Explorer of Teyvat

Chapter 410 Cloud Mist Golden Elixir (5k) (200 monthly tickets to add this month)

The second floor of Iwagami Teahouse is rather strange. The stairs are not inside the teahouse, but on the side outside the teahouse.

So Wang Daoyi left the Iwagami Teahouse first, and then found the side stairs to go up to the second floor.

Sure enough, just as the spy dressed as a gambler said just now, Uncle Tian was drinking tea here, or in other words, admiring the surrounding scenery.

"Oh, it turns out it's you. Why do you have time to see this bad old man like me?"

Although Uncle Tian's health has become worse, his hearing is still good. He heard some movement of Wang Daoyi going upstairs. When he turned around and saw that it was Wang Daoyi, the vigilance in his eyes immediately dissipated, revealing a smile.

When Wang Dao heard what Uncle Tian said, he smiled, walked to the tea table and sat down.

"If you are considered a bad old man, then I'm afraid there won't be many respectable old people in Liyue."

Wang Dao praised Uncle Tian on the other hand.

Uncle Tian smiled and shook his head: "You, when we met in the Hall of Purity, I knew that you were an eloquent person. I didn't expect that I, an old man like me, would bother you to come to visit me now. What an unpredictable fate. "

Uncle Tian was a little sad. When he and Wang Daoyi first met, Wang Daoyi was still a young boy, and he was also energetic and thinking about Liyue's affairs.

But now,

Wang Daoyi is still young and strong, so powerful that even Qixing pays great attention to him.

But Uncle Tian himself was so old that he had to leave the matter of choosing his successor to others.

"Destiny and time are the most elusive things in this world. They fool us, but we have no way to resist." Wang Daoyi also smiled and shook his head, seemingly saying something reasonable.

Uncle Tian smiled and did not continue the topic of fate and time.

He reached for the tea cup and poured Wang Daoyi a cup of tea.

"Try it, this is the good tea that Yelan got from Ningguang. If I hadn't been sick, I might not be able to drink this good tea."

"Ha, Uncle Tian is joking. If you are willing, the tea merchants in Qiaoyingzhuang will probably squeeze through your door."

As the brains behind Qixing, once Tianshu Xing expresses his special interest in something, someone will always bring it to him.

Even though not many people know the identity of Uncle Tian, ​​most of these few people are powerful people.

If these people have the opportunity to bribe or get close to Tianshu Star, they will never give up.

"Oh, what they sent is the filth of the world, how can it be compared with this pot of tea from Yelan."

Uncle Tian sneered, obviously looking down on those people who tend to be popular.

Uncle Tian can understand their behavior and do things for the greater good, which is completely normal.

But breaking rules and provoking regulations for profit is bad and stupid.

During his career, he had been bribed many times.

However, today Uncle Tian is still a Tianshu star, and most of those who bribed him have disappeared into Liyue's shopping malls.

The more secretive the location, the more important the rules must be.

"Ha, let's not talk about this anymore. You kid, you didn't come to see me this time to talk about these trivial things."

Uncle Tian interrupted the discussion between the two on bribery and being bribed, looked at Wang Daoyi with interest and asked.

Uncle Tian knew Wang Daoyi's identity, but he didn't know much. He could only confirm that Wang Daoyi and the emperor had a close relationship.

So when Wang Daoyi came to him, he couldn't help but think of other things like Ning Guang.

"Ha, you have a keen eye. I do have something to ask you for." Wang Daoyi smiled and then continued, "You entrusted Ye Lan to help you choose your heir, but did you ever have a choice in your heart?"

Hearing Wang Daoyi's question, Uncle Tian couldn't help but raise his eyebrows.

Uncle Tian was not surprised that Wang Daoyi knew about the selection of Tianshu Star. Wang Daoyi had so many friends in Liyue, most of them were in high positions. It was expected that he would know some secret information.

However, what makes Uncle Tian curious is why Wang Daoyi intervened in the selection of Tianshu Star. Although Wang Daoyi has not done anything yet, in Uncle Tian's view, Wang Daoyi told himself about the selection of Tianshu Star. It is already interfering with the assessment.

Therefore, based on the above reasons, Uncle Tian did not answer Wang Daoyi's question. Instead, he asked: "I am very curious. Is it the existence behind you that wants to intervene in the selection of Tianshu Star?"

Perhaps because he felt that he didn't have long to live, Uncle Tian's question was not as roundabout as Ningguang's, but he directly questioned Wang Daoyi.

Wang Daoyi quickly shook his head: "Of course not, this is my own decision, and it's behind my back."

Wang Daoyi still didn't say the last words.

He originally wanted to say that there was no one behind him, but after thinking about Zhongli's support for him and Istaru's plan spanning thousands of years, Wang Daoyi felt that it was better for him to keep a low profile.

Uncle Tian could also care about the words Wang Daoyi swallowed back in the end, or in other words, he noticed but didn't say anything.

"Forget it, now that you are in front of me, you must have dealt with that girl Ningguang." Uncle Tian suddenly lost his guard, shook his head and sighed a few times.

"To tell you the truth, before I fell ill, I had actually made a decision that Zhiyi would take my place." There was a trace of regret in Uncle Tian's tone.

A hint of understanding appeared in Wang Dao's eyes.

Sure enough, Uncle Tian had actually decided on his successor a long time ago, but something happened that made Uncle Tian temporarily change his decision.

Therefore, Wang Daoyi asked curiously: "So, why did you change your decision?"

Uncle Tian was silent for a while, and then sighed: "Hey, that kid Zhiyi came from a poor family, but he is willing to make progress. I met him when I was fishing before, and he didn't know my identity at the time, so we just We have been together as fishing friends for a while, he helped me handle the fish, and I taught him various knowledge.”

"Over time, this half-teacher, half-friend relationship has been maintained."

"Later, after Zhiyi got the news that he was selected as a candidate, something was wrong with him."

"Although he still looks so enthusiastic, it's fake, fake, fake. I can tell it's fake at a glance."

"He doesn't want to laugh, but for the sake of Tianshu Star's position, he is forcing himself to laugh."

"At that time, I advised him that although Tianshu Xing is noble, he is also a person who hides behind the scenes. If he really doesn't want to fake that smile, then he can give up that fake smile and treat others with sincerity."

"Maybe my persuasion had an effect. Zhiyi disappeared for a few days. According to what he said, he went to the mountains alone to meditate for a few days. The effect was very good."

"Later on, he really made great progress in dealing with people, and his reputation among everyone became better."

Uncle Tian was talking nonchalantly, Wang Dao listened attentively and showed no impatience at all.

In the first half of Uncle Tian's narration, Zhiyi is simply the most suitable successor.

He is young and energetic,

He corrects his mistakes immediately and has a strong learning ability.

He and Uncle Tian are half-teachers and half-friends, making them the easiest people to take over Uncle Tian's responsibilities.

However, stories often have twists and turns.

Next, Zhiyi's turning point came.

"Later, other candidates were gradually selected according to the process."

"Akihiro has served the General Services Department for many years and is quite prestigious among the many employees of the General Services Department."

"Gan Wei is considered a strange flower in Liyue's business world. The appearance of these two people put a lot of pressure on Zhiyi, and he started to feel anxious again."

"However, after the last experience, Zhiyi told me that he is going to the mountains again to meditate and calm his mind."

"I don't know if the mountains are really conducive to meditation. After Zhiyi came back this time, he was even more 'perfect'. No matter what he did, he could handle it in an orderly manner, speak more logically, and treat people better. He is like a master who has been practicing this method for decades."

"Moreover, the people in Liyue are more and more fond of Zhiyi every day. Many good things about Zhiyi appear for no reason."

"Oh, Zhiyi and I have known each other for a long time. He can be said to be half of my apprentice. What story does he have, am I not clear about it?"

"So, I concluded that there must be a driving force behind these things, so I entrusted the review to Ye Lan. Ye Lan is the best at this kind of information investigation."

"So whether Zhiyi was deceived or cooperated with unknown forces, he is no longer suitable to be Tianshu Star."

If you were deceived by outsiders during the Tianshu Star assessment period, you would naturally have no qualifications to take the position of Tianshu Star.

Another possibility is that Zhiyi was corrupted and made a deal with an unknown enemy.

If this is the case, it means that Zhiyi is useless.

"Cough, cough, cough." As he said this, Uncle Tian seemed to feel a little sorry for the child Zhiyi, and coughed violently.

Wang Daoyi hurriedly stretched out his hand, and a pill the size of a pigeon egg was put into Uncle Tian's mouth.

Then he picked up the teapot on the table with his other hand and brought the tea spout to Uncle Tian's mouth.

"Gudong, Gudong~"

After swallowing a few big mouthfuls of tea, the Hunyuan elixir entered Uncle Tian's stomach.

Feeling the slight warmth coming from his stomach, Uncle Tian was a little shocked.

Since he fell ill, countless doctors from the Department of General Affairs have come. No one has ever been able to make him feel so comfortable.

Even Baizhu could only use bitter decoction to keep his body from deteriorating.

As for Wang Daoyi, just a random pill stopped the deterioration of his condition, and he even felt a slight improvement.

It's incredible,

Uncle Tian sighed slightly in his heart, lamenting the gap between Yu Xianfan and Yu Xianfan. They really belong to two completely different worlds.

"How do you feel?" Wang Dao asked quickly when he saw the pain fade from Uncle Tian's face.

Although in Wang Daoyi's perception, the lesion in Uncle Tian's body had shrunk and he did not dare to do it again, he still had to listen to the patient's own feelings.

Uncle Tian smiled: "It's much better. After taking that pill, I feel that my whole body is relaxed, and there is no longer the uncomfortable feeling of holding my breath."

Although what Uncle Tian said seemed to be good news, Wang Daoyi's brows furrowed.

There was a hint of confusion in his eyes,

"How could it be?" Wang Daoyi looked at Uncle Tian and murmured: "It shouldn't be."

Uncle Tian was confused by Wang Daoyi's reaction. What? My body is recovering, but I shouldn’t be?

"What's wrong? Is there something wrong with me?" Uncle Tian couldn't hold back and asked Wang Daoyi.

After hearing Uncle Tian's question, Wang Dao came to his senses and quickly shook his head: "No, you are fine. The golden elixir you just took has completely suppressed the lesions in your body."

"I'm just wondering. The effectiveness of this golden elixir shouldn't be so simple."

"Huh?" Uncle Tian's eyes lit up, and then he asked hesitantly, "Is this pill very precious?"

"Precious?" Wang Dao laughed, and then explained, "If calculated in terms of money, then this elixir can be regarded as priceless."

"But simply calculating the cost of materials and labor hours for this elixir, it would only cost hundreds of thousands of molas."

"This is the elixir I refined by imitating the treasure of the Immortal Family, the Cloud and Mist Golden Elixir. It is based on the thoughts of unopened chaos and pure spirituality. Normally, after taking that golden elixir, you will not say you will be rejuvenated, but you will be rejuvenated. At least the secret disease should be gone."

"But now, you are just a little more comfortable, but the disease is still entrenched in your body. It's really amazing."

After listening to Wang Dao's words, Uncle Tian finally understood some things, but some parts of him were even more confused.

Why is it so strange that the lesions are entrenched in my own body?

Seeing Uncle Tian's confusion, Wang Daoyi smiled, with a friendly look unique to science popularizers on his face.

"In this world, unless [a higher-level power] intervenes, any creature should reproduce and evolve in accordance with its ecological environment."

"Any living thing here actually includes the lesions in your body. Although it is confirmed whether the lesions are living bodies, they are consciously defending against the power of the golden elixir."

"This is not what a normal lesion should behave like."

"That's why I said something interesting."

After listening to Wang Daoyi's explanation, Uncle Tian finally understood.

Then Uncle Tian raised his pale eyebrows and showed an expression like an old naughty boy: "Hey, you fed me this golden elixir. I don't have the money to give it to you."

"Huh? Hahahahahaha, no need, no need, this thing is a test product, you don't need to pay me." Seeing Uncle Tian start to joke, Wang Daoyi also followed his joke.

So, an old man and a young man burst out laughing on the second floor of the Yanshang Teahouse.

a long time,

Wang Daoyi stopped his smile, then looked at Uncle Tian, ​​and said: "Although the golden elixir suppressed the lesions in your body, the lesions are so strange that they are probably not a normal disease. You'd better turn around and let Baizhu give you a cure." It’s best to conduct an overall inspection and completely eradicate the disease.”

Uncle Tian also nodded: "I know, when the selection is over, I will go to Bubu Lu."

Seeing that Uncle Tian had his own considerations, Wang Daoyi didn't say anything.

The two chatted for a while, and the people in the tea room below also brought some melon and fruit snacks.

It was probably prepared by the gambler dressed as a secret agent from the General Affairs Department.

I have to say that these spies trained by Ye Lan are still very good.

Wang Daoyi felt a little regretful. He really wanted to take all these people to the desert. He didn't need to be a spy, but an ordinary manager was completely enough.

In Wang Daoyi's regret, he chatted with Uncle Tian until the afternoon.

until sunset,

Three tired figures came up from downstairs.

Seeing Ying and Paimon following Yelan upstairs with tired faces,

Wang Daoyi smiled and waved his hand: "I haven't seen you for a day, why are you so sloppy?"

Ying gave Wang Daoyi a white look and said nothing. He walked to the tea table and sat down alone. He poured himself tea and took a few sips.

"Next time, no matter what you say, I will not accept your request again. Investigating information is not something humans do at all. I would rather face ten large tribes of Qiuqiu people than ask for information anymore. ”

On the other side, Paimon was already floating next to the table. He held a piece of pastry in each of his left and right hands, and he opened his arms. He also didn't forget to complain: "That's right, not only am I tired, but I don't care about food. I've been hungry all day!"

"Oh, are you that tired? It's just collecting some ordinary information. Secret agents of the General Affairs Department spend their days like this."

Ye Lan poured herself a cup of tea, then waved her right hand and sprinkled some red powder into the tea before drinking it all.

Wang Daoyi shook his head: "I still can't agree with your habit of putting Jueyun pepper powder in your tea."

Ye Lan shrugged indifferently: "Then don't agree with me, it's just a personal habit, it's not a big deal."

"Besides, you're not here to see me drink tea, are you?"

Wang Dao curled his lips, then took out Ningguang's warrant,

"Yesterday I heard about the selection of Tianshu Star. I am more interested in one of them, so I hope to get information to share."

Ye Lan looked at the warrant in Wang Daoyi's hand and confirmed that it was from Ning Guang.

Then he nodded: "Okay, then just listen from the side."

[Next, Yelan and Ying shared the clues they collected today and organized them. 】

Wang Daoyi and Uncle Tian were listening and nodded secretly.

Some of the things they had guessed before had some evidence, thanks to Ye Lan and Ying's intelligence.

There was a chill in Wang Daoyi's eyes. Now that he had caught the tail, it would be much easier to catch people along the tail.

On the other side, Uncle Tian's eyes were a little disappointed. Originally, what they deduced was very unfavorable to Zhiyi. Now, except for the lack of direct ironclad evidence of Ye Lan and Ying's intelligence, other evidence began to point to Zhiyi.

The child he once considered his successor was a naked traitor.

After going through some twists and turns in my heart,

Uncle Tian's eyes gradually became colder.

He looked at Ye Lan, feeling an inexplicable pressure on his body.

"Ye Lan, since the matter has been investigated to this point, the final irrefutable evidence is also indispensable. There is no need to worry about my face, and there is no need to worry about the consequences of failure in the selection. Everything is borne by me. I need you to get this Find the traitors."

"If necessary, you can kill directly!"

At this moment, Wang Daoyi felt that this seemingly ordinary old man had an aura like a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood surrounding him.

Sure enough, none of the seven stars in Liyue is simple.

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