Explorer of Teyvat

Chapter 401 A fragment of the future seen again (there will be another chapter later)

In the broad and bright temple,

Wang Daoyi was sitting alone on the throne, looking like he was meditating with his eyes closed.

In fact, his attention is entirely on the sands of time deep in his soul,

In the Sands of Time, [The Authority of Time] is shining slightly.

Since early this morning, there has been a change in the [Authority of Time], but no matter how Wang Daoyi tried, there was no response.

He was emitting a faint light there, ignoring any movement of Wang Daoyi.

"It shouldn't be. Since there is a reaction, there must be a change. You can't be just teasing me, right?"

Looking at the [Power of Time] in the Sand of Time, Wang Daoyi felt helpless.

When there are no other sources of information, exploring this top-level [knowledge] alone sometimes requires the most important inspiration.

And Wang Daoyi happened to have no inspiration today.

Looking at the [Power of Time] helplessly, Wang Dao couldn't do anything about this hard and soft thing.

It can't be interpreted, traced, or even perceived. It seems that all Wang Daoyi's methods of inquiry have lost their effect in front of him.

"Huh? Someone is coming?"

Just as he was thinking about whether to violently attack the [Power of Time], Wang Daoyi noticed something happening in the outside world.

Exiting the soul's perspective and opening his eyes in reality, he saw the sisters Kasha Kalyan and Syd walking in.

West Germany's expression seemed to fluctuate a bit, but there was no feeling of tension or panic. Maybe something good had happened.

"My God." Coming to Wang Daoyi's throne, West De bowed slightly.

"No courtesy." Wang Daoyi stretched out his hand to help, and then looked at West Germany with interest, "Looking at you, it seems that something good has happened."

West Germany nodded repeatedly. In front of Wang Daoyi, he did not dare to show off, and said directly: "My God is wise, Falcon is back with good news. She found one of the team members who originally explored the Eternal Oasis."

"Eternal Oasis." Wang Daoyi nodded slightly. He was still very curious about this place. It wasn't just his own curiosity. He also didn't forget that he also promised the Red King to put a flower in front of the flower god's seat. Shu Qiangwei said, "If that's the case, what about the person? Have you interrogated him?"

West Germany bowed his hands to Wang Dao: "My God, the other party came here on his own initiative. I have not interrogated him for the time being. However, I have confirmed with Babel that the other party is indeed Jebelele."

Wang Daoyi was about to speak, but he felt the [Power of Time] shake slightly deep in his soul.

【Um? Could it be that the change in the authority of time is related to today's events? 】

An idea appeared in his mind, but Wang Daoyi remained calm and composed.

He looked at West Germany and then said slightly: "If that's the case, then bring the person over and I will personally investigate."

"Yes, my God." Sid turned around and gave the two sisters a look, and the younger sister immediately walked outside.

Not long after, three people came in.

Tadra, Jebelele and Jade.

"Praise you, the great Lord of Red Sand." The three of them saluted.

Wang Dao nodded, and then turned his eyes to one of them: "Tadra, my best falcon, I remember you."

Tadela looked excited and looked up at Wang Daoyi: "My pleasure, Lord."

Wang Daoyi really remembered the other party. He brainwashed a group of former Tanit Falcons. Those people told Wang Daoyi that Tadra was the best 'Falcon' of their generation.

When they captured Marcela, Tadela had pulled down many Falcons by himself.

Moreover, Tadra is also a very powerful warrior. She is a wind spirit hunter who can control the power of the wind element through weapons.

His eyes did not stay on Tadela for too long. Wang Daoyi quickly shifted his attention to the tall man next to Tadela: "You are Zhebelele, a member of the Eternal Oasis exploration team?"

Jibrele was stunned for a moment, then bowed slightly: "Honorable Lord of Red Sand, I did participate in the exploration team organized by Tanit before. However, at that time we didn't know what we were exploring. We just found a piece of Slate, use the slate as a clue to explore.”


Wang Daoyi became a little interested and continued to ask: "So, where is the stone slab?"

"During the expedition, Babel sent moles into the team, constantly sabotaging our operations, resulting in heavy casualties in the expedition. Later, Sameer and I decided to give up the exploration, and the stone slab was left behind by us. Explore the ancient trails.”

"There is no slate. Then why did you come to Chisha? If you just want to live in the desert, then you can rest assured that as long as you abide by Chisha's rules, Chisha will not reject any desert people."

After a pause, Wang Dao looked at the father and daughter under the throne: "Chisha is the home of every desert citizen. He will accept you, and I hope you can love and protect him."

Hearing Wang Daoyi's words, Zhebelele was slightly startled, then pulled his daughter and bowed to Wang Daoyi again: "Praise you for your greatness, Lord of Red Sand."

After thanking him, Jebelele continued: "Thank you for your willingness to take us in. However, when I come back this time, I would like to thank your Chisha even more for cleaning up the "Thutmose" Gilded Brigade and for my wife. Jade's mother took revenge. "

"Thutmose"? Oh, I remembered, it was the Gilded Brigade that coveted the legacy of the Red King. Ha, those kind of things, like the original [Legacy of the God King], are disgusting bastards. Their existence will only Making the deserts more chaotic and cleaning them up is what rulers should do, and you don't need to thank them. "

Wang Daoyi didn't think that the other party needed to thank him. As he said himself, it was the ruler's responsibility to clean up the unstable factors.

Zebraile knew what Wang Daoyi meant and understood Wang Daoyi's philosophy, but this did not prevent him from thanking Wang Daoyi.

Just like it is the police's responsibility to handle cases, it does not affect the victim's gratitude to the police.

"Thank you very much. I have compiled some things left by the Red King, and I am willing to give them to you as a gift in return." Jebelele reached out and took out a thin booklet from his arms.

"The legacy of the Red King? Interesting." Wang Dao raised his eyebrows, and with a sweep of his mind, he read through the contents of the book in Zhebelele's hand.

Generally speaking, they are all kinds of legends about the Red King. However, in addition to the legend of the Red King, there are also some records about the Flower God.

Describes the relationship between the Flower God and the Zhenling.

"I accepted your gift." Wang Daoyi nodded slightly to Jibril, then looked at West Germany, "Sid, accept Jibrel's gift and give it to the exploration team."

After saying that, Wang Daoyi suddenly thought for a while, and then looked at Zhebrale: "Jebelele, are you willing to continue exploring these things? If you are willing, I can give you a team."

The reason why Wang Daoyi said this was not because of the gift given by Zebrale, but because he remembered the changes in the [Authority of Time] within the Sand of Time.

Since the arrival of these people has caused changes, then take these people for your own use.

In this way, you can better observe the movements of [The Authority of Time].

Under the throne of God, Jibrele heard Wang Daoyi's sudden invitation,

After thinking for a while, he rejected this tempting proposal: "Sorry, noble Lord of Red Sand, I don't want to explore anymore."

If he were young, he would be very happy to accept Wang Daoyi's invitation.

But now, Jebelele turned his head and glanced at Jade. Now he just wanted to live a good life with his daughter.

Wang Dao was not angry at all after being rejected.

An invitation is just a casual word. If the other party is unwilling, there is no need to force it.

"In that case, I won't force it." He said to Jebelele, and then Wang Dao looked at West Germany and said, "Cid, prepare a tent for them."

"Perhaps, you who haven't returned to the desert for a long time will need a place to stay."

Jibril lowered his head slightly: "Thank you for your kindness."

"You're welcome. As long as you still recognize your identity as a citizen of the sand, then you are my people."

Wang Daoyi shook his head slightly,

"Sid, take them out."

There were some new changes in the depths of his soul, and Wang Daoyi was no longer interested in communicating with them anymore. He waved to West Germany and ended the meeting.

Seeing that Wang Daoyi was no longer interested in talking to them, West Germany gave a few people a look and motioned for everyone to follow him and not to disturb the Lord of Red Sand's rest.

Leaving the majestic and empty temple,

Tadela immediately showed a hint of regret for not living up to expectations.

"Damn it, I obviously prepared a lot of things to say to the Lord, but as soon as I saw the Lord, I forgot all about it."

Before meeting Wang Daoyi, Tadela had prepared many words and wanted to express her admiration for the Lord of Red Sand in front of Wang Daoyi. Unfortunately, after seeing the existence on the throne,

Especially when the Lord of Red Sand said that he remembered Tadela, Tadela was so excited that he forgot all the words he had prepared.

"Ha, Tadela, you'd better save it. It's enough for the Lord to have us by your side. It's impossible for you."

On the side, Karen, who saw Tadela's regretful expression, smiled mockingly.

Tadra wants to replace her sisters. Sister Kashakarian is fully aware of this matter.

To put it bluntly, there is no one in the tribe who doesn't want to take the place of their sisters.

However, Kasha Kallen was not nervous at all, because they had been following Wang Daoyi from the beginning.

From their understanding, Wang Daoyi could not change his maid as long as he did not make any big mistakes.

Here, Tadra and Kalenkasha were arguing,

the other side,

Sid was also talking to the Jebelele father and daughter.

"Jebeleel, according to the will of my god, I will prepare a tent for you. Do you have any requirements?"

Jibrele shook his head slightly: "There are no special requirements, as long as it is enough for our father and daughter to live in."

"In that case, then come with me. The tribe has expanded outwards and built a number of new camps. You can choose one."

"In addition, the tribe does not raise idlers. Since you have rejected my god's invitation, you cannot get direct supplies from the tribe. All food and supplies need to be purchased by yourself. Of course, the tribe has many job opportunities. You can do this yourself. consider."

"If your daughter is not yet 16 years old, she can receive a minimum guarantee, which is enough for her to live and feed herself."

Taking Jebelele towards the camp, Sid began to introduce the situation of the Red Sand Tribe Alliance to the father and daughter.


After West Germany and others left the temple,

Wang Daoyi closed his eyes again, and his eyes once again stayed on the [Power of Time] inside the Sand of Time.

The spiritual thoughts cling to the [Authority of Time] little by little, feeling the pulse of the [Authority of Time].

This time, [The Authority of Time] did not refuse Wang Daoyi’s ‘visit’.

In Wang Daoyi’s perception,

[The Power of Time] fluctuated slightly, causing his sight to continue to lengthen. Countless landscape pictures appeared in Wang Daoyi's perception, but when Wang Daoyi went to look at those pictures carefully, these pictures quickly disappeared. .

Perception is continuously stretched, pictures appear quickly, and then quickly dissipate.

This feeling is like being placed on the head of a fast-moving high-speed train, and the pictures that appear and disappear one after another are the scenery beside the high-speed train.

"Is this...a fragment of time?"

Wang Daoyi couldn't help but have some suspicions in his heart.

After all, the changes brought about by [The Authority of Time], coupled with the scene of appearing and disappearing, are too much like the authority leading his sight through time, looking towards the future or the past.

Sure enough, when Wang Daoyi guessed, the light-like scene in front of him gradually slowed down.

A relatively clear picture appeared in Wang Daoyi's perception.

In the picture, Jebelele fell to the ground, and on the other side was the unconscious Jade. In the distance of the picture, a figure was approaching. Wang Dao recognized it for a while and thought that it might be Ying.

"So, Jebelel and his daughter will have intersections with him in the future."

"However, everything that Jibrele has in his hands has been handed over to me, and his enemies have been eliminated by Chisha long ago. So who will deal with him?"

"Could this father and daughter interact with Ying to cause the [Power of Time] to change?"

When Wang Daoyi was thinking, [The Power of Time] shook slightly again, and the picture in Wang Daoyi's perception began to flow again,

Each picture disappears like a stream of light, unable to be perceived or captured.

Until another picture slowly stayed in Wang Daoyi's sight.

On the screen, Geed's eyes are full of ferocity and violence. The wreckage on the ground beside her illustrates the girl's strong fighting power. Similarly, in the distance of the screen, there is an approaching figure, Ying.

Before Wang Daoyi could continue to observe, the picture started flowing again,

Time moved forward like an express train. After a long time, another scene appeared in front of Wang Daoyi.

This time, many vague-looking people appeared around the girl named Geed. It could be vaguely seen that they were the Gilded Brigade. They surrounded the girl, as if they were singing in celebration of the girl.

The strange thing is that there is no figure of Ying in this picture.

"Huh? There is no Ying this time. So, the necessary factor for [Power of Time] to appear in the scene is not Ying?"

Overturning his previous judgment, Wang Daoyi waited for the flowing screen to continue rotating.

Unfortunately, this time he waited for a long time, only to find that the [Power of Time] was no longer rotating, but was quietly suspended in the sands of time, as if everything before was not done by him.

After staring at [The Authority of Time] for a while, Wang Daoyi withdrew his gaze.

In reality, when I open my eyes, I look at the empty temple without any emotion.

Wang Daoyi is still deducing the triggering conditions of [The Authority of Time] in his mind.

"First of all, there were scenes without screenplay in the past, which means that contact with screenplay is not a necessary condition in the future, but is secondary."

"Secondly, the Jebelele father and his daughter have not had any contact with each other now, so it is not a necessary condition now or in the past."

"However, in my plan, after Ying reaches Xumi in the future, I will send West Germany to contact her, but the [Power of Time] has no response to West Germany."

"So, the condition for triggering the [Power of Time] should be the person who will meet and get entangled with Ying in the [original plot]."

"And now because of my intervention, what was supposed to happen in the original plot has already happened. What didn't happen has been completely changed by me."

"No matter what the original plot of Xumi was, it was probably to meet Xumi and rescue Nasida. Unfortunately, with my intervention, Nasida was free long ago, and the desert area was unified by me."

"So in this case, the established destiny has been unable to operate. Everything has been destroyed by me. If I want the destiny to continue to run according to the established route."

Thinking of this, Wang Dao's eyes flashed with a ray of gold: "Then I will take the role of fate and let people meet and get entangled in Xumi, and [the power of time] reminds me that those people are in the original destiny. There will be an encounter with Ying.”

Wang Daoyi kept deducing in his mind and roughly restored the triggering conditions of [The Authority of Time] and the purpose of its triggering.

maintain the established destiny,

Perhaps this was the purpose of Istaru handing over [the power of time] to Wang Daoyi.

Of course, this is just Wang Daoyi’s guess,

Another guess is that Istaru's purpose may be to destroy the established destiny.

"So, in the end, I still have to decide for myself whether to maintain it or to destroy it?"

With a hint of distress, Wang Dao raised his head and looked at the sky through the window high up in the temple.

"Each of you can either see through the future, or you can see the future and predict the future. Each one of you is willing to make sacrifices for [people]."

"But I am just a little guy who has just started. The future is too heavy for me."

"Is it really okay to leave this kind of thing to me?"

Wang Daoyi let out a long sigh,

He already understood what Istaru meant.

The other party left the choice of the future to him.

Maintain the established destiny, then the world will operate as it was before, and there will be no big changes in the future.

If you destroy the established destiny, no one can predict what the world will become.

"You seem distressed."

Suddenly, a soft female voice appeared in Wang Daoyi's mind.

Push up and offer a wave of sacrifices, "Original God: People of Liyue of Teyvat".

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