Explorer of Teyvat

Chapter 494 Heart of the Oasis (1000 more monthly votes this month)


Nacida shouted.

She didn't want Wang Daoyi to kill Apep, so she shouted out in an attempt to prevent Wang Daoyi from going further.

However, Wang Daoyi himself never thought about killing Apep.

As mentioned before,

Apep, or in other words, the elemental dragon at the level of a god, is a super bomb in itself.

Killing Him is igniting this bomb, which is a dangerous move.

Even if Nasida didn't stop him, Wang Daoyi would seal him at best and try again to see if he could get something good out of Apep.


Hearing Nasida's call,

The true form of the elements behind Wang Daoyi gradually disappeared into the void,

The overwhelming golden chains did not disappear, but continued to wrap around Apep's body.

His body is too big, Wang Daoyi must ensure that it is completely sealed to prevent him from breaking free.

"You are here."

Descending from mid-air, Wang Dao looked at everyone,

"Your power is somewhat too terrifying. I won't dare to speak ill of you in the future." Paimon complained secretly while hiding behind Ying.

Wang Daoyi smiled and glanced at her: "Are you scared now? Paimon."

"Isn't this enough? For such a big monster to be sealed away by you, I can't even think about it." Paimon said in an exaggerated tone.

"It's not that simple." Wang Daoyi shook his head slightly and explained, "Didn't you notice that Apep only used physical power when fighting me? You know, he is the dragon of elements, and the elemental power is his His strengths, the strength brought by his body, are just additions.”

"I can seal him. On the one hand, after being eroded by forbidden knowledge, his sanity is not very online. On the other hand, he is still working hard to maintain his home in the body. Even when he was sealed by me, he did not mobilize the power to maintain his home in the body. .”

"If it hadn't been like this, the battle between Apep and I wouldn't have been just like this."

Looking at Apep, the Dragon of Grass, who was lying on the ground panting, Wang Dao had an inexplicable look in his eyes.

In fact, when he took action, Wang Daoyi was prepared for Apep to resist desperately.

But when Apep was sealed, he did not draw out those elemental powers. This made Wang Dao and Apep look at Apep with admiration.

This ancient dragon may not be as arrogant and violent as he appears.

In some places, He still maintains His gentleness.

"You have defeated me, kill me, successor of Amon."

Apep raised his head with difficulty and looked at Wang Daoyi, with a hint of desire in his huge dragon eyes.

He is seeking death!

Wang Daoyi did not answer him, but looked at Nasida.

Nasida nodded towards Wangdao and took a step forward: "Apepp, we have different positions and different understandings of the world and order. But we were both born based on elemental power and have been deeply influenced by "forbidden knowledge" torture. We have the same essence and the same enemies to fight, so we should not cut off communication based on stereotypes. "

Nacida whispered to Apep,

But Apep didn't respond. He still looked at Wang Daoyi, hoping that Wang Daoyi would kill him.

"Can the grass dragon listen?" Paimon asked with some confusion.

Wang Daoyi shook his head: "Probably."

He saw Apep's will to die. After adapting to the forbidden knowledge for so long, many of Apep's emotions and cognitions have gone to extremes.

Extreme disgust, extreme destruction, and also extreme self-destructive tendencies.

"No matter what you think, who you hate, and what you have done because of hatred, I don't care, and we don't expect your gratitude. I am here to save you, not just you, but also your people, mine People."

Nacida took another step closer to Apep and reached out to stroke Apep's hanging dragon whiskers. "They have been looking for a way to save you after they left their home. They really want to go home."

Apep's eyes fluctuated slightly and he looked at the several elemental mushroom beasts beside Ying.

Nasida: "It's all over now, and all the hatred is of no use. Instead of continuing to fight, or giving up on yourself, you should face up to the life you gave birth to."


The elemental mushroom beasts looked at Apep: "Grass Dragon, let's go home."

"You are unwilling to use the elemental power to maintain the [Garden] no matter what. You must still love them in your heart."

"You have been around much longer than me, so just think clearly about why you live and why you hate me!"

Nacida shouted to Apep.


Ying frowned slightly: "Isn't it still possible?"

The words just fell,

Apep opened his mouth: "Little gods, and my people, do you also want to heal me?"

After receiving Apep's response, Nasida hurriedly said: "Apepp, I know you resist us, but please give your people a chance and let them go home and see."

Apep was silent for a moment, looking at the elemental mushroom beasts with his huge eyes.

He didn't know these elemental mushroom beasts. After he was contaminated, there were too many elemental beings who went out to find a way to cure it.

So many that even Apep himself can’t remember them all.

Similarly, when He was fighting against pollution, the elemental beings who were willing to come back, reverse themselves, and turn into elemental power and be swallowed by Him were also too many, too many for Him to forget.

After a moment of silence,

Apep struggled to raise his head a little, trying to maintain the majesty of the Grass Dragon.

"I can let you enter [Home], but I don't guarantee it."

Apep didn't say he couldn't guarantee anything;

But Nasida's eyes lit up and she nodded vigorously: "Send us into [Home], and then leave it to us."

"Wait a minute." Wang Daoyi suddenly interrupted.

Nasida turned her head in confusion: "What's wrong, Dao Yi?"

"Where's the fire?" Wang Daoyi asked.

Nacida smiled, stretched out her hand, and the fire appeared: "I know what you are worried about, but since I know that this thing was left by [her], I will not use it indiscriminately. Along the way, Nicolaide helped A lot of work, but the fire is still well preserved.”

Wang Daoyi checked the fire carefully and then felt relieved.

Apep's dragon head turned to Wang Daoyi: "Unlock a trace of the seal, and I will send them in."

Wang Dao nodded and stretched out his hand a little, and the seal originally burned on Apep's body was slightly loosened.

A flash of green flashed in Apeplong's eyes,

A terrifying suction force appeared, and the door to [Home] opened.

Wang Daoyi immediately reached out and put a shield on everyone to protect them from being scattered under the suction force.

Then he watched Nasida, Ying, Paimon, and the elemental mushroom beasts being sucked into [Home].

Then he reached out a little more, and the power of the seal sealed Apep again.

"Humph." Apep snorted coldly, said nothing, and closed his eyes.

Wang Daoyi just looked at him quietly and said nothing.


Within Apep’s body and home,

Looking at the fruit-like existence in front of me,

Everyone was slightly stunned,

"That is the core of home and the source of the Grass Dragon's power, the heart of the oasis."

The elemental mushroom beast said on the side.

"Heart of the Oasis?" Paimon made a confused voice, "But it's not green at all."

"Well, this is the heart of the oasis, the owner of the home. The Dragon of Grass has strong adaptability, and the heart of the oasis is the embodiment of adaptability. The heart of the oasis used to be emerald green, but now the heart of the oasis, After thousands of years of adaptation and evolution with forbidden knowledge, it is no longer green."

There was something sad in Lu Xingshui's words.

This used to be their home, a beautiful, warm and happy place,

Now it has become so desolate.

However, it quickly recovered and turned to look at Nasida, with respect and expectation in its eyes: "King of Grass, please start and light up the heart of the oasis again."

Nasida nodded and took a step forward.

Stretching out her little hand, a touch of green appeared in Nasida's hand. This was the fire left by the [Great Merciful Tree King].

That benevolent god may have thought of the current situation.

The power of fire floated towards the heart of the withered oasis under the control of Nasida,

Stimulated by the pure elemental power of fire, some elemental beings who stayed in their homes and had fully adapted to the forbidden knowledge appeared one after another.

These twisted elemental beings have lost their minds, and their only goal of survival is to survive. They will never stop chasing the elemental power.

The pure elemental power that appears on the fire is like Paimon seeing delicious food, and there is no resistance to them.

"Yes, Nicored." Nacida called softly.

"Leave it to us." Nicored looked indifferently and looked at the twisted elemental creatures.

He will never allow these disgusting things to ruin the ceremony.

As long as the heart of the oasis is lit up, the sad journey "home" can be over.

"For the sake of my lost friends, please go to hell."

A cold light flashed in his eyes, Nicored held his hand in the air, and a black-red long sword appeared in his hand.

"Traveler, protect Your Majesty Buyer, leave the rest to me."

As soon as he finished speaking, Ying saw Nicored transform into a swift shadow and rush out,

"Fake method·Yaoyang."

A dazzling light flashed from the edge of Nicored's sword,

The surging alchemical power sweeps through the twisted elemental lives, turning them into pure elemental energy.

After being in the Chisha tribe for so long, Nicored has also found his own way.

Although there are still traces of Albedo in him, for example, he also summarized his own power into [Fake Method], but essentially he has separated from Albedo's chalky power and merged with Wang Daoyi's glorious power.

Watching Nicored kill everyone, Ying was not careless. He guarded Nasida with a long sword and carefully observed the surroundings.

Not only Yingying, but also the elemental mushroom beasts were guarding Nasida, protecting the King of Grass from reviving their homeland.

As the power of fire gradually merges into the heart of the oasis,

The originally withered core gradually began to change.

A little greenery emerges in the heart of the withered oasis,

Like ink dripping into clear water, it smudges out quickly,

Clean and pure grass elemental power began to appear in this space,

"The Heart of the Oasis has begun to revive." The elemental mushroom beasts had happy looks in their eyes, excitement and joy appearing on their faces.

"However, the biggest test is coming." Nasida controlled the fire, constantly stimulating the heart of the oasis, and vaguely felt a danger approaching.

The elemental mushroom beasts looked at each other: "It's the guardian. The guardian has also adapted and evolved. Now that the environment has changed, it will definitely come out to stop it."

The essence of [Home] is the individual cells in Apep’s body, the grass dragon.

And within these cells there are guardians,

These guardians were supposed to protect [homeland] from infringement.

However, under the erosion of forbidden knowledge for thousands of years, the guardians had to compromise and adapt and evolve.

Therefore, the guardian who originally guarded the green has now become the guardian of the withered yellow.

In game terms, the camp has shifted.

Justice has turned into evil, and now it's up to the hero to stop the hero from rescuing the princess.


The elemental mushroom beasts had just finished speaking,

A huge, twisted, algae-like creature emerged from the ground of his home.

However, Nicored was obviously not afraid. The brilliance of alchemy bloomed.

He withstood the guardian's attack forcefully.

"Don't worry, leave it to me."

Nicored let everyone know what it means to be reassured by the guarantee of an alchemist master.

No matter how violent the guardian is, it will still be difficult to break through Nicoreid's defense line.

Reconciled with himself, perceived friendship, studied pure elemental power, participated in the formation of the void, and even assisted Albedo in conducting elemental sublimation experiments.

Nicored is no longer the evil alchemy cyborg in the snowy mountains.

Now he is a [person] with emotions, background, and self-thought.

And these memories he had experienced gave him more and more powerful power.

Although whitewashing is three points weaker, blackening is ten times stronger.

But in Nicorette's case, even if he is cleared, he is getting stronger and stronger.

Nacida did not watch Nicored's battle, she concentrated on looking at the fire and the heart of the oasis in front of her.

The withered yellow seed is now glowing with green.

The heart of the oasis has revived.

outside world,

Wang Daoyi watched the withered yellow scales on Apep's body gradually turn into emerald green, his eyes wavered slightly, and he knew that Nasida and the others should have succeeded.

With the revival of the heart of the oasis,

Endless grass elements were born in Apep's body,

As the original master of vegetation, Apep gradually regained his authority and strength.

The glimmer of light on the scales lit up, and the power of the grass element was resisting the suppression of the [Anti-Element Dragon King Immortal Lu].

Wang Dao's eyes turned cold.

"Now, it's too early."

With a thought, more chains spread out from the void and wrapped around Apep's body.


The temptation was interrupted by Wang Daoyi,

Apep snorted coldly, and his voice echoed in the desert like muffled thunder.

But he no longer continued to try to resist the power of the [Anti-Element Dragon King Immortal Lu].

Lying quietly on the ground, feeling the huge elemental power brought by the resurgence of the Oasis Heart.

These elemental forces will gradually fill the void in His heart.

Slowly, the violent aura of the Dragon of Grass dissipated slightly, and the fresh breath of grass and trees began to escape.

In the surrounding desert, some cacti and low shrubs destroyed by sandstorms were affected and began to gradually recover.

Even better than before.

In terms of elemental power, Apep is indeed more of a master of vegetation than Nasida.

"Aren't you going to say something to me?" Wang Daoyi said.

Apep opened his eyes: "What do you want to talk about, Amon's successor."

Wang Daoyi looked at Apep coldly and said: "You and I both know that you will still live in the sandy land of Qianhe, and my people will also multiply in the desert. If we can't make a contract first, I won't let you go." Open yours."

There was disdain in Apep's eyes. Even if the hole was filled and reason returned, he still had no good impressions of Wang Daoyi, the god who had banned him:

"Oh, Amon's successor, the heart of the oasis is resurrecting and my power is endless. You can seal me for one year or ten years, but can you seal me for a hundred or a thousand years?"

With the revival of the Heart of Oasis, Apep's power will become stronger and stronger. This is the power of the elemental dragons. They are the pinnacle of elemental life. Regardless of [wear and tear], the passage of time will only Make them stronger and stronger.

"Then are you willing to do this? Just after you recovered, you were sealed by me for ten years, a hundred years, or even longer. Apep, freedom is precious, and you need to pay a price to gain freedom."

Wang Daoyi still looked at the other party coldly. If Apep refused to give in, he would seal Apep tightly even if he wasted a clone to sit here forever.

A completely restored and uncontrollable ancient dragon lives next to his own tribe. This kind of thing is absolutely impossible for Wang Daoyi to accept.


Apep gasped,

The surge of air turned into a strong wind blowing the yellow sand,

He is considering, as Wang Daoyi said,

He had been tortured by forbidden knowledge for thousands of years, and then experienced the torture caused by the elemental void. Now he was finally cured by the little grass god. It would be too uncomfortable if he was immediately sealed by the hateful little Amon in front of him.

Freedom is what every living thing desires.

Even if He is the Dragon of Grass.

for a long time,

Apep looked at Wang Daoyi again: "Tell me your conditions."

"First of all, you can't harm my people." Wang Dao said as soon as he opened his mouth.

Apep showed a disdainful smile: "Hey, Amon's successor, have you made a mistake? Those little people, I can destroy them with just a sneeze. Maybe it's not my intention to hurt them. .”

"Then don't sneeze, Apep. You can't hurt my people. This is the most basic condition." Wang Daoyi looked at Apep's dragon eyes and said with an indifferent expression.

Looking at Wang Daoyi's indifferent eyes, Apep's eyes narrowed slightly, and finally he looked away: "As long as your people don't bother me, I will naturally not take action against them."

Wang Daoyi's eyes warmed slightly when he heard Apep surrendered. Although the preconditions were added, it was okay.

If there is really a Red Sand citizen who risking his life to provoke the Dragon of Grass, then Wang Daoyi will not protect him.

Provoking a great being is itself bringing trouble to the tribe. This kind of person should die.

"Secondly, I hope to reach cooperation with you."

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