Explorer of Teyvat

Chapter 400: Jibrele and Jade discovered by the falcon (1,600 monthly votes last month plus more upd

After Wang Daoyi gave his elemental clone to Apep to swallow, like he was feeding a tiger,

The unusual movements in the desert finally calmed down.

In addition, a large number of dead areas have been cleared, the desert has become safer, and the business that had been slightly stagnant before has become active again.

Aru Village,

A tall figure was walking down the street with a pretty girl.

"Father, I feel like this place is much more prosperous." The girl said to the tall man.

Hearing his daughter's sigh, Jebelel nodded: "It seems that the rumors are true. The desert has been unified, so the rainforest and caravans from all sides have resumed trade with the desert."

Jebelel knew that Aru Village was the only transit point between the rainforest and the desert. If the trade between the desert and the rainforest had not been restored, it would not have become so prosperous.

"Jide, when you return to the desert, you have to be careful and stop talking nonsense." Jebelele looked at his daughter. He knew that her daughter was not a peaceful person, and now that the desert was unified, she would not Knowing what kind of person the new king was, he reminded his daughter.

After all, misfortune comes from the mouth, and it is never an isolated case.

Jiede moved her steps, looking left and right. In response to her father's reminder, she just nodded slightly: "I know, Dad, I'm not a child anymore. You don't have to remind me to do things all the time."

Seeing Jade's heartless look, Zebraile shook his head slightly and did not continue to speak.

Regarding the child Jade, Zheberel feels guilty in his heart, so most of the time, he dotes on him.

The two of them wandered around the village and walked all the way to the village chief's house.

"Village Chief Anpu, long time no see." Zhebrele said hello to Uncle Anpu.

Anpu looked at Zhebrele, frowning slightly, as if wondering who the other party was.

Then an idea flashed in his mind, and he showed a sudden look: "Ah, you are Jebelele, it's been a long time no see."

Then he looked at the girl next to Jibrele: "This is your daughter, she has grown so big. She is really a beautiful girl."

Jibrele nodded and said, "Jide, Uncle Anpu is the village chief of Aru Village. When we left the desert, we got Uncle Anpu's help."

At first, Sameer killed Jibril's wife Youfei, and Jibril fell out with Sameer. Sameer called Jibril "the sand of betrayal."

When Jibrele fled from the desert with his young Jade, he naturally had to pass through Aru Village. At that time, it was Anpu who helped him.

"Thank you for your help, Uncle Anpu." Jade bowed to Anpu.

Anpu waved his hand: "They are all desert people, so I can't help them much. It's just covering up some traces, it's nothing."

After a pause, Anpu looked at Jibril and asked, "Is Jibrel going back to the desert this time?"

"By the way, "Thutmose" has been destroyed by Red Sand. Now that you are back, you don't have anything to worry about. "

As he said that, Uncle Anpu smiled to himself.

Especially when he mentioned Chisha, the smile on Uncle Anpu's face was particularly sincere.

Since Chisha unified the desert and developed trade routes,

As a necessary place, Aru Village is becoming more and more prosperous.

In addition, under Chisha's rule, a large number of gilded brigades were subdued and no longer engaged in plundering operations, and the security around Aru Village also improved.

Therefore, Uncle Anpu has a very high impression of the Chisha Tribal Alliance.

"Chisha." Jibrele was stunned for a moment, then asked, "Uncle Anpu, is Chisha the tribe that unified the desert?"

"It seems that you haven't heard much news from the outside this year, Zhebelele." Seeing that Zhebelele seemed to know nothing about Chisha, Uncle Anpu nodded and introduced, "About Chisha. Even the nobles in Xumi City have heard about Sha’s news.”

"Red Sand is the existence that unifies the desert. However, it is not a tribe, but an alliance of dozens of tribes."

"Tribal alliance?" Jebelel was a little shocked. As a people of the sand, he knew the habits of the desert people very well. Even the original Tanit could not unite the sister tribes.

Uncle Anpu nodded: "Yes, Chisha is a tribal alliance and obeys the Lord of Chisha."

Jibrele nodded slightly, his inner thoughts flashed away, and then asked: "Uncle Anpu, does he know anything about the Lord of Red Sand?"

"Lord of Red Sand, that is a real nobleman, and he is still very young. I have met him twice, but I am not familiar with him."

Speaking of his impression of Wang Daoyi, Uncle Anpu only gave two impressions, [expensive] and [young].

This is the impression Wang Daoyi left on An Pu.

After thinking about it, Uncle Anpu added, "By the way, the Lord of Red Sand is a good man."

Anpu thought about Wang Daoyi's gift of books to Aru Village, and labeled Wang Daoyi a good person.

Zhebrele was slightly stunned, a little unbelievable.

Good guy?

The person who unified the desert and integrated the entire desert tribe is a good person?

It's impossible no matter how you think about it.

However, Jibrele did not question it, but nodded and took Uncle Anpu's words to heart.

"So, Uncle Anpu, if you want to visit the Lord of Red Sand, is there any way?" Zebrel asked, with slight fluctuations in his eyes.

"Visiting the Lord of Red Sand?" Anpu was a little confused. He couldn't think of anything in Jebelele that could be related to the Lord of Red Sand.

However, he had a good impression of Jibrele. After thinking about it, he said: "I can't help visiting the Lord of Red Sand. Even the big chamber of commerce where Xumi goes to the desert to do business can't see him. , however, the manager of Chisha is now West Germany.”

"I have had some dealings with West Germany. I can write you a letter of introduction. You can go and see West Germany. Maybe you can hope to meet the Lord of Red Sand."

Jibrele thanked you quickly: "Thank you, thank you, thank you so much."

Uncle Anpu waved his hand, not paying attention to Zhebrele's thanks, and slowly walked to the desk on the side and started writing.

On the spot, Jade looked at her father curiously, somewhat puzzled: "Father, why do we have to go see the Lord of Red Sand?"

Jade was puzzled. Originally, their father and daughter were living well in the Sumeru Rainforest, but suddenly one day, Jebelele said he would take her back to the desert.

Zebraile looked at his curious daughter, thought for a moment, and asked: "Jide, do you remember what I taught you?"

Jade frowned slightly, and then said uncertainly: "Father said that any enemy must be avenged, and any kindness must be repaid."

Hearing Jade's words, Zhebrele nodded with a satisfied smile: "Yes, you must avenge yourself and repay your kindness. This is the nature flowing in your blood, so we are going to repay your kindness this time."

"Samer killed your mother, and Chisha eliminated Samer. Although their purpose was not to avenge us, we can't ignore them, so we must repay any kindness."

Hearing her father talk about the enemy who killed her mother, Jie De's eyes flashed with blood.

Her blood is more sensitive to hatred.

Nodding slightly, Jade said: "Okay, I understand."

After a while, Uncle Anpu came over with a piece of tissue paper and handed the letter of introduction to Jibrele: "Take it, although I don't know if it will be useful, but it is better than nothing."

Jibrele put away the letter and thanked Uncle Anpu again: "Thank you very much, Uncle Anpu."

Uncle Anpu waved his hand: "No need to thank you."

After asking about the location of Chisha's headquarters, Jebelele took Jade and said goodbye to Anpu.

After replenishing some supplies in Aru Village, the father and daughter set off for the Chisha headquarters in the fertile oasis.

After the father and daughter left the village,

A tall female Sand People came out of the darkness, and behind her, there were five or six fully armed soldiers.

"These two people actually want to visit the Lord. I'm afraid there is some secret." Tadela said.

Tadela was once a falcon adopted by the Tanit tribe. Later, Tanit was destroyed by Chisha, and Tadela was transported to the Chisha headquarters as a prisoner.

However, she had never actually met Wang Daoyi. The falcons who were brainwashed by Wang Daoyi were emotionally moved by Tadela and finally convinced Tadela to serve Chisha.

Later, in the development of Chisha, Tadela saw the difference between Chisha and Tanit, and saw that the people of the sand were getting better and better under Chisha's governance.

All these getting better and better pictures made Tadela loyal to Wang Daoyi.

As one of the best falcons, Tadela's task is to patrol the trade route from Aru Village to Chisha headquarters.

By coincidence, Tadela was at the door when Jibrele and Anpu were chatting.

Falcon's excellent hearing allowed Tadela to listen to the entire exchange between Jebelele and Anpu.

Behind Tadela, a Red Sand soldier said: "Commander Tadela, I just checked. The Samer in their conversation just now is the leader of "Thutmose" who was destroyed by us. According to the information It is inferred that these two people are probably one of the two people who escaped after exploring the Eternal Oasis, Jibrele and his daughter. "

Tadela's eyes changed: "Eternal Oasis?"

As the former Tanit Falcon and now the commander of Red Sand Soldiers, Tadela naturally knows about the Eternal Oasis.

With excitement in his eyes, Tadela waved his hand: "Let's go, follow them. Whether we can get an audience with the Lord this time depends on these two people."

It is not just outsiders outside Chisha who want to meet Wang Daoyi. Even within the Chisha tribe, there are also a large number of people who want to be met by Wang Daoyi.

Take a closer look at the great being who unified the desert.

Led by Tadela, the group followed the footsteps of the Jebelele father and his daughter.

Time passes little by little,

The sun goes down and the moon rises,

The pure white moonlight shines on the desert, as if it has been covered with a layer of silver gauze.

The desert at night is particularly beautiful.

After finding a place with leeward wind, Jebelele lit up a small fire, took out some dry food, and asked Jade to take a rest.

While eating, Jebelele reminded in a low voice: "Jide, there are people following us, pretend to rest for a while, don't let down your guard."

Jade's eyes changed, revealing a bit of fierceness. She took a bite of the dry biscuit in her hand and nodded slightly: "Okay."

And not far from them,

Behind a sand dune, Tadra curled his lips helplessly: "Damn, this guy is a veteran."

When Tadela saw the station chosen by Jibrel, she knew that Jibrel must have discovered them.

Because that stationing point was not only leeward, but also blocked the view of Tadela and others.

More importantly, Tadela took a casual look and found that there were obviously better garrison points around here.

Therefore, when Jibrele chose a resting point that blocked their view, he must have discovered that someone was following him.

Tadela could confirm that if his group went there at night, there would definitely be traps and attacks waiting for them.

"Commander, I don't think they came to the tribe to cause trouble. Why don't they just go over and say hello?" a Chisha soldier said.

Tadela frowned, thought for a moment, then raised his eyebrows and pointed at the soldier who had just spoken: "Let's go over and shout and tell them that we are from Chisha. If they are willing to come out, it means They are not enemies. If they know that we are from Chisha and still don’t come out, then send a signal, gather people and arrest them.”

In fact, Tadela was not worried about the escape of Jebelele and his daughter, because after leaving the Aru village and entering the desert, they would be under the control of Chisha.

As soon as the important signal flare is fired, soldiers patrolling the trade road will soon come to support.

It just so happened that the path taken by the Jebelele father and his daughter did not deviate from the trade route.

Upon hearing Tadra's order, the Chisha soldiers did not hesitate and immediately walked out of their hiding place and walked towards the station chosen by the Jebelele father and his daughter.

Then he shouted loudly: "We are patrol soldiers of the Chisha Tribal Alliance. Who are you? Tell us your name."

In the leeward position, Jebelele, who thought he had been robbed, was slightly startled.

Chisha's soldiers?

After hesitating for a while, Jebelele gave Jade a quiet look, then he stood up and walked out of the leeward place,

Turning around, he saw the Red Sand soldiers shouting to them. Taking advantage of the white moonlight, Jebelele saw strange patterns engraved on the equipment of the other party, like a sun shrouded in a sandstorm.

"I am Jebelel. I have returned from the rain forest and am going to the oasis of abundance to visit the master of the desert."

After receiving a response from Jibril, Jibril's identity was confirmed.

Tadra led the other team members out of hiding,

"Jebelel? Were you one of the people who originally explored the Eternal Oasis?"

"If you're talking about the original exploration operation held by Tanit, then I am indeed."

Tadela smiled, that's fine.

"Okay, I am Tadra. I was once the Falcon of Tanit, and now I work for the Lord of Red Sand. We will 'protect' you for the rest of the journey."

Tadela paid special attention to the word ‘protect’.

Jibrele naturally understood what Tadra meant. He nodded, but made no other move except for being curious about Tadra's identity as a Tanit Falcon.

The Lord of Red Sand even took in Tanit's falcon. Could it be that, as Uncle Anpu said, the other party was really a good person?

Thinking about things in his heart, Zhebelele did not neglect in reality: "In that case, do you want to come to our resting place to have a look?"

After thinking about it, Tadela shook his head: "No, it's better for us to keep a safe distance. In this way, you can rest assured, and so can I."

Jibrele nodded and didn't care: "Then I'll go back and rest."

Under the watchful eyes of Tadra and others, Jebelel returned to the leeward position.

Jade immediately looked at her father.

Jibrele nodded slightly: "They are the patrol soldiers from Chisha. They will set off with us tomorrow. You go to sleep first. You will rest for the first half of the night, and I will rest for the second half of the night."

Even though he believed in the identity of Tadela and others, Zhebrele did not give up his vigilance.

Separated by a slight distance, the two sides spent a quiet night.

Early the next morning, the two groups met, and then, led by Tadela's team, marched to the Chisha headquarters.


Seven days later,

The travel-worn group arrived at the entrance of the Oasis of Abundance,

Led by Tadela, they quickly entered the Chisha headquarters without receiving too many checks.

As soon as he entered, Jebelele saw the lush forest in the center of the tribe and the majestic temple complex.

As for the statues of gods, due to the cover of the temple complex, you can still see part of them, but it is not like before where you can see them all at a glance.

"This is a forest?" Regarding the temple building, Jibrele was not surprised. Since the desert has been unified, it is normal to build a palace whether it is to show power, tribal needs, or even personal needs.

On the contrary, that piece of forest, which is very common in the rainforest area, is a miracle in the eyes of Jebelel.

Tadra looked at the forest, and then showed some admiration on his face: "Of course, it is the Lord's creation. It is the treasure given by the Lord to the red sand, the most beautiful emerald in the desert."

After looking at the proud look on Tadela's face, Jibrele nodded slightly and did not continue to speak.

Although he was very curious about how the Lord of Red Sand created a forest in the desert, there were some things that he didn’t need to ask more about, as they would naturally become clear later.

Seeing that Zebrale did not continue to speak, Tadra curled his lips and then looked at Jade: "You are also people of the sand. Don't you know the greatness of the Lord of the Red Sand?"

In Tadra's view, the Lord of Red Sand is the master of the desert, and every sand citizen should know his greatness.

Jade's eyes were a little curious, but she looked at her father and said nothing.

"It's boring." Tadela curled her lips. She was persuaded by other falcons. After joining Red Sand, she gradually changed her original taciturn character and began to act like a normal girl.

So I felt a little unhappy when I saw Jade acting so cautiously.

"Let's go, I will take you to find Elder Xide. Only Elder Xide can meet the Lord."

In fact, the only ones who can meet Wang Daoyi are the sisters Nikolaid and Kalenkasa.

But Tadela and Nikolaid are not familiar with each other, and sisters Kalenkasha... Huh, Tadela's biggest goal is to replace those two girls and become the personal guard of the Lord of Red Sand.

Tomorrow I will post the editor’s recommendation, I hope the effect will be better ()

In addition, py has reached the boss, hehehehe

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