Explorer of Teyvat

Chapter 493 Seal Apep

Dachishahai·Qianhe Sandy Land

Chisha opens up camp.

The light flashed, and Wang Daoyi's figure appeared here.

"Who is in charge here?"

Before the red sand warriors stationed there could react, Wang Daoyi asked.

Only then did the Chisha warrior who saw Wang Daoyi's appearance tremble slightly. This was the first time he had been in such close contact with his god.

"It's Lord Greta, my god." Suppressing his inner excitement, the Red Sand Warrior answered.

"Let him come to me."

Wang Dao stood at the entrance of the camp with his hands folded and looked into the depths of the sandy land of Qianhe.

He could feel that the giant beast was in pain,

The emptiness like a wave almost swallowed up the beast.

After hearing Wang Daoyi's order, the Chisha warrior immediately ran towards the camp.

After a while, a Chisha warrior dressed as an adjutant ran out of the camp.

"My God, we have notified Chief Greta and he will be back soon."

The adjutant looked at the god in front of him carefully, wondering why Wang Daoyi appeared here.

Wang Dao nodded: "Then let's wait. In addition, let's inform the soldiers first and let them pack their things. It's time for you to evacuate."

"..Yes, I'll go right away." The adjutant was slightly stunned, not knowing what Wang Daoyi meant, but he didn't refute. He just nodded in agreement, then excused himself and went to tell other soldiers to pack their things.

After waiting for a while,

Wang Daoyi saw a group of people coming back in a hurry not far away.

There were still blood stains on his body and weapons, obviously from a battle.

After gathering herself in the distance for a while, Greta ran to Wang Daoyi's side: "My God, you are looking for me."

He glanced helplessly at the big man in front of him: "We are all leaders sent abroad. When can we be more stable? How can any leader go out to clean up by himself?"

"Hey, there have been recent activities of sandworms and holy skeleton beasts. Ordinary tribesmen are no match for them, so I had to fight on my own." Greta smiled naively and scratched her head.

In front of Wang Daoyi, he had this naive look, which was different from West Germany's shrewd look.

"Forget it, I won't talk about you anymore. Inform the pioneering team in Qianhe Sandland to evacuate them all. I'll give you three days."

Three days is the longest time Wang Daoyi calculated. If it were any longer, Apep might not be able to suppress the emptiness caused by [Elemental Hollow].

When the time comes, Wang Daoyi is not sure whether the elemental power of Qianhe Sand Land can withstand the devouring of an ancient giant beast.

Therefore, letting the pioneering team evacuate is the wisest choice.

"What happened?" Unlike the adjutant who didn't dare to ask, Greta knew her god better, so she asked.

Wang Dao nodded: "There may be some huge disasters in Qianhe Sand Land. Go and notify the evacuation."

Greta's eyes flashed slightly when she heard the word "huge disaster" appeared in Wang Daoyi's mouth. Even the Lord of Red Sand thought it was a huge disaster, and it was indeed something he could not participate in.

"I understand, I'll contact you right away."

The naivete on Greta's face faded, and she became serious.

Honesty is just his foreign minister, but inside Greta is the person who once competed with West Germany for control of the Red Sand Banner.

Watching Greta leave,

Wang Daoyi once again cast his gaze into the depths of Qianhe Sand Land.

He knew that over there, that giant beast must be looking at him.

Three days later,

Under Greta's urging, the last Red Sand pioneering team evacuated from Qianhe Sand.

Not only Chisha's pioneering team, but also some adventurers who sneaked in were also 'persuaded' to leave by Greta.

Although I love adventure, people in the desert say that disaster will happen here, so believe it.

Why don't you believe it? Look at the big ax in the desert man's hand. If you don't believe it again, try it.

After the last red sand citizen left Qianhe Sand Land,

Wang Daoyi moved and turned into a golden light, shooting into the depths of the desert.

at the same time,

A terrifying giant beast poked its head out from its palace,

As He moves and breathes at will,

A terrifying sandstorm blew up in the sandy land of Qianhe,

The yellow sand in the sky covers the heaven and the earth,

on the ground,

Whether it was a monster like the Qiuqiu Man or a ruin machine like the Relic Dragon Beast, they were eroded into powder under the roaring sandstorm.

Under the sweeping sandstorm, only some lucky beings could escape by taking shelter in advance.

Golden light travels through the sandstorm,

Wang Daoyi didn’t want to fight against the sandstorm caused by Apep.

He also has the ability to control sandstorms, but those are just some of his small means.

As the master of the sandworms, Apep really has the authority over the sandstorms.

Wang Daoyi is not that stupid to use his own small means to face other people's expertise.

The golden light passed through the obstacles formed by sandstorms,

Appearing deep in the sandy land of Qianhe,

Feeling the terrifying breath under the sand,

Wang Daoyi stopped, stood in mid-air, and looked at the ground.

"Apepp, let's talk."

As soon as he finished speaking,

The yellow sand in the sky shook, turning into water and flowing to both sides.

The terrifying beast lifted his dragon head from the desert,

"Little human being, little god, Amon's successor, I don't think there is anything interesting to talk about with you."

Apep opened his mouth, and a huge sound echoed in the desert,

The sound waves surged, even causing the sandstorm on the side to stop.

With his body floating, Wang Daoyi looked at Apep as straightly as possible.

"The stripping away of forbidden knowledge must be uncomfortable," Wang Daoyi said.

"You still dare to talk about forbidden knowledge in front of me, if it weren't for Amon, if it wasn't for Him."

Apep roared angrily, but suddenly fell silent.

"What did He do? Why don't you continue talking?" Wang Daoyi smiled, his eyes resting on Apep's dragon head, "Although I don't know what happened, you swallowed the Red King, and you were the one who was killed. The reason for the infection of forbidden knowledge, isn't it? The Red King has never taken the initiative to harm you."

Apep's dragon head suddenly thrust forward and stopped in front of Wang Daoyi.

The huge airflow formed during the grass dragon's breath blew the hem of Wang Daoyi's clothes.

"Do you think I dare not eat you? Amon's successor." Apep's deep voice echoed in Wang Daoyi's ears.

"No, of course you dare. You even want to. I know your desire, Apep."

Wang Daoyi looked at Apep calmly.

He naturally knew what Apep was thinking. This elemental dragon left over from ancient times had never had a good impression of the gods under the natural system.

If there is a chance to swallow Wang Daoyi, he will never hesitate.

"But can you do it? How much strength do you have left now? Not to mention defeating me or swallowing me, even maintaining the collapse of cells is already trying your best, Apep."

Listening to Wang Daoyi's words, Apep Dragon Beast paused slightly, and then an even more terrifying roar sounded in Wang Daoyi's ears.

The grass element light beam with a hint of black and yellow struck towards Wangdao along with Apep's roar.

Wang Daoyi shook his head, stretched out his hand in front of his face, and a light curtain appeared.

Even though Apep's grass element light beam is thick and big, and it still carries an evil withering power,

But in front of Wang Daoyi's light curtain, he still seemed a little powerless.

An attack not only did not injure Wang Daoyi, but it made it even more obvious that Apep, the Dragon of Grass, was stronger on the outside and stronger on the inside.

Of course, Wang Daoyi knew that it was because Apep was still working hard to maintain the [Garden World] in his body.

If Apep draws out his power to maintain the [Garden], it will not be a simple elemental light beam.

"Apepu, let's talk." Wang Daoyi said again.

The attack was ineffective, and Apep didn't care. His huge body slowly swam out from under the desert. The unimaginable giant beast stretched its body in the desert. Its huge body even blocked the sandstorm.

The sandstorm that can grind many monsters into powder swept over Apep's body, as if giving him a massage, making the scales on the giant beast make a crisp opening and closing sound.

"You are trying to negotiate with a giant dragon that wants to destroy the Seven Kingdoms. Should I praise your boldness or laugh at your ignorance?"

"Laughing at me will not make your illness better." Wang Daoyi said coldly.

"Sick? Hahahaha, yes, I am sick. I have been sick since the fall of [Niebelung]. Do you want to cure me? A little god, a young god, an ignorant god."

There was no change in Wang Daoyi's expression, he just wrote down the word [Nibelungen].

Looking at Apep calmly: "I have been analyzing you for a long time. Later, I gradually understood that your ability should be adaptability. You have unimaginable adaptability. This ability allows you to even gradually adapt to to eliminate the pollution caused by forbidden knowledge.”

"So, even if the forbidden knowledge has been cleared, it will be difficult to change your thinking that has been assimilated or adapted to the forbidden knowledge for thousands of years."

"However, I don't care about this. If it weren't for the fact that you were staying in Qianhe Sand Land, I wouldn't care whether you were dead or alive."

"Apepp, let me say it one last time, either we have a chat or you are suppressed by me."

Golden chains appeared on one of Wang Daoyi's hands.

"Suppress me? Hahahaha, it's just you, you deserve it."

Apep laughed wildly, and then looked at the runes emerging from Wang Dao's hand, with an unbelievable look in his huge dragon eyes.

"This, this is... no, how is it possible, with this kind of power, who are you? You are not the successor of Amon, who are you?"

Under the terrifying roar of the giant beast, the sandstorm became more violent.

A series of mysterious talismans appeared in Wang Daoyi's hand,

[Fulong Seal Method·Anti-Element Dragon King Immortal Treasure] (Chapter 286)

Once under the Fulong tree in Liyue, Wang Daoyi learned this mysterious and mysterious magic weapon of unknown origin.

Later, Wang Daoyi asked Zhongli many times, but Zhongli never gave an answer.

However, this does not prevent Wang Daoyi from learning and studying it.

After learning for the first time that there was an ancient elemental dragon in the Qianhe Sands,

Wang Daoyi has been studying this kind of runes intensively.

Now, it comes in handy.

Raise your right hand flat,

Overwhelming golden chains spread out from the void,

Each chain carries a series of [Anti-Element Dragon King Immortal Lu]

These golden chains were intertwined, and a huge Fulong seal formation gradually took shape, hovering over Qianhe Sand, like a huge net, covering the entire Qianhe Sand,

And under the net, the fish that cannot escape is Apep, the Dragon of Grass.

"Final announcement, Apep, chat, or suppress."

Wang Daoyi's elemental true body poked out from the void behind him,

The huge elemental giant looked at the giant dragon blocking the wind and sand, and gave the final announcement.

The unimaginably huge body gradually circled. Apep raised the dragon's head and looked at the golden chains in the sky with fear.

The power of these chains was not worth mentioning in his opinion. In the battles he had experienced, the power of this level could only be considered average.

But the [Anti-Element Dragon King Immortal Urn] that appeared on those golden chains was the target that Apep was afraid of.

Although it was the first time for him to see the [Anti-Element Dragon King Immortal Rui], he had seen similar power of the Anti-Element Dragon King more than once on previous battlefields.

Shrinking his body, Apep looked up at the golden chains all over the sky, as well as Wang Daoyi who revealed his elemental form, and remained silent for a long time.

Wang Daoyi did not continue to press.

Anyway, the longer time goes by, the more perfect the [Fulong Sealing Method] will be, and the easier it will be to suppress Apep.

Wang Daoyi hoped that he would delay for a while longer, preferably for three days and three nights. By then, the [Fulong Sealing Technique] would completely cover Qianhe Sand, and Apep would not be able to escape even if he wanted to.

"A huge body, terrifying power, so what? Knowledge, the knowledge of how to use power, is the most important."

Looking down at Apep below, Wang Daoyi thought slightly in his heart.

Apep's power is definitely greater than that of Wang Daoyi. If you simply compete with elemental power, ten Wang Daoyi will not be able to match this terrifying dragon.

But after Wang Daoyi used the knowledge he learned, Apep could only hover on the ground and did not dare to scream again.

This is the power of knowledge.

Using corresponding knowledge to deal with corresponding enemies is the embodiment of wisdom.

With golden eyes flowing, Wang Daoyi looked at Apep indifferently.

This guy must not be killed. Once the terrifying elemental power explodes, the desert will become green, but at the same time, the red sand people will probably die.

Don't forget that elemental power is corrosive to ordinary people.

Apep's level of elemental power burst out, and even the Holy Skeleton Warrior couldn't withstand it.

Therefore, there are only two ways to deal with Apep,

Heal Him, not to say make Him a friend, but at least turn Him into an enemy.

Seal Him and kill Him with time.

These are the two methods Wang Dao could think of in a short period of time.

Fortunately, Wang Daoyi can do both methods.

the other side,

Nasida and her party hurried back from the Great Abyss of Strata,

Just stepped into the sandy land of Qianhe,

Then he saw the true form of the first element of the king suspended in mid-air, and the golden chains that covered the sky.

On the ground, an unimaginable giant beast exuded a violent aura, and it seemed that it would hit the golden sky the next moment.

".Although I thought it would be spectacular, is this a bit exaggerated?"

Paimon retracted his gaze towards the sky and turned to Ying with a confused look on his face.

Ying twitched the corner of his mouth and nodded: "That's a bit exaggerated."

Nicorette didn't have much reaction. He had met Apep and knew Wang Daoyi. He just curiously looked at the runes on the golden chains in the sky and returned to normal.

"Let's go, we have to rush there as soon as possible. Once the battle between the Lord of Red Sand and the Dragon of Grass breaks out, it will be really late."

Nicored reminded.

Paimon came back to his senses and nodded repeatedly: "Yes, yes, we must be fast, we can't let them fight."

Paimon was afraid that the two would fight and she wouldn't be able to withstand the aftermath.

"King of Grass, please save the Dragon of Grass. You can't fight. Stop it, King of Sand." The evolved elemental mushroom beast on the side also said.

Nasida withdrew her eyes from looking into the distance and nodded vigorously: "Well, let's go there quickly."

the other side,

The aura on Apep's body became more and more violent. It was obvious that he was not a being who would be threatened to communicate with others.

If the threat was useful to him, then after the first war, he should live with those humans like other dragons.

Crazy murderous intent gathered in Apep's eyes,

The huge body hovered, and the huge scales made a crisp sound when they rubbed against each other.

"It seems that you are not ready to have a good chat with me."

There was a hint of disappointment in Wang Dao's glance, but it disappeared immediately. If possible, he really didn't want to do anything with a being like Apep.

However, since the other party refused friendly exchanges, don't blame him.

His eyes scanned the people arriving not far away,

Wang Daoyi calmed down,

Let's see if he can convince Apep before Nasida arrives.

A thought flashed through my mind,

The overwhelming golden chains formed a magic circle, like the Milky Way pouring out, and the chaotic sky was pressing down on the giant beast in the desert.

Almost at the same time, Apep's huge body suddenly bounced up, and the ancient dragon charged towards the sky again.

In an instant,

The sound of countless chains breaking resounded in the sky,

Facing Apep's huge body and terrifying power, even the chains condensed by King Daoyi cannot completely restrain him.

But it doesn't matter. If you break one chain, there will still be ten. If you break ten chains, there will still be a hundred, a thousand, or ten thousand.

As long as Wang Daoyi is still there, there will be as many chains as you want,

Watching Apep wreak havoc in the sea of ​​golden chains,

Not only was Wang Daoyi not worried, he actually smiled.

"It seems that the impact of forbidden knowledge on you not only changes your cognition, but also lowers your wisdom."

With indifference in his words, Wang Dao waved his hands one by one, and more chains spread out from the void, turning into dragons and wrapping around Apep's body.

"Hey, do you only know this kind of despicable method?"

After tearing large pieces of chains into pieces and turning them into pieces of light that filled the sky, Apep roared angrily at Wang Daoyi,

"Sorry, in order to minimize damage to the desert, I can only do this."

As he said his sorry words, the cold look in Wang Dao's eyes did not diminish at all.

However, he did not lie to Apep. It was indeed because he did not want to damage the desert too much, so he only used chains, which can be flexibly controlled.

As long as this place was far away from the Chisha tribe, Wang Daoyi would hit Apep on the head with the 'suns' one after another.

Ignore Apep's roar,

Golden chains spread out from the void, like swimming dragons or pythons, swimming and clinging to Apep's huge body.

Runes appeared on the golden chain one by one, and then were imprinted on Apep's dragon scales.

The runes and chains gradually outlined the links under Wang Daoyi's control, and a changed form of the Fulong Seal Technique gradually took shape on Apep's body.

The power from the Anti-Element Dragon King Rune began to take effect on Apep,

The terrifying power of the Grass Dragon was gradually suppressed,

When Nasida and others arrived,

Apep was no longer able to lift the dragon's head.

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