Explorer of Teyvat

Chapter 394 [The Power of Time] (5k) (The monthly ticket is due three times, and it will be paid sta

"Your Majesty Istar, I finally...see you."

There was finally a trace of uneasiness in Wang Daoyi's tone.

Istaru, the ruler of time, is the [higher level power] that appears most frequently in Wang Dao Yi’s journey. Wang Dao Yi has too many questions to ask him.

Whatever the temple of Mondstadt,

Inazuma’s sacred cherry blossoms,

Even Alhaysen of Sumeru,

He had questions to ask Istaru.

"Your mood fluctuates a lot. Are you so excited to see me?" Istaru's Shadow looked at Wang Daoyi and said with a smile.

Excited? Of course excited!

"Your existence, to me, is no less than when I first met King Daci Shu." Wang Daoyi replied respectfully.

"King of the Great Merciful Tree, you are truly a great, kind and wise goddess." The shadow of Istaru also praised the Great Merciful Tree King.

Wang Daoyi immediately followed the words of Istaru's Shadow and asked: "Your Majesty, when the Great Ci Tree King cleared away the forbidden knowledge, did you also take action?"


The shadow of Istaru was stunned for a moment, and then looked at Wang Daoyi with interest: "Why do you ask?"

"As the last Heavenly Ruler active on Teyvat, I feel that you will not turn a blind eye to something as important as forbidden knowledge." Wang Daoyi said.

After the original came, he defeated the seven ancient kings of terror, and created flowers, birds, fish and insects with his own shadow, and finally created today's human beings.

The original four shadows are the original rulers of heaven, namely life, death, time, and space.

Istaru is the ruler of time.

Theoretically speaking, in the system of heavenly principles, Istaru's status is higher than that of the Seven Gods today.

Therefore, when forbidden knowledge pollutes the world, there is no reason why only the Great Ci Tree King takes action while the Ruler of Time is still watching the show.

Unless, the original ruling of time has been weak to a certain extent, or even fallen.

Shadow of Istaru was silent for a moment, and then said: "During the disaster of the Red King, the Great Ci Tree King did use part of his time to clear away forbidden knowledge. However, that was not my power, but the Great Ci Tree King's. At the expense of his own growth, he reversed time and gained great power."

"What about the second disaster of Camria?" Wang Daoyi asked.

"The second disaster of Camria. It was a really difficult battle." The shadow of Istaru seemed to be recalling something, but did not give any more information, "[Nabu Mary] Kata] Sure enough, I guessed everything right, it’s really interesting.”

"Sorry, regarding the second disaster of forbidden knowledge, I did not cast my sights on the Sumeru area at that time. At that time, another goddess asked me for help." The shadow of Istaru said.

Wang Dao's eyes lit up. If this was the case, it seemed that there was an answer to another matter.

"So, you were on the main battlefield at that time, or at Inazuma, right?"

The shadow of Istaru paused for a moment, then nodded: "Yes, you are very smart. At that time, Kanria had already touched the final bottom line. In desperation, we could only choose to destroy it, and there During the battle, Baal made a request to me, hoping that I could grant him some more power as a certificate to reverse the future of Inazuma."

Wang Daoyi smiled, and sure enough, he was right.

Back then, Raikage was able to reverse time and space and plant the sacred cherry tree five hundred years ago because he borrowed the power of Istaru.

And this power came from Baal, the Raiden Zhen, who asked Istaru in advance a long time ago.

Perhaps Leiden really hid the power of time in his sword,

He had accurately calculated Lei Qingqing's attachment to him, and predicted that Lei Qingqing would bring his saber with him.

When Raiden finds his true path, the last consciousness hidden in the saber will use the power of time to help Raiden reverse time and space, plant the sacred cherry blossoms five hundred years ago, and fight for five years for Ina Wife after the dark disaster. A hundred years of time.

I have to say that Wang Daoyi was a little shocked. Each of these gods could predict what would happen hundreds of years later.

What's even more frightening is that after seeing the future, they can still choose to die calmly.

"Sometimes I lament that the gods were obviously born after me, but their wisdom often amazes me. It seems that they are the gods who can see the future, and I am just a fool of time."

"Baal is like this, the Great Ci Tree King is like this, and Nabu Malikata is also like this. Each of them has seen the future and faced the future calmly."

"Perhaps, [Original] had already anticipated everything when he made the rules of [Demon God's Lover]."

The shadow of Istaru let out bursts of sighs of emotion.

He stood above time and witnessed the fall of many demon gods.

Among them, dying for [people] is the most critical choice for most demon gods.

Thinking about it, the shadow of Istaru was a little silent. Not to mention those demon gods, even he himself took the current path for [people].

Wang Daoyi was also a little silent. He had only been in Teyvat for two years. Although he had experienced a lot, if he was allowed to die for [people] now,

Wang Daoyi thought for a while and shook his head, thinking that he must not be able to do it.

He also [loves people], but he loves himself more now.

As for what will happen in the future, Wang Daoyi doesn’t know.

However, he knew that the existence in front of him might become clear.

"Your Majesty, I met your altar and your sacrifice at the bottom of Yuanxia Palace."

Wang Dao opened his mouth and said.

The Shadow of Istaru nodded: "I know this. This country fell from the human world during the second war. At that time, the war was over, and the original and other heavenly rulers fell into sleep. The sky could not respond here. people, and their voices echoed through time, and finally, I responded to them.”

"And then something happened. The main body left me behind in the Imperial Palace of the Sun, but my eyes never turned to this side again."

Wang Daoyi: "Is what happened related to Sky Island?"

The Shadow of Istaru nodded: "There is some relationship. In short, Tianli started the war between demons and gods later, and the main body had no time to take care of this. Finally, when the idol fell into the abyss, it gained a little strength to solidify the idol and the altar. Above the abyss."

Wang Dao nodded. In this case, he had almost clarified some of the context.

At first, the ancestors of the White Night Kingdom fell from the human world because of the second war.

Then they struggled to survive in this space, constantly praying to the gods in the sky, but the sky was unable to respond to them because of the war. Finally, Istaru, the ruler of time, heard them in the echo of time. Their prayers were answered.

With the help of Istaru, the people of White Night Kingdom finally built the Great Sun Yuyu, successfully completing the cycle of self-sufficiency.

Then Tianli woke up and for unknown reasons started the Demon War.

And because of the fluctuations of the Demon God War, Istaru no longer had time to take care of the White Night Kingdom. The White Night Kingdom began to decay, until the top management gave up their belief in the governance of time, and the idols fell into the abyss, until the arrival of the big snake overthrew the decay again. The regime ushered in the Haiji era.

On the ground, after the Demon God War ended, the Seven Kingdoms confirmed their master.

Then, under the guidance of the Flower God, the Red King came into contact with forbidden knowledge, which eventually caused a disaster. At the same time, the Flower God fell.

In order to quell the disaster, King Daci Shu reversed time and gained powerful power at the expense of his own growth. At the same time, the Red King fell.

In this way, until five hundred years ago, Kanrea touched the taboo and threatened the laws of heaven or Teyvat. The gods came to destroy Kanrea. At the same time, in order to eliminate the taboo knowledge, the Great Merciful Tree King once again reversed his own time to gain power. , this time there was no self-sacrifice of the Red King, and the Great Ci Tree King fell.

Then in modern times, Raiden used the power of time left behind by Raiden Shin to reverse the past and plant the sacred cherry blossoms.

In these stories, the Shadow of Istaru just mentioned another name [Nabu Malikata].

Obviously, this person also plays an important role in this series of stories.

Wang Daoyi's thoughts were flowing, and the stories of the past and present were being sorted and archived in his mind.

"However, there should be some things that Istaru didn't tell me, or he doesn't know about it either."

With a flash of light in his eyes, Wang Daoyi mentioned another thing.

"Your Majesty, on top of your altar, I saw some scenes that seemed to be from the future. Are those real?"

The Shadow of Istaru nodded, seeming to know what scene Wang Daoyi was talking about, and gave a definite answer: "In the original timeline, that was real, but after you saw those scenes, it is not It must be real.”

"Why?" Wang Daoyi asked.

"It's very simple. If you see the future, don't you want to change it? Don't you want to do better? As long as you know it, no matter what response you take, it means that the future is shifting."

"After all, my authority is time, not fate."

“Time can help you see the future, but the future is not set in stone.”

The Shadow of Istaru explains.

"Okay." Wang Dao nodded and accepted Istaru's Shadow's explanation.

This idea that the future can change is more in line with his conjecture. Otherwise, if the future remains unchanged, then he might as well just start messing with it.

After thinking about it, Wang Daoyi hesitated and asked another question: "Do you know Alhaysen?"

Wang Daoyi had a lot of doubts about Erhaisen. He had investigated the other person's life experience, and it seemed that he was just an ordinary Sumeru person who grew up with his grandma.

However, Wang Daoyi had a feeling that he didn't know whether it was an illusion or an intuition. Elhaysen was not simple.

This is not simple, I'm afraid even Elhaysen himself doesn't know.

"Elhaysen?" The shadow of Istaru was obviously stunned for a moment, and then he said, "Sorry, this person does not exist in the knowledge that the body has given me."

"That's right." Wang Dao nodded and then ignored the question.

"Your Majesty, I have no problem." Wang Daoyi smiled easily, and then looked at the shadow of Istaru.

He no longer had any questions, it was time for the other party to speak.

Don't forget, it was the other party who called Wang Daoyi here, not Wang Daoyi himself who wanted to come here to ask questions.

"In that case, please take out my pendulum." The shadow of Istaru said.

Wang Dao nodded, stretched out his hand, and a small pendulum appeared.

The shadow of Istaru waved, and the pendulum was pulled. Wang Daoyi did not stop it and allowed the pendulum to fly towards the opponent.

"Before the Second Throne War, although the main body was the ruler of time, I could never remember the time agreed with my friends, so I made this pendulum to remind myself of something."

"Later, during the Throne War, the world collapsed, and the pendulum to remind myself no longer needed to remind me, and the main body forgot it in the corner."

"It wasn't until the Demon God War that a ray of light in the thousand winds awakened. The main body watched him ascend to the throne of God and gave this pendulum to him for safekeeping."

"And He finally handed the pendulum to you, so it means that you are the turning point of the original body."

"So, Wang Daoyi, the Lord of Red Sand, the Lord of the Mystery of Inheritance, please accept the gift left by Istaru, the ruler of time, and time will [obey] you."

The hazy shadow of Istaru emitted inexplicable fluctuations,

In the center of the Sun and Moon Wheel, the specious 'Heart of God' moved slowly, and finally submerged into the pendulum.

After doing all this, Istaru's Shadow returned [Istaru's Pendulum] to Wang Daoyi.

"Here you go, if you have anything to ask, please do it as soon as possible. Without the support of [the authority of time], I will [return to the source] soon, otherwise the Great Sun Yuyu will not be able to support my existence."

Wang Dao looked shocked: "Is that the heart of God just now?"

"Yes, and no, that is a partial manifestation of the authority of time, and the Heart of God, in a sense, is also a manifestation of authority, but the source of authority is still in the hands of [Sky]. "

"In other words, the holder of the Heart of God generally only has the right to use the authority represented by the Heart of God, but not the ownership of the authority."

"Of course, it does not rule out that someone can use the Heart of God to seize the authority behind it. After all, someone is doing this right now."

There seemed to be something in the Shadow of Istaru's words.

"Okay, then what did you mean when you said that I had a turning point?" Wang Daoyi asked again. He had heard such words as a turning point before, but most of them were used to describe Ying, and now they were used to describe himself. Still a little surprised.

"I don't know. The main body didn't leave any knowledge about this." The shadow of Istaru shook his head.

Just for a while, the body of the Shadow of Istaru began to gradually fade away. Obviously, he was about to undergo the so-called [Return to Origin].

"When you called me, you said 'be careful', what should I be careful about?" Wang Daoyi asked quickly.

"Be careful. Use the power of time, and the power of the world beyond."

After saying the last question, the shadow of Istaru quickly distorted, and his consciousness returned to chaos, turning into a twisted force of time.

These powers of time will replace the previous [authority of time] to maintain the operation of the Great Sun Yuyu.

Obviously, Istaru had already set everything up when he left this phantom. Even if Wang Dao takes away the [Power of Time], it will not affect the operation of the Great Sun Yuyu.

With a sense of trance, Wang Daoyi withdrew the Sand of Time suspended in front of him.

Feeling the [power of time] in it, he suddenly didn't know what to do.

for a long time,

Wang Daoyi calmed down the turmoil in his heart, and used his spiritual thoughts to test the [Authority of Time] in the Sands of Time.

Unfortunately, there was no response at all.

It seems that Wang Daoyi has not yet found a way to use it.

Suddenly I felt like I had entered a treasure mountain and returned empty-handed.

Reluctantly withdrawing his spiritual thoughts.

Outside, Wang Daoyi opened his eyes.

A sudden feeling of weakness came over him, and Wang Daoyi almost couldn't maintain his flight.

With a thought, vast light elements gathered and poured into Wang Daoyi's body continuously, replenishing his elemental power.

"As I get closer to the throne, I seem to be getting closer to the elemental life."

"Obviously I am still a body of flesh and blood, but the elemental power can meet all my survival needs. It is somewhat similar to those elemental dragon lizards."

"However, how long have I been chatting with the Shadow of Istaru inside? It actually made me feel a lack of power in my body."

Wang Dao had a look of confusion.

You know, the elemental power in his body has never been normal at all. It may be a bit excessive to say it is as vast as the sea, but there is still half of the sea.

Such a huge elemental power, just to maintain life and flight, actually feels like a deficit.

Obviously, his time in the Wheel of the Sun and Moon once again felt dislocated. He thought it was just a few sentences, but in fact, it may have been a long time.

"Forget it, just ask me and we'll find out."

Wang Daoyi curled his lips and gave up his act of recalling time. His spiritual thoughts swept across and he soon sensed the aura of his own rock crystal next to a ruins.

Taking one last look at the Wheel of the Sun and Moon, Wang Daoyi turned into golden light and disappeared above the Great Sun.

the other side,

Ying and Paimon opened a stone cabinet, looked at the golden Mora inside, and smiled.

"Maura, mola, so many molas." Paimon rolled around Ying happily.

These Maura are all her future food expenses.

"Ha, there are at least 10,000 molas here, but it's really interesting. Did it turn out that Yuanxia Palace also used molas made by Liyue?" Yingye looked at the molas in front of him happily, but there was also a trace of doubt in his words.

"Because the White Night Kingdom had relations with the Teyvat continent in the later period, and the emperor at that time had already seized the authority of the God of Money, and Mora had already passed through Teyvat, so it was normal for the Yuanxia Palace to use Mora ."

"If you go to some ruins from the early days of the Demon God War in the future, you will find that the currency at that time was obviously different from Mora."

Wang Daoyi's voice sounded behind Ying.

Ying and Paimon turned their heads: "Ah, Dao Yi, you are back to normal!"

"Ahem, what do you mean by returning to normal? It seems that a lot of things happened that I don't know about." Wang Daoyi coughed and then looked at Ying, "Can you tell me how long it has been?"

Ying looked a little excited: "It's been a month. You've been staying next to the Wheel of the Sun and the Moon for a whole month."

Paimon also shouted: "Yes, you didn't respond no matter what we called you. I wanted to get closer to you, but you were blocked by your shield and couldn't get closer no matter what."

After listening to Paimeng's words, Wang Daoyi was slightly stunned, and then he felt confused about whether to laugh or cry.

So, based on the lack of elemental power in his body, he thought it had been a year or two, but it turned out that it had only been a month.

The lack of elemental power in his body is probably because Ying has been trying to get closer to him, and his divine body will naturally generate a shield to protect himself.

Ying kept testing, and the divine body kept generating a shield. Such long-term pulling back and forth was the truth that the elemental power of Wang Dao was consumed.

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