Explorer of Teyvat

Chapter 517 Three Tree Chairs

eternal oasis

Ying took Jade and Paimon,

Although I don’t know what memory Wang Daoyi is talking about,

But they soon discovered some strange plants,

Then the collection of memories was completed very naturally.

It feels like everything is arranged,

There are no traces of PS at all.

"Third, let's go and go back and take a look. Dao Yi's work should be finished."

Ying always believed that Wang Daoyi must have deliberately pushed her away.

Paimon also nodded: "Humph, that's right. Let's go back and take a look and see what that guy Dao Yi is doing."

Jiede did not speak. Out of admiration and respect for the Lord of Red Sand, Jade would not think about whether the Lord of Red Sand deliberately sent them away.

Come on, being sent away by the Lord of Red Sand is also very honorable, okay?

Taking Paimon and Jade, we walked towards the center of the lake.

Soon, he saw Wang Daoyi, who was still standing in front of three tree chairs.

However, those tree chairs seem a little different.

"Why do they light up?" Paimon asked curiously, "And the one in the middle, why does it grow flowers?"

There were three ordinary tree chairs, but now the words engraved on them have lit up.

And the tree chair in the middle grew branches, leaves and flowers.

"Memory is the most precious knowledge, Paimon. I thought you would understand this after experiencing Xumi's adventure."

Wang Daoyi said with a teasing smile to Paimon.

Paimon curled her lips. She felt that Wang Daoyi was laughing at her for being stupid, but she had no proof.

"So, we got our memories back and that's why things changed here?"

Ying's eyes fluctuated slightly.

Wang Dao nodded: "Of course, you don't think that I really want to get rid of you, do you?"

Yes, I just want to get rid of you, but I won't admit it.

When Ying heard Wang Daoyi's words, she felt that she might have misunderstood him before: "I'm sorry, Daoyi, I misunderstood you."

Wang Daoyi smiled: "It's okay, I don't care."

As he spoke, Wang Daoyi looked at the three tree chairs in front of him again: "Do you know who these three tree chairs belong to?"

Following Wang Daoyi's fingertips, several people looked at the three tree chairs.

"Obviously you just said you would tell us a story, and now you are asking us questions, Daoyi, you are so naughty." Paimeng looked at Wang Daoyi with contempt.

Wang Daoyi teased her just now, and she was very dissatisfied.

"Okay, okay, then I won't ask."

Wang Daoyi begged Paimeng twice for mercy.

Then he straightened his face and pointed to the tree chair in the middle: "This one belongs to the Red King. He is the real owner here, so his position is in the center."

"Red King." Ying and Paimon looked at the position curiously. They were still very curious about the Red King.

"That's right, Red King, the former god of the desert. In theory, I inherited his position."

Wang Dao nodded, and then looked at Ying and Paimon: "How about it, are you curious about the Red King? You can ask now, and if it is possible to tell, I will tell you."

Paimon and Ying looked at each other in confusion. They didn't quite understand who the Red King was, so how could they ask questions?

Probably because Wang Daoyi interrupted the trajectory of fate,

Ying and Paimon's adventure in Xumi was quite easy.

Apart from rescuing a ranger outside Xumi City and then running around for more than a month,

At other times, Xumi was quite friendly to them.

So much so that they had not experienced any hardships and did not know much about Xumi's background story.

Especially after the story of the Great Merciful Tree King was covered by the World Tree,

Ying and Paimon knew even less about the existence of the Red King.

"Daoyi, you are very mean. We are not familiar with the Red King. How do we know what to ask?" Paimeng looked at Wang Daoyi angrily, making people want to pinch her cheek.

"Haha, let's not talk about it for now. Chisha also has a ruins in the desert called the Tomb of the Red King. You can go and have a look later. If there is anything you don't understand when you come back, I will tell you."

Wang Daoyi led the Red King's Mausoleum out very naturally.

The branch at the Red King's Tomb has been stationed for a long time and uses the most top-notch equipment.

But progress is very limited.

In the spirit of using it to death if it's easy to use,

Wang Daoyi decided to guide Ying over to take a look.

"Okay, then let's pay the debt first. We can't cheat." Paimeng scratched his head. He couldn't think of any other way and could only agree with Wang Daoyi's statement.

Jade was watching on the side, looking at Ying and Paimon with some curiosity. What the Lord of Red Sand just said was to tell them the story here?

So why should they ask? Just let the Lord of Red Sand say no from the beginning?

Jade was a little confused, but seeing Ying and Paimon acting like they were used to it, she didn't speak.

I skipped the story of the Red King,

Wang Daoyi pointed to the chair on the left.

"Since you don't even know the story of the Red King, then you probably haven't heard of this man's story either."

"Who is it?" Paimon opened his eyes wide, curious with a hint of clarity, clarity with a hint of ignorance, and ignorance with a bit of stupidity.

Wang Daoyi did not show off: "This position belongs to Nabu Maricata."

"Who?" Not only Paimon, Ying and Jade also had the same reaction to this name, confused.

Wang Daoyi didn't have any surprises.

Kao's fall was before the Red King.

And this name is still her real name,

Even the former Tanit tribe,

Tribes pursuing the eternal oasis may not have the name Heritage.

The ignorant looks in the three people's eyes were very much in line with Wang Daoyi's expectations.

"Nabu Malikata, he is the flower god one of the three gods of Meru. He is in charge of moonlight nights and feasts. Before, the mistress Lirupal and the others were talking about was him."

As soon as Wang Dao opened his mouth, he gave an explanation.

Ying's eyes lit up: "The mistress of Lilupal, the Goddess of Flowers"

All of a sudden, Ying remembered a lot of things,

Lilupal has always wanted to return to his mistress.

Even in order to atone for his sins, he did not hesitate to embark on the path of dissipation of will.

Thinking of this, Ying had the urge to leave Lilupal's magic bottle next to the chair to fulfill Lilupal's wish.

As soon as Wang Dao looked at Ying's face and the way he glanced at the magic bottle next to him from time to time, he knew what the girl was thinking.

"If you want to leave Lilupal's magic bottle here, then there is no need. Although the atonement has been completed, the mistakes she has committed will not be covered up. If you leave Lilupal's magic bottle here, Felicis will be very angry here.”

Letting Lilupal meet the mistress was the most forbearance Felicis could give.

Let Lilupal's magic bottle stay here again?

Felicis would probably go crazy.

What qualifications does a blasphemous, betrayal, and sinful Zhenling have to accompany the mistress?

Listening to Wang Daoyi’s words,

Only then did Ying remember that there was a great town spirit guarding the Eternal Oasis outside.

We really can’t leave Lilupal here.

"Take her well. Lilupal has completed her contract. Her power can disperse the sandstorm for you and make your journey in the desert smoother. Don't let her down."

Wang Daoyi looked at the magic bottle and said to Ying.

Ying nodded and looked at the magic bottle beside her, with a hint of softness in her eyes.

Although Lilupal did not have a good impression on Paimon and Jade,

But her attitude towards her husband is really good and couldn't be better.

Therefore, Ying still has some feelings for Lilupal.

"Hey, was she buried here?" Paimon asked curiously.

Wang Daoyi shook his head: "The Flower God was not buried, let alone buried here. This is just a place of the Red King's delusions."

"Ah? Lilupal said that she came here to meet the mistress, right? And the great town spirit just now also said that she was there to protect the peace of the mistress."

Paimon asked several questions at once,

Wang Daoyi still smiled faintly: "After the death of the Flower God, King Chi made a promise to the town spirits. He said that the Flower God was not dead and that he would make the Flower God return, in exchange for the allegiance of the town spirits."

"And the Eternal Oasis is the answer He gave to the town spirits. This eternal garden has indeed convinced many town spirits that their mistress is not dead, but is just sleeping, and the Red King will also let the Flower God return."

"But in fact, what the Red King said was only half-truth and half-false. What was false was that the Flower Goddess had already fallen, and her fall was to open a greater path for the Red King."

"And it's true that the Red King really wants to resurrect the Flower God. Unfortunately, reversing life and death, or reversing the life and death of a god, is not something that can be done easily."

"So, guess what happened to the Red King's delusion?"

Wang Daoyi looked at Ying with a smile,

While talking about you, Wang Daoyi's eyes actually stayed on Ying.

"The red king's delusions triggered it." Ying's little face froze a little, and she had already restored the story in her heart, "The disaster of forbidden knowledge."

Ying knows that many disasters in Xumi come from forbidden knowledge,

But she didn't know where this forbidden knowledge came from,

However, the few words she had with the Great Merciful Tree King in the Secret Realm of the World Tree gave her a piece of information.

King Daci Shu has healed the disaster of forbidden knowledge more than once.

Listening to Ying's definite guess,

Wang Dao nodded: "You are right."

"What happened after that? What happened after that?" Paimon looked excited. She was so interested in this kind of story between gods.

"The rest of the story, haha, I won't tell you now. I'll wait until you come back from exploring the Red King's Tomb. If you still don't understand, I'll tell you."

As a Riddler and Master of Broken Chapters, Wang Daoyi is very qualified and excellent.

After hearing Wang Daoyi's words, Paimeng stamped his feet angrily.

"I'm so angry, so angry, Dao Yi is really so bad!"

After scolding Wang Daoyi a few times, Paimeng flew back to Ying, folded her arms, and looked at Wang Daoyi angrily. She decided not to talk to Wang Daoyi for a day.

Ying's expression didn't change at all.

What about the Riddler and the Fragmented Dog? She has been through a lot.

If nothing else, Zhongli and Deinsreb are not Teyvat’s first-rate Riddlers.

She has been exposed to all the jokes.

Besides, she herself was still being urged by Yaedo to update the chapters.

Can the author's affairs be called out of context?

That’s called inspiration!

He pointed to the Flora's chair: "What are these roses?"

Ying remembered clearly that when they came here before, there were no roses on the chairs here.

These roses are in the hands of Wang Dao,

At that time, I thought Wang Daoyi gave these three seats as a gift.

But now the flower only appears in one position, so there is obviously something wrong.

"Rose flower? This is something personal to me. You should have heard the legendary story. Wherever the God of Flowers walks, clear springs will flow out, and where the clear springs flow, beautiful flowers will grow. Patisalan ."

Ying nodded: "Nilu told me this story, so why didn't Daoyi send Patisalan as a gift, but instead sent roses?"

"Well, first of all, I sent flowers to the Flower God because I promised others, not because I wanted to send them myself."

"Secondly, although the Patisala is the flower that best represents the Flower God, the pure Patisala has become extinct, and the Flower God's favorite flower is the rose."

"If you are curious about the story of the Flower Goddess and the Rose, you can ask Nasida later. She should know better."

The Flower God once took the Red King to visit the Tree King.

They asked the tree king three questions to test whether the tree king was a wise god.

And the Tree King gave all the answers,

After that, Xumi entered an era of co-rule by three gods.

Nasida is now sorting out the memories covered by the World Tree. She should know these things better than Wang Daoyi.

"Are you going to ask Nasida?" Ying nodded thoughtfully.

Then she looked at the last chair: "Then this chair should belong to the big one."

Ying subconsciously wanted to say the name of the Great Ci Tree King, but quickly swallowed it.

She is still not sure whether the name Daci Shuwang can still be uttered.


Wang Daoyi smiled and nodded to Ying: "Yes, this position belongs to the one you think of. This is the position of the King of Grass."

Ying nodded, knowing that the King of Grass mentioned by Wang Daoyi was the Great Merciful Tree King.

Paimon also looked like he knew it: "Humph, Paimon knew that this was Nasida's location."

The King of Grass, in Paimon's opinion, is Nasita.

Ying and Wang Dao looked at each other,

Paimon's proud expression was not interrupted.

"Yes, this is the location of the King of Grass. As a member of the Three Gods Alliance and a friend of the Red King and Kao, he has also left a place for the King of Grass here."

Wang Daoyi said with a smile.

He was bullying Paimon and Jade because they couldn't understand the writing on the tree chair.

If it were someone like Elhaysen here,

He could tell at a glance that the name engraved on the chair belonging to the 'King of Grass' was not Little Auspicious Grass King.

But the "I don't know the so-called" Daci Shu King.

It's a pity that Jade never went to school. Although she is very smart, she cannot learn a word out of thin air.

As for Paimon, this little guy may not be able to learn it even if he goes to school.

"I think there is no need for me to tell the story of the King of Grass." Wang Daoyi said.

Ying actually wanted Wang Daoyi to tell her. She was also very curious about the story of King Daci Shu.

However, beside Ying, Paimeng waved his hand grandly and said nonchalantly: "No, no, we can just ask Nacida directly about Nacida's story. Daoyi, you always tell half the story. , I can’t even tell the story well.”

Wang Daoyi waved his hand: "Okay, it's over then. Do you want to leave?"

His target was actually Felicis, the great town spirit. When he came to the Eternal Oasis, he just took a casual look, and then helped the Red King send a bouquet of roses to the Kao.

Now that everything is done,

There are flowers growing on Red King’s tree chairs,

That can be regarded as fulfilling the Red King's last wish.

time to go.

Seeing that Wang Daoyi was about to leave, Ying and Jie De looked at each other.

Then Ying shook her head: "No, Daoyi, you go first. I'll walk around here with Jie De, take some photos, and take them back to his father later."

Jade's mother is a desert scholar. She fell in love with his father and had Jade. However, this scholar has been pursuing the eternal oasis all his life. Now that Jade is here, he can take some photos and go back to comfort his old father. OK

"Okay, bye bye. By the way, don't destroy this place, otherwise Felicis will throw you out, and I won't care."

Wang Daoyi warned.

Ying nodded repeatedly: "Okay, don't worry, we will take a photo."

"Felicis, take me out."

Wang Daoyi nodded to Ying, and then shouted.

next moment,

A portal opens,

Wang Dao stepped into it in a flash.

In the Eternal Oasis, earth veins almost do not exist, and everything relies on the power of the Nail of Punishment.

Wang Daoyi didn't want to open the earth channel inside, who knew what would happen.

Return to the [Red King’s Crystal Cup] platform,

The cave that was originally filled with yellow sand is now green.

"It seems you are recovering well."

After recovering his strength, he immediately felt leisurely and began to restore the flowers and plants around him.

All I can say is that he is indeed a Zhenling.

This beautiful creature born from the water lily has an absolute pursuit of the concept of "beauty".

"The green environment helps me restore my mental health." Felicis responded to Wang Dao.

She didn't lie,

Over the past millennium,

She has been squeezing her soul, using extreme negative emotions to gain strength to maintain the tranquility of the eternal oasis.

Now with Wang Daoyi's support, she no longer needs to continue to squeeze herself.

Naturally, I started to restore my mental health.

Felicis knew exactly what kind of existence she was.

I understand better that the pain of my soul can drive me into madness,

Therefore, she liked the green environment, so she made a green environment,

Make her feel comfortable. This comfortable environment can effectively alleviate the pain accumulated in her heart.

"Okay, I will send someone over when the time comes. If you need anything, just tell them."

Felicis has already pledged her allegiance to him, and Wang Daoyi will naturally not criticize him for wasting a little strength.

The elemental power Felicis used to change the environment was probably not as much as Wang Dao could recover in a few breaths.

"Your will, Your Majesty, I will be here waiting for their arrival."

Felicis responded respectfully.

Wang Dao nodded and did not continue to speak. The earth's veins surged and disappeared into the [Red King Crystal Cup].

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