Explorer of Teyvat

Chapter 509 Eternal Oasis

Time is like a slowly flowing stream. Although it is slow, it never stops.

In the blink of an eye, nearly ten days passed.

When the remaining three Evil God corpses were about to lose their elemental power,

Chisha's large army finally arrived at the location of the new oasis.

In the large army,

Some of the warriors who had participated in the battle of genocide in Tanit showed expressions of amazement.

When they came here,

This is just the Gobi Desert.

This time I came here and it turned into an oasis.

It's simply a miracle.

However, the reverence for the Lord of Red Sand in their hearts prevented them from making any noise.

Instead, they maintained their formation and entered the oasis.

"Set up camp and keep an eye on the beasts of burden to prevent them from damaging the oasis."

Sid shouted loudly.

Then the soldiers began to convey orders.

As West Germany said, the most important thing is to take good care of the beast of burden.

These hundreds of beasts of burden gnawed at the turf,

No amount of oases is enough to waste.

This large beast of burden can eat even the grass blades and roots with one mouthful.

The soldiers began to set up camp, unloaded supplies from the beasts of burden, and then drove the beasts to the edge of the oasis.

The tribes in the past would not do this. After all, driving the beasts of burden to the edge would easily allow the beasts to be hunted by wild beasts.

But now Chisha is not worried at all, and has arranged dozens of soldiers to guard it to see what kind of beast dares to come.

the other side,

After ordering the soldiers to set up camp,

West Germany quickly walked to Wang Daoyi and said, "My God."

Wang Daoyi was surrounded by dozens of alien dragon lizards.

These guys came with the large army on the way.

After all, the dragon lizard cannot be allowed to go directly to the Chisha headquarters, which may easily cause panic among businessmen.

Along the way, these dragon lizards also consumed a lot of water resources from the large army.

However, it was delivered safely.

They surrounded Wang Daoyi and made fawning purring sounds,

There are some newly born baby dragon lizards, which are quite cute due to their small size.

He rolled close to Wang Daoyi's feet, not like a dragon, but like a kitten.

He picked up a small dragon lizard and scratched its chin.

The little guy lay motionless on Wang Daoyi's arm obediently.

His big cute eyes looked at Wang Daoyi, full of flattery and attachment.

Wang Daoyi accepted their allegiance and became their lord.

Before Wang Daoyi turns his back on these alien dragon lizards, the descendants of this dragon lizard will all be loyal to Wang Daoyi. This is a contract engraved in the bloodline.

"Have you brought everything?" Wang Daoyi looked at West Germany while playing with the little dragon lizard.

Sid nodded and took out a small bottle shining with pink light and a map: "Lilupal's magic bottle and the Qianhe Sand Map drawn by the previous expedition have been brought. In addition, you My traveler friend also came over."

Wang Daoyi was not surprised, Ying appeared as he expected: "I understand, go and do your work, let the father-in-law, father-in-law and Ying come over."

Sid bowed slightly and retreated.

Not long after,

Two lively girls came over with a strong man and a white float.

"Daoyi, long time no see." Paimeng waved to Wang Daoyi, "I asked Nasida before, she said you went to Dao Wife to play. How was it? Did you enjoy it?"

Wang Daoyi smiled: "I'm quite happy. I stretched my muscles with Ying. It seems that you guys are doing well recently."

Ying: "I met a lot of new friends in the Teaching Academy and gained a lot of knowledge."

Paimon looked excited: "Yes, yes, Dao Yi, do you still remember? The last time you met us and Alhaysen, you must have never imagined that."

"It's cluster consciousness, right?" Wang Daoyi interrupted Paimon with a smile.

Paimeng's little face froze, and a long-lost feeling came to his heart. Yes, that's it. Every time they show off their knowledge to this guy Dao Yi, they will be predicted by this hateful guy Dao Yi.

"How do you know that?!" Pamon stamped his feet angrily.

"A long time ago, when Alhaysen and I just met, we talked about his classmate, cluster consciousness technology, which is really good and a project with great potential." Wang Daoyi said with a smile.

Ying frowned slightly: "However, Alhaysen clearly said that this is a project prohibited by the Order."

“That’s because the Teaching Council cannot master the consequences of this technology.” Wang Daoyi explained, “Actually, when Elhaysen and I first talked about this technology, I knew it would definitely fail. "

A glimmer of light flashed in his eyes: "Are you saying Siraj is not ruthless enough?"

"Is Siraj the name of that scholar?" Wang Dao nodded, "Yes, the cluster consciousness itself integrates the individual wisdom of all people to accomplish the goal of the first individual."

"But individual desires are endless. If the desires and personal will of other individuals cannot be ruthlessly erased, the cluster will inevitably collapse."

"I think Alhaysen must have taken advantage of individual dissatisfaction to overthrow Siraj's cluster."

Listening to Wang Daoyi’s words,

Paimeng looked at Wang Daoyi with admiration: "It's amazing. Even though Daoyi is not here, he seems to have seen it with his own eyes."

A smile appeared on Wang Daoyi's lips, and he was happy to be praised by Paimon: "It's not me who's great, it's Alhaysen. That guy is the smartest person I've ever seen."

Among the people Wang Daoyi has met,

Alhaysen is definitely the smartest.

Calm, careful, smart, wise,

These words are attached to Elhaysen without any sense of violation.

"Okay, okay, by the way, Dao Yi, we have something to ask you for help." Paimeng waved his hand and did not show off on this topic. She didn't want to talk anymore and was ready to change the topic.

Wang Daoyi still smiled calmly: "It must be about Eternal Oasis."

Paimon:? ? ? ?

"Why do you know everything?!" Paimon was furious. This feeling of wanting to speak but being rushed to answer before he could say anything made Paimon very, very uncomfortable.

Seeing Paimon's angry look, Wang Dao had a smile on his face.

Sometimes, it's fun to tease Paimon.

Ying took a step forward: "Does Dao Yi know where the Eternal Oasis is?"

Others also looked at Wang Daoyi curiously.

Including an angry Paimon.

Unfortunately, under everyone's expectant gazes, Wang Daoyi shook his head: "I only know that the Eternal Oasis is in the Qianhe Sand Area. I don't know where it is specifically."

After saying that, looking at everyone's disappointed looks, Wang Daoyi smiled again: "But..."

"But what?" Paimon was no longer angry. She looked at Wang Daoyi anxiously and rubbed her little hands again and again.

Wang Dao whetted everyone's appetite for a while before he said, "However, there is indeed 'someone' who knows how to get to the Eternal Oasis."


Everyone was curious.

As soon as Wang Dao stretched out his hand, a small magic bottle floated in his palm: "Come out and say hello to everyone, Lilupal."

The golden chain was pulled away from the magic bottle,

Lilupal regained the ability to speak,

"Oh, thank you for your kindness, great Lord of Red Sand."

Without cursing, Lilupal's first words were to thank Wang Daoyi for breaking her seal.

"Ah, isn't this my cute little Jade? How about it, have you found your sweetheart?"

Lilupal floated up and flew to Jade's side,

Then he avoided Jade's slap and flew to Ying's side: "Your Highness, I am Lilupal. What do you think? Do you want to make a contract with me?"

Watching Lilupal flying around, Wang Dao said expressionlessly: "Lilupal, I need you to guide Jade and Ying to find the Eternal Oasis. You can do it, right?"

Lilupal flew back to Wang Daoyi, spinning: "Of course, of course, the great Lord of Red Sand, please give me to your Highness, and I will take them to the eternal oasis. "

Wang Dao nodded and looked at Ying: "How about it, Ying, do you want to accept Lilupal?"

"Let me remind you, the contract Lilupal just mentioned is Zhenling's real name contract. Anyone who knows her real name can truly control her."

"That means if you sign a contract with her, she won't lie to you."

"Otherwise, lies are the most beautiful power to calm the spirit."

Ying listened to Wang Daoyi’s warning,

Although I don’t know how the words lie and beauty are connected,

But her expression still became serious.

Lilupal quickly flew to Ying's side: "Choose me, choose me, Your Highness, Lilupal will fulfill your dream."

The magic bottle sang in Ying's ear in a very soft tone,

Beside, Jade's little face was serious and she wanted to stop Lilupal from bewitching Ying.

But he was grabbed by his father,

After all, Jebelele is an old Jianghu man.

Seeing that Wang Daoyi specifically wanted Ying and Lilupal to sign a contract,

So he stopped his daughter's actions.

Jade was pulled by her father, and she followed his father's gaze and looked at the Lord of Red Sand who was smiling but not smiling.

Then he lowered his head slightly and stopped thinking about stopping Lilupal.

Ying hesitated for a while,

Finally nodded: "If you can lead us to the Eternal Oasis and fulfill Jade's wish, then come."

Beside him, Jade looked at Ying movedly, the emotion in his eyes almost overflowing.

The magic bottle was spinning happily, and she gently moved it to Ying's ear and told her real name,

Wang Dao's eyes flashed slightly,

I don’t know what method Lilupal used.

Even with Wang Daoyi's perception, he couldn't hear the real name she told Ying.

When the contract is completed,

The sound of running water and the singing of flowers and birds faded away.

Ying felt that there seemed to be an extra connection between herself and the Lilupal bottle in front of her.

"Okay, Lilupal will take you to find the way to the Eternal Oasis. However, there is no need to worry. There will be a banquet tonight. You can leave after tonight."

"Ying, Sugar and Abedo are also here. You can go and see them."

"Also, Jebelel, this place is not far from the Tanit ruins. If you want, you can go and have a look."

"I still have something to do, so I won't entertain you any more."

After saying that, Wang Daoyi looked at everyone with a smile and gave the order to expel guests.

Everyone looked at the young dragon lizard rolling and acting coquettishly at Wang Dao's feet.

Knowing that Wang Daoyi probably really had something to do, he nodded to Wang Daoyi and left.

After Ying and Paimon left,

After a while,

A group of holy warriors came to Wang Daoyi,

"My God."

"It's nothing major. Just like the maintenance of the Bashi Reservoir, just clean up the evil monsters and prevent others from destroying it. As for other technical work, I will ask Nicored to send a group of alchemists to check and maintain it every month."

"I understand." The holy warriors bowed slightly.

The skeletal warriors who maintain the Bashi Reservoir all work in rotation.

After all, most of the Skeleton Warriors are fighting mad, and being on the guard post all the time will drive them crazy.

Therefore, the current Skeleton Warriors have more or less participated in the patrol and maintenance of the Badai Reservoir.

The reservoir patrol in the new oasis here is quite familiar.

"Well, let's go now. As for the job rotation, just follow West Germany's arrangements."

Wang Daoyi waved his hand and drove away the holy warriors.

Wait until the soldiers leave,

Wang Daoyi looked at the group of alien dragon lizards in front of him.

What was originally brought out from Yuanxia Palace was just a few mature dragon lizards and dozens of young dragon lizards.

And after Wang Daoyi put them in the Bashi Reservoir,

With sufficient territory and frequent feeding from surrounding tribes,

These alien dragon lizards multiplied rapidly,

Just this batch of alien dragon lizards that came to the new oasis,

Among them are more than a dozen adult dragon lizards, and these are even second-generation dragon lizards.

As for the young dragon lizard rolling in Wangdao's footsteps, it was the third or even fourth generation.

"Let's go and take you to your new home. You will live here from now on."

Wang Daoyi said hello and took many dragon lizards to the New Oasis Reservoir.

After walking under the hot sun and seeing the blue lakes and reservoirs,

The alien dragon lizards immediately became active,

They looked at the reservoir longingly, but did not dare to move. They turned to look at Wang Daoyi.

The desire in his eyes was like a puppy that saw meat but didn't dare to eat it without the owner saying anything.

His mouth was obviously drooling, but he still persisted in resisting the temptation.

Wang Daoyi smiled and waved his hand: "Go, go, this is your new home."

He waved his hand, and the young dragon lizards were the first to bear it and rushed towards the reservoir.

One after another jumped like dumplings,

Then the adult dragon lizards also got into the water,

Finally, beside Wang Daoyi, only two mature dragon lizards did not move.

They followed Wang Daoyi like two loyal guards.

Reaching out and touching the cuticle on the dragon lizard's head, Wang Daoyi smiled and said, "You guys should go too. Just like in the previous reservoir, clean up the monsters and filth in the water in a timely manner."

The two mature dragon lizards lowered their heads to Wang Daoyi to show that they understood.

Then he slowly crawled away from Wang Daoyi and stepped into the reservoir.

Standing next to the reservoir, Wang Daoyi watched the little dragon lizards playing in the water.

After looking at it for a while, he turned and left.

"In this way, even if this new oasis is established, once the construction is completed, caravans will come here soon, and this place will prosper and become another major stronghold of Chisha."

"However, there are still three evil god remains. Building three reservoirs and three oases seems to spread the power of Chisha too much."

"Forget it, just spread out. Anyway, with me here at Chisha headquarters, nothing will happen. When the four new oases are developed, Chisha will be much healthier."

"Or, I can use an oasis specifically for farming. It just so happens that the talisman given by the immortal has not been used yet."

As Wang Dao walked on the road, thoughts kept flashing through his mind.

When he came to Albedo and Nicorette,

The uses of the remaining three new oases have been considered.

Two are used for normal development and one is used for farming.

"Both of you, have you done your research?"

Wang Daoyi asked.

Albedo and Nicolaide have been studying these corpses for several days.

"That's almost it. Although their shapes are completely different, their essences are very similar. A large amount of data is repeated." Nicored shook his head, a little disappointed.

Last time, when Wang Daoyi and Abedo were studying Bashi, he could only be an assistant.

This time he can also participate in formal data recording research,

But the result disappointed him.

These evil god corpses seem to be missing a lot of conceptual things.

If these corpses were alive, they could exist on the same level as King Dao.

Nicorette felt that this might be an insult to Wang Daoyi.

On the side, Abedo nodded: "The data is very poor. It even gives me a feeling that even I can kill them."

Compared with the previous remains of Bashi, the remains of these evil gods simply looked like inferior products.

Albedo couldn't help but wonder, was something of this level really the remains of a demon god?

It felt inferior to his 'brother' sleeping in the snowy mountains.

"Normally, these evil gods are just the lowest level people in the Dark Sea. To call them evil gods is to exalt them."

Wang Dao did not change his expression and nodded very naturally.

Since communicating with the emperor,

Wang Daoyi knew that the only things to pay attention to in the Dark Outer Sea were those top-level entities.

Like these evil gods hunted by Lei Movie this time,

In fact, they are the little trash that Morax ignored.

To mortals, they are powerful, but to gods, they are the bottom layer.

Not to mention Wang Daoyi, even Abedo or skirmishers can fight them one on one and even kill them.

"Okay, I'm just a little disappointed. These guys are not of much help to my experiment." Abedo shook his head in disappointment.

"Ha, maybe next time you can go to the Dark Sea with me, and we can hunt for a more powerful evil god."

Wang Daoyi smiled and talked nonsense.

Abedo shook his head: "That's not necessary. I have to stabilize my range of activities."

Abedo will not run around until he solves his own problem.

As a son of chalk, he is a dangerous item in his own right.

Go to a place full of surprises like the dark sea,

It would be terrible if he lost control.

"It's almost stable here. Over at Apep, other reservoirs should have been dug out. Let's continue setting off tomorrow."

“Where is the next reservoir location?”

"The land of three canals, where the canals of ancient desert civilization are located."

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