Explorer of Teyvat

Chapter 507 Oasis Miracle


The junction between the Hall of Transfiguration and the Tanit ruins,

Several scholars, under the protection of Chisha warriors, stared at the scene in front of them.

In their sight,

Five or six sandworms were rolling happily over there,

They surround a mini grass dragon in the center, making fawning sounds from time to time.

Of course, these sandworms are not the most attractive thing here;

Not far from the sandworm, a huge pit appeared in the originally 'flat' desert.

The pit is surrounded by solid rock walls.

On the rock wall, there are densely packed runes that are shimmering.

And at the bottom of the pit in the blind spot of the scholar's sight,

Dozens of blue devices shine,

These are the purification devices,

When the evil god's remains emit fugitive radiation to nearby areas,

These devices will purify the evil forces within them,

Only dissipate the water elemental power or other clean power.

Make sure the water here is clean and suitable for survival.

"Okay, the purification device is complete, where are you going to put it?"

Abedo breathed a sigh of relief. Even for him, producing so many high-precision devices in a short period of time was still a big burden.

The purification device of the Bashi Reservoir is powered by Super Dabao's backup energy, so it is naturally on Super Dabao.

And there are no super treasures here.

If you want the magic circle built by the purification device to operate for a long time, you must consider the subsequent energy issues.

It must be a place where people can easily replenish energy, and it is the place where the purification device array and the corpse of the evil god are placed.

"Forget it, let's do the same thing as Bashi."

Wang Daoyi thought about it and decided that Bashi's solution was the best.

Stretching out his hand, rock elements surged, and endless elemental power gathered on the corpse of the beast-headed evil god.

Soon, a giant piece of amber was formed.

"Insert it into the rock wall of the reservoir. The purification array is also embedded into the rock wall. A channel will be dug behind the rock wall for energy supply."

Wang Daoyi expressed his thoughts.

"Okay." Abedo nodded. He didn't have any objections, as long as it worked.

Then the three of them took action again.

far away,

on the sand dunes,

The scholars only saw the Lord of Red Sand flying into the air holding the elemental amber that sealed the huge corpse.

Then the amber of the huge corpse was forcibly embedded into the stone wall.

Then those people around the Red Sand Lord began to fiddle with something on the stone wall inlaid with amber from the huge corpse.

The distance is too far for scholars to see clearly.

They looked at the Red Sand warriors beside them, their eyes revealing their desire for the unknown.

The Chisha warrior was a little embarrassed by what they saw, but he still shook his head vigorously: "Don't even think about it, my god said, don't get close."

The scholars looked at the warriors dissatisfied, but slowly put away their eyes.

They dare not violate the words of the gods.

the other side,

Albedo and Nicolaide arranged the purification device next to the huge corpse Amber.

Then the magic circle was activated.


A slight ripple,

Blue light shrouded the huge corpse in amber.

Abedo checked again, and then looked at Wang Daoyi with a smile: "The improved purification circle is very good, you can start to speed up the disintegration of the remains."


Sugar looked at the huge device on the rock wall curiously.

She knew that the teachers were building a reservoir, but until now, she didn't understand how a reservoir would appear here.

I only saw Wang Dao flying up into the air,

Passed through the blue purifying light curtain,

Stretch out your hand and touch the amber of the huge remains.

"Time, listen to my order."

Wang Daoyi said softly,

Touching the huge remains of Amber's hand, wisps of mysterious power began to flow,

next moment,

The remains of the evil god that were slowly dissipating seemed to be stimulated.

It began to surge, and the terrifying water element and evil god power poured out from the remains,

The power of the water element bursts out with blue light,

Soon, patches of rain clouds formed in the sky,

The evil god's power is blocked by the blue light curtain and is constantly being purified.

Until the most stubborn evil god's power is left, these things that even the purification circle cannot solve,

will be imported into the leyline device,

In the end, it manifested into a monster and was solved by the holy warriors and alien dragon lizards stationed here in the future.

outside world,

The lotus blossoms in space,

Block the drizzle of rain,

Abedo walked to Granu's side,

"How about it, Sugar."

Sugar looked up at the rain clouds that appeared in the desert and said with some disbelief: "It's a miracle."

As an alchemist who studies species cultivation, although Sugar has never been to the desert, he still has some understanding of environments like the desert.

The formation of such a rain cloud in the desert and then accumulation of a reservoir is truly a miracle.

Abedo smiled: "This is why I like to help Wang Daoyi. Only by seeing more projects like this can you broaden your horizons."

Speaking, Abedo waved his hand,

Another lotus flower appeared on the ground.

"Go up first, this place will be flooded soon."

In shock, Sugar walked onto the lotus platform and returned to the ground.

further away,

on the sand dunes,

Those scholars could no longer control their emotions;

Not to mention scholars, even Chisha's warriors had difficulty controlling their emotions.

Scholars may not quite understand what this situation represents.

The Red Sand Warrior is too familiar.

Last time,

The Lord of Red Sand also summoned rain clouds in this way,

Then the Chisha Tribe Alliance got an additional reservoir.

That reservoir feeds countless tribal people in the surrounding area.

And now, apparently there is going to be another reservoir.

The seat of the royal road,

above the reservoir,

The accumulated rain clouds are getting thicker,

The essence of a demon god is being released at an accelerated pace,

The light rain that started out gradually turned into a downpour.

What's even more amazing is that

Under the restraint of Wang Daoyi, the heavy rain only fell into the reservoir.

Outside the reservoir, it was still sunny.

Looking at the accumulated water gradually accumulating in the reservoir,

Wang Dao's eyes flashed slightly, he seemed to have forgotten to inform West Germany.

Normally, after the accumulation of the reservoir here is completed, let Apep light up the oasis.

It's time to let the tribesmen settle in, otherwise it will definitely be occupied by wild beasts in the desert.

With a flash of thought, he passed this idea to the clone sitting in the Red Sand Temple.

After finishing his instructions, Wang Daoyi looked at the huge corpse Amber in front of him again.

"It's not enough, speed it up!"

The mysterious power of time began to flow faster on the giant amber remains,

The heavy rain outside is getting more urgent.

Chisha Headquarters Chisha Temple,

On the throne, Wang Dao's clone slowly opened his eyes.

"Kasha, let Cid come to see me."

The majestic voice echoed in the temple,

Outside the temple,

The two sisters who were waiting heard the sound and looked at each other.

My sister nodded and immediately walked outside.

Thanks to the fact that the administrative center of the Akasaka Headquarters was moved to a spare room in the temple,

Kasha doesn’t need to travel so far to find West Germany.

Of course, if it's something more urgent, Kai'Sa doesn't need to make a trip, just use Void.

Now I am ordering Kasha to go there, so as to maintain the majesty of the gods.

Wang Daoyi didn't know why he did this. Anyway, West Germany and the others thought it was good.

Wang Daoyi has not changed.


The door of the temple was pushed open,

A clean-dressed West Germany walked in,

"My God." Sid bowed slightly.

The Lord of Red Sand lowered his gaze from the throne and landed on Xi De: "Xi De, how many people are there in the tribe now?"

Xi De's eyes flashed. Although he didn't know why the Lord of Red Sand asked about the population, he quickly replied: "The population of this headquarters is more than 80,000. Excluding the old and young, there are about 60,000 young adults. Besides the headquarters, there are also There are more than 300,000 people.”

In other words, the entire Chisha only has a population of about 400,000.

Compared with the desert tribes of the past, this is already a very terrifying number.

But compared to other countries in Teyvat, it's nothing worth mentioning.

However, Wang Daoyi knew that this was already the limit of what the desert could support.

With the current population, Chisha still needs to import a large amount of food from the rainforest.

".Deploy a group of holy warriors, um. Let's draw ten squads, and then draw three brigades of ordinary warriors to go to the Tanit ruins. Over there, we will have another oasis."

The Holy Skeleton Warriors are organized into small teams, with ten people in each team, with a captain, a team deputy, and eight warriors.

Ordinary Chisha warriors are organized into a brigade. Each brigade has a captain, ten squadrons, and each squadron has ten squads.

That is to say,

Wang Daoyi needs West Germany to mobilize one hundred holy warriors and three thousand ordinary warriors.

This is not easy for Chisha Headquarters either.

However, West Germany did not question anything, or in other words, his eyes lit up when he heard the word "oasis".


That's an oasis,

With the new oasis, many of Chisha's current conflicts can be resolved.

Population and housing pressure,

Conflicts between high-level officials,

All can be solved.

All conflicts arise from insufficient resources.

Oasis is the largest resource in the desert.

"I will make arrangements right away, my God."

Syd lowered his head and said.

On the throne, Wang Dao nodded, then thought for a moment, waved his hand and threw out a golden light, which landed in front of West Germany.

"Take my warrant, go to the Badai Reservoir, gather a group of alien dragon lizards, and follow the soldiers there."

"Also, bring Lilupal's magic bottle, and also recruit the Jebelele father and daughter."

West Germany put away Wang Daoyi's warrant: "Yes."

After watching Xi De exit the temple, Wang Daoyi closed his eyes again.

Watching the huge reservoir in front of me gradually overflowing with clear water,

Sugar's eyes were full of surprise,

She never thought that she could play like this.

Sure enough, what the teacher studies and what she studies are not at the same level at all.

Such a huge project, even in Mondstadt, is considered to have some status, and Sugar has never seen it.

"Sanduang, you can move around freely for the rest of the time, but it's best not to leave our sight."

Abedo said to Granulated Sugar,

I didn't expect her to be able to help me when I brought Sugar here this time, just to gain some knowledge.

Sugar nodded: "Okay, Teacher Abedo."

With that said, he glanced at the reservoir again, then ran to the other side and continued to observe the Chi Nian Guo.

As the rain in the sky gets heavier and heavier,

The reservoir gradually takes shape,

Wang Daoyi also flew out of the blue purifying light curtain,

The water is enough, no need to continue to accelerate.

Then let the evil god's remains slowly release its power and slowly transform this area.

Fly to Apep,

He didn't even look at the sandworms that were trembling with fear.

Wang Daoyi pointed to the reservoir: "The reservoir has been completed. Take a look. According to the location of the reservoir, let's create an oasis."

Apep glared at Wang Daoyi: "Maybe I should make a condition."

"Huh?" Wang Daoyi looked at Mini Apep and raised his eyebrows, "Do you need me to unlock your seal?"

From Wang Daoyi's point of view, what Apep wants most now is to let him unlock the [Anti-Element Dragon King Immortal Lu] imprinted on the grass dragon's body.

Apep shook his head: "No, those seals are not urgent. I hope you can set aside an area for my descendants to live."


After Wang Daoyi failed to break the seal of [Anti-Element Dragon King] immediately,

Apep's level of concern about the runes on his body gradually declined.

He is Apep, the dragon of grass,

The original master of vegetation,

Adaptability is His most powerful ability,

He even adapted to evolve with forbidden knowledge.

Now, Apep also wants to try to see if he can adapt to the power of the [Anti-Element Dragon King Rune].

If He can adapt to this kind of power, it means that there is one less thing in this world that can restrain Him.

Therefore, Apep did not want Wang Daoyi to lift the seal immediately.

"Demarcate an area for sandworms?" Wang Daoyi looked at Apep thoughtfully.

Setting aside a spot for the sandworm was nothing. Wang Daoyi was thinking about the meaning behind Apep's words.

That is to say,

In this area, Apep will protect the sandworms,

Once you leave this area, Apep won't care about it, right?

"Yes, although the sandworms have lost their original form, there is no doubt that they are dragonborn and belong to my descendants and dependents."

"I have no intention of competing with you for ownership of the desert, so I hope you can leave an area for them."

Apep's voice was a little low: "Under the cover of the sky, the dragonborn are already having a hard time. I only hope that they can continue to multiply in their own world."

As a terrifyingly powerful being, Apep's tone can be said to be humble.

After this powerful being regained his sanity, he also understood that the world today is a world under the system of heavenly principles.

Even He must continue to lie dormant.

As far as the current desert conditions are concerned,

It will inevitably become more and more prosperous,

Apep is wise. He knows that behind the prosperity of mankind, there must be the tragedy of all things.

He did not want his own children to be included in this lamentation.

Therefore, he lowered his head to Wang Daoyi and asked the young god to give his descendants the final place to thrive.

Slightly silent,

Wang Daoyi smiled: "Apepu, my impression of you has changed again. You are not a beast or a monster. You are a great being."

Compassion is not a valuable thing, but if a powerful being is willing to lower his head for an ant, then he can be called great.

Apep did not speak, but continued to look at Wang Daoyi,

"I will set aside an area as a breeding ground for sandworms. In addition, if the sandworms are willing, Chisha will also be willing to tame them."

Apep's mini body tensed slightly,


What a humiliation for the Dragonborn.


Apep looked at the few sandworms having fun not far away.

"Without the wisdom of the dragon, these descendants can continue to multiply if someone tames them."

Apep felt a little gloomy inside.

Once upon a time, it was clear that dragons were the rulers of this world.

He looked up at the sky, then quickly lowered his head and looked at Wang Daoyi: "It's enough to have a place for reproduction. I will restrain them and try to live in peace with humans."

In the end, Apep did not choose to let the sandworm surrender to the Lord of Red Sand.

Wang Daoyi shook his head slightly in his heart, let sandworms and humans live in peace?

But would humans want to live in peace with sandworms?

You know, sandworm oil is one of Chisha's most important export luxuries.

For the human race,

Wang Dao couldn't understand it again and again.

Courage is their hymn,

Sacrifice is their greatness,

Countless virtues are embedded in the human soul,

But at the same time,

Greed, killing, violence, destruction,

Terror, like virtue, has also been stored in the history of human civilization.

Apep wants sandworms and humans to live in peace,

Wishful thinking belongs to yes.

However, Wang Daoyi didn't say anything more and just nodded: "I hope so."

The exchange with Wang Daoyi ended,

Apep flew to the reservoir area,

It's still raining here,

Clear water overflows from the reservoir, or lake,

It flows on the yellow sandy ground and turns into turbid water,

Apep looked down and said,

Then the body exuded wisps of emerald green color,

A shadow as solid as a seed appeared above His head,

[Power projection of the heart of the oasis]

With the emergence of Oasis Heart projection,

The endless natural breath spreads,

In the sky full of yellow sand, in the turbid sewage,

A little bit of green peeks out of the head.

No seeds, no rhizomes,

Under the power of the dominance of vegetation,

The grass struggled and poked its head out from the ground, and then became more and more green.

The next moment,

Under everyone's gaze,

Large expanses of grass sprouted from the ground,

Scattered shrubs grow in the grass,

There are also several fat trees that resemble baobab trees rising from the ground.

Light up the green in the desert,

This was something that Wang Daoyi only accomplished with Nasida, the dream seed gifted by Lanaro.

Now under the authority of the Dragon of Grass,

I did it easily,

In fact, this is just a clone of the Dragon of Grass,

What comes here is just the projection of the heart of the oasis.

It is conceivable that if Apep really wanted to, he could turn the desert into green land on a large scale.

However, the price required for that is something Apep is not willing to bear.

On the distant sand dunes,

Watching the greenery begin to spread all over the ground,

The scholars were stunned;

In fact, the Ecclesiastical Council has been studying for a long time to turn desert into green space.

But in the end they all gave up.

Because they found that the benefits of restoring a green space in the desert could not recover even one percent of the cost.

Even the Teaching Order cannot bear this kind of consumption.

And now, in front of scholars,

A reservoir was quickly built,

An oasis appeared out of thin air,

All this is like a miracle.

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