Explorer of Teyvat

Chapter 518 Desert Project

Xumi·Jiaolingyuan·Wisdom Palace.

A dozen capable scholars gathered here,

He held the report that had just been sent in his hand.

"What do you want to say about technical support for resource development in desert areas?"

Opposite a dozen scholars, behind a desk, Elhaysen looked at everyone and asked slowly.

"Your Excellency, Acting Great Sage, first of all, I would like to ask, what can we gain from the technical support provided by the Apostolic Order to the desert area?"

A scholar stood up and asked Alhaysen.

"In Article 8 on the third page of the document, regarding the return of the Islamic Academy's technical support to the desert area, we will obtain the exploration rights, development rights, and profits of some desert areas."

Elhaysen replied.

"Sorry, Lord Acting Sage, with all due respect, this level of return is completely out of proportion to our investment. I know Lord Grass God wants to compensate the desert area, but we cannot accept this endless tilt."

"Yes, Acting Sage, the tilt in educational resources has affected the growth of a new generation of students. If technology is tilted again, it will undoubtedly be unfair to the rain forest."

"Support can be provided, but it cannot be the same as tilting educational resources. I admit that the Gaolingyuan suppressed Desert, but that was the former Gaolingyuan. We can bear the mistakes of the past, but we cannot bear them endlessly."

With one dissenting scholar, others voiced their objections.

Generally speaking, no one wants to see no return for supporting the desert.

Although the resources of the Teaching Council are very rich, they are not unlimited after all.

According to the tilt of educational resources just mentioned,

Even if a child in the desert enjoys one-third of the educational resources of a child in the rainforest, or even less.

However, the free resource allocation made by the Educational Council will inevitably squeeze the resources of the children in the rainforest.

This is inevitable.

Everyone here is a scholar,

I know that the rainforest was once sorry for the desert.

I also know that this is the will of Little Lucky Grass King.

But what about the people at the bottom of Xumi?

Could it be that when they bullied the desert people, did they, the lower class people, enjoy the benefits?

Now why should we squeeze the resources of their children when we are helping the desert?

This makes no sense!

Therefore, when looking at the opposing scholars in front of him, Elhaysen did not feel disgusted or agreed. He understood their position and even more clearly understood their meaning.

What they stood for was the common people's position under the rule of the Order Council, which was completely different from the academic faction that had been purged.

If it is a school faction, it is for their own interests to oppose this plan.

As for the scholars in front of them, their opposition is for the benefit of the common people of Sumeru.

Same action, completely different purpose.

"I understand. If that's the case, then you can take a look at this document." Elhaysen nodded, indicating that he had heard their opinions, and then gestured behind him, and there was a teaching commander who sent the new document. document.

Elhaysen does not like the void;

Therefore, the teaching council's use of the void has only returned to the level of assisting in processing.

For these important documents, Void is only a backup, and paper documents are still used in the conference room.

"This is the report submitted by Mr. Nafis, the sage of the Sheng Lun sect, after he returned from his mission to Inazuma a few days ago.

It records in detail the sacrifices made by the Lord of Red Sand to negotiate between Sumeru and Inazuma.

I think this might convince you. "

After speaking, Elhaysen looked at the scholars quietly and stopped talking.

The scholars did not continue to look at Elhaysen, but started flipping through the documents in their hands.

Most of the people who can appear here are leftover after the great purge of the Order or newly emerged elites.

They have long understood that it is useless to argue in front of this acting great sage.

The best way to impress this acting great sage is to rely on real evidence and speak outright.

That’s why scholars previously voiced opposition.

Opposition is opposition, as long as there is a reason. The acting great sage will not settle scores later.

Support is support, as long as there is a reason, even the great sages will not remember you well.

Under this logic,

Being down-to-earth in doing things has become the most important label for the current administrative elites of the Teaching Council.

Ignoring the silent acting great sage,

Scholars read through the report submitted by Nafis,

They whispered to each other and discussed.

"When the fleet arrived, the Inazuma Shogunate only sent a gorgeous carriage to receive the Lord of Red Sand?"

"It's unreasonable, it's unreasonable, it's contempt, it's blasphemy."

A scholar said angrily,

Don’t think that the Lord of Red Sand is the god of the desert, but to put it bluntly, the Lord of Red Sand is the god of Sumeru.

The god of Xumi was actually neglected like this. One can imagine what kind of anger these scholars would burst out in their hearts.

"The Lord of Red Sand actually sat on it."

The scholars were slightly silent.

With their knowledge and knowledge, they could naturally tell that the Lord of Red Sand was rebelling against Inazuma's army.

The price is the ‘face’ of the Lord of Red Sand.

Face is something that can be expensive or cheap.

But the face of a god cannot be cheap.

Sure enough, Nafis later recorded Inazuma's concessions in many places.

And at the end of the diplomatic negotiations, the Lord of Red Sand appeared and 'forced' Representative Inazuma to agree to Nafis's conditions.

After reading the report, the scholars were slightly silent.

They really didn't expect that the Lord of Red Sand could do this for Xumi.

Behind the desk, Elhaysen watched the scholars put down their documents, with an inexplicable look flashing in his eyes.

He was certain that Wang Daoyi must have been smiling when he got on the carriage.

That guy couldn't possibly feel embarrassed, he probably thought it was fun.

Of course, it is impossible for Elhaysen to say these words to scholars.

"Everyone, you have finished reading. The Lord of Red Sand has made a huge sacrifice for Xumi. So, do you have any opinions on the teaching institute's tilting of technical resources to the desert?"

The scholars were silent.

Theoretically, the Lord of Red Sand has made such a big sacrifice, and the rain forest should indeed make simultaneous compensation and thanks.

But based on the actual situation, their knowledge cannot make a reasonable comparison between [the face of the gods] and [a large amount of resources tilted].

So, scholars are stumped.

Technical resources must be tilted, but how much is another question.

Otherwise, open a new topic,

"On how much resources are the gods' faces worth"?

This kind of topic will be exploded by those fanatical believers.

Seeing that the scholars are silent,

Elhaysen said to himself: "As for the benefits of cooperation with Rice Wife, Sage Nafes is still estimating, but there is one more thing. Rice Wife has sent a large amount of extraordinary materials, saying that it is Chi The Lord of Sand’s trophies, those materials, are still in Ormos Port.”

As he spoke, Elhaysen showed a nice smile: "I checked and found that many extraordinary materials are currently in short supply at the Teaching Order. If this material can be obtained at a fair price, in the next three years, the Teaching Order will purchase from outside." Funding can be reduced by half.”

Elhaysen’s words made many scholars’ eyes light up.

Although they are down-to-earth and hard-working, as administrators, they are completely self-conscious about the exchange of interests.

"Your Excellency, Acting Great Sage, may I ask, what is the opinion of the Lord of Red Sand?"

It has been said to this extent. If you still don’t understand that the acting great sage has reached an agreement with the two gods, then these elites are no longer elites, but flies.

"The opinion of the two gods is that this batch of materials will be sold to the Order Council at a fair price, and the saved funds of the Order Council will be invested in the desert as support funds, and scholars participating in the desert support plan will have the priority to apply for materials."

Elhaysen said calmly.

The scholars looked at each other,

Under such conditions, it is equivalent to not squeezing the normal resources of the Order.

However, scholars participating in the desert support plan can give priority to apply for the right to use materials, which will inevitably lead a large number of scholars to invest in the desert.

Scholars, what’s wrong with going to the desert to eat sand for several months in order to research your own projects?

Besides, as far as the current changes in the desert are concerned, if the allocated place is the Red Sand headquarters, it is not necessarily possible to eat sand, but it is possible to eat animal meat and gain weight.

After all, when a scholar who supported teaching returned to the Teaching Order, he was found to have gained weight.

The scholars discussed again,

In the end, everyone felt that

Both gods have considered everything, what else can we say?

The previous purge of the Imperial Academy is still fresh in my mind.

Although they are dedicated to the public, what if they are misunderstood as having selfish motives?

Anyway, it won’t squeeze the resources of the lower class people and ordinary scholars, so I agree.

Once you get that massive batch of extraordinary materials, you might be able to resell them and make some money to subsidize the people at the bottom.

So, they could only nod to Alhaysen: "We have no objections, Your Excellency, the Acting Great Sage."

"That's good, then you can make arrangements as soon as possible." Alhaysen smiled and looked at the time. Well, yes, it's almost time to get off work. It seems that there is no need to work overtime today.

That's right, overtime. As the acting great sage, Elhaysen has been forced to work overtime.

There is no other way, the matters in the Teaching Council are numerous and urgent, and many things must be handled by great sages.

He can only work overtime passively.

However, this experience of passive overtime work also made Elhaysen more determined to submit his resignation.

He was afraid that if he continued like this, he would be forced to wear a yellow robe and truly become a great sage.

Think about it, although he is indifferent to everyone, he is fair to everyone.

Moreover, he is capable of doing things and does not require any favors from you.

If you are capable, you will be promoted; if you are not, you will be sent to further your studies.

I won’t shirk you when I have something to do, and I won’t keep an eye on you when I have nothing to do.

Do you want such a leader?

Elhaysen already felt something was wrong,

He can be sure that if this acting great sage continues to work, the word "acting" will disappear.

"Wait a little longer and resign next month."

Elhaysen said to himself in his heart.

the other side,

Scholars left one after another,

And a blond scholar went against the flow of people and approached the Palace of Wisdom.

"Senior Kawei, long time no see." The passing scholars waved to the blond scholar.

Kawei smiled and nodded in return.

After a while,

A teaching officer came down from the great sage's office,

Walked to Kawei: "Scholar Kawei, the acting great sage is waiting for you above."

The corner of Kawei's mouth twitched, acting as the great sage,

Why is Elhaysen so outrageous?

Is there no one left in the Ecclesiastical Order?

He actually asked Elhaysen to be the acting great sage?

"Okay, please, I'll be there soon."

Although he kept complaining in his heart, on the surface, Kawei still looked polite.

Taking the elevator of the Palace of Wisdom, Kawei came to the Great Sage's office.

The huge spherical void port is slowly rotating,

Turn and look to the side,

That annoying guy, Elhaysen, lowered his head on the table and was calculating something.

Walked over quickly,

"Elhaysen, why did you send someone to call me back?"

Kawei asked unhappily,

Although he had excavated the ruins before, not only had he lost his salary, but he also owed Chisha a large amount of money.

But no one in Chisha would regard him as someone who owed money.

As the designer and person in charge of the Red Sand Temple, Kawi has a very special status in the desert.

Everyone was very polite to him.

No one will press him to pay back the money.

Of course, Kawei himself has been urging himself to pay off his debt as soon as possible.

The salary Chisha gave him was not low, and Dolly's debt had almost been paid off.

He was planning to work more overtime and pay back Chisha's money.

Then Alhaysen sent someone to call him back.

Therefore, Kawei was very unhappy with Elhaysen;

The other party interrupted his debt repayment journey.

"It seems that you had a lot of fun in the desert." Elhaysen's voice was calm, but in Kawei's ears, there was a hint of ridicule.

"What does it mean to play? I'm working in the desert, paying off that profiteer's money, and still engaging in a career I like. Isn't it good?"

Kawei glared at Elhaysen and said angrily,

Put the documents in your hands aside,

Elhaysen raised his head and looked at Kawei: "The Order has paid off your debt to the Red Sand Tribe Alliance."


"No? Elhaysen, what do you mean? Are you sympathizing with me? I don't need it. Let me tell you, I don't need it?"

The debt was paid off, but Kawei was not happy.

On the contrary, he became even more angry.

He looked at Elhaysen, his expression darkening.

"You are always unclear about your situation, Kavi." Elhaysen remained calm.

"Ha, is this why you are dictating my life?"

Kawei was furious. He just didn't like Alhaysen's calm appearance.

This would make him look stupid.

"It's not that I'm dictating your life, but that the Order needs your knowledge, Kavi."

Elhaysen had no intention of arguing with Kavi.

He knew Kavi so well;

This is a naughty person,

He wants to make money and has a kind heart,

He wanted to pay off his debt, but he didn’t want to continue accepting help from others.

He is always in trouble,

Therefore, Elhaysen directly handed him the document at hand.

"You can't seem to keep your wits about you while you're talking to me, so go straight to the file."

Kawei glanced at Alhaysen awkwardly, feeling still angry, but he still took the document and read it carefully.

"Report on the Development and Construction of Qianhe Sandy Land Oasis Canal"

Kawei was attracted by the title,

The unhappiness in his heart had been forgotten, and he was concentrating on looking at the document.

Elhaysen glanced at Kawei and began to deal with his own affairs again.

It's almost time to get off work. You have to work quickly to avoid working overtime.

A person is flipping through documents,

Another person is reviewing the documents,

Time passes little by little,

Ten minutes later,

Kawei closed the document with excitement in his eyes,

"So, you are asking me to be responsible for developing and building the oasis canal system?"

Kavi was very excited, extremely excited.

As a designer + architect + engineer,

His wish was not just to build a big palace.

The existence of such a wonder as the oasis canal system is the highest pursuit of great architects.

Whether it's a palace, a tower, or any other gorgeous building,

Essentially the meaning is the same,

show off.

Whether it's showing off force or showing off wealth, it's the same.

But the wonders of people's livelihood, such as the oasis canal system, are truly miracles.

Kavey could imagine that once the oasis canal system described in the document was established,

Then his name will be accompanied by the canal and will forever be spread in the legends of the desert people.

Really, win fame during and after life.

Thinking of this, Kawei was already trembling slightly with excitement.

"Oh, what are you thinking about? How could Chisha leave such an opportunity to you directly?" Elhaysen raised his head and habitually broke through Kawei's defense.

Kawei was stunned for a moment, then looked at Elhaysen angrily: "It's not for me? Then why did you call me back?"

Kawei was very dissatisfied;

It's like seeing someone give you a lottery ticket and telling you that the lottery ticket won 100 million.

When you are done having fun, he tells you that the lottery ticket has been used.

Probably, this is how Kawei feels now.

"What Chisha means is to gather the best designers and engineers in Xumi to build this canal system together. If you want to complete it by yourself, forget it. However, if you want to compete for the position of chief designer, Position, that’s fine.”

Elhaysen said calmly,

Opposite him, Kawei's face brightened, then darkened, and he looked at Alhaysen with an unhappy expression: "So, you were playing tricks on me just now, right?"

Nodding calmly, Elhaysen admitted directly: "Of course, playing with you is a little hobby of mine, isn't it?"

Kawei was furious, but couldn't say anything to refute.

It was indeed because he was too impatient just now that he was tricked by Elhaysen.

As a scholar, this is embarrassing enough, and continuing to dwell on this topic will only make it even more embarrassing.

"Huh~" After taking a deep breath, Kawei looked at Elhaysen again: "Tell me, what's the competition law?"

"The Red Sand Society has applied to the Ecclesiastical Order for a group of Myolunpa scholars in architecture, engineering, and design. As the best Miaolunpa graduate this year, I applied for funds from the Ecclesiastical Order and advanced the debt you owe in the desert. , now that you are free, you can freely compete for the position of chief designer."

"Of course, your debts have only been transferred from Chisha to the Order Academy. You don't have to worry about continuing to owe favors. If you win the position of chief designer, then, as an honor for an outstanding scholar, I can consider reducing some of your debts as appropriate. ."

Elhaysen knew Kavi too well;

If the Order directly repaid Qavi’s debt,

Not only will Kawei not be happy, but he will be even more worried.

But if it's a debt transfer, that's fine.

Carvey would have thought he could still handle the debt on his own.

Sure enough, a smile appeared on Kawei's face: "Okay, I am determined to be the chief designer."

Elhaysen nodded: "That's good. By the way, there is a small task now. You can earn some activity funds. Do you want to take a look?"

Kawei wanted to refuse;

But considering the few molas in his pocket,

Finally he nodded.

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