Explorer of Teyvat

Chapter 365 [Shadow of the Former God King] (5k)

Three days later,

Big red sand sea·remote corner,

Nearly a hundred holy warriors surrounded this place.

In the middle of the crowd is Wang Daoyi, who is dressed in white clothes with gold trim.

Sitting in the center, Wang Dao took a look at the sky, and then said to the people waiting beside him: "Are you all ready?"

"Don't worry, the Earth Veins Suppression Stone and the suppression of the magic circle, unless a strong man personally destroys it, don't even think about moving the Earth Veins here today." Nicholas said calmly,

Although he didn't know why Wang Daoyi asked him to prepare these, he still tried his best to complete Wang Daoyi's request and suppress this area of ​​​​the earth.

"Well, okay, thank you very much." Wang Dao nodded.

"Ha." Nicholas smiled, and then said: "You are my master in name now, so you don't need to be so polite."

Wang Daoyi shook his head slightly, but still had a smile on his face: "I'm afraid that if I look back, Abedo will say that I oppressed you."

The only alchemist Chisha currently has is Nicored, so many alchemy needs are concentrated on him alone, and his workload can be called abuse.

However, Nicorette himself enjoyed it, he liked the feeling of being needed.

"With these earth-vein control stones and magic circles, plus the protection of Nicored and nearly a hundred holy warriors, lighting up the fifth life star should not be a big problem."

Previously, when Wang Daoyi lit up the fourth life star in Liyue, Zhongli called Mandrill to guard it.

And the situation at that time was indeed a bit dangerous.

According to Mandrill, after Wang Daoyi entered the False Heaven, an inexplicable fluctuation affected the ground of Tianheng Mountain, causing various monsters to attack Wang Daoyi, and finally even the resentment of the demon god appeared.

Later, when Wang Daoyi smoothed the Tianheng Mountain's ground veins, he did find abnormalities in the ground veins.

So, when preparing to light up the fifth life star in the desert,

Wang Daoyi began to prepare various things to suppress the earth lineage.

The Earth Vein Suppressing Stone, the Earth Vein Magic Formation, plus the Holy Skeleton Warrior, Nicored, these combined should be enough to protect him from lighting up the fifth life star.

"Nicholed, I want to enter the False Heaven. There may be abnormalities in the earth veins for a while. Please control the stone and the magic circle to suppress the earth veins. The soldiers will protect this place and don't let the monsters have a chance to get close."

Nicorette: "Don't worry, it's no problem."

Soldiers: "Yes, my god."

Nodding slightly, Wangdao waved his hand,

On top of the yellow sand, a rock platform slowly rose, supporting Wang Daoyi's body.

Closing his eyes and thinking, his mind once again came to the abyss-like starry sky.

He set off towards the Explorer's Seat in a familiar manner, quickly passing by the groups of Fate Seats of different shapes.

Maybe he has given up, or maybe he is planning a big one.

The dark chains composed of black squares did not appear next to Wang Daoyi.

It didn't even appear within his range of perception.

All the way to the Explorer Seat,

Like a bust holding a book in both hands, Wang Daoyi's seat of destiny gradually became brighter. When Wang Daoyi came closer, it was already shining brightly, and the shining light made the surroundings appear darker.

Feeling the cordiality coming from the seat of destiny, Wang Daoyi's eyes were not filled with joy, but rather a little surprised.

The maintainer behind False Sky has never come out to stop him. This is not right.

It's like you know you are violating the rules, but the law enforcers turn a blind eye to you.

This kind of counterintuitive thing often represents a greater danger hidden behind it.


At this point, Wang Daoyi cannot retreat.

"Since you don't come out, I won't be polite."

Stretching out his finger, a little light bloomed, pointing towards the dim fifth life star on the seat of life,

On the seat of destiny, the fifth destiny star vibrated slightly, and a ray of light was born inside, wanting to respond to Wang Daoyi's enlightenment.

As his finger got closer and closer to the fifth life star, Wang Daoyi became more and more vigilant in his heart, and his perception was fully activated, guarding against the dark chains that might suddenly appear from the void at any time.

However, nothing unusual happened until Wang Dao touched the fifth life star with his finger.

Seeing the fifth life star shining brightly, Wang Daoyi became increasingly puzzled.

"Is this... the maintainer resigned to his fate? Or is there some factor that I don't know about involved?"

Various thoughts circulated in Wang Daoyi's mind,

And his eyes were looking at the picture projection in the fifth life star,

It was in front of a huge golden throne,

A thin figure is looking at the nothingness in front of him,

And in the void in front of the thin figure, other pictures appeared,

It was a garden of roses, and three beings wearing crowns were communicating.

Then one of the beings noticed the thin figure peeping at him and shook his head. Finally, the picture was damaged,

The thin figure came back to his senses, and a faint light appeared in front of him.

Wang Daoyi knew that the thin figure was himself, and these scenes were the scenes where he gained authority in the Red King's Hall of Appearance.

The scenes flowed, and scenes of what Wang Daoyi had done in the desert appeared in it,

The scene of transforming into the image of the Red King and granting liberation to the last Red King believer,

Control the scene where a sandstorm sweeps across the desert,

The scene of establishing the Red Sand Tribe Alliance,

Scenes of building statues of gods and spreading authority,

Until three days ago, Wang Daoyi and Nasida signed a divine contract with each other.

Before Wang Dao could react, countless scenes and pictures gathered together and exploded.

An illusory figure appeared in front of him.

He has white hair, golden eyes, and a crown on his head. He has a heroic temperament and a cold expression, and his whole body is filled with a sense of majesty.

".Red King."

Looking at the illusory figure in front of him, Wang Dao condensed his eyes and spoke out his identity.

While Wang Daoyi was looking at the 'Red King', the other party was also looking at him.

The illusive figure of the ‘Red King’ became more and more solid, as if this ancient god-king was about to return from time.

"Long time no see, my successor, my brother, my heir."

The solemnity in Wang Dao's eyes disappeared, replaced by a look of confusion.

Heirs, even brothers, Wang Daoyi can understand,

But what the hell are heirs?

"You seem confused?"

"Of course I am confused. I have inherited your authority. If you say you are a successor, I agree. I have learned your form. If you say we are brothers, I can understand."

Wang Dao's eyes were filled with doubts and a hint of resistance, "But, son, I can't understand this word. Do you and I have anything to do with each other?"

The 'Red King' looked at Wang Daoyi, his eyes became more and more satisfied, and the wisps of admiration almost overflowed from his eyes.

"Of course it does matter. The moment you accept my gift, you will be my heir."

'Red King' nodded, then looked at Wang Daoyi's strange expression, and suddenly laughed out loud: "Hahahaha, what are you thinking about? Don't use mortal thinking to think about the words of gods. In the eyes of gods, about heirs. The definition is not that narrow.”

"You have inherited my authority, my form, and even my people, so why can't you be called my heir?"

Wang Daoyi was stunned. Was this the original explanation?

However, after hearing this explanation, his resistance to the word "heir" was no longer so great.

According to Red King's statement, it is nothing more than an alternative inheritance of incense.

It is similar to the ancient meaning of the eldest brother having lost his incense and adopting a second wife.

"I see, I am indeed narrow-minded." Wang Dao nodded, and then looked at the phantom of the Red King in front of him, "But why do you appear here?"

Although he agreed with what the 'Red King' said, it didn't mean that Wang Dao wouldn't be wary of him.

This is the sky of falsehood, and it is even next to the seat of my destiny.

An existence at the level of a god king, an existence that had been promised to disappear, suddenly appeared here, and Wang Daoyi's inner vigilance was already full.

"It is a good thing to be vigilant, but there is no need to be so with me. What is standing in front of you now is just the information I left in the World Tree, not the real Red King."

His words were a bit harsh. On the one hand, he believed that he was the Red King, but on the other hand, he denied that he was the real Red King.

However, Wang Daoyi can understand that the other party's current state is like the Great Merciful Tree King in the secret realm of the World Tree.

The real Great Mercy Tree King has died long ago, and what is left in the World Tree are the last remnants of the Great Mercy Tree King.

The Red King in front of him was probably in the same state.

"Then why are you here?"

"Of course I'm here for you. My successor, can you tell me how is the Great Red Sand Sea now?" Scarlet King Xuying looked at Wang Daoyi and asked, with a trace of nostalgia in his eyes.

"It's not that good. After your death, later generations distorted history and regarded the rain forest as an enemy. The Great Red Sand Sea Dynasty stood up and then fell apart. The civilization level of the people of the sand plummeted."

Wang Daoyi described the evolution of the desert over thousands of years,

The Red King listened quietly without any expression on his face, as if he had expected it.

for a long time,

"Oh, yes, at least they reproduced and survived."

The Red King's shadow showed no sympathy for the miserable situation of the people of the sand. Instead, he smiled.

"You don't seem to care about them?" Wang Daoyi felt that King Chi did not feel uncomfortable.

The Red King looked at him strangely, then shook his head, denying Wang Daoyi's statement: "How is it possible? They are my people. I naturally love them. If I don't love them, I will not choose myself." Sacrificed."

Wang Daoyi: "."

Seeing the way Wang Dao hesitated to speak, the Red King knew what the person in front of him was thinking.

However, the reason is a long story, and the Red King is not ready to tell it.

After hesitating for a while, he slowly spoke: "He once told us the secret of the sky. He predicted that I would have the most rebellious thoughts, and I also predicted that He would plot against me."

"Who made me fall in love with Him so much?"

Wang Dao's eyes were filled with curiosity and an uncontrollable desire to explore: "Is he the King of Flowers? What is your plan?"

The Red King did not answer, as if he was remembering something. He was silent for a moment, and then looked at Wang Daoyi again, and then asked: "My successor, what do you think the gods are like to humans? What about existence?”

I don’t know why Red King can change the topic so abruptly.

However, Wang Daoyi thought for a while and still answered the question: "God, for people, is sustenance, faith, and an existence that provides them with protection."

This is the answer Wang Daoyi came to after a long encounter after coming to Teyvat.

The people of Mondstadt placed their faith in Barbatos, and under his protection, they obtained freedom, although they pretended that it was the freedom that the people of Mondstadt fought for themselves.

The people of Liyue placed their faith in Morax, and under his protection, they achieved prosperity, although the emperor always said that the prosperity was created by the people of Liyue themselves.

Even Inazuma was full of vitality after General Raiden returned to the right path.

Therefore, Wang Daoyi believes that gods are sustenance, belief and existence for people.

"In your eyes, do gods and humans exist like this?"

The Red King nodded slowly, and then a trace of madness suddenly appeared in his eyes: "So, what if I tell you that the so-called [God] is superfluous from the beginning?"

"." Wang Daoyi was silent for a while, then raised his head, "I think you mean, people can live well without God, right?"

The Red King nodded, and this statement was partly what he meant.

"In my opinion, no matter what can exist for a long time and does not die, then it has a reason for its existence."

"Whether it is gods or humans, since they have existed in this world for so long, gods have not died, and humans have not become extinct, which means that the current ecosystem can be maintained."

"So, maybe people can live without gods, but with gods, people can also continue to survive."

Speaking of this, Wang Daoyi knew that he had not convinced the Red Crowned King when he saw the expressionless look on his face.

However, King Chi didn't seem to be angry. He just nodded calmly: "So that's what you think. Anyway, our ideas haven't been unified yet. So, you just need to listen to the next words. No. Need to think deeply.”

"I won't tell you the specific process of my plan. Let's put it this way. This country at that time was managed by three gods: me, the King of Flowers, and the King of Trees. The King of Trees was keen on opening up the rainforest, and the people here It’s basically managed by Kao and I.”

"Kao and I believed that the so-called [gods] were redundant from the beginning, so the two of us formulated a plan, [using God's lies as the main body and the destruction of the lies as an opportunity to completely separate mortals from God's will.] "

A flash of shock flashed in Wang Dao's eyes: "God's lies are shattered."

His mind flashed, and many things were connected by him.

Scarlet King Xuying stopped talking and looked at Wang Daoyi: "It seems that you have understood something."

Wang Dao nodded, he really understood.

Whether it was the fall of the Red King or the fall of the Kao, it was something that these two gods had prepared for a long time ago.

Kao guided Red King on the path of resisting the sky, and left some messages to Red King, and then he calmly embarked on the road to death.

Then the Red King used Kao's death as an excuse to unite all the forces in the desert. Whether it was the Kao's subordinates Zhenling, or the humans who once believed in Kao, they all belonged to the Red King.

Then, King Chi made up a lie again,

It is the [Eternal Oasis]. This lie allows the forces belonging to Kao to still be closely united and not to be divided.

After that, the Red King deceived his people again and again, leading them into the abyss of madness until the end.

In the end, it was the pollution of forbidden knowledge and the self-sacrifice of the Red King,

The people of the desert remembered the Red King and the Kao, and fell deeply in love with these two gods. They looked for opportunities for their resurrection again and again in the lies left by the Red King.

But they were disappointed again and again. In the cycle of hope-searching-disappointment, the people of the sand would slowly and completely turn their love for the gods into disappointment, and finally abandon this desperate faith.

And they who have been deceived by gods will naturally no longer believe in other gods.

In this way, the concept of "God was redundant from the beginning" naturally planted seeds in the hearts of the desert people.

The people of the desert have developed all the way to the present. Before Wang Daoyi came to the desert, the people of the desert did not believe in gods.

It can be said that Red King and Kao are almost successful,

The people of the desert no longer need the blessing of gods to survive.

But they also failed, because all this was based on the kindness of King Daci Shu,

If the former King of the Great Merciful Tree was not here, and the current King of the Little Lucky Grass was not here,

The people of the desert will still not have a good life. They do not believe in gods and do not have Kanreia's superb skills. They can only engage in violent causes and cannot break through the blockade of the Order. It is inevitable that they will gradually die out.

And the arrival of Wang Daoyi,

It not only destroyed the path that the Red King and the Kao wanted the desert people to take, but also introduced divine power into the hearts of the desert people again.

The desire for faith that had been missing for thousands of years made these people of sand become extremely firm in their faith in Wang Daoyi after seeing Wang Daoyi bring them a good life.

Well, in a sense, the Red King and the Kao used their lives to awaken the people of the sand. As a result, Wang Dao slapped the newly born light of awakening out one by one, and then enveloped it again with the radiance of divine power. People of the desert.

Yes, Wang Daoyi can be said to be reversing the course of history.

"Your and Kao's concepts are a bit too time-consuming."

Wang Daoyi couldn't help but shook his head: "I think it is not advisable to let the people go through the so-called awakening when food and clothing cannot be guaranteed."

"If what they are facing is already desperate and cannot get worse, then they should naturally break and then stand up. However, in my opinion, the original situation was far from that desperate."

Red King: "."

It wasn't that he had nothing to say and was refuted by Wang Daoyi, but that he understood that Wang Daoyi couldn't convince him, and he couldn't convince Wang Daoyi either.

This is the difference brought about by basic cognition.

Both people are right, and at the same time, both people are wrong.

【God always loves people! 】

This sentence is vividly reflected in Red King and Kao.

In order to awaken their people, they can even abandon their own lives.

But God’s other face, arrogance, is also vividly reflected in them,

They gave their people what they thought was right, but completely ignored whether the people really wanted it, so that the people of the desert experienced a thousand years of destruction.

Isn't this a kind of arrogance of God?

Silent for a long time,

The Red King suddenly smiled and shook his head slightly: "Hahahaha, it doesn't matter, I have fallen and am no longer their god. These things should not be considered by me anymore."

"Take care of your people, newborn authoritarian lord."

As he spoke, the Red King raised his hand, and a little light shone on his fingertips,

"In the name of the Red Gold Authority Lord Amon, I will pass it on to you. I hope you will take charge of the authority, protect your people, and live up to your trust!"

Amon is the real name of the Red King. Akhmar is not the real name of the Red King, but the name of a god or a posthumous name given by later generations.

Standing opposite the Red King, looking into his sincere red-gold eyes, the king's blessing reaches his soul.

He also stretched out his hand, and the authority and authority deep in his soul slowly emerged,

"I accept your inheritance in the name of the Master of the Mystic Law. I will wield authority, protect my people, and live up to my expectations!"

Some of the opinions in this chapter are taken from Lin Xiyou, the boss of Miyoushe

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