Explorer of Teyvat

Chapter 707 Yaojun

Deep in Shenyu Valley,

Thick green mist fills here,

Wang Daoyi walked among them, breathing naturally.

The mist didn't have much effect on him.

It can make Yaksha faint, but if it is used on Wang Daoyi, even if he doesn't resist, he is just tipsy.

Not only did Wang Daoyi not faint, but it actually made him feel quite comfortable.

A blush appeared on his face,

The drunken devil wanders in the canyon,

He didn't seem to be wary at all.

As I was walking, a big stone appeared in front of me.

Like jade, like green, warm and moist like water,

The Mystery Lord reached out and touched it, then nodded with a smile: "It's a good bed!"

Then he turned over, tightened his clothes, and fell asleep on the jade stone.

After the Master of Mystery made a subtle snoring sound without any manners,

From under the jade bed, there was a rustling sound.

A small white snake the size of chopsticks emerged from the gap between the jade bed and the ground.

It raised its head and looked at the devil sleeping on the jade bed, with a pair of snake eyes full of dissatisfaction.

This jade bed was finally fished out of the stream.

This is his favorite bed.

As a result, this guy just took over its bed and snored. It was so abominable.

The more he thought about it, the angrier he became. The little white snake twisted its body, and its originally chopstick-sized body expanded rapidly.

In just a few breaths, it turned into a behemoth nearly a hundred meters tall.

Breathing out bursts of green mist from his nostrils, White Snake looked at the mysterious master on the jade bed,

He felt cruel in his heart, and the huge head with its bloody mouth gradually approached the sleeping Mystery Lord.

Then, White Snake carefully touched the Mystic Lord's body and gently arched it.

It wanted to push the sleeping guy down, and then quickly sneak away with the jade bed.

On the jade bed,

Feeling the power coming from behind, a smile appeared in Wang Daoyi's closed eyes.

Even if you refuse to kill me like this, it is indeed you, Changsheng!

In this era, ordinary demons or super monsters,

My hometown was invaded, and even the bed was occupied.

It would definitely be a fight to the death.

But what about this white snake?

I found that I was not afraid of the green mist, and after getting closer,

Its first reaction was to hide in the gap between the jade bed and the ground.

After seeing that he was occupying its precious bed, it changed its true form just to push itself out of the bed.

This is enough to prove that this white snake is probably the legendary Shen Yugu Yaojun in later generations.

Of course, another name would be the immortality around Bai Zhu's neck in the future.

However, Changsheng has lost his strength and part of his memory, which should be similar to Guoba's situation.

The hundred-meter-long giant snake exerted its body slightly, trying to push this hateful guy off the bed.

But what makes it confused is that the other party is obviously so small and he is so big.

But no matter how hard it tried, the jade bed moved several meters away, but the guy on the bed remained motionless.

The white snake raised its head and panted angrily, green breath surrounding it.

Medicinal energy and disease energy coexist, and life and death are reincarnated.

Staring at the figure on the jade bed,

After dozens of breaths,

White Snake's face showed grievance, then turned around and prepared to leave.

It gave up. At worst, it would go find a new jade bed in the stream.

Anyway, those little people like to throw jade into the water.

The huge body gradually became smaller as it twisted,

It quickly returned to the size of a chopstick.

Disheartened and about to leave,

Then it felt its tail tighten, and then the whole snake was lifted up.

"You're giving up now? You don't have any perseverance. This is not good."

A smiling voice sounded near the white snake's head.

The body was stiff, and the white snake slowly turned around. Sure enough, the guy who had been asleep just now was holding its tail with one hand, leaning his head next to it and talking.

The little white snake's burgundy eyes shrank suddenly, and then she closed her eyes very neatly.

The originally tense body suddenly softened.

Wang Daoyi's smiling face was slightly stunned. He looked at the little snake in his hand with a hint of disbelief in his eyes.

"No, are you so timid? Did you faint?"

With Wang Daoyi's eyesight, he can naturally distinguish between real dizziness and fake dizziness.

There is no doubt that this little white snake, which is suspected to be the medicine king and may be the immortal, was really frightened and fainted.

With a wry smile, Wang Daoyi casually threw the little white snake on the jade bed.

Originally, I just wanted to tease it, but unexpectedly, I was frightened and fainted.

This actually made Wang Daoyi a little embarrassed.

After all, White Snake has always been non-hostile. Faced with Yaksha's prying eyes, he stopped when he fainted.

Faced with Wang Daoyi's advances, it also avoided and avoided again and again.

Even when Wang Dao was undefended, it didn't attack.

Faced with such a good boy, Wang Daoyi, who broke into other people's homes and scared them unconscious, looked like a bad guy.

Breathing the air with anesthetic energy, Wang Daoyi lay next to the little white snake, feeling the silence around him.

Although the little white snake is kind in nature and cannot bear to kill,

But just by living here, it casts green mist and plunges this area into deathly silence.

The plants are fine and can continue to grow.

But other animals that need to breathe are probably completely extinct.

When Wang Dao thought about it, they probably all starved to death.

He was stunned to death and starved to death in the cave.

Of course, it's also possible that the green mist didn't spread instantly.

It's possible that all the animals in the canyon have actually escaped.

Anyway, after the green mist spreads, no animals should be able to survive here.

Time passes little by little,

There was a rustling sound beside Wang Daoyi. He turned around and saw that the little thing was squirming little by little, trying to sneak out of here.

"It's great that you're awake. You're already a little black snake."

Wang Daoyi said softly behind Little White Snake.


The little white snake was startled, and the scales on its body exploded.

"Okay, okay, stop yelling, I don't mean any harm."

Wang Dao glanced at the little guy and changed from lying to sitting.

After screaming for a while, the little white snake stopped. While looking at Wang Daoyi, he stepped back for a while before stopping.

"Who is you?"

It finally said its first normal words.

It also reacted. The other party must not have any malicious intentions, otherwise it would have already taken action when it fainted from fright.

However, even if he understood that Wang Daoyi had no ill intentions, White Snake still did not dare to approach.

"My name is the Master of Mysteries, from Guili." Wang Daoyi replied softly.

White Snake raised his head: "Where is Gui Liyuan?"

"Huh?" Wang Daoyi's expression froze, "You don't know Gui Liyuan? What about Liyue?

"What is Liyue? Is it a place?" There was a hint of confusion in White Snake's burgundy pupils.

It really doesn't know what Wang Daoyi said.

It's just a weak, pitiful and dozing little white snake.

With a hint of speechlessness in his eyes, Wang Daoyi looked at White Snake: "You haven't even been out of Shen Yugu, have you?"

The little white snake nodded very naturally, without any shame at all.

Wang Daoyi asked again: "You haven't spoken to anyone else?"

The little white snake continued to nod.

Wang Dao asked again and again: "I won't be the first person you have met, right?"

Finally, the little white snake stopped nodding: "I have seen other people who like to throw jade stones into the water."

"Gone?" Wang Daoyi looked at it.

Feeling a little lacking in confidence, Little White Snake said in a weak voice: "I have also rescued people who fell from the cliff."

Got it, this is a weak house snake. It looks very dangerous with poisonous smoke, but in fact it is a weak snake.

"Why don't you come with me to go out and have a look." Wang Dao rolled his eyes and showed a trace of pity.

White Snake felt a little uncomfortable when he looked at him, and the scales on his body exploded again.

Although the other party's tone was very pitiful, the white snake's innate spiritual sense still told it that there was a ghost.

"What do you want to do?"

"Ha, don't hide. Don't you want to go out and take a look? There are great rivers and mountains outside. It's better than staying here."

Wang Daoyi said in a seductive tone, looking at White Snake.

"No, you think I don't know? It's very dangerous outside." Although White Snake couldn't roll its eyes, it made a similar move very clearly.

In short, he just dismissed Wang Daoyi's statement.

It's just naive, not stupid,

Although I don't know much about the outside world, the constant vibrations recently can also indicate that it is definitely not safe outside.

"This is the general trend and it is inevitable. Little guy, you can't escape if you hide here."

Wang Dao opened his mouth and said.

If this white snake is really the medicine king and the immortal of future generations,

Then it still makes no sense for it to hide here,

Its final result is that it is still weak and on the verge of death. It can only survive by making contracts with people through the [Er Snake Dragging Dragon Method].

In this case, it is better to go out and take a look, at least to see this great river and mountains, and witness the grand scene of the battle between demons and gods.

"Look, you're hiding here, haven't I found you? That means I don't have any ill intentions. If you want to be a more evil demon, your medicinal energy essence will be the most beneficial."

As he said this, Wang Daoyi glanced at White Snake with 'unkindness'.

The medicinal energy on the opponent's body is extremely strong. If a demon catches it and cooks it carefully, it will indeed be a tonic medicinal meal.

The scales of the white snake exploded, and its small burgundy eyes were full of disbelief.

This hateful guy actually said he wanted to eat himself!

Very angry, but also helpless. Most of its power is to heal others. Poisonous gas, disease gas and the like are not the ability to directly fight.

If you put aside the green mist that fills the canyon, it may not be able to defeat Liyue's Dou Zhan Yaksha.

"How long have you been born?" Wang Daoyi suddenly asked,

He always felt that this white snake was a little stupid.

White Snake shook his head: "I don't know. Anyway, I haven't left here since I became conscious. I mostly went to the stream to fish for jade."

"Then have you seen that person?" Wang Daoyi stretched out his hand and pointed at the rain clouds in the sky.

White Snake's eyes were blank: "Who is it?"

Once Wang Dao understands,

When White Snake was born, Shen Yugu's demon should have disappeared long ago.

The White Snake is not strong enough and cannot sense the demonic aura left in the rain clouds outside.

Therefore, the white snake should really be a very, very young guy.

No more than five hundred years old.

"Do you have a name? I can't keep calling you White Snake, right?" Wang Daoyi looked at the White Snake who still had some fried scales.

The white snake circled and raised its head: "Those people in the mountains and fields call me Yaojun."

White Snake has a kind heart and often treats and rescues people who fall into the mountains and rivers.

Those people didn't know the true identity of White Snake, but they also knew that it was a supernatural being who came to save people.

Because the white snake appears with medicinal energy and likes to cure diseases and save people, the people in the mountains and fields of Shenyu Valley call it the Medicine King.

Wang Dao's eyes flashed, and it turned out to be him.

After being taken over by Morax in Chenyu Valley,

Here begins the legend of the two immortals,

One of them is Yaojun.

Even though White Snake doesn't want to go out now, when Morax comes to fight, it will directly join Liyue.

"Yao Jun, yes, yes, it's a good name." Wang Daoyi applauded lightly and praised.

There was a trace of shyness on Yaojun Snake's face. It rarely saw people and had never been praised like this before.

"As I said just now, your fighting ability is not very good, and you are full of treasures. This world is so dangerous. I'm afraid it will be difficult for you to be alone."

"Since you have accepted the name Yaojun, you probably also like it. Yaojun Yaojun, the Lord of Medicines. If you stay here and don't go out, how many Yaos can you see? If you go to Liyue, you can ask Morak Wouldn't it be nice to have a group of immortals and humans given to you? When the time comes, let them help you find medicine?"

"Furthermore, Master Yao treats diseases and saves people, but how much can you save by yourself? If you go to Liyue, you can teach doctors pharmacological techniques, pass on knowledge, and eliminate disasters and solve problems. Isn't this better than staying here?"

"Even if you feel uncomfortable staying outside by then, I won't let you come back. If it doesn't work, you can still come back and continue to be your Shen Yugu Yaojun."

Wang Dao is a good guide, and he analyzes it bit by bit.

In fact, as long as Yaojun agreed to go out and have a look, Wang Daoyi was confident in keeping him outside.

Just kidding, if Morax and Hargentus could really put Yaojun back in vain,

Then these two are not the big bosses of the Liyue God System.

Even if Yaojun returns to Shenyu Valley by then, it is probably because Shenyu Valley is already Liyue's territory.

Yao Jun was a little moved by Wang Daoyi's words: "Then you and I will go and have a look?"

"Okay, let's go and have a look." Wang Dao waved his sleeve and settled the matter.

Although Future Yaojun still surrendered to Morax, he thought that Wang Daoyi was doing useless work.

You know, Yaojun's ability is to cure diseases and save people.

There may be tens or hundreds of years between him joining Liyue now and joining Liyue in the future.

As for diseases, such a long time is enough to wipe out several countries.

In tens to hundreds of years, how many plagues and infectious diseases can break out.

People who would have died during this period may have survived because of Yaojun's early participation.

What kind of number will that be for people who have died of illness in more than a hundred years?

Wang Daoyi couldn't even think of it.

Moreover, medicine can not only cure diseases, but also strengthen the body.

Originally, when ordinary humans exercise, they will leave behind the root of the disease. If a medicine master prepares a medicated bath to assist ordinary humans in exercising,

Maybe, the Thousand Rocks regiment that will follow Morax in the north and south in the future will be born in advance.

As for whether Lord Yao can prepare potions for body training, Wang Dao has no doubt that even if he doesn't know how to do it now, he will know how to do it in the future.

To put it bluntly, a trace of the medicinal energy left on Yaojun's body is a panacea for mortals.

"Let's go, I'll take you out." Wang Dao stretched out his hand and handed it to Yao Jun.

Yaojun hesitated for a moment, then looked at the jade bed under him with some reluctance.

"Hey, don't look at it. When you get to Liyue, ask the Dragon King to go to the Layer Rock Abyss to move a big piece of jade for you." Wang Daoyi thought that Lord Yao was reluctant to part with this big piece of jade.

Yao Jun glared at him, feeling that this guy was not sensible at all: "Bah, I slept with this jade stone, and it was infected by the medicinal energy. It has the effect of prolonging life and strengthening the body. It's a pity to leave it here. Since I want to go out, take it Put it on and make it a good gift.”

Wang Daoyi couldn't help but laugh: "Hehehe, you little thing, you don't know the outside world, but you have a lot of worldliness."

Yaojun looked like I was great: "I will also listen to the chats of the mountain people, okay."

"There's no need for gifts, Morax doesn't lack these things." Wang Dao said with a smile, then looked at Yao Jun,

This guy himself is the best gift, why would he need jade?

"Oh, let's go then."

Yaojun, who originally didn't want to go out and take a look, took the initiative to wrap his arms around Wang Daoyi's wrist and said excitedly.

Yaojun doesn't want to go out, partly because he is really a homebody, and partly because it's really unsafe outside.

But now, the emergence of Wang Daoyi has solved its worries.

And didn’t the master of this mystery say that you can come back if you don’t like it?

The innocent and lovely Yaojun, who is born with knowledge, seems not to know what it means to tell half the story and keep the other half.

Feeling the warm jade-like touch on his wrist, Wang Daoyi curled up the corner of his mouth slightly.

"Let's go, is the fog here going to dissipate?"

"No need, I have to come back to live in the future."

"Okay, then keep it."

One person and one snake talked and walked out of the canyon.

outside the canyon,

The stationed Yaksha stared closely at the billowing fog not far away,

Soon, they became alert,

In the churning mist, a slender figure gradually appeared.

The breathing sounds of the Yashas quietly disappeared, and the buzzing of insects around them became obvious.

The footsteps gradually became clearer, and the figure became more obvious. Wang Daoyi walked out of the green mist.

You Yaksha's eyes narrowed and he showed joy: "It's the Lord of Mysteries."

Hearing the shout, the Yakshas flew out from their hiding places.

"grown ups."

The leading Yaksha landed in front of Wang Daoyi.

"Well, the matter here is over, let's go back." Wang Daoyi nodded to the Yakshas.

The yakshas didn't ask too much. They still understood what they should know and what they shouldn't know.

Since the Mystery Lord didn't tell them, it means that the Mystery Lord thinks that they are no longer needed for things here.

"Yes, sir."

Several Yakshas guarded the Lord of Mysteries in the middle and started the return journey.

After leaving the range of Shen Yugu,

A small white head poked out from Wang Daoyi's sleeves,

Curious eyes looked at the surrounding scenery, and there was excitement and expectation in the small eyes.

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