Explorer of Teyvat

Chapter 393 Shadow of Istaru (5k) (two updates due)

Hearing the old dragon lizard talk about the abyss being a person from the abyss,

"Huh?" Pamon exclaimed from the side.

Ying Ye looked at Yushang warily, and the radiance of the elements began to shine on the sword in his hand.

"Oh, don't fight. I'm just looking for a book. If we have that book, our Abyss Cult can prove that [the gods] and Sky Island are indeed foreign things. Unfortunately, I didn't find the book. I'll follow you down and have a look. I didn't expect there to be so many interesting dragon lizards here."

"Book, what book?" Paimon didn't hear the word "Abyss Order" in Yushang's words at all. Instead, his attention was attracted by the book Yushang said.

"Ha, that is a book that records the history of the White Night Kingdom before the establishment of the Great Sun Palace. It is a very long history. The only thing I know is that Orochi was sentenced by Sky Island because he accidentally read this book. death penalty."

"Unfortunately, I didn't find this book in the library, nor did I find it in Dainichi Yuyu."

Fuchigami said in a very pityful tone.

Beside, Paimon suddenly looked angry: "So, you really deceived us!"

"Ahem, that can't be said to be a lie. I am indeed a clerk sent here, but I was not sent by the Coral Palace. I am indeed translating documents, but it has nothing to do with the trial. I am indeed a A scholar, and turned into a monster with the element of fire.”

Fuchshang said with a smile, these are the words he once said to Ying and Paimon.

They are all half true and half false.

The next moment, Yuanshang's body glowed with red light and transformed into a tall figure suspended in the air.

Abyss Chanter·Abyss Fire.

"Aren't we Bible readers called [singers] by you?"

Ying took a step forward, protected Paimeng behind him, and then looked at the apostle of the abyss, Abyss Fire: "Are you, the monster of the abyss, going to compete with us?"

The tall fiery red monster shook his head quickly. He looked at Wang Daoyi and showed a hint of flattery: "No, don't get me wrong. It's too impolite to fight in front of His Highness."

"Showing this body is just to prove that I didn't lie. I am really a monster of fire." Even though he turned into the apostle of the abyss, he still spoke in the same tone as the abyss, but it was a little duller.

"Humph, what nonsense are you talking about? What does Dao Yi have to do with you?" Paimon had already hid behind Ying and questioned loudly,

Wang Dao nodded and smiled: "Yes, I have nothing to do with you cultists of the abyss. Whether you like to fight or not has nothing to do with me."

The Abyss Chanter was stunned for a moment, then nodded: "Is that so? I understand, then [His Highness]'s blood relative, Traveler, let me try your strength."

With that said, the Abyss Chanter waved his hand, and several portals opened, and the Abyss Mages emerged one after another.

"Go, my servant, and defeat the Traveler."

Probably because he was afraid that some Abyss mage would attack Wang Daoyi because he didn't have the foresight, Abyss specifically pointed at Ying and gave an order.

[After a battle that was not too difficult. 】

Easily defeated Yuan Shang,

"Stop fighting, stop fighting, if you hit me again I will die." The tall flame monster waved his hand, with wounds all over his body.

Ying looked at the apostles of the abyss in front of her speechlessly. She had met many apostles of the abyss during her journey, but like Abyss, this was her first time.

After seeing Ying stop,

Yuan Shang regained a little breath and floated again: "Forget it, think about it, the book won't be on you, the package is full of cabbage, animal meat and mint, I really don't know what you are doing with so many of these things. "

Fuchikami, who doesn't need to eat, can no longer understand this normal adventurer behavior.

"Seeing that I failed, we all learned some lessons. Don't trust others so easily next time." After saying this, Yuan glanced at Wang Daoyi, then subconsciously withdrew his gaze and looked at Paimon. , "For example, the little guy around you might betray you in the future."

Paimon angrily floated in the air and stamped his feet, then crossed his arms: "You guy, why are you sowing discord!"

Ying smiled, not caring about Yuan Shang's provocation at all, and looked at Paimon: "Paimon will not betray me. After all, she has nothing to betray."

Fuchsami shook his head: "Oh, haven't you learned your lesson at all?"

"That's all, the chatting time is almost over, so I left here." Yuyou's purple portal appeared behind Yuan Shang, and then he looked at Wang Daoyi, "Your Highness, I look forward to our next meeting."

Wang Daoyi raised his eyebrows: "I hope you can give me some surprises next time."

"Of course." Yuanshang nodded, moved his body back, and disappeared into the portal.

After Yuan Shang left,

Wang Daoyi once again looked at the old dragon lizard who had just hid aside: "Well, now that I know that Abyss is spying here, he may be able to help your people leave here. Now, do you still insist on letting me take away some of the dragon lizards? ?”

The topic was changed back to Wang Dao, and the words Ying wanted to ask came to his lips and he swallowed them back.

Ying just watched the interaction between Yuan Shang and Wang Daoyi, and she actually had a lot of doubts in her heart. But when she saw Wang Daoyi talking to the old dragon lizard, she temporarily suppressed her doubts.

Beside, the old dragon lizard heard Wang Daoyi's words and nodded his huge head without any hesitation: "Of course, I would rather the children follow you than the filthy abyss."

Listening to the hoarse voice, Wang Daoyi nodded slightly: "In that case, let your tribe come over."

As soon as Wang Daoyi said these words, the old dragon lizard's eyes clearly showed a look of ecstasy.

"Ho, ho~" It turned around and roared behind it.

The next moment, several roars came from the distance, and several mature dragon lizards swam over from a distance with dozens of dragon lizard babies.

These alien dragon lizards came behind the old dragon lizard and looked at Wang Daoyi with fearful and curious eyes.

"Your Highness." The old dragon lizard looked at these alien dragon lizards, and then lowered his head to Wang Daoyi.

Wang Dao took a step forward,

"Are you willing to follow me, be loyal to me, fight for me, live for me, and die for me?"

Faced with Wang Daoyi's words of contract, both the mature dragon lizards and the young ones lowered their heads to signal their submission.

Seeing this, Wang Daoyi smiled: "In that case, don't resist."

He reached out and wiped it on his waist, and the Chensong pot appeared in his hand.

"I will send you to the Immortal Cave, and you will go to sleep directly after entering. When I return to my [country], I will find you a place to recuperate."

Hearing this, many dragon lizards curled up in a ball obediently, which was their dormant posture.

Wang Daoyi was not polite and put them all into the Chensong Pot.

"I hope A Yuan doesn't mind." Putting the last dragon lizard willing to leave with him into the pot, Wang Daoyi had a thought in his mind.

First, there was the Divine Body of Bazha, and then there was the Deep Sea Dragon Lizard. Ah Yuan was distracted in his pot, which can be regarded as a disaster.

"Okay, is there anything else?" Wang Dao looked at the old dragon lizard and asked again.

The old dragon lizard prostrated in front of Wang Daoyi: "Thank you for your kindness, Your Highness, can you give me your name? We will remember your kindness."

"Name? Ha, you can call me - [Lord of Mysteries of Inheritance]."

The old dragon lizard's head drooped even more: "Praise you, the great Lord of the Mysteries of Inheritance."

Wang Dao nodded, naturally accepting the old dragon lizard's praise, and then looked at Ying on the side: "It seems that you also have a lot of things you want to ask me. It doesn't matter. Let's go up first. I will tell you what I can." Let me explain to you slowly.”

Ying nodded.

Amid the worship of many alien dragon lizards, the three of them took the triangular elevator upwards.

Yes, the triangular 'elevator' can go back and forth, otherwise the previous trial warriors would not be able to fly.

Watching Wang Dao and others leave,

The old dragon lizard slowly raised his head and looked to the side: "Come out, apostle of the abyss, the breath of the void is really disgusting."

"Hehehehe, you old dragon lizard is really interesting. I thought you really surrendered to His Highness." Purple light flashed, and Yuan Shang appeared on the central platform again.

"Hmph, His Highness is willing to accept my heir, so what's the problem with me kneeling in front of him." The old dragon lizard snorted coldly, and then looked towards the abyss, "Tell me, cultivator of the abyss, Whatever you want, what can you give us?"

"Hahaha, it is indeed the last pure water dragon lizard. Even if its bloodline has been contaminated, it still has such courage. In this case, our cooperation seems to be possible."

[The abyss thing named Abyss and the old dragon lizard began their conspiracy]

the other side,

Wang Daoyi, Ying and Paimon returned to the entrance.

The Eternal Spirit who was originally responsible for the ritual is no longer there. It seems that after completing the ritual, he has completed his mission and started waiting for the next summons.

Seeing that the eternal spirit had disappeared, Ying didn't care. She looked at Wang Daoyi curiously: "Just now, did Yuan Shang and that dragon lizard call you [His Royal Highness]?"

In fact, this was not the first time Ying heard this title. A long time ago, she heard the apostle of the abyss call her brother "His Royal Highness."

"Ahem, don't think too much. My [His Royal Highness] is different from your brother's. They call me [Your Highness] because I am only the last step left to become a god." Wang Dao explained to Ying. He said, "Whether it's the abyss chanter on the abyss or the old dragon lizard, they have all been in contact with the gods, so they can feel something about me, but they don't know my name."

"So, compared to ordinary titles like you and me, calling me [Your Highness] is their best choice."

As he spoke, Wang Daoyi suddenly smiled: "Haha, if you want to know more specifically, you can go to Mondstadt and ask Mona. Mona also calls me [Your Highness]."

"Huh? Daoyi, do you still know Mona?" Paimeng looked at Wang Daoyi curiously.

"Does even Mona call you that?" Ying also looked curious.

In fact, in the eyes of Ying and Paimon, apart from the impression of "no money", the rest of Mona was mysterious. Her magical water fortune made a deep impression on them.

"Then the exchange between you and Yuan Shang just now, it seems that you have known each other before?" Ying raised a second doubt.

Wang Dao nodded: "That's true. Before this time, I had met him in Yuanxia Palace. However, he posed no threat to me, and his words were quite interesting, so I didn't take action against him."

"Is that it?" Ying didn't believe it.

Wang Daoyi raised his eyebrows and looked at Ying: "Otherwise, do you think there will be any cooperation between Abyss and I?"

Hearing Wang Daoyi's rhetorical question, Ying waved her hands quickly: "No, no, I'm just curious."

She realized that her inquiry just now was a bit presumptuous. It sounded like she was questioning the cooperation between Wang Daoyi and Abyss.

So she quickly ignored the topic: "By the way, you just said you wanted my help. What kind of favor did you mean?"

Wang Daoyi didn't care when he changed the subject: "That's it. I hope you can help me transform the Great Sun Yuyu into a permanent night state."

"Huh? Is that it? Can't Dao Yi use the Wheel of the Sun and Moon?"

"Of course not. The Great Sun Yuyu is a very delicate device. If I were asked to destroy it, I can do it easily, but the time required to bypass the switch and control it may not be what I am willing to pay."

Ying nodded thoughtfully: "Oh, okay then, let's go over there and I'll convert it to Changye for you."

With that said, he walked towards the suspended stairs to help Wang Dao change it to Changye.

Looking at the hurried look, he didn't know whether it was because he was a little embarrassed for questioning Wang Daoyi just now, or because he was anxious to return to Haiji Island to hand in the task, so he quickened his pace.

Smiling and following Ying's footsteps, the two of them arrived at the switch of the Great Sun Yuyu.

Ying reached out and touched the switch. The next moment, the wheel of the sun and moon above rotated rapidly, the vast light elements were restrained, and the Yuanxia Palace fell into darkness.

Wang Daoyi's eyes lit up immediately, and he felt the call.

Sure enough, it was only at night that the call could be felt.

Following the call from his heart, Wang Daoyi raised his head with some surprise in his eyes.

"So, the source of the call I've been looking for for a long time is actually in the Sun and Moon Wheel of the Great Sun Yuyu?"

He could clearly sense that the call came from the wheel of the sun and moon emitting endless light in front of his head.

With a thought in his mind, Wang Daoyi looked at Ying and Paimeng beside him: "Ying, I may have to deal with something. If you can't wait for me, you can leave first."

"Hey, is that so?" Ying thought for a while, and then said, "Forget it, Paimon and I still have many places to explore, and the treasures in Yuanxia Palace are still waiting for us. So, I'll go back and collect them first." Give the Blood Branch Coral to Luzi, and then come back and have a look. I found a lot of anchor points here, which should still be usable."

Wang Dao nodded: "Okay, when I finish my work, I will find a way to find you."

After saying that, Wang Dao flew towards the sun and moon wheel above his head.

Coming to the target, with a curious look in his eyes, Wang Daoyi stretched out his hand and touched the Sun and Moon Wheel.

Unlike the previous refusal of Wang Daoyi's visit when the light element bloomed, this time Wang Daoyi easily saw the existence inside the Wheel of the Sun and Moon.

A heart of God that exudes an inexplicable aura?

That's right, what appeared in Wang Daoyi's perception was an existence similar to the Heart of God he had seen before.

Although the God's Heart is different from the God's Heart of Wind, Rock, and Thunder, the aura on it is indeed similar to the God's Heart.

"It's unbelievable."

With a hint of wonder, Wang Daoyi closed his eyes and used all his strength to analyze this specious 'Heart of God'.

Below, Ying looked at Wang Daoyi closing his eyes and reaching out to touch the Wheel of the Sun and the Moon. He felt a little confused and shook his head: "Paimeng, let's go first and give the things to Luzi to solve the [Holy Soil Transformation] question, and then come down to find the treasure.”

Paimon looked excited: "Okay, look for the treasure, look for the treasure, Ying, can I eat more if you find the treasure?"


Three hundred thousand molas a month is not enough for you, right?

Ying and Paimon left talking and laughing.

And Wang Daoyi, who used his spiritual thoughts to contact the "Heart of God", finally "saw" the existence calling him.

A hazy figure is curled up in the 'Heart of God'.

As if aware of someone peeping, the hazy figure stretched out its body and made a humane stretching movement.

"Looks like he's been sleeping for a long time." The hazy figure said softly, and then turned his eyes to the side.

Wang Daoyi could feel that the other party's gaze directly passed through his mind and looked at his body.

"Hello, Wang Daoyi, Lord of Red Sand, or in other words, Master of the Secret of Chengfa." The hazy figure waved to Wang Daoyi from the outside world, as if seeing an old friend.

Wang Daoyi looked solemn and looked at the figure in front of him without responding to the other party's greeting.

"Huh? You seem to be very wary of me." The hazy figure was not angry when Wang Daoyi didn't respond to him, and there was even a hint of smile in his tone.

Wang Daoyi was silent for a while and then said: "So, are you the ruler of time?"

"The ruler of time? Oh, I should be, or in other words, I am a little bit of aura left here by Him. Well, just like the distraction crystal you once gave to the traveler, it is part of the body, but it is not Ontology.”

The hazy figure said.

Wang Dao nodded, which was in line with his guess. After all, the power contained in the hazy figure in front of him was too weak.

Wang Daoyi could feel that he could even erase him easily.

"Huh? Are you thinking of erasing me? Don't do this. It's not easy for the real body to keep me. It's because of the cover of the Great Sun Yuyu that most of the power has been dispersed, so I'm left here."

Wang Dao was stunned for a moment: "I didn't want to erase you. How should I call you?"

He didn't expect that the other party could sense the thoughts that flashed through his heart.

"Do you want to call me? The Great God of Eternity, Cairos, Istaru, you can do it. Or, if you like, you can call me the Ruler of Time." The hazy figure didn't seem to care about his name, "I don't As for the individual name, you can call me whatever you want to call the body."

"Your Majesty Istar, I finally see you."

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