Explorer of Teyvat

Chapter 411 The Fools Are All Trivial (5k)

Ye Lan nodded towards Uncle Tian, ​​who suddenly became majestic, with an extremely serious expression.

"Don't worry, Uncle Tian. If he is really a traitor, I will definitely catch him. If he is being used, I will teach him a lesson."

Although everyone was sure that there was something wrong with Zhiyi, Yelan still did not directly label Zhiyi as a traitor.

Instead, words like if.really are used.

As soon as Uncle Tian's aura disappeared, he seemed to have returned to his normal little old man state.

"That's good, that's good, please Ye Lan."

Yelan shook her head: "It's my job."

After completing the communication with Uncle Tian, ​​Ye Lan looked at Wang Daoyi again and gave Wang Daoyi a look. Wang Daoyi nodded in response, and the two completed the communication.

"It seems that you also have something to say to me. Let's go and talk over there."

Wang Daoyi said to Ye Lan.

Yelan nodded: "Okay."

Without avoiding Uncle Tian and Ying, Wang Daoyi and Ye Lan walked to the corner of the second floor and started chatting.

"I found something wrong. When I went to investigate Zhiyi with Ying recently, my spies were not idle either. They found that the people in the Fools' Group were gradually becoming more active."

"And now, Liyue has two major events."

Yelan's eyes were cold, obviously she didn't like the fools.

Wang Daoyi thought for a while and said, "Do you suspect that there are fools behind Zhiyi?"

"Yes, Zhiyi's reputation among the people of Liyue has been getting higher and higher recently, but most of his stories have no basis. This kind of publicity method is often used by the Foolish People, and I suspect that the Foolish People are not just in contact with Knowing Yi, they may have a greater purpose.”

"A greater purpose?"

Wang Daoyi pondered for a moment, and then an idea flashed in his mind: "Are you saying that the Fools not only want to interfere in the selection of Tianshu Star, but also want to interfere in more Liyue affairs?"

Ye Lan nodded: "Yes, the current executive of Fools in Liyue is [Rich Man]. I have fought against him many times. Although I don't want to admit it, that guy is very familiar with Liyue. If he is [Rich Man], Behind the scenes, his purpose is definitely not just as simple as the selection of Tianshu Star."

"Well, Pantalone is actually from Liyue, so he is naturally familiar with Liyue. However, when you say that, I have some guesses."

Wang Dao had a thoughtful look in his eyes. Originally, he didn't think much about it. He simply sensed that something was wrong with Zhi Yi.

But what Ye Lan said now, if the Fools were involved behind the scenes, then the purpose of the Fools must be as Ye Lan guessed, and it couldn't be just for the selection of Tianshu Star.

When they intervened in the selection of Tianshu Star, they essentially wanted to intervene in the operation of Liyue and lay their own nails in Liyue.

As for Liyue's current situation, there is another place where it is easier to bury nails than Tianshu Star.

Wang Daoyi and Ye Lan looked at each other and said in unison: "Tongwen Academy!"

If there is anything in Liyue recently that ordinary people cannot touch, but has a great impact on Liyue, it is the selection of Tianshu Star and the death of the old dean of Tongwen Academy.

The selection of Tianshu Star affects future Tianshu Star candidates. Tianshu Star is the think tank role among Liyue's Seven Stars and can completely influence Liyue's future development path.

Although Tongwen Academy does not have as much power as Liyue Qixing, as the largest educational institution in Liyue, it can really affect the future of this country.

Therefore, if there is any conspiracy being carried out by the Fools, and it is even more important than the selection of Tianshu Star, then there will only be the subsequent selection of the president of Tongwen Academy.

"It seems we have the same idea, so do you have any manpower arranged for Tongwen Academy?"

Wang Daoyi showed a smile. If Alhaysen or Nasida were here, he would know that Wang Daoyi was already interested.

Although we cannot directly attack the fools and erase them in the biological sense,

But now that we know the purpose of the Fools, we can just play with them and play with them.

West Germany in the desert also played this game with the Elchingen Chamber of Commerce.

"I have sent people to collect information from the gentlemen of the academy."

"Tongwen Academy has a special status. Although it is nominally an institution under the General Affairs Department, it is self-contained. If possible, we think it is best for it to be able to circulate itself, rather than sending a new dean from the outside to parachute in."

Wang Dao nodded: "It makes sense. Without the suppression of the old dean, many gentlemen will probably be interested in that position. If you send people to airborne, it may be bad."

"Yes, but I went to the Hall of Rebirth before, and Hall Master Hu gave me a list of gentlemen who were willing to keep vigil for the old dean. I think the new dean is among them." Ye. Lan took out a list and handed it to Wang Daoyi.

After taking the list and looking at it casually, I found that several names were individually circled, and it was marked that these people had completed the wake meticulously.

"Ha, he's either a sage or a villain. Hu Tao's comments are quite interesting."

Wang Daoyi smiled. Although Hall Master Hu seemed unreliable, he could see clearly on the big issues.

How could a person who has been in charge of a thousand-year-old organization at a young age not have any thoughts, but just don't use them on a daily basis?

"Then those are the people." Wang Daoyi pointed to the circled names on the list and asked.

Ye Lan nodded: "Yes, these are the candidates. Since they can meticulously complete the wake for the old dean, they are either people with pure souls or people with ulterior motives, no matter what they are. The new dean will basically not be someone other than themselves.”

The old dean has ‘ruled’ the academy for thousands of years, and all the teachers and students of the academy are actually his students.

After the old dean passed away, the person who took over his position would naturally have the most respect for the old dean.

This is in line with the will of everyone in the academy.

These people who come to the old dean's wake, whether they want it or not, are automatically candidates for the next dean.

As for those who have the ability but have not come to watch the funeral, there is still a chance, but it is not big.

This is the shortcoming of the Millennium Blockade Institution. Sometimes, human factors are more important than objective factors.

No matter how capable the others are, during the selection, if the opponent says, 'He didn't even go to the old dean's wake, how can he be qualified to inherit the old dean's position?', he can complete the decisive victory.

To put it bluntly, Tongwen Academy has broken away from the management of Qixing in a thousand years and has become its own sect.

Of course, this is also the reason why Ningguang now wants to intervene in the selection of the dean.

She wants to bring Tongwen Academy back into Qixing's management system.

"Okay, you and Ying continue to investigate the selection of Tianshu Star. As for the academy, leave it to me."

Wang Daoyi wrote down the names on the list and returned the list to Ye Lan.

"Are you going alone?"

Ye Lan still remembered that Wang Daoyi was helping them, but somehow he was seriously injured.

"Of course it's impossible. Give me some of your manpower over there." Wang Daoyi saw Ye Lan's 'distrust' and was a little embarrassed.

At that time, he was suppressed by the Ice Queen's finger. Until now, Wang Daoyi did not have the confidence to completely block that finger.

The gap between gods is wider than the gap between gods and humans.

What's more, Wang Daoyi has not yet ascended to the throne of God.

"You want me to give you manpower?"

Wang Daoyi became even more stretched,

"Otherwise? How about I transfer a team of people from the desert? Can you help me ask Ningguang Tong if he agrees?"

"Forget it, forget it." Ye Lan shook her head quickly, but she remembered the word desert in her heart, and then took out a token from her waist that was very similar to the Ningguang Writ.

"This is my token. You can go find someone downstairs later and take whomever you like. They will contact the spies from the academy, and then it's up to you to make arrangements."

After receiving Ye Lan's order, Wang Dao nodded: "Okay, I will have fun with the fools."

the other side,

Ying and Paimon were eating cakes and chatting with Uncle Tian. They found that Wang Daoyi and Yelan had been chatting for a long time and did not come back.

Paimon was a little curious and looked at the two people in the corner.

"I don't know what they are talking about. I really want to go over and listen."

Paimon's eyes were full of curiosity. The little guy was very voyeuristic about such secret things.

Ying grabbed Paimon and said, "Daoyi will hang you up and beat you."

"Hey~!" Paimon looked scared, and then looked at Ying with some uncertainty, "Can you really hang him up and beat him?"

"Anyway, if you keep trying to eavesdrop on other people's conversations, you will get beaten sooner or later."

Ying rolled his eyes at Paimon.

Paimon pouted: "What? I also want to get some more information from you."

The two of them were bickering, and Uncle Tian looked at it with a smile.

After a while,

Wang Daoyi and Ye Lan just came back from the corner.

"Daoyi, Yelan, you've finished talking." Paimeng floated to Wang Daoyi's side cautiously, and then asked equally cautiously.

Wang Daoyi raised his eyebrows: "What's wrong with you? Are you being bullied?"

Paimon was usually very carefree, but he would not speak so cautiously.

"Huh? Ah, no, I was just asking." Paimon was still a little scared, what if Wang Daoyi really hung her up and beat her.

Shaking his head slightly, he ignored the strange Paimon.

Wang Dao looked at Uncle Tian and Ying,

"Uncle Tian, ​​Ying, Ye Lan and I have finished chatting and will leave first."

Uncle Tian waved his hand: "Okay."

Uncle Tian seemed to know what Wang Daoyi wanted to do, but he didn't say anything.

Ying was confused, but she didn't ask directly. When she returned to Wanmin Hall in the evening, she had plenty of time to ask Wang Daoyi: "Okay, let's go slowly, Daoyi."

As soon as Wang Dao left, there was some movement downstairs, and then a few inconspicuous figures left the Yanshang Teahouse and headed towards Feiyun Slope.

And on the second floor of the tea room,

In Ying's desperate eyes, Ye Lan gave out a lot of information, hoping that Ying could help compare.

These are all the governance plans proposed by Zhiyi. They have to find out the wrong plans from this mountain of manuscripts in order to catch Zhiyi's tail.

While Ying and Paimon were burying their heads in the information in despair,

Wang Daoyi led his people to Tongwen Academy in Feiyunpo.

Perhaps because of the death of the old dean, there were far fewer students in the academy.

The sound of reading that originally surrounded my ears was gone.

Without wandering around, Wang Daoyi waited in a pavilion for a while.

Two people dressed as students came to the pavilion,

"Sir, this is the person in charge of the academy. You can just call him scholar."

"Scholar." Wang Dao nodded, then looked at the secret agent named Scholar, "Are you a student of the academy?"

The other party nodded: "Yes, sir, I am a student of the academy."

Showing a smile, Wang Daoyi called out several names to him: "Shi Jing, Jian Zhen, Feng Yuan, Yan Ming."

Then he asked: "Are these names familiar to you?"

The scholar nodded: "We all know each other. They are all gentlemen from the academy. They are all very prestigious in the academy. Everyone has the trust of many students. Moreover, they took the lead in going to the old dean's wake this time."

"Ha, as expected, someone took the lead." Wang Daoyi sneered, then looked at the scholar, "Tell me, tell me all the information you know about these people."

The scholar was a very good intelligence officer. He didn't ask long-winded questions. Hearing Wang Daoyi's question, he immediately replied:

"Mr. Shi Jing is responsible for the teaching of history and humanities. He is humorous and interesting in speaking. He is very popular among young students and has a good relationship with other gentlemen. Moreover, the person who is attending this wake is Mr. Shi Jing. The first thing he mentioned was that the old dean had no family, so everyone in the academy was the old dean’s family, so he took those who were willing to go to the Hall of the Dead to hold a wake for the old dean.”

"Mr. Jian Zhen is responsible for the management of the academy. He is loyal, careful and down-to-earth. Everyone trusts him. In fact, before the death of the old dean, Mr. Jian Zhen was managing most of the things in the academy. At first, everyone joked about calling Mr. Jian Zhen the deputy dean, but Mr. Jian Zhen never agreed, and he warned everyone many times not to call him like that because the academy has never had the position of vice dean."

"Mr. Feng Yuan is responsible for connecting with the affiliated institutions of the academy. If Mr. Jian Zhen is responsible for internal affairs, Mr. Feng Yuan is responsible for external affairs. The bookstalls and newspapers in Liyue are actually products radiated from Tongwen Academy. The person responsible for managing these is Mr. Feng Yuan. In addition, Mr. Feng Yuan is actually not familiar with us. He is rarely in the academy and is busy outside most of the time."

"Mr. Yan Ming is responsible for the academic assessment. Whether you are entering the academy or graduating from the college, you need Mr. Yan Ming's assessment. Of course, there are often rumors that Mr. Yan Ming receives bribes from major chambers of commerce and lets some students do not study. People with no skills enter the academy. However, we have investigated and found that Mr. Yan Ming is very poor. Most of the money he collects is spent on helping poor students. In addition, this Mr. Yan Ming has contacts with fools."

? Do you associate with fools?

Wang Dao frowned: "Yan Ming has contacts with the Fools. What is the relationship? Is there any evidence for this?"

"During the investigation by secret agents, Mr. Yan Ming received a huge sum of money from Beiguo Bank two months ago, probably more than three million. This amount of money was used to purchase admission lists, and fools stuffed them into the academy. Got a few winter students.”

"As for the evidence, there was some trouble at that time. Finally, the old dean came forward and asked Mr. Yan Ming. Mr. Yan Ming admitted the matter. As for the money, the whereabouts are unknown. But the old dean did not fire him. Mr. Yan Ming instead asked him to continue to be responsible for assessment matters."

Listening to the scholar's information, Wang Dao's eyes shone with light. It was really interesting. The gentlemen of these colleges were all very interesting, especially Mr. Yan Ming at the end. He publicly sold college admission places, but used the proceeds to help poor students. , even after a sum of three million Mora disappeared, the old dean did not deal with him.

Obviously, there is not only a problem here, but it is also a big one.

"Okay, I understand. Also, is there anything the Fools are doing here? Whether it's the intelligence officers of the Fools or the Zhidong students sent in by the Fools, I want to know."

Wang Daoyi continued to ask.

The scholar nodded, organized his words, and began to answer Wang Daoyi's question again.

"Regarding the fools here, we found that they have contacted students many times on their way to and from school. The result of our investigation is that they are distributing paid questionnaires to students. Most of the information in the questionnaires is to consult students. Questions like what are we interested in, what do we hate, what changes do we hope to see around us, etc.”

Wang Daoyi nodded slightly, with a cold look in his eyes. With a small amount of money, he could collect information about students' true hobbies and dislikes. Pantalone's method was indeed in line with capital.

And with this information about the students' likes and dislikes, those who fool the public can easily gain the favor and support of the students.

Think about it, you are a student and now you have a husband who understands your hobbies and supports your hobbies. He understands your dislikes and comforts your heart. He illuminates your life like a lamp.

Now he is running for the dean of the college. I hope you can support him.

So, would you not support such a gentleman?

Obviously, if there is such a gentleman, students will definitely follow him.

"As for the winter students who were sent in from the academy, they looked harmless to humans and animals, and were very sunny and happy. They had already mingled with many classmates. However, we noticed that they were divided into groups, and a few of them especially liked to drink and drink with dignitaries. They play, and the remaining few are especially close to poor students."

Wang Daoyi nodded again,

This is even simpler. Separate classes, divide groups, and create internal conflicts.

No matter how well the academy maintains a balance, there must be a gap between the dignitaries and poor students within the academy.

It's not impossible that the academy might collapse if these outsiders just make a little provocation.

Giants often die from within.

The giant Tongwen Academy is the same.

"So, the fools outside are collecting student information, and the Zhidong students inside are provoking student confrontation. Ha, capitalists always use these two methods. It's really dirty."

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