saluted the two of them.

"It seems like something good happened." Wang Daoyi looked at West Germany and said with a smile.

After hearing Wang Daoyi's words, Xi De also smiled, and his split mouth could not be closed.

"Alright, my God, we have captured the remnants of Tanit."

"Huh? That's it?" Wang Daoyi frowned. Can the remnants of Tanit be considered an important matter?

Then Wang Dao changed his mind and his eyes flashed: "So, we are in the desert and have no enemies?"

After hearing Wang Daoyi’s question,

West Germany straightened his expression, showed a serious face, and knelt down on one knee: "My God, the flag of red sand has been planted in every oases in the desert. The people of the sand are bathed in your authority. You are the sun of the desert. , is also our God and King!”

Wang Dao raised his eyebrows, interestingly, West Germany's move was to make him wear a yellow robe.

He looked at Nacida who was holding his big hand. Sure enough, a smile appeared in Nacida's eyes.

Both gods could clearly see West Germany's little thoughts.

When Cid said this in front of Wang Daoyi and Nasida, he meant that Wang Daoyi was the only god in the desert, and Nasida was not a god recognized by the people of the sand.

He was declaring sovereignty for Wang Daoyi.

I have to say that West Germany’s move was idiotic.

He did not understand the close relationship between Wang Daoyi and Nasida, nor did he understand that Nasida was their ruler.

However, after West Germany made such an offensive move,

Neither Wang Daoyi nor Nasida made any scolding, nor did they mean to blame him.

Nacida is a kind and gentle god, and is ready to give the desert to Wang Daoyi. Naturally, she will not be angry because of West Germany's slight offense.

And Wang Daoyi, after gradually understanding the relationship between his people and gods, naturally would not blame a believer who only cares about himself.

"Oh, Sid, get up. My relationship with the God of Wisdom is far closer than you think. You don't need to do this."

West Germany's face turned slightly red after his little thought was revealed, but he still knelt on one knee and did not get up.

Nasida shook her head, stretched out her hand, and wisps of green light emerged, and helped Sid up: "I know what you mean, since you think Dao Yi is the god you want, then I will also support you. The idea is that the desert is a part of Xumi, and as the ruler of Xumi, I said that I recognized Dao Yi’s behavior, so naturally I will not break my promise.”

Sid lowered his head in shame, having a new understanding of Nasida's gentleness and kindness.

Based on his actions just now, even if Nasida killed him, it would be appropriate.

However, West Germany has no regrets in his heart. If he does it again, he will still do it.

The great Lord of Red Sand is his god, and the little girl in front of him, although West Germany respects him now and understands his gentleness and kindness, that is not what the people of the sand need, let alone what West Germany needs. Looking forward to it.

What the people of the sand want is a faith as bright as the sun.

Force, authority, power, dazzling, all flamboyant words are what the people of the sand want.

And Nacida was so gentle,

Perhaps the people of the sand would recognize her, but in front of Wang Daoyi, Nasida was still not attractive enough to the people of the sand.

"Get up, it won't happen again."

Wang Daoyi's voice floated past Xi De's ears. When Xi De raised his head, he only saw figures walking out hand in hand.

Feeling relieved, he quickly followed the two of them, falling one position behind. Then he heard the conversation between Wang Daoyi and Nasida,

"The desert is unified, Nacida, I need your formal edict to correct my identity as the Lord of the Desert."

"I know, I'll give it to you in a minute. Also, have you thought about your own title?"

"There are some names under consideration, but they have not been confirmed yet. I still have some doubts between authority and knowledge."

"That's it, then I can only issue the order using your real name first."

"No problem, it's just a formality anyway, for other rulers and demon gods to see, but between us, we don't need this at all."

The three of them walked out of the forest,

Not far from the forest, under the huge statue, groups of holy warriors were already waiting there.

For the "yellow robe and body" scene, West Germany had already prepared everything.

Sure enough, Wang Daoyi and Nasida appeared in front of these holy warriors just now.

Then they all bowed down and said: "Only you and your authority will last forever, my God."

"Okay, everyone, get up and don't block the way of His Majesty Buyer and I." Wang Daoyi waved his hand in displeasure and led Nasida forward, aiming at the towering statue of the god.

Nasida was held by Wang Daoyi's hand, feeling the joy and embarrassment in the other person's heart. She covered the corner of her mouth with her other little hand and smiled. She found it so interesting that Daoyi was actually embarrassed by these warriors. .

Wang Daoyi was indeed a little embarrassed, but it was not caused by these soldiers. He had long been accustomed to being worshiped by the people of the sand. How could he be embarrassed just by kneeling down to greet him?

What made him embarrassed was that Nasida was by his side.

I feel like I was discovered by my relatives and friends during my second year of high school.

Of course, it's just a little bit embarrassing.

He led Nasida and walked all the way under the statue. They sat on the large throne together. Nasida leaned against Wang Daoyi and looked at the throne and the statue curiously.

These things were more majestic and exquisite than what she had seen before.

Well, they are all Kawei’s little designs.

It must be said that Kawei is a true genius in architectural decoration design.

Sitting on the throne, Wang Dao looked at Nasida and saw that she was still looking at the things around her curiously.

Then he turned to the people below. Not only the Skeleton Warriors, but also the tribal leaders who had been annexed by Chisha and merged in were also gathered here.

A trace of satisfaction flashed in his eyes. At least these people seemed to be united.

Wang Dao opened his mouth and said loudly: "Now that the desert is unified, it does not mean that our battle is over. Whether it is the beasts and monsters in the desert wilderness, or the peeks from the north, we need to be more careful."

"The tribe will develop every oasis for open source. At the same time, it is imperative to control desertification."

"Food, weapons, education, production, there are many things waiting for you to do."

"The desert needs development, and force alone will never work. Therefore, the tribe needs to develop, and you also need to learn. If any of you can't keep up with the tribe's development speed, then, I'm sorry, give your position to a more suitable one. Man, study until you can take your place back.”

In the special system of Chisha, Wang Daoyi is not worried that this method of competition will lead to internal conflicts, or that any being in charge of divine power will not care about the opinions of the small bosses below.

After listening to Wang Daoyi's speech, some tribal leaders showed excited eyes. They were confident that they could keep up with the development speed of the tribe and gain more rights and power.

But there are also ordinary people who look worried. Their current status comes from their former tribe.

But now, Chisha has begun to eliminate tribal influence. A large number of people from each tribe have been dispersed and distributed, and the children of the tribe have been uniformly managed and taught.

Therefore, many of the rights in their hands have been deprived of themselves. If they even lose their identity as tribal leaders, then they really have nothing.

And these people, after seeing the speed of Chisha's development, obviously did not think that they could catch up with the running speed of this giant beast.

He casually glanced at the reactions of the people below and took in the expressions on many faces.

A disdainful smile appeared on the corner of Wang Daoyi's mouth,

During the rapid development of any force, some blood-sucking insects will be born.

These blood-sucking insects may have existed before and were absorbed.

It may also be that they were corrupted as their power continued to develop.

However, under the theocratic system, as long as Wang Daoyi himself does not degenerate or rot, then these blood-sucking insects can only watch themselves being crushed by the new system.

In Teyvat, the only one who can compete with the divine authority is another divine authority.

Or, the opposition of all the people, otherwise, the divine power can suppress all heresies.

Under Wang Daoyi's gaze, everyone prostrated: "Only you and your authority will last forever!"

Beside her, Nasida also withdrew her curious gaze at the statues, thrones, and surrounding temple buildings.

Under the gaze of everyone, the girl stood up from the throne, looked at Wang Daoyi, and then stretched out her hand to Wang Daoyi. A dim green light lit up in the palm of Nasida's hand.

With a smile, Wang Daoyi also stood up from the throne, and then squatted down slightly in front of Nasida, trying his best to let the girl look at him as level as possible.

He also stretched out his hand, and a shimmering golden light lit up in the palm of Wang Daoyi's hand. This was the embodiment of his soul, authority, and self.

"Wang Daoyi, Lord of Red Sand, are you willing to share my authority and protect this place for me, for Sumeru, and for the people of the desert?"

"Of course, I am willing to share your authority and provide protection for you, Xumi, and the people of the desert."

The smile on Nasida's little face became brighter and brighter: "Then, please accept my blessing, Lord of Red Sand. From now on, the desert will be your country, and the people of the sand will be your people. You will be with us. Together, I will protect Xumi and bless the people."

The green light in Nasida's little hand flew up and met with the light in Wang Dao's hand. The two merged and separated, turning into two golden and green rays of light, which returned to their hands respectively.

The divine contract is established,

From now on, Wang Daoyi will be the true Lord of Red Sand and the King of the Desert.

Even in front of other rulers, this identity will be recognized.

Feel the warmth that the golden green light brings to you,

When Wang Dao looked at Nasida, his eyes were filled with tenderness.

From now on, he and Nasida can be regarded as 'fellow Taoists'.

He and Nasida looked at each other, feeling each other's warmth, and then put away these thoughts.

Wang Daoyi looked at the prostrate people below: "Since you have witnessed this scene, you must remember this scene. I have formed an alliance with the Little Lucky Grass King. If one day I also fall, the only one who will lend a helping hand to you is, There is only Him and Him alone.”

Everyone is still prostrate,

Only West Germany raised his head slightly and looked at the little Lucky Grass King next to Wang Daoyi on the throne.

I didn’t understand and even resisted this rainforest god from the beginning.

Now full of gratitude, West Germany's inner emotions have changed a lot.

With gratitude, he bowed slightly to Nasida:

"Praise be to the Lord of great good fortune, great auspiciousness and wisdom!"

"Praise be to the Lord of great good fortune, great auspiciousness and wisdom!"

For a time, the sound of praise resounded throughout the temple.

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