Explorer of Teyvat

Chapter 519 Desert and Rainforest

Chapter 519: Desert and Rainforest

"That's good."

Watching Kawei give in for money again,

There was a slight smile in Elhaysen's eyes.

Then he pulled out a document from the side of the desk and handed it to Kavi.

"This time Chisha made a big move, attracting not only some well-known Miao Lun scholars, but also many students who were very interested."

"Your mission is to take them to the Qianhe Sandy Area to participate in the canal inspection."

"I have already said hello to Chisha. They will let you go. During the event, normal consumption can be reimbursed. In addition, I will approve 50,000 molas for you as a reward for leading the team."

Listening to Elhaysen's words,

Kavi flipped through the documents in his hand,

What is written in the document is similar to what Alhaysen said.

They were probably the managers of the Miao Lun sect who discovered that Chisha was doing a big job.

While notifying scholars to participate, we also hope that students who have not graduated yet will go out and experience the world.

So, there was this activity,

But when students go out, someone must lead them.

Other scholars are all here to be the chief designer, so how can they have time for you to take care of your students?

So, the plan is stuck.

Until Elhaysen brought Kawi back from the desert.

Put down the file,

Kawei nodded calmly: "I took it and will set off tomorrow. I asked the students to gather at the gate of the Teaching Academy and wait for me. As for the group of thirty people, just send us to Kavanyi. After we arrive in the desert, I will I will find the Red Sand warrior myself."


Elhaysen put down the document in his hand,

Then he glanced at the time,

"Just in time, I'm going to the pub after get off work. Do you want to go with me?"

Elhaysen invited.

Kawei looked at each other in surprise,

This guy actually calls me when he's drinking?

Looking at Kawei's expression, Elhaysen knew what the other party was thinking: "It's a game between Sano and Tinari."

"Oh, it turns out it was someone else's fault. How could you, a guy like you, invite me to drink?"

Kawei suddenly understood, and then became very interested, "Since it is their game, then I will definitely go."

In the Order, Kawei’s circle of friends is better than that of Elhaysen, who is an insulator in interpersonal relationships.

But it's not much better,

There are only a few people who can really drink and chat together.

"Then let's go, go faster." Alhaysen urged in a rare way,

As long as he walks a little slower, the work will come to him.

The two of them left the Order House together,

Go to the tavern under Baoshang Street,

Arriving at the tavern,

I found that the people organizing the game had arrived.

"Kavi, you are finally back, haha. Alhaysen said you were coming back, but I still don't believe it. How about it, is it fun in the desert?"

On the wine table,

Tinari warmly entertained Kavi,

Kawei frowned, feeling like something was wrong.

How do you feel that Tinari knew she was coming?

Something's wrong!

Kavi, who didn't understand, was already pulled to the table by Tinari.

"I heard that you had a good time in the desert?" Sano, who had arrived early at the wine table, suddenly said.

"? No, what's going on with you? Why do you seem to know that I'm coming?"

Kavi was a little confused.

"Huh? Didn't Alhaysen tell you? This wine party is just to welcome you back." Tinari had a look of 'don't you know' on his face.

Kawei was stunned for a moment, then looked angrily at Elhaysen, who was pouring a drink for himself: "Alhaysen, you!!!"

Fortunately, he thought Alhaysen was a good person and took him with him when he was drinking.

As a result, Alhaysen took advantage of his banquet, which made him grateful.

I was sold by him, and I still thanked him.

I wouldn't be a resentful person, would I?

For a moment, Kawei deeply doubted himself.

However, he soon no longer doubted it,

Tinari brought him a glass of wine,

After taking the wine, Kawei also relaxed: "Tell me, what do you want from me?"

Tinari and Seno looked at each other,

Then he looked at Alhaysen.


Elhaysen put down his glass,

"These two people heard that you owed a large sum of money in the desert, so they wanted to treat you to a drink to let you release your emotions."

"But, obviously, they're not very comforting people."

Hearing Elhaysen's words,

Kawei was stunned for a moment.

Don’t have anything to help yourself with?

Just to comfort myself, I treat myself to a drink

So, have you caused trouble to others again?

Kawei's hand holding the wine glass trembled slightly.

This sudden kindness was hard for this stubborn person to accept.

Elhaysen could tell at a glance what Kawei was thinking.

However, he did not offer any words of comfort, nor did he say anything more.

Just started drinking again.

Kawei looked at Tinari and Seno with some excitement: "Thank you, thank you. Thank you for causing trouble to you."

"Oh, we are all friends. I'm just buying you a drink." Tinari pulled Kavi and sat down again.

"Tell us an interesting story about your time in the desert. That person's recent actions have been quite big." Sai Nuo said.

The first meeting between Sai Nuo and Wang Daoyi was not pleasant.

Wang Dao tied him up immediately.

If it weren't for the use of some discipline officials' methods,

Maybe Sano really became the Gale Disciplinary who was kidnapped by the desert people.

However, later on, as soon as Wang Dao helped the little Jixiang Cao King to purge the teaching court, Sai Nuo put aside the small grudges between them.

Of course, there is nothing you can do if you don’t let go.

He can't take revenge on a god,

As for angering the people of the desert, Ha, Seno's character is not that bad.

However, this does not prevent Sano from being interested in the desert.

Not only Xeno, Tinari is also interested.


The ancestors of these two people were from the desert.

"What do you want to know? Let me tell you first. I am mainly conducting inspections of ruins and architectural designs in the desert. If it involves the Red Sand Temple, I will not talk about it."

Kawei got vaccinated first.

There are a large number of hidden rooms in the Red Sand Temple.

Although the Lord of Red Sand didn't care at all whether he would leak secrets, Kawei himself felt that he should have a sense of confidentiality.

"Then let's talk about your ruins exploration, and then talk about the current changes in the desert."

The four of them sat around the wine table and listened to Kawei telling stories about the desert.

"Relics in the desert"


"The ruins in the desert, Nasida, if the Order wants to develop the ruins, I will not completely refuse, but it must be a formal and effective development."

In the Pure Good Palace,

After chatting with Nasida about exchanging extraordinary resources for engineering and technical support, Wang Daoyi replied to Nasida's proposal just now.

Just now, Nasida proposed that she hopes that part of the ruins can be developed in the desert and provided to scholars for development.

When King Dao unified the desert,

All ruins are the private property of the Red Sand Lord.

As a result, a large number of scholars who studied desert civilization were cleared out of the desert.

Now the desert and the rainforest are gradually restoring communication,

Therefore, Nasida hoped that Wang Daoyi could take out some of the ruins in the area as an investigation area for scholars.

to be honest,

Many scholars who originally studied deserts have been unable to graduate.

This is not a problem of their ability, but caused by changes in the environment.

And this environment is the appearance of Wang Daoyi.

It's like, you studied the national conditions of a small country as your thesis, but one month before you were to graduate, the small country was disbanded.

When something like this happens, it can make people collapse.

It was because Nasida sensed these emotions among the scholars that she spoke to Wang Dao.

Although many scholars have obtained the qualification to go to the desert before, those are the best group.

There are still many ordinary scholars who have no channels.

"Of course, the Ecclesiastical Council will test their understanding of desert civilization in advance. Only after passing the written test will they be allowed to go to the desert for inspection."

Nacida's little face turned towards Wang Daoyi,

The height difference between the two forced her to look up at Wang Daoyi.

"That's fine. I'll let West Germany divide an area later."

Wang Dao nodded.

The desert is huge and has many ruins.

There is absolutely no problem in setting aside an unimportant relic and using it as a source material for scholars’ graduation thesis.

"Now there is a new oasis in the desert. When the canal is reopened, Daoyi, you can achieve the renaissance of the desert."

Nasida looked at Wang Daoyi with blessings in her eyes.

Sharing his authority as Xumi to govern with Wang Daoyi,

That doesn't mean Nacida doesn't care about the desert.

on the contrary,

Judging from the many times Nasida has tilted resources towards the desert,

Nasida's concern for the people of the desert was as much as Wang Daoyi's.

"I just provided the foundation. If the people of the desert themselves fail to live up to their expectations, then there will be no hope of revival."

Wang Dao saw it very clearly.

As a god, he is the belief of the red sand people.

But he will never become the nanny of the desert people,

He will give the people of Red Sand basic protection,

Educational resources, food issues, residential territory, clean water resources.

These are the problems that Wang Daoyi is gradually solving.

But in fact, if the desert wants to revive, the desert people must stand up on their own.

Instead of relying entirely on the Lord of Red Sand, the god.

This was demonstrated to Wang Daoyi by Barbatos who was offline, Morax who was offline, and Balzebul who was idle.

The best outcome for the people is to gradually grow up under the protection of gods.

Rather than forcing changes under the will of God.

"They will, and I see enthusiasm in them and hope in their eyes."

Nacida smiled happily,

As the ruler of Sumeru, in Nasida's heart, no matter the rainforest or the desert, they are all her people.

The arrival of Wang Daoyi allowed the people of the sand to stand up again.

Without Wang Daoyi, just based on the people of the sand's previous distrust of the rain forest,

Nacida had no way to change the social form of the desert.

And if the social situation does not change, it will be difficult for the desert to start.

The best result is just to use educational resources to bring more scholars out of the desert.

But this also means that the desert is still a vassal of the rainforest.

Unless the desert people can later obtain at least the status of a sage under the competition of the rainforest people.

Otherwise, it will never be possible to stand up.

"Enthusiasm and hope are only the foundation. If they want to realize the revitalization of the desert, they also need real knowledge, knowledge that can build the desert."

Wang Daoyi said calmly, but there was also a trace of satisfaction in his eyes.

Desert people can put their enthusiasm into work and keep hope in their hearts,

This reminded him of a special period in Aquablue Star's hometown.

In this state, plus having my own protection,

Then all that is missing is knowledge.

"This time, I asked the Ecclesiastical Council to send a large number of scholars to the desert to inspect the construction of the canal. I also hope that children in the desert will be more exposed to the profession of scholars."

"It's funny, although I have popularized education, more children still like to dance with swords and swords like their parents. Although I don't object, their acquisition of knowledge seems to be limited to reading and writing. Yes, this definitely won’t work.”

As he said that, Wang Daoyi shook his head slightly: "This is definitely not possible. Although the Order Academy is also willing to help the desert rebuild, the desert must have its own scholars, like the scholars like Setale before."

Setare was the assistant of the former great sage Azar.

After Azar's fall,

She finally came to her senses and returned to the desert, and is currently engaged in education in Aru Village.

Not only that, Setare knows a lot of secrets of the Order,

The children she educates are not only able to read and write, but also choose a certain subject and develop their interests in advance.

Setale is not only teaching, she is also training future desert scholars.

It was precisely this way that during the great purge of the Imperial Academy,

King Dao gave an order to save Setale.

Otherwise, as Azar's assistant, the other party should be accompanying Azar to feed insects in the dungeon of Chisha.

"Reopen desert scholars for further study, Dao Yi." Nasida said softly beside Wang Daoyi.

"Because of this intention, I will arrange for some scholars from Chisha to return to the Teaching Order and bring their students in the desert to study in the Teaching Order."

As he said that, Wang Daoyi smiled: "Of course, you have to pass the exam. Only the children who pass the exam will come to the Teaching Academy for further study."

Sending children from the desert to the teaching academy for further study was something Wang Daoyi had been considering.

There is no way, although scholars such as Elias are willing to stay in the desert to educate their children,

But Elias and others are not even laureates.

It is quite enough for them to teach children to read and write.

But further scientific research and academic research are completely impossible.

Even if the children in the desert want to learn more knowledge in the desert, no one can teach them.

Unless they all become alchemists.

However, Nikolaid probably wouldn't be very happy, as so many apprentices would take up a lot of his scientific research time.

He currently does not have apprentices like Sugar and Timaeus who can serve as assistants.

"Okay, then I will inform Elhaysen to act as the great sage." Nasida nodded. Wang Daoyi did not refuse her kindness, which made her very happy.

Nasida would also be worried that if Wang Daoyi wanted to keep the desert "desert-like", what she just said might become a thorn in the side of the two of them.

After all, letting Desert children enter the Order House is likely to cause Desert to lose its independence.

But apparently Wang Daoyi is better than she thought.

In Wang Daoyi's view, the desert is originally a part of Sumeru, and the so-called independence is completely a false theory.

If children from the desert were allowed to study abroad in Zhidong, that would be the end of the world.

"Well, let Alhaysen handle this matter, then I can feel more at ease."

Wang Dao is still very relieved about Erhaisen.

Although the other party has always had a bad face,

But when it comes to fairness and justice, Elhaysen can still do it.

"Plus, I'll pay for school."

"This" Nasida frowned. Her idea was to treat everyone equally. Children in the desert should be exempted from tuition fees just like children in the rainforest.

"Don't refuse, Nasida. The desert has already accepted the education resources provided by the teaching academy. If children from the desert are allowed to study at the teaching academy for free, what will the civilians in the rainforest think?"

"They have never bullied the desert. Children from the desert will occupy their children's educational resources, which will definitely make them unhappy."

In terms of people's hearts, Wang Daoyi is more sober than Nasida.

What is the attitude of the people of the rainforest towards the fact that the people of the desert were once oppressed?

It's sympathy, no doubt about it.

In the hearts of most people of Xumi, the people of the desert, like them, are being exploited by those superior scholars.

Naturally, I have sympathy in my heart.

But that's all,

Once the people of the desert enter the Order House and crowd out their children's educational resources, their sympathy will turn into disgust.

This is human nature.

The sympathy of most people will only be reserved for those who do not affect his interests.

Nacida was slightly silent,

She wanted to refute Wang Daoyi, but as a wise god, she knew that Wang Daoyi was right.

The human heart is uncontrollable,

Nor should the human heart be tested.

".Okay, then I'll do as you say."

Nasida nodded dullly and agreed to Wang Daoyi's method of paying tuition for admission.

But deep down in her heart, she was still thinking of subsidizing these tuition fees to those desert students in other ways.

Wang Daoyi could naturally see what Nasida was thinking.

Shaking his head slightly,

Nacida wanted justice for the rainforest and desert.

But sometimes, fair treatment itself is unfair.

As long as you want to balance interests, one party will definitely suffer.

"Let's talk about the skirmisher. How long are you going to educate him?"

"So, you said education reform is happening over there in the desert?" Tinari looked at Kavi curiously.

Kawei nodded: "Yes, before Elhaysen called me back this time, the West German elder asked me if I would like to offer construction courses in the desert."

"I looked at the current education system in the desert. Although it is very popular and almost every desert child can study, it is only limited to basic knowledge and does not have any subjects for further study."

As he said that, Kawei glanced at Alhaysen who was drinking: "The commission that Elhaysen gave me this time, I think, is also related to the desert's search for change."

Faced with Kawei’s provocation,

Elhaysen's expression did not change at all.

The desert is looking for change, and Kawei doesn't need to say this, he also knows it.

"The Lord of Red Sand probably hopes that the children in the desert will enter the Teaching Academy for further education."

After Elhaysen finished speaking, he picked up the wine glass again and said no more words.

On the wine table,

Tinari and Seno looked at each other, each with their own thoughts in mind.

Only Kawei is still carefree,

"It's not bad to send children from the desert to the Order. Let me tell you, the children from the desert are quite fun."

The wine table echoed with Kawei’s excited stories.

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