Explorer of Teyvat

Chapter 516 The rose that never fades

"Sorry, Your Majesty, the former oasis water system has been exhausted. If we want to re-establish the desert oasis canal system, we need to re-open the underground water source."

"Although I can divert underground water, I can't directly open the channel. I need you to send people to dig out the underground sewers so that I can redirect the water source to the ground and reactivate the canal."

Felicis's voice was no longer cold, but rather pleasant.

In fact, Zhenling's voice is inherently pleasant.

This is one of the beautiful symbols they are born with,

After hearing what Felicis said, Wang Daoyi nodded slightly,

This is pretty much what he thought,

If Felicis could directly pump out the groundwater, the previous oasis canal system would not collapse.

Someone needs to pioneer it, and then Felicis's power can guide it. This is normal.

"Then you should be able to sense where there is new groundwater flow."

"This is okay. Do you want me to mark it for you?" Felicis said.

Wang Daoyi shook his head: "No need now, I will bring people over in a few days, you can just give them orders."

Wang Daoyi is waiting for Abatuyi to make the construction machinery he needs.

At that time, it was time to develop underground water and new canals above ground.

As for now, there is no rush.

"Okay, then, is there anything else you need me to do for you, Your Majesty?" Felicis's tone was very respectful, and she had obviously regarded Wang Daoyi as her new allegiance.

"No more, Felicis, please send me to the Eternal Oasis. It's time to fulfill the original promise."

Wang Dao had an inexplicable look in his eyes,

He reached out and touched his waist, and a bouquet of roses appeared in his hand.

Felicis was slightly silent: "The mistress will definitely like the beautiful rose flowers. Thank you, Your Majesty."

Wang Daoyi shook his head: "This is the Red King's last wish. I accepted his gift, and naturally I have to fulfill his last wish."

Back then, when Wang Daoyi was lighting up the fifth life star, he saw the last remnants of the Red King in the earth line information in the false sky.

He accepted the gift from the other party and perfected authority and authority,

At the same time, he also promised the other party to go to the Eternal Oasis and present a bouquet of roses to the Mistress of Flowers.

"The Red King's last wish" Felicis murmured, seeming to be a little sad, but she quickly calmed down, "I will help you open the intersection of the eternal oasis."

As the guardian of the eternal oasis,

Felicis can directly send people into the Eternal Oasis.

The golden soul-soothing power shines,

A portal was opened,

"Please walk slowly, Your Majesty."

With his back to Felicis, Wang Daoyi waved his hand and stepped into the portal.

eternal oasis,

Ying's mood was a little low,

When she saw Wang Daoyi talking to Lilupal before, she felt something was wrong.

it's good now,

Looking at the magic bottle still floating around him,

But the Zhenling who had been calling him "sir" stopped talking.


Paimeng flew beside Ying, not knowing what to say for a moment.

She did dislike Lilupal a little before. As soon as this guy came, he occupied the space next to Ying, making Paimon feel like he was being replaced.

Moreover, Lilupal also has a bad mouth and always scolds himself and Jade.

But watching Lilupal's consciousness disappear,

Paimon was still sad;

She was kind, as kind people always are.

"Ying, are you okay?" Jade didn't care about Lilupal's disappearance, she was only worried about Ying.

Looking at the girl beside her who looked at her with worried eyes, Ying restrained her inner sadness and shook her head at Jade: "It's okay, let's go and see the Eternal Oasis."

Seeing that Ying seemed to have calmed down, Jade smiled: "Okay, let's go."

As long as Ying is fine, that's fine. As for that annoying Lilupal? I don't care.

With the magic bottle that no longer speaks,

The group passed through the long tunnel,

Until there is light at the tunnel entrance,

The three of them were very happy.

Finally, the Eternal Oasis has arrived.

At the beginning it was extremely narrow, and then he became enlightened. After taking dozens of steps, he suddenly became enlightened.

Looking at the dream-like results in front of me,

The three of them were stunned.

"Is this the Eternal Oasis?" Paimon murmured,

In front of them,

It's a vast space,

It is obviously inside the mountain, but there is a bright sun in the sky, birds in the air, trees and animals on the ground, and fish and water birds in the water. It feels like a paradise.

But without exception, these things are still, solidified, and will not move.

"It's so scary." Pamon suddenly said,

Jade and Ying turned to look at her. How could you think such a beautiful scenery was so scary?

Paimon's face turned pale: "Everything here has stopped. If we walk in, we won't be stopped too."

Paimon's words reminded the two of them,

Ying frowned, then picked up a stone from the ground and threw it towards the space.

The stone cut through the air and fell to the ground.

"It seems like it won't stop us."

Watching the stone fall to the ground, Ying breathed a sigh of relief.

It's all at the door. If she can't get in, she will be disappointed.

"Haha, let's go then. When I was a kid, my dad always talked about this place. I've long wanted to come and see it." Jade took steps forward with a smile and curiosity.

The three of them walked out of the tunnel and entered the eternal oasis,

Paimon flew around in mid-air,

Touch the still birds in the sky, poke the motionless animals on the ground,

Full of interest in everything here.

Jade and Ying's gazes were directed towards the center of the Eternal Oasis.

There seems to be a small island there,

"Want to go over and take a look?"

Jade looked at Ying,

Ying nodded, then tentatively took steps toward the water.

Sure enough, just as she thought,

She did not fall into the water, but stood directly on the water.

"You can go, come on, Jade, let's go over and take a look."

Ying stretched out her hand to Jade,

Jade nodded, also stretched out her hand, and stepped onto the water with Ying.

The sight of the two walking on the water attracted Paimon.

She flew down from mid-air and tried to stretch her little feet to the water.

In fact, Paimon is very afraid of water.

After all, if she hadn't been fished out, she would have been 'drowned'.

However, after discovering that he would not fall into the water,

There was a clear light in Paimon's eyes,

The water here won't flood Paimon, Paimon loves it here!

the other side,

Jide and Ying walked on the water,

Looking at the small island in the center of the eternal oasis from a distance,

But I found that there seemed to be a figure over there.

"Is there anyone?" Ying immediately became alert.

Jade looked at it and said hesitantly: "That seems to be the Lord of Red Sand."

"Hey, is it Dao Yi?" Ying eyes widened and looked at the figure again, and then realized that it did look like Dao Yi.

That white-on-gold-trimmed outfit is so easy to recognize.

"Come on, let's go over and take a look." Ying pulled Jade and quickened her pace.

Eternal Oasis·Central Island,

Looking at the three tree chairs in front of me,

Wang Daoyi was slightly silent,

The three gods who originally ruled Sumeru have now fallen.

However, Wang Daoyi looked at one of the chairs and was slightly surprised.

"Did the power of the Eternal Oasis actually resist the adjustment of the World Tree?"

Each of the three tree chairs here has a name written on it.

Wang Dao will not admit his mistakes once he is defeated;

The one in front of him said - King of the Great Merciful Tree.

That's right, it's the Daci Tree King, the Daci Tree King who should disappear from history.

My heart moved slightly,

As soon as Wang Dao understood it,

Although the power of the World Tree is considered powerful, there are many beings in this world that can resist or even modify the World Tree.

The establishment of the Eternal Oasis was due to the Red King using the power of the Nail of Punishment.

The power of the World Tree naturally cannot shake the power of punishment in the sky.

So in this way, the name of Daci Tree King can be retained here, which is normal.

Of course, it may be that it has been engraved and cannot be modified, so the name of the Great Ci Tree King on the chair here has not disappeared.

Putting his thoughts aside, Wang Daoyi looked at all three chairs in front of him.

There are words engraved on the three chairs, but probably because something is missing, these words are all dim.

The name of Red King is written on the chair in the middle.

The name of King Daci Shu is written on the chair on the right.

On the chair on the left, Kao's name is written, Nabu Maricata.

Yes, what is written here is Kao's name, not his title.

Obviously, this represents the admiration of Akou, the builder of this place, for Kao.

I was just about to put down the roses in my hands,

I heard a voice coming from behind.

"Dao Yi?" Ying shouted, not daring to confirm.

Wang Dao held the rose in his hand and turned around: "You are here, a little faster than I thought."

Paimon looked at him in surprise: "No, aren't you behind us? Why are you here all of a sudden?"

Then, before Wang Dao could answer, Paimon said to himself: "Oh, I know, it's the earth channel, right? Dao can go anywhere as long as he waves his hand."

Seeing how Paimeng was asking and answering his own questions, Wang Daoyi laughed dumbly: "Ha, Paimon guessed wrong. There is a Nail of Punishment here to suppress the earth line. Even I cannot directly open the earth line channel inside the Eternal Oasis."

The Nail of Punishment has the power to suppress the earth's veins and mend the world.

Where the Punishment Nail is lowered, the earth's veins are incredibly stable.

Even Wang Daoyi, unless assisted by coordinate items, like how Ying used rock crystals to summon Wang Daoyi in the layered rock abyss, could Wang Daoyi open the earth vein channel.

Otherwise, Wang Daoyi would not be able to directly open the ley lines under the influence of the Nail of Punishment.

after all,

Under the influence of the Nail of Punishment, even things like Leyline Flowers could not be born in the nearby areas.

One can imagine how strong his suppression power is over the earth veins.

"Then you." Paimeng looked at Wang Daoyi curiously.

"I asked Felicis to send me in directly, so I was faster than you." Wang Daoyi naturally wouldn't hide it.

"Felicis." Ying murmured the name, feeling a little sad in her heart.

With the help of Wang Daoyi, Lilupal's sisters recovered.

But Lilupal

"You seem a little sad, Ying." Wang Daoyi turned to Ying.

Ying stretched out her hand and pointed to the magic bottle floating beside her: "Daoyi, Lilupal."

"She chose her own path, Ying. Her past mistakes are tormenting her in her heart. Now, she has completed her redemption with the Mistress of Flowers. As her master, you should be happy for her."

"And isn't the magic bottle still with you? Lilupal disappeared, but she left her power behind and continued to travel with you. She abided by her contract."

Wang Daoyi knew what Lilupal wanted to do from the beginning.

This great town spirit who helped the desert people establish a dynasty and then destroyed the desert dynasty, all he wanted to do was atone for his sins.

And now, she's done.

Although death is irreversible, it is also a kind of salvation.

She no longer has to bear the terrible curse after the fall of the dynasty.


There was silence for a while,

Yingcai suppressed the sadness in her heart again,

"It's always like this. I can't always beat you, you, Zhongli, and many others. I will always be convinced by you."

Ying felt a little sorry for herself.

Wang Daoyi shook his head: "Because you, Traveler, Ying, are a good person."

As he said that, Wang Daoyi changed the subject: "I want to think about some issues here. There is something that I need your help with."

"Huh? Ah, oh, what's the matter? Let me see if I can help."

Hearing Wang Daoyi's words of help, Ying was stunned for a moment, and then naturally began to ask about the content of the task.

Wang Dao stretched out his hand and pointed to the three tree chairs in front of everyone: "Did you see the three chairs here?"

Ying nodded: "I saw it."

"There are some memories scattered in this space. I hope you can find them back."

Wang Dao lowered his eyebrows and looked at the chair in the center.

"In return, I can tell you their stories."

Her eyes lit up, she liked to listen to stories,

Zhongli said back then that her memory would carry his story.

Since then, Ying has been particularly interested in these stories.

"Okay, then how should I find the memory?" Ying agreed to the task, but there was still a problem.

After all, memory doesn't seem to have a physical form.

"Sorry, I don't have any more information. However, you can hang around with Jade and Paimon. You should have clues."

"Well, I always feel like you just want to drive us away." Ying glanced at Wang Daoyi with some disbelief.

You are right.

Wang Daoyi supported Ying's idea in his heart.

But on the surface he still shook his head: "How could that be? Don't think too much, just go."

"Okay." Ying nodded, then turned around and greeted, "Come on, Jade, Paimon, let's go find 'Memory'."

Jade will naturally not object, as long as she is with Ying, not to mention this is a commission from the Lord of Red Sand, then she will be even more happy.

Paimon, on the other hand, like Ying, felt that Wang Daoyi just wanted to drive people like her away, so her little eyes kept glancing at Wang Daoyi.

Wang Daoyi looked at Paimon, still with a smile on his face.

After Ying pulled them away,

Only then did Wang Daoyi regain his calm expression.

Turn around and look at the three tree chairs again.

In his sight,

Through this space,

He could see, beneath the Eternal Oasis, a blue spike supporting the world.

"Sure enough, after the death of the Red King, the Eternal Oasis was actually supported by the Nail of Punishment. Felicis's power was only to maintain the peace here."

"Reopening chaos, interpreting the world, and erasing the concept of time, Akhmar has actually done it."

"It's so scary."

Think about it, when other demon gods still regard the Nail of Punishment as ominous,

Red King Akhmar has used the Punishment Nail as a usable prop.

Borrowing the power of the Nail of Punishment, He completed the construction of a small world.

This is not Liyue’s Immortal Cave Heaven Technique.

This is really building a real world,

Although this world is small,

But there is sky, earth, flowing water, and sun.

He has all the elements in the normal world,

After completing this, the Red King separated from the concept of time here,

Thus, an eternal world was born.

After all, without the passage of time, it would be eternity.

This is a bit like the eternity that Lei movies once pursued,

What Lei Film pursues is unchangeability and consistency throughout the ages.

The Red King did it more thoroughly. He separated the concept of time and directly completed the pursuit of Lei's movie.

Of course, this completion is just a space in the eternal oasis.

Outside the Eternal Oasis, time still passes,

If the connection between the Nail of Punishment and the Eternal Oasis is severed, then this space will begin to collapse.

The sustaining power of the Eternal Oasis comes from outside.

From this point of view, Red King succeeded, but only a little.

"However, the only one here who can cut off the connection between the Punishment Nail and the Eternal Oasis is me, and it is impossible for me to do such a thing."

"So, the Eternal Oasis, the peaceful resting place of Nabu Maricata, Amon, you have finally fulfilled your promise to Kao."

A beautiful, peaceful and eternal world.

Although this world is so small.

Standing in front of the three chairs, Wang Dao held the rose in one hand and thought silently.

Suddenly, a blue light flew from a distance,

Turned into several characters and shot into the tree chair in front of me,

"Huh? Ying moved very quickly. Did you actually find a memory?"

Smiling, Wang Dao gathered his thoughts and took a few steps forward.

He placed the bouquet of roses in his hand on Nabu Maricata's chair.

On the tree chair, some kind of power fluctuated slightly, assimilating the rose flowers.

Looking at the roses that will never wither,

A smile appeared on the corner of Wang Daoyi's mouth,

"Although I know that you are not buried here, and although I know that you cannot hear my words, Nabu Maricata, Amon did not let you down. He did what he could do, the king of the desert, red gold. King, great King, He only lost to you.”

"And I have taken over His authority, His former people, His former kingdom. Although I don't agree with your plan, I agree with your philosophy."

"[God, it was redundant from the beginning.]!"

"I will lead the people of the desert to achieve revival. However, I will only provide basic help. A greater revival will be created by themselves."

"And I also want to see the scenery you have seen before."

As soon as Wang Dao raised his head, his eyes seemed to have passed through the barrier of the eternal oasis, passed through the rocks of Dama Mountain, passed through the sandstorm that enveloped Dama Mountain, and looked at the endless sky.

"That's a view of the real sky."

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