Explorer of Teyvat

Chapter 708 Red Face and White Face

Return to the original place,

Central Palace, Assembly Hall,

"Emperor, the Master of Mystery is back."

Morax, who had just finished a development meeting, received the message that the Lord of Arcanum had returned.

"So fast?"

Morax was slightly stunned. How long had it been? After all the planning, it only took half a day from the time the Secret Master took over the mission.

Excluding the time on the road, no matter how fast the Yashas fly, it still takes half a day.

In other words, it took the Mystery Master a few hours to solve the unknown guy in Shen Yu Valley?

"Invite him in."

Morax waved his hand, not ready to rest, and became interested in the efficiency of the Mystic Lord.

"By the way, let's call him back eventually."

He felt that he would definitely be interested in it after all.


Wang Daoyi walked into the meeting hall alone,

Morax looked at it, and then quickly looked at his right cuff.

"What's going on?" Morax asked.

He has discovered the medicine king on Wang Daoyi's wrist.

"Aren't you waiting for Hargentus to come?"

Wang Daoyi didn't answer, took out a chair, sat down, and asked a question.

Morax didn't care either: "It's not that clean here either."

What he meant was that there was still dust in the house, there was dust, and Hargentus could still know what was said here.

Of course, this is not how powerful Hargentus is as the Demon God of Dust.

Simply put, there are countless runes engraved by Hagentus himself.

These runes are like cameras, helping Hargentus record all information.

"What you said is really ambiguous." After all, he walked in from the door, "You can just say that I have always been here, so why say it is unclean."

As the Demon God of Dust, although His dust does not simply refer to dust and dirt,

But there are always misunderstandings.

"Ha, I was wrong, I was wrong." Morax admitted his mistake with a smile.

After all, he rolled his eyes at him, walked to his seat and sat down, and then looked at Wang Daoyi,

Like Morax, in the end he only glanced briefly, his eyes resting on Wang Daoyi's cuffs.

"It seems you gained a lot."

In the end, I thought it was the Lord of Secrets who subdued this strange beast.

Wang Daoyi heard the misunderstanding in his words and smiled on his face: "Hahaha, misunderstood, misunderstood, Lord Yao, why don't you come out to meet me."

As he spoke, Wang Daoyi raised his right hand and exposed his cuff.

A rustling sound sounded, and Yao Jun's white head poked out of his sleeves, and then he looked at Morax and Gui Zhong fearfully.

Especially Morax, the murderous aura in his body would almost make the snake suffocate.

After all, her curious eyes turned to Yao Jun, and Yao Jun's medicinal aura naturally couldn't be hidden from her eyes: "Yao Jun? Is this little guy the one from Shen Yu Valley?"

The little white snake swam out from Wangdao's sleeve and landed on the table in the middle: "Mr. Yao has seen two great gods."

Wang Daoyi was behind him and couldn't help but smile.

Great God, this title is so interesting.

Morax and Gui Zhan also looked stagnant for a moment, then shook their heads, not paying too much attention to this title.

Finally, he smiled and said: "There is no need to call us that. Since you followed the Lord of Secrets to Liyue, you can just call us by our names."

After a pause, he continued: "I am Hagentus, the demon god of dust, and I call myself Hagentus. You can call me Hagentus, or you can call me Hagentus."

Then he pointed at Morax on the first seat: "This is Morax, the main lord of our Liyue God Line. You can call him Emperor. Of course, he won't mind if you just call him Morax." .”

Yaojun shook his little head and suddenly felt that he was really kind after all.

Compared to the emperor who was full of murderous aura at the top, she was just like a gentle big sister in the end.

Wang Daoyi looked at the two most noble people in Liyue from his position, playing the ignorant little white snake around.

There's no way around it, the combination of Morax and Gui Zhong is too easy to use.

Morax does not need to show any approachable attitude. As long as there is a battle, he will naturally let the people of Liyue understand that he is the most reliable god.

And Jiujiu's beautiful appearance is naturally endearing to people. When Morax was cold-faced, Jiujiu came out to calm people's hearts. It was simply inappropriate.

These two people, one is a bad guy and the other is a good guy, they work together flawlessly.

"Your name is Yaojun, so you should be very familiar with pharmacology?" After finally introducing himself, he asked the little white snake again.

Currently, all the doctors and divination practitioners in Liyue are trained by Guizhu.

There is no way, the emperor, the immortal, the yaksha, or the dragon king and the kitchen god are not people who are good at pharmacology.

Even if the immortal family has precious medicine, it is not suitable for ordinary people to use. The precious medicine is precious and cannot be popularized at all.

Only in the end, He is proficient in the art of alchemy, understands the transformation of matter, and has some knowledge of pharmacology, and can train pharmacists among ordinary people.

"Of course, I am the King of Medicine, and I am naturally proficient in pharmacology. In my eyes, everything in the world can be used as medicine." When talking about his profession, the little white snake raised his head proudly.

Finally, there was a hint of joy in his eyes: "Oh, let me test you. If you are a person who can't sleep, is dizzy, mentally exhausted, has dry mouth and bitter taste, and looks haggard, what does it mean and how should you treat it?"

Wang Daoyi raised his eyebrows slightly. He had read Bu Bu Lu's medical books in the future and knew that most of the symptoms mentioned were moisture diseases. In the eyes of later generations of doctors, they were just very basic pathologies.

The apprentices of Bu Bu Lu can cure it.

After all, asking Yaojun with such a question is probably not testing him at all, but guiding him to show off himself.

Sure enough, after hearing the final test, Yaojun raised his head and said calmly: "As my Lord said, most diseases are caused by moisture. Moisture causes all kinds of diseases, and moisture is also the source of all diseases."

He first determined the cause of the disease, and then continued: "To treat dampness, we should [first regulate the spleen and stomach + combine internal and external]. The dampness in the body can be removed from the root through professional conditioning. To remove dampness from the inside: nourish the kidneys, refresh the lungs, and clear the heart. Liver, gastrointestinal, etc. to harmonize the internal organs; externally: focus on superficial symptoms caused by moisture to eliminate superficial symptoms in a short period of time.”

Yaojun did not give any prescription, nor did he say how to treat it specifically. What he talked about was the concept of treatment.

However, in the end, I am very satisfied. The symptoms of patients are all kinds of strange, and there is no universal prescription. The best doctor has his own treatment philosophy, and then prescribes the most suitable medicine according to the patient's condition.

Of course, this is in line with the concept of being dedicated and responsible in treating diseases and saving lives.

If you want to pay attention to efficiency and large-scale application, standardized production is still the best answer.

"Okay, very good, not bad, not bad, Yaojun is worthy of being Yaojun." Finally, he applauded lightly and praised.

Just as Wang Daoyi thought, after all, she was not testing Yao Jun. She was just guiding Yao Jun to talk and guide him to get familiar with this place.

"Hehehe, of course, I am the best in the art of pharmacology!" Yaojun raised his head proudly.

"In this case, we just opened up wasteland a few days ago and injured a lot of people. I don't have enough doctors and divination people under my command. How about Yaojun and I go take a look?" Gui finally said with a smile.

I praise you first, and then I give you a job after you admit it, so you will be embarrassed to refuse.

If this method is used on Wang Daoyi, it may not have any effect, because Wang Daoyi can see through it.

But it would be very useful if it was used on Xiao Yaojun, who was born and came to the outside world for the first time.

Being praised by such a powerful devil, he can show his abilities and stay away from Morax, who is full of murderous aura.

Yaojun almost didn't think about it before he agreed to Gui Shi's request: "Okay, okay, let's go out and have a look."

The little white snake was not polite at all. It swam its body and wrapped around the slender wrist.

After all, he nodded slightly to Morax, then smiled at Wang Daoyi, and left the meeting hall with Yaojun.

After she leaves,

Wang Daoyi smiled: "You two, this is too bullying."

He didn't say it explicitly, but Morax understood,

"Not everyone is worthy of such a method. It seems that after all, he attaches great importance to this little Yaojun." Morax can naturally see that Guijun's method has even been affecting Yaojun's life. The aura of killing is the combination of Morax and Gui Zhidao.

"Of course we need to pay attention to it. The return of Yaojun to Liyue in advance will definitely greatly increase Liyue's strength." Wang Daoyi said matter-of-factly.

Sometimes, when fighting a war, it's not about force, but about logistics.

In logistics, medical care is always an important part.

Without medical treatment, soldiers may be seriously injured or may lose their lives due to infection due to minor injuries.

But with medical treatment, serious injuries can be transformed into minor injuries, minor injuries can be transformed into no damage, and infections will not occur. In this case, the military's combat effectiveness can be maintained at its peak.

Now the battles are fought by demons, and Yao Jun's ability is not yet obvious. In the later stages, when the human army is formed, the importance of medical treatment will be even higher.

Morax's eyes flashed: "In advance? No wonder you decided to take on the mission as soon as you heard the news."

From Wang Daoyi's words, Morax guessed the answer.

Yaojun is originally from Liyue, or in other words, from Liyue in the future.

The Lord of Mystery just advances this time.

"Yes, I originally came to say goodbye to you. I heard the news about Lord Yao, so I thought of taking a trip." Wang Dao didn't deny it at all, he nodded and acknowledged it.

Morax frowned: "Farewell?"

"Well, I have been here for twenty days. In ten days, the authoritative master will pull me back. In the remaining ten days, I want to see the abyss." Wang Daoyi said softly.

In Teyvat, there are two things that Wang Daoyi doesn't understand at all.

One is the sky and the other is the abyss.

Of course, there is no need to say much about the sky. As the controller of Teyvat, the sky has always had a huge influence on Teyvat.

The system of the Seven Gods in later generations was established under his single-handed guidance.

As for Abyss, he looks like a villain, but in fact that's just the surface.

The abyss that future travelers come into contact with is actually just the Abyss Order after the fall of Kanreia.

In the true sense of the word, travelers have not touched much of the abyss.

According to what Zhongli told Wang Daoyi in the future, the abyss is the cemetery of countless civilizations, and Kanrea is just the top grave.

Beneath Kanria, there are countless civilizations remaining in the abyss.

At this time, Kanria was still a new country. Although it had some background, it was still a bit tricky.

At this time, it was the time when the abyss was not covered up by the defeated soldiers of Kanria.

Without the Abyss Cult as a cover, if you go to the Abyss at this time, you may be able to see the true side of the Abyss.

See the civilizations that were submerged in countless reincarnations of Teyvat.

"Go to the abyss?" Morax frowned, "The abyss is not safe."

Wang Dao shook his head indifferently: "Is there any safe place in this world?"

During the war between demons and gods, even Zhongli in later generations admitted that demons and gods were rising together in this world. Although he had no intention of competing, he knew the suffering of the people. I just want to clean up the four directions and protect a corner of the floating world.

Listen, even the famous Liyue is just a corner of the world.

Although the emperor is also self-effacing, it can also be seen that this world is really not peaceful.

Compared with the dangerous abyss described by Morax, the continent of Teyvat is not safe.

"Forget it, since you have decided to go, then go ahead. There is a floating island in the far sea. There is a place for ancestors to worship on the island. There is a deep place underground that can lead to the abyss."

Morax knew that the Lord of Mysteries not only came back to say goodbye to them, but also came to him to ask for information about the abyss.

Otherwise, just go directly, why bother saying goodbye.

It is not that He and the Lord do not know the origin of the mysterious Lord.

If the Mysterious Lord never comes back, they will naturally understand that the Mysterious Lord has gone back.

"Is it far away from the sea? Thank you very much, Emperor."

Knowing what he wanted to know, Wang Dao smiled and cupped his hands.

"When will you leave?" Morax asked again.

Wang Daoyi thought for a while: "Of course, the sooner the better. If there is nothing here, I will leave tomorrow."

Morax was silent for a moment, then nodded: "Then let's have dinner together tonight. I'll ask Ruotuo and the others to come together."

Although I have known the Master of Mystery for a short time, and I really don’t have much of a good impression,

But Morax still recognized the achievements of the Mystic Lord in the matters of Baqiu and Chi.

If you don’t know, forget it. Now that you know the secret, the Lord has left.

Naturally, a banquet must be held as a farewell.

"In this case, it is better to obey orders than to be respectful. Thank you very much, Emperor."

Wang Daoyi once again cupped his hands and thanked him.

"Oh, no need to be polite, just go ahead." He waved his hand, not wanting to say anything more to the Mystic Lord.

Wang Daoyi didn't want to say anything else, nodded and left.

The relationship between him and Morax was strange;

On the one hand, Wang Daoyi admired Zhongli, but now Morax and Zhongli are completely different people.

Morax was filled with murderous intent and his majesty was inviolable.

Zhongli is as gentle as jade, has a profound temperament and is amiable.

When Wang Dao looked at Morax, he would always think of comparing himself with Zhongli, so naturally he couldn't get close to him.

However, when Morax saw Wang Daoyi, he was even more confused.

The ability displayed by the Mysterious Lord is almost a pirated version of Him.

Naturally, Morax couldn't get close to him.

He was so polite to the Lord of Mysteries entirely because the Lord of Mysteries was his retinue in the hereafter.

When something happens, the two of them can still discuss it.

If nothing goes wrong, it won't be too embarrassing if the Mystic Lord and Morax are together.

Leave the meeting hall,

Wang Dao and his party walked among the houses in Guiliyuan.

Compared with the stone buildings in Kanriya, most of the houses in Guiliyuan are made of earthen wood and mud, which cannot be called gorgeous, and everything is kept simple.

Of course, people in this era don't care about whether they live well or not. Having a roof over their heads is already pretty good.

After walking around for a while, I found a patrolling Yaksha and asked about his final destination.

"Sir, after all, I just went to the medical divination camp." The Yasha who was questioned knew the mysterious master and immediately pointed out the direction.

"Thank you." Wang Dao nodded, turned around and walked towards the medical divination camp.

at this time,

In the medical divination camp,

Dozens of doctors who were still resting in the camp were looking at the little white snake in front of them with admiration.

Oh no, it’s Yaojun.

These doctors have been impressed by Yaojun.

When Wang Daoyi came here,

The little white snake was surrounded by a group of people and served on a high table.

There are a group of doctors around them holding various things in their hands, which all seem to be medicinal materials.

One by one, they took turns asking questions to the little white snake.

Some ask about symptoms, and some ask about the properties of medicines. There are many questions and they are all different.

But Little White Snake didn't hesitate at all. As long as it was a pharmacological problem, he could understand it after just a moment's thought.

Even if it is a strange medicine, he can know its medicinal properties with just a slight sniff.

As if they had found a treasure, the doctors kept asking questions and sent people to take notes.

After asking a question, he would bow to the little white snake very respectfully and say, "Thank you Yaojun for clearing up the confusion."

At this time, the little white snake will nod gently in a serious manner,

But he may not even know it, but his little tail has betrayed him.

The little tail is wagging, very happy.

not far away,

After all, he looked at this scene with a smile on his face.

Xiao Yaojun is so easy to fool,

No, it’s not a lie, it’s just too coaxable.

A few casual compliments from these pharmacists made him extremely happy.

among the crowd,

Xiao Yaojun smelled Wang Daoyi's scent and turned around to see that it was indeed the Master of Mystery who had arrived.

He swam quickly, passed through the pharmacists, and came to Wang Daoyi.

"Master Mystery, you really didn't lie to me. This place is really great."

Xiao Yaojun shouted happily.

In Wang Daoyi's view, the doctors were complimenting Xiao Yaojun and gaining more medical knowledge.

But in Xiao Yaojun's own opinion, these people are knowledgeable about pharmacology, treat diseases and save lives, and they are basically his comrades.

The praise from a group of like-minded people is why Xiao Yaojun likes it here.

Because Yaojun found a sense of identity here.

This is also the ultimate method.

After all, although Yaojun is not a demon god, he is not far different from him. Compared with the immortals in Liyue, his status is not inferior.

After all, I can see at a glance what Yaojun needs.

The recognition of like-minded people is what Yaojun wants.

And in the end, it gave him this sense of identity.

"In this case, Lord Yao is willing to stay here for a longer time."

Wang Daoyi asked with a smile.

"Hmph, I'm not greedy here. I just want to teach them how to treat illnesses and save people."

Yaojun's little tail swayed slightly.

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