Explorer of Teyvat

Chapter 495 Cooperation

"I want to reach some cooperation with you."

Wang Daoyi's voice reached Apep's ears,

Apep couldn't help laughing,


What a familiar word,

Who was the last person to cooperate with Him?

Oh, it’s Amon, the Red King.

That cunning guy never forgot to plot against Him until his death.

Now, His successor, this little Amon, once again said the word cooperation in front of himself.

Anger, amusement, and resistance flashed across Apep's huge dragon eyes.


"Just call me the Lord of the Red Sand, or the Lord of the Mystery of Chengfa. Although I inherited the desert, I am not completely the successor of the Red King. I have my own way." Wang Daoyi interrupted Apep. , he doesn’t like this title.

"Lord of Red Sand, oh, Amon was like this back then. He made a deal with me, I allowed his people to live in my territory, and in return, after his death, everything about him will belong to me. "

That's right, the original owner of the desert was Apep, not the Red King.

The Red King traded Apep's hands for the right to survival of his people.

However, if this transaction reaches Wang Daoyi, it will definitely not be established.

The desert people have lived here for thousands of years, and this is the root of the desert people.

"But the Red King did it, didn't he? After his death, you swallowed him and inherited everything from him, including the knowledge."

Wang Dao opened his mouth and said,

Apep was stunned for a moment, and then showed a trace of fear: "Yes, Amon fulfilled his promise. When he died, I went to his temple and swallowed him. But I never thought that he was better than me. It’s even crazier to imagine.”

"While swallowing Amon, unimaginable forbidden knowledge polluted me. Just fighting against the erosion made me try my best. I really don't understand how Amon did it."

Apep's tone was filled with exclamation and shock.

Imagine that just fighting the encroachment of forbidden knowledge takes all Apep has to offer.

The Red King was doing research despite the erosion of these taboo knowledge. Even in the end, he was not crazy, let alone corrupt.

The Red King chose to sacrifice himself for the people of the desert.

It can be seen that the Red King's strength, or resistance to forbidden knowledge, far exceeds that of Apep.

"Ignore your deal with the Red King, Apep. Now I want to make a new deal with you."

Wang Daoyi interrupted Apep's memory.

Apep looked at him: "I have been tricked once, Lord of Red Sand, do you think I will be tricked again?"

"Although you are short-lived and insignificant, your wisdom and calculations far surpass those of dragons. I don't want to cooperate with you anymore."

Apep was 'scared'.

The experience of being tricked by the Red King made him no longer want to believe in these little creatures.

"No, Apep, what I want to cooperate with is not about forbidden knowledge." Wang Daoyi rolled his eyes, feeling that Apep was bitten by a snake once and was afraid of the smell of well rope for ten years.

"It's not forbidden knowledge?" Apep turned his head with difficulty, "Then what do you want to cooperate with me?"

"I am a real dragon, the Lord of Red Sand. I admit that you do control my freedom, but I will not cooperate with you gods in certain places."

In Apep's view, Wang Daoyi is also a god under the natural system and his enemy. If it is not something like forbidden knowledge, then he can't think of anything else that Wang Daoyi can cooperate with.

"Improve the desert. I want to cooperate with you to improve the environment of the desert. As the former master of vegetation, you should have such ability." Wang Daoyi said,

After learning about Apep's existence, Wang Daoyi thought about whether the environment in the desert could be improved if Apep took action.

Now that Apep is in front of him and even 'caught' by him, he naturally cannot let go of this opportunity.

"Improving the desert?" Apep was stunned.

He never thought that Wang Daoyi would want to cooperate with him.

Compared with something as scary as taboo knowledge, improving the desert environment is like discussing elementary school homework at a scientific research meeting.

You say he can't discuss it, and he can actually do it, but you say he can discuss it, but it seems a little inappropriate.

"Lord of Red Sand, do you know the origin of Xumi Desert?"

Apep spoke.

Wang Dao nodded: "The power of the Punishment Nail affected the surrounding climate and formed a desert."

Apep's dragon head raised slightly: "Then do you know why the nail of punishment was lowered here?"

Wang Daoyi was stunned when Apep asked,

He really doesn't know this,

He knew that every country seemed to have nails of punishment sent down by heaven, but Wang Daoyi didn't quite understand why these nails were dropped.

As for why the nails in the desert appeared here, Wang Daoyi had no information.

"Hehehe, do you know why I made the deal with Amon?"

"Isn't it for the elemental power of the Red King?"

"Hahahaha, of course not, I just went there for the forbidden knowledge, but I didn't expect that the forbidden knowledge controlled by Amon would be so huge."

Wang Daoyi was slightly startled: "Are you actively seeking forbidden knowledge?"

"After the initial war, [Dragon King] took the dark power from outside the world and led us to resist the order defined by outsiders."

"An unprecedented war unfolded in Teyvat. The brutal battle nearly brought the entire world to its knees."

"The winner has the right to reshape the world, while the loser can only be reduced to ashes."

"But even after [Dragon King] died, I did not give up on ways to reverse the situation."

"I was trying to find more forbidden knowledge on the edge of a world that was about to be broken, but I was stopped by the giant nails falling from the sky."

"Xumi was turned upside down in an instant, which seemed to tell me that the era of dragons was over."

The scales on Apep's expression shone brighter and brighter. He had raised his head and his upper body was no longer lying on the ground. Even though his power was sealed, he had regained some ability to move.

The huge dragon head approached Wang Daoyi: "Now, Lord of Red Sand, do you understand? The nail of punishment was originally lowered for me. It was lowered to prevent me from obtaining more forbidden knowledge."

"If you want to reverse the environment of the Sumeru Desert, you must fight against the power of the Punishment Nail."

"Now, do you still want me to accompany you to improve the desert environment?"

There was ridicule in Apep's dragon eyes, as if he was mocking an ant in the system of heaven, trying to resist the power of heaven for a smaller ant.

"Apepu." Wang Daoyi looked at the Dragon of Grass, "I have never said that I am a god under the system of heaven."

Wang Daoyi's voice shocked Apep,

Shock flashed in the eyes of the Grass Dragon. He just looked at Wang Daoyi blankly, as if he was looking at some precious creature.

It is incredible that a god who dared to use such powerful power in Teyvat dared to say that he was not a god under the system of heavenly principles.

Even if Amon rejected the gift from the sky, he did not dare to directly say that he was not an existence outside the system of heavenly principles.

"Hehehe, Lord of Red Sand, I have taken note of you. We may be able to cooperate with each other, but let's wait until later. Buyer and the others are coming out."

As his power fully recovered, Apep also sensed that Nasida and others had completed the treatment.

He interrupted Wang Daoyi's invitation to cooperate and suppressed the topic.

Wang Dao nodded and flicked his finger,

A bit of golden light fell on Apep, slightly opening the countless seals.

Apep doesn't care either;

Green light blooms in Him,

The entrance to the home is opened,

Nasida and others flew out of their homes.

"Hey, they were sent out." Pai Meng looked around, turned around, and found the terrifying dragon head floating behind her, "Ahhhhhh~"

Paimon was startled and flew behind Ying with a whoosh.

"Am I scary?" Although Apep tried his best to use a quiet voice, it was still like thunder.

Paimon quietly poked his head out from beside him and looked at Apep: "No, ah, it's not that scary."

She didn't dare to say anything bad for fear that Apep would eat her up in one bite.

Apep twitched the corner of his mouth and stopped teasing Paimon. He turned to look at Nasida: "Little Buyer, I feel your heart. You are as clean as grass and trees. I want to believe in your kindness. , please continue to move forward and let me see how far a life cherished by heaven can go."

Nasida nodded: "Then keep your gaze, Apep. No matter whether it is humans, the creatures of Sumeru, or Dao Yi and I, we will not be ashamed of the gift of this land."

Apep looked at Nasida deeply, as if he wanted to remember this little god in his heart.

at last,

Apep turned to look at the elemental beings: "You seem to have other concerns. So, should you go home or stay outside."

Lu Xingshui's True Mushroom·Elemental Life took a step forward: "Dragon of Grass, our homeland has been restored. We are very happy, but we have family members in the rain forest. I want to go and bring them back. I hope you agree."

"A new family?" There was a little warmth in Apep's eyes, "Then go, we welcome you back at any time."

at last,

Apep looked at Wang Daoyi: "Lord of Red Sand, let's talk about improving the desert environment later. I need to recover now."

After saying that, Apep took back the remaining elemental mushroom beasts, and his huge body began to swim, retreating towards the underground of Qianhe Sand Land.

Wang Daoyi looked at him calmly,

He did not continue to ban Apep, nor did he unlock other seals on Apep.

Both He and He knew that these seals would be the basis for their cooperation.

"Hey, so, it's a happy ending, right?" Pamon poked his head out from behind Ying and said cautiously.

Nasida nodded: "Well, it can be considered a happy ending."

As she said that, she raised her head and glanced at Wang Daoyi, her eyes showing her trust in her family.

If there were no real memories shared by Wang Daoyi,

If I encounter these things, I'm afraid something will go wrong.

In the memory covered by the World Tree, Nasida was the original God of Grass. If the original God of Grass came, she would definitely use the power of fire on the way.

Because to the original God of Grass, the fire was what she made, and it was used as long as it was used, it was completely unimportant.

But under Wang Daoyi's reminder, Nasida always remembered that she was an ignorant god for five hundred years, and did not believe those false memories.

Moreover, Wang Daoyi also sent Nicored to help, so along the way, the power of the fire was preserved, and finally he could save the grass dragon Apep so easily and achieve a happy ending.

Wang Daoyi also looked at Nasida with a smile,

Light and grass should complement each other.

The light will take care of the grass growing.

the other side,

Lu Xingshui's true mushroom, elemental life, looked at Nicoreid: "Friends, pick up more family members, go home, and help."

Nicorette nodded, fully understanding what the other party meant. He looked at Wang Daoyi: "Lord of Red Sand, I need a vacation to help it find more family members and send it back home."

Naturally, Wang Daoyi would not disagree and showed a smile: "Go, the road to Chisha will be open to you."

With Apep's incident over, it was time for the pioneering team that had evacuated from Chisha to re-enter Qianhe Sand.

"Let's go, it's time for us to get out of here."

"Yeah, happy ending, let's go back and eat delicious food."

"No, you have already used up your food expenses for this month."


Time flies by,

After Apep disappeared, Nasida also told Wang Daoyi what they encountered in Apep's body.

And also talked about the questions she raised to Apep,

However, Wang Daoyi already knew most of those things.

However, that was all three days ago.

Later, Wang Daoyi went to Apep's palace several times, but received no response. ,

What Apep said was true, He needed time to recover.

Wang Dao was not in a hurry, since the seal was still there, Apep would definitely come out to meet him.

in the temple,

"The experiment of elemental sublimation has reached a bottleneck. I am ready to return to Mondstadt."

Abedo looked at Wang Daoyi on the throne and said,

"Are you giving up?"

"No, I won't give up. On the one hand, Keli has been out for too long. If she stays any longer, I'm afraid that Captain Qin will be worried. On the other hand, I want to go back to Longji Snow Mountain to see if I can create a tough enough person." Elemental body, conduct a sublimation experiment as a preparation for some experiments."

"Okay, Nicored went to help his elemental life friends, and you have to go back to Mondstadt. I don't even have anyone to talk to in the entire Red Sand." Wang Daoyi curled his lips.

"If you are bored, you can come back to Mondstadt with me. Captain Qin will be happy to receive you."

Abedo said calmly.

Wang Daoyi shook his head: "Forget it, I have another invitation. I will go to Mondstadt to disturb Captain Qin when I am free in the future."

"Well, please open the door and send Keli and I back."

Abedo pointed to Keli, who was sleeping soundly on his side.

The little guy no longer has the discipline of Captain Qin, and he is loved by many people in the desert. He has been playing like crazy these days.

Abedo also just captured her from outside.

As a result, the little guy felt sleepy and fell asleep as soon as he came back.

"This is simple, then, goodbye."

Wang Dao stretched out his hand a little, and the earth vein channels appeared,

Abedo picked up Keli and said, "Goodbye."

Then he stepped into the earth channel and disappeared.

Watching Abedo leave, Wang Daoyi shook his head slightly and stood up from the throne.

"In that case, it's time for me to leave, but I need to talk to Nasida first."

Wang Daoyi and Nasida had an agreement that if something big was going to happen, they must inform each other.

The light was distorted, and Wang Daoyi disappeared into the temple,

After a while,

Another figure appeared, taking Wang Daoyi's place on the throne.

Xumi City·Jiaolingyuan,

As soon as Wang Dao walked in the aisle,

Seeing some instructors coming and going in a hurry, my heart fluctuated slightly.

It seems that there is indeed a lot going on in the Order Academy.

As soon as I thought about it, a smile appeared on the corner of my mouth,

Looking to the other side,

Over there, there are familiar figures chatting.

"Yo yo yo, isn't this our acting sage? Why are you chatting with friends during work hours?"

As soon as Wang Dao walked over, he started to feel strange.

Elhaysen's eyes flashed slightly, showing a hint of stiffness: "Welcome to you, Lord of Red Sand. In addition, you'd better not speak casually when you don't understand the situation. After all, your attitude will be seen by some people." Very important."

"Ha, are you afraid that someone will use my words to attack you?" Wang Daoyi smiled.

Elhaysen shook his head: "It's not that I'm afraid, it's that I'm bored. Getting entangled with those people will waste my time."

"Okay, okay, let's not talk anymore, but what are you doing?" Wang Daoyi asked, and then moved his eyes to another person present, "Who is this?"

"Wow, Daoyi, you're here too." Paimeng shouted, and then explained what happened to Wang Daoyi.

It turned out that when Ying and Paimon were wandering around Xumi City today, they saw a very abnormal scholar coming in from outside the city.

This scholar also yelled that he wanted to see the disciplinary official.

So Ying and Paimon took him to the Order Academy and found the Disciplinary Officer.

After the scholar told the story, the discipline officer came with Alhaysen.

After listening to Paimon’s story,

Wang Dao nodded: "That's it."

"Elhaysen, you are interested in this matter. It seems that it is indeed interesting."

As Wang Daoyi spoke, his eyes kept looking at the scholar who was mentally disturbed.

"It's just some small things, much bigger than the Lord of Red Sand." Elhaysen said calmly.

"Okay, okay, I'll just stay out of it. You guys can get busy, I'm going to find Nasida." Wang Dao looked at Elhaysen's expression and knew that the other party had noticed something was wrong with the scholar.

Since Elhaysen doesn't want to intervene himself, there is no need to interfere.

Let Alhaysen have his own fun.

"Hey, is Daoyi leaving now?" Paimeng was confused. He didn't know why Wang Daoyi, who he had just met, was leaving now.

Wangdao smiled at Paimon and said, "Haha, I have something to do with Nasita. You go and do it. Have fun."

After saying that, Wang Dao turned around and left.

However, the smile at the corner of his mouth did not disappear.

"Swarm consciousness, I have some ideas, but unfortunately, it's not ruthless enough."

After Wang Dao left,

Elhaysen looked at Ying and Paimon: "According to Glass's evidence, they will be trading in the tavern. We are going to investigate, you can do whatever you want."

Well, that abnormal scholar is called Glass.

Paimon immediately shouted that they wanted to go too.

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