Explorer of Teyvat

Chapter 508 Ying and Jade meet again (1800 monthly tickets last month plus more updates)

Dachishahai·Chisha Headquarters,

Under the leadership of West Germany,

A large number of warriors gathered here,

The businessmen coming and going looked at the soldiers with a little worry in their eyes.

The businessmen were very worried that war would break out somewhere in the desert.

Of course, it’s not just the fear of being affected by the war,

It was because he was afraid that he would not be well-informed and would not be able to reap the benefits of the war.

Businessmen, before the knife cuts on them, they only have profit in their heads.

If there is a war in the desert, they will immediately transport a large number of war supplies.

Ying and Paimon stood in the crowd, looking at the assembled warriors with equal curiosity.

"There are so many soldiers. Is there going to be a war?"

Paimon said curiously.

These days, they have been active in the rainforest,

From helping Elhaysen catch academic criminals to helping Sano fight smuggling,

I also met many new friends from the Order Academy.

It wasn't until they received the letter from Jade that they returned to the desert.

"Probably not." Ying said with some uncertainty,

According to Ying's impression of Wang Daoyi, Daoyi should not be someone who would start a war.

Well, this impression is very one-sided.

"Then let's go and ask. Look over there. It's Elder Xide. He must know."

Paimon saw West Germany in the crowd and called Ying over to ask.

Ying did not refuse, and she was also curious about what the purpose of such a large-scale gathering of warriors was.

As for why she was curious, it was probably because the soul of the tool man was touched.

For such a large-scale event, there must be many commissions.

So, under the attention of many people, Ying went to West Germany.

"Elder West Germany!" Paimon waved his hand to West Germany without any clue.

West turned around and saw Ying and Paimon. A smile appeared on his slightly tired face: "It turns out they are two distinguished guests. Do you have anything important to do when you are here this time?"

Ying shook her head quickly: "It's nothing serious. I just received Jade's letter and came to the desert to play."

West nodded: "I see. In this case, do you need me to ask someone to help you find Jade?"

Knowing that Ying and Paimon were friends of the Lord of Red Sand, West was very polite and patient to the two travelers, and offered to help.

Paimon quickly waved his hand: "No, no need, you are too polite."

Saying that, Paimon looked at Ying,

Ying immediately answered: "We just saw a lot of soldiers gathered here and wanted to ask what happened. If there is anything that needs help, we can also help."

When Sid heard Ying's words, he was stunned for a moment. There were many people hiding from the soldiers around him, so he was the first one to come over and ask if he could help.

However, because he was a friend of the Lord of Red Sand, West Germany did not hide it.

Of course, it was also to reassure the surrounding businessmen who were quietly eavesdropping and to release some news.

West Germany told her the reason for gathering the soldiers: "My God has established an oasis between the Tanit ruins and the pit ruins. I am gathering manpower to garrison there."

"The oasis in the desert is the source of life. If it cannot be stationed as soon as possible, it will soon be occupied by wild beasts and monsters."

It seems that West Germany is explaining to Ying and Paimon,

In fact, when West Germany finished speaking, the eyes of the surrounding caravan managers almost shone.

A new oasis, or an oasis that needs thousands of soldiers to guard,

At first glance, you can’t be too small.

What does this mean? This is endless business opportunity.

Some smart caravans have begun to consider whether to follow the soldiers directly and find their way to the new oasis.

As for the Lord of Red Sand creating an oasis in the desert,

No one questioned it.

After all, from the gate of Chisha headquarters, you can see the forest in the central area.

This is the best proof of the power of the Red Sand Lord.

After explaining to Ying and Paimon,

West smiled again: "As for helping and the like, there is no need to leave. However, if the two distinguished guests want to, they can invite Jide to go to the New Oasis with them."

West Germany was not worried about what would happen to his invitation to Ying.

Ying is a friend of the Lord of Red Sand, and nothing will happen if you invite friends from the gods.

Ying has no reaction yet,

Paimon's eyes lit up,

She tugged on Ying's sleeves: "Ying, let's go. I heard that desert people will hold a celebration party after they open up a new oasis. There must be a lot of delicious food."

Probably Paimon's voice was too loud.

Sid also heard it from the side. He smiled and nodded: "Although the preparations are not very complete, there will indeed be a dinner party when opening up a new oasis."

Ying was also moved,

It’s not like Paimon was as excited about the food at the dinner party.

But the excitement of a new place.

Tanit ruins, pit ruins,

Once you hear these words, it's well worth the risk.

So, Ying nodded: "Okay, I'll leave it to you, Elder West De, and I'll call Jide right now."

"No need to call, I'm already here."

Not far away, a girl followed a strong man and walked over.

It was Jade and Jebelele, the father and daughter.

"Jade, you're here." Paimon waved happily.

"What a coincidence. Just as I was about to look for you, you appeared." Ying Ye waved.

Jade smiled and nodded: "I was worried just now that you wouldn't be able to find me when I went out this time. I didn't expect you to arrive just now."

"Is Jade going out?" Paimon asked curiously.

Jade nodded: "You have heard about the new oasis, right?"

Yingya Paimeng nodded, indicating that he already knew.

"Well, the new oasis is located at the ruins of the Tanit tribe, so the tribe recruited my father, and I plan to go there with my father to take a look."

Jade explained to Ying and Paimon,

Ying raised her eyebrows: "Is there any relationship between Jebelele and the Tanit ruins?"

Jade first talked about the Tanit ruins and then said that her father was drafted.

Ying reacted naturally. Jibrele should have something to do with the Tanit ruins.

Jade glanced at her father and found that he was talking to Syd.

Quietly, he leaned close to Ying's ear: "Father once lived in Tanit, and he can barely be regarded as half of the Tanit tribe. The tribe recruited him this time, in fact, to further explore the Eternal Oasis."

"Eternal Oasis?" Ying and Paimon looked at each other. They seemed familiar, but they couldn't seem to remember it.

"Shh!" Jade hinted to the two of them to keep their voices down, and then whispered, "Do you still remember the magic bottle Lilupal who followed me before? She is the tribe who came from the depths of the desert when they were looking for the eternal oasis. Brought back."

As she spoke, Jade seemed to think of something. She looked at Ying and fell into deep thought.

Ying was shocked by Jade's look, and stretched out her hand to shake Jade: "Why are you looking at me like that?"

Jade came back to her senses: "I remember that several times, Lilupal wanted me to give her to you."

"At that time I thought she was trying to steal you from me, but now that I think about it, something seems wrong. She seems to care about you too."

The more Jade thought about it, the more something was wrong.

It felt like Lilupal was hiding something from him.

However, she quickly shook her head,

Tell Uncle West Germany about these messy things and ask him to make peace with the Lord of Red Sand.

Anyway, I don’t need to play with Lilupal now.

Jade looked at Ying, with a touch of satisfaction in her eyes.

"Jade, you haven't said what the Eternal Oasis is yet?" Paimon was a little anxious.

"That is an oasis in the legend of the Tanit tribe, with eternal magical power." Jade said in a very seductive tone.

Paimon's interest was aroused: "Eternal power, what does it look like?"

Paimon is actually no stranger to eternity;

Once in Inazuma, these two words were simply a nightmare for her and Ying.

General Thunder, who pursues eternity, was once their most terrifying opponent.

However, Paimon felt that the eternity here and the unchanging eternity pursued by General Thunder should not mean the same thing, right?

Jade looked at Paimon's curious eyes, and her pretty face froze. She didn't know what eternal power was.

What she said were just stories told to her by Jebelele.

"Hey, I don't know, but later, we can look for it together. Maybe we can find the Eternal Oasis."

Jade said this,

Paimon looked disappointed: "It turns out Jade doesn't know either."

"Paimon, what's your tone~" Jade's face was sullen, and she reached out to grab Paimon.

Ying quickly stood between the two of them and hugged Jade.

"Okay, okay, stop making trouble and let's go, we're about to leave over there."

Being hugged by fire,

Jie De's eyes were filled with joy,

The two little hands began to rub restlessly on Ying's waist again.

Ying sensed something was wrong, stretched out her hand and patted her waist, then gave Jide a warning look,

But Jade doesn't care,

Instead, he continued to smile playfully at Ying.

When three people are chatting,

The soldiers on the other side have already gathered,

A large number of beasts of burden were also carrying supplies and were ready to set off.

West Germany came over: "Two distinguished guests, I have prepared beasts of burden for you. In addition, Jade will entertain you. If you need anything, please tell Jade and ask Jade to go to the material management staff to apply. That’s it.”

Ying nodded slightly to West De reservedly: "Thank you very much, Elder West De."

"You're welcome, then I'll arrange other things first."

With that said, he left.

As for Jade's father, Jebelele, I don't know what position he was assigned to, but he has disappeared anyway.

After West Germany left,

Jie De pulled up the screen.

Run towards the pack animal team,

"Let's go, let's get on the beast of burden first. It will take several days to walk from here to the destination."


The two of them got on the beast of burden as soon as they were in Paimeng.

Enter the beast of burden,

Ying looked at Jade who was very close and felt that there was some ill-intention in the other person's eyes.

But I didn’t care about Jade’s preference for eating her own tofu.

Ying has begun to get used to it,

"By the way, Jade, you just said that Jebelele is considered a member of the Tanit tribe, so you are also considered?"

Ying randomly found a topic,

"It doesn't count, it doesn't count, I'm from Chisha." Jade quickly shook her head, denying Ying's statement.

Then he continued: "The Tanit tribe was wiped out by the Chisha Tribe Alliance. The great mistress of Tanit is still in the prison camp in Chisha."

"Ah? In that case, shouldn't Zhebrael and Chisha be enemies?" Paimon looked surprised.

To Paimon, Jebelel was once a man of Tanit,

The Red Sand Tribe Alliance wiped out the Tanit Tribe,

It's like the Red Sand Tribe Alliance and the Tanit Tribe have a feud.

Jade rolled her eyes at Paimon: "Paimon is talking nonsense. Father likes Chisha very much. Moreover, the relationship between father and Tanit is not good."

After saying that, Jade looked at Ying's face and said, "If you are curious, I will tell you a story on the way."

While talking,

The huge team has begun to move.

However, there is no need for Ying and Paimon to worry,

The beast of burden itself will follow the team.

On the way, Jade told Ying and Paimon how her father had joined Tanit's exploration team, how he was betrayed by Tanit's traitor, and how he finally escaped from Tanit.

By the way, he also talked about his mother and admitted that he liked the Chisha tribe so much. On the one hand, it was because of the feeling that Chisha really gave to the Jiade family.

The other part is also because Chisha wiped out the "Thutmose" Gilded Brigade, which is equivalent to avenging Jade's great revenge.

Therefore, Jade has a particularly strong sense of identification with the Red Sand Tribal Alliance.

After listening to Jade’s story,

Ying and Paimon looked sad.

Paimon looked at Jade with some discomfort: "I didn't expect you to have such a story, Jade."

Paimon felt that Jade was a little pitiful. She had never seen her mother, and she must have suffered a lot as she wandered around with her father and had no fixed place to live.

Jade didn't feel anything at all. Now she has both the love and care of her father and the sense of family in the tribe.

With Ying by her side, Jie De feels very happy.

Ying Ye suddenly had an idea: "Why don't we find the Eternal Oasis? Jade, you said that your mother is a scholar who studies this. So if we find the Eternal Oasis, your mother will be very happy."

Saying that, Ying also felt that this plan was feasible: "I can go to Dao Yi. Dao Yi must know a lot of information. With his help, we will definitely be able to find the Eternal Oasis. If Dao Yi doesn't know, we will go to Nasida ."

Traveling in the world depends on two words - connections.

Jade's eyes were bright and she nodded repeatedly: "Okay, okay."

She didn't care much about the Eternal Oasis, but she could fulfill her mother's dream and go on adventures with Ying.

Jade naturally hopes that the more of such a good thing, the better.

Then the two got together and began to discuss the adventure.


Dachishahai·New Oasis,

The girl is running around on the grass,

Look here and there, full of curiosity about these plants growing out of thin air.

Sugar has seen his teacher remaking flowers out of ashes.

But compared with Apep using the Oasis Heart to light up the oasis,

Albedo’s alchemical transformation technique is like a roadside trick,

It's nice to look at, but it's not shocking.

And the scholars who had been watching from a distance before,

It has now appeared in the Oasis as well.

In other words, it should be the spread of the oasis that has assimilated the sand dunes where the scholars are located.

They stepped carefully on the green grass,

There is no fluctuation in my heart.

I was so shocked that I could no longer be shocked.

Common name: stunned.

"You and Nikolaid should record the data of the remaining three evil gods' corpses first. We will wait here for a few days for Chisha's warriors to arrive."

Wang Daoyi released the corpses of other evil gods and asked Albedo and Nicoreid to continue recording data. Of course, the corpses were sealed by golden chains.

Otherwise Wang Daoyi would not dare to throw it away casually.

As for Apep,

He who used the Heart of Oasis seemed to consume nothing at all, driving the sandworms to dig holes elsewhere.

In the words of Apep,

Even the oasis that is twenty or thirty miles away cannot keep up with the elemental power that the heart of the oasis can recover in one day.

Wang Daoyi had to sigh that such a magical existence as the Heart of the Oasis was indeed beyond the reach of even the gods.

At least, if it were Wang Daoyi who consumed excessive elemental power,

Then he recovers and either forcibly plunders the elemental power around him,

Or it can only recover slowly and slowly.

Of course, this is difficult. Previously, we were off the coast of Inazuma,

Wang Daoyi squandered the elemental power like that, but he didn't feel that his power was about to be exhausted.

Such rubbish as the Walrus God and the Octopus God,

If there are thunder movies around to restrain him, Wang Daoyi feels that it will not be a problem to fight ten of them.

"Next, just wait."

Standing next to the reservoir, watching the trickling stream overflowing from the reservoir and spreading into the river channel of the oasis,

Wang Daoyi slowly closed his eyes.

In the distance, the scholars looked at the Lord of Red Sand who closed his eyes and said nothing.

Then he looked at Albedo and Nicolaide, who were studying the huge corpses with serious faces.

Finally, he looked at Sugar, who was studying oasis plants.

Well, after checking the eyes, you are the best person to talk to.

The scholars immediately walked towards the sugar,

Not far away, Abedo raised his eyes and looked up. After realizing that they were the previous scholars, he stopped caring.

Sugar is too timid, it would be nice to have some experience.

"This girl"

The scholar wanted to call the lady, and then looked at the appearance of Granulated Sugar, it seemed that he was not very old.

He wanted to call her Miss again, but after thinking about it, the Lord of Red Sand seemed to like Liyue's name, so he changed his name to Miss.

Sugar, who was squatting on the ground studying oasis plants, was slightly startled. He raised his head and saw several scholars surrounding him.

My little face turned red all of a sudden.

"You, what are you going to do?"

Sugar didn't scream, and recognized the identities of the scholars, but she was still shy.

"No, little girl, don't be afraid, we are not bad people, we just want to learn about the changes here."

Although the scholars watched the oasis appear, the distance was too far and many things could not be seen clearly.

Still want to ask for some details.

"Ah, oh, okay, you can ask."

Sugar looked at Albedo who was not far away, then responded a few times and looked at the scholars.

The scholar showed joy: "That, little girl."

"Call me Granulated Sugar. I am an alchemist from Mondstadt. I came here to study with my teacher." Granulated Sugar said stiffly.

This was a self-introduction she had prepared and practiced for a long time.

The scholars were a little strange. They didn't know why the other party started to introduce themselves. However, as an alchemist, he should be similar to the scholars of the Order Academy.

Scholars, there are always some with strange personalities.

It's all normal too.

"Okay, okay, Miss Sugar, we would like to ask about the process of the emergence of this oasis."

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