Explorer of Teyvat

Chapter 789 [Immortality] Not What I Want

to be honest,

Villette doesn't want to go to a place like the desert.

Not just because it’s so dry over there,

It’s even more because a member of the same race is sealed here.

But considering the need to have a serious chat with the Lord of Red Sand,

Then Villette came anyway.

"This place...is more prosperous than the last time I came here."

During the last celebration of the Ecclesiarchy, Navilite was invited to Xumi and also set foot in the desert. It was also that time that he saw the existence of Apep.

Compared with the desert back then, the desert today is naturally much more prosperous.

Whether it is the Chisha headquarters or the three major oasis bases in Qianhe Sandland, they all show different prosperous scenes.

"Selling fish, fresh river fish~"

“Date cake, the best date cake~”

"Good wine in Mondstadt, good wine in Mondstadt just arrived~"

"Liyue's silk, don't miss it when you pass by~"

The noise was endless.

Both sides of the Oasis Canal are now occupied by many desert people who have laid down their weapons.

They are no longer fighting and killing, but are setting up stalls and running businesses here, shouting about their business.

There are river fish caught locally in the canal, local specialties from the desert, and rare goods shipped from other places.

Different goods are provided to different people.

Local goods are provided to foreign adventurers and travelers,

Goods from other places are supplied to local wealthy people.

Only when goods are circulated and traded on a large scale will wealth increase.

Navilette strolls along the greenway next to the canal,

Although the desert environment made him very uncomfortable,

But after getting closer to the canal, he felt a lot more comfortable.

His pace seemed slow, but he moved away from the crowd very quickly.

All the way along the canal, until a relatively remote place, Villette stopped.

"You've been looking at me from the beginning. Is there something wrong, sir?"

He held his scepter and looked at the water of the Oasis Canal with clear eyes.

As the Lord of Water, he can very clearly feel that someone is observing him through the water.

"Can you see me?" A hazy figure emerged from the water, and Villette was slightly distracted by her beautiful face.

Governor of the Oasis, Great Town Spirit Felicis,

"Who are you and why are you spying on me?" Villette asked as he moved his eyes away from the other party's beautiful face.

He did not feel the aura of the Red Sand Lord in this lady.

"Surveillance? I'm just patrolling the canal. I am the Governor of the Oasis, Felicis. You..."

Halfway through, Felicis looked at Villette's face, as if she had seen this person before.

At first, she sensed a strong man appearing by the canal, so she came over to take a look.

Then she spotted Navelle walking along the canal,

She thought she was an enemy, but it didn't seem to be the case. Now looking at Villette's face, Felicis felt as if she had seen it before.

"Are you the supreme judge of Fontaine?"

Felicis remembered,

The Supreme Court once held a celebration here, and this supreme judge was one of the judges.

Although Felicis did not appear at the beginning, the competition was held on the canal.

Felicis, as the person maintaining the canal, naturally followed the game closely.

And Villette was the judge, so Felicis didn't have much memory.

"You know me?" Now it was Villette's turn to be surprised.

"Of course, you caused waves on the canal during the Celebration and Competition of the Academy, and I spent a lot of effort to calm them down."

They refer to the element of water.

When Navilet met Apep, Apep regarded him as a dragon that had surrendered to humans, and was unwilling to communicate with him.

Villette was very sad, and his emotions aroused the powerful water element, causing wind and rain in the desert.

At that time, it caused a big wave on the canal, and Felicis wanted to calm it down by force. Later, when Wang Dao said it, it was regarded as a test for the players, and only then did the players have wonderful competitions.

After hearing what Felicis said, Villette's expression froze slightly. Did he actually cause so many things when he was sad in the desert?

He really didn't expect it.

"Your Excellency, Supreme Judge, why are you here in the desert?"

Now that she understands the identity of the other party, Felicis no longer has a cold face.

Navilette: "I have something to come to see the Lord of Red Sand."

"Looking for the Lord? The Lord should be in the underground base now." Felicis did not hide Wang Daoyi's whereabouts.

"Are you a dependent of the Lord of Red Sand?" Navilette asked doubtfully.

The other party seemed to be very familiar with the Lord of Red Sand, but Villette did not feel the aura of the Lord of Red Sand on him.

"Dependent? Ha, I am Zhenling, a dependent of Nabu Malikata, the God of Flowers."

"Ah? Then why do you call the Lord of Red Sand your lord?"

"Is it weird? The God of Flowers has fallen asleep. It was the Lord of Red Sand who saved me from madness, so I work for Him now."

Nabu Malikata has fallen, but Felicis is unwilling to mention the word fall.

She preferred to call her mistress Everlasting Sleep.

Seeing Villette's thoughtful look, Felicis became a little impatient: "Do you still want to go find the Lord? If so, I will take you there now."

The underground base is located at the foot of Dama Mountain.

It also happened to be Felicis's territory.

When the site was first selected, Felicis helped.

Navilette: "Of course, madam, please lead the way."

He seems to have understood why Felicis, as a dependent of the Flower God, serves the Lord of Red Sand.

"Come with me." Felicis disappeared into the water.

Seeing this, Navilette also stepped into the water,

Although Felicis disappeared into the water, he could still see her.

In Teyvat, Navilet has absolute control over the element of water.

He followed Felicis and swam deeper into the canal.

underground base,

"My God, the spacecraft has re-entered the escape layer, and the void system has restored its connection."

A staff member came to the office to report.

Wang Daoyi stood up: "Let them fly for a while, there is no need to come down too soon."

We came down too fast, and people from other countries haven’t arrived yet.

Although you can wait until everyone is here before flying again, but there will be no intuitive impact.

It takes a certain amount of time for the spacecraft to break through the false sky and return to Teyvat. Once the time is extended, it will not have an intuitive impact.

According to Wang Daoyi's idea, when people from other countries arrive,

If the spacecraft is arranged to land quickly, the spacecraft falling from the sky will severely impact those people's worldview.

Being fast, accurate and ruthless is the most impactful impression.

When those people are shocked, talk to them about cooperation.

Naturally, you get twice the result with half the effort.

"Huh? Why is He here?"

Just as he was thinking about how to get some funds from other countries to replenish his blood, Wang Daoyi suddenly tilted his head and looked at the water source of the underground base.

As a large underground base, there is naturally a source of running water here.

And through the water source, you can directly access the land of the Three Canals,

Even Wang Daoyi could not explain clearly the water veins extending in all directions underground.

A step moves,

Wang Dao's figure flickered and appeared at a living water outlet.

Felicis emerged from the underground veins,

Next, there is Navilette.

Although I swam in the water for a while,

But he was still dry.

"Why are you two together?" Wang Daoyi asked.

Felicis bowed slightly: "Your Majesty, the highest judge of Fontaine is looking for you."

"Oh, then Villette, it's really strange for you to find me." Wang Dao smiled, then stretched out his hand to guide him, "Let's go in and say, don't stand here anymore."

This is a living water outlet. Someone will come here to get water.

Although there was no conspiracy planned, if ordinary people saw it, some commotion would inevitably occur.

Villette was slightly silent and followed Wang Daoyi's footsteps,

Felicis also seemed to be interested. Her body transformed from a hazy and beautiful figure into a beautiful human woman.

With the talent of Zhenling, no matter what form they take, they are bound to be beautiful.

As a great town spirit, Felicis' charm destined her demeanor and appearance to be extraordinary.

All the way back to Nicolaide's office,

Wang Daoyi motioned for the two of them to sit casually, and then made three cups of tea, one of which did not contain tea leaves.

"Try it. The water in the desert may have a unique flavor." He handed the water without tea leaves to Navilette.

Then he handed Felicis another cup with tea leaves: "The good tea from Liyue, you can try it too."

Then he also picked up a cup and sat on the main seat.

Navilette took the water handed over by Wang Daoyi and took a sip gently: "The worst environment breeds the purest water. The water here is full of hope."

Wang Daoyi smiled: "Yes, compared to other places where there is no shortage of water, water in the desert is the hope of all life. Therefore, even if canals are opened in the desert, the people of the desert still cherish every drop of water."

"I can feel the passion for life, the desire for the future, and the love for everything. The water contains the emotions of the people of the desert." Navilette said softly.

As the Water Dragon King, he controls all water elements in Teyvat.

The water element is the easiest carrier of emotions.

Navilette likes to drink water. Rather than tasting the water, it is better to say that he is tasting the emotion contained in the water.

Through the water in a place, he can know how the people in that place live.

The reason why Wang Daoyi gave him a glass of water was to tell him his governing philosophy.

Desert water, the harshest environment breeds the purest water, just as the harshest environment produces the most beautiful flowers,

It contains the desert people's desire for a better future, their passion for life, and their love for everything.

The water here is undoubtedly positive,

For the Water Dragon King, water is positive, which means this place is positive.

Therefore, after tasting the water here, Villette relaxed slightly.

At least there is no tight feeling at the beginning.

"Let's get down to business. Have you received the invitation letter from Chisha?" Wang Daoyi thought that Villette was here to participate in the interstellar project.

There was a hint of astonishment on Villette's face: "What invitation?"

"You didn't receive the invitation?" Wang Daoyi asked in confusion, "Then why did you come to my place?"

Naviolet: "I felt the battle between you and Him in the false sky. When I arrived, the battle was over, so I came to you..."

Wang Daoyi: "..."

"I understand, you want to ask about Tianli's situation?" Wang Daoyi raised his eyebrows.

"That's part of the reason." Navilette nodded.

"Well, Tianli is very weak, so weak that he is not even willing to face me directly." Wang Daoyi said with a slight smile.

After hearing Wang Daoyi's words, Villette's expression changed slightly.

"Are you already going to succeed?"

"Success? It's almost. Tianli still has some trump cards. The problem now is that I can't find him." Wang Daoyi shrugged.

This is a true saying,

If Tianli hadn't been hiding in the unknown space of Sky Island, Wangdao would have come to the door a long time ago.

Then there is no need to wait for the drunkard to help now.

As he said that, Wang Daoyi frowned slightly and looked at Villette: "Something's wrong, your mood is wrong. You didn't come to me to ask for justice."

Wang Daoyi was very sure. When he said that he almost succeeded, Villette's expression did not even change.

Although I know that the Supreme Inquisitor is very good at cultivating Qi, but such an important thing has not changed at all?

Obviously, the reason why the supreme judge came here was not natural at all.

"Tell me, what are you looking for me for?"

Wang Daoyi sat on the armchair and asked quite relaxedly.

Now in Teyvat, he was basically pushed aside. No matter why Villette came to him, he didn't care.

Villette was silent for a moment, then said: "What do you think of the Dragon Clan?"

As soon as he opened his mouth, Wang Daoyi understood that he was trying to make amends.

"You are worried." Wang Daoyi confirmed, "You are worried that I will take action against the Dragon Clan after I defeat Tianli."

Villette's expression darkened: "Yes, I'm very worried. Your appearance has brought changes to Teyvat. The water in the desert tells me that this change is good for humans, but I can't judge your attitude toward dragons." manner."

Wang Daoyi's sealing of Apep has always been like a thorn in Navilette's heart.

"Hahahahahaha, I have to say, Villette, you made me laugh."

Wang Daoyi laughed, then looked at the Water Dragon King,

"Then, please tell me, what else is there for the Dragon Clan that is worthy of me?

And why should I take action against the Dragon Clan?

Tevalin is a descendant of Barbatos and an old friend of mine.

Ruotuo Dragon King is a friend of the emperor and can be regarded as my elder.

And you...although we are not friends, at least we have worked hard together for Fontaine's prophecy,

Then Villette, I'm curious, why do you think I'm a threat to the Dragon Clan? "

Wang Daoyi said while observing Villette's expression.

He saw a trace of distrust and doubt in Shui Long's eyes.

Obviously, Shui Long still thinks Wang Daoyi... is a threat,

"Those who slay dragons will eventually become dragons."

Villette said softly, expressing his worries.


"To be honest, it is a bit ironic for an ancient dragon king to say that dragon slayers will eventually become dragons." Wang Daoyi said with a hint of sneer, seemingly very dissatisfied with the water dragon's delusion.

But he stood up from his seat, walked to the window, and looked at the sky.

"I know what you are worried about, then Villette, you are worried that I will block Teyvat like the law of heaven and seek [immortality], right?"

The inner worry was seen through by the Lord of Red Sand. Villette did not refute, but looked at Wang Daoyi with a firmer look,

Yes, his worry is that Wang Daoyi will become a more terrifying law of heaven.

Today's natural laws have overwhelmed the Dragon Clan.

If Wang Daoyi defeated Tianli and became the new Tianli.

Then, Villette felt that the future of the dragon clan was dark.

"Ha, if you have this kind of worry, it means you really don't understand me. You see, Tewarin and Ruoduo Dragon King won't have this kind of worry."

Wang Daoyi chuckled, full of dissatisfaction with Villette,

Although he is not a noble being, Villette's suspicion is undoubtedly a moral accusation against him.

"First of all, I will not block Teyvat. If you leave Fontaine later, you will receive my invitation letter. It is an invitation to Fontaine to explore the universe together. This invitation itself is also given to you, the Water Dragon King. "

He first refuted Navilette's suspicion that he would continue to block Teyvat, and then continued,

"Secondly, the dragon clan's biggest secret, [Immortal Divinity], although this thing is very precious and can trigger wars even in the universe, it is really not important to me."

What he said made Villette roll her eyes.

As an ancient dragon, he understands the greatness of [Immortal Divinity] very well.

To put it bluntly, everything in Teyvat is an extension of [Immortal Divinity].

Whoever says he is not interested in [Immortal Divinity] must be bragging.

Tianli has been planning for Him for tens of thousands of years. If you say you are not interested, you are being too pretentious.

This is probably how Villette feels now.

Wang Dao could tell by looking at the other party's expression that the other party didn't believe what he said.

This is understandable. After all, [Immortal Divinity] is too precious. If someone says in front of Wang Daoyi that he is not interested, Wang Daoyi will not believe it.

However, Wang Daoyi is really not interested.

The reason is not that he looks down upon [Immortal Divinity], but that the price of extracting [Immortal Divinity] is something Wang Daoyi is not willing to pay.

Depending on the plan of heaven, the price paid for extracting [Immortal Divinity] is the fall of the Seven Consuls and the Seven Dragon Kings.

And now, many of the Seven Consuls and Seven Dragon Kings are relatives and friends of Wang Daoyi.

Although the Star God is great, Wang Daoyi is not prepared for a betrayal and separation.

Therefore, Wang Daoyi is unwilling to extract [Immortal Divinity].

Of course, in addition to this, there is another reason,

That's why Wang Daoyi doesn't think that a ray of [Immortal Divinity] can knock on the door of the Immortal God's Throne.

To put it bluntly,

What if this thing is the trick left behind by [Dragon]?

When the time comes, what will you do if someone takes away your body and is reborn?

This thing is about discussing what [immortality] is.

If [Immortal] falls, is [Immortal] still [Immortal]?

Since He is still [Immortal], it means that He has not fallen yet.

Because if you fall, you are no longer [immortal].

Doesn't it sound reasonable?

Hehe, this is actually sophistry, because humans cannot understand the Star God.

Even if Wang Daoyi's wisdom is recognized by Bo Shizun, it does not mean that he can understand the "true meaning of immortality".

But Wang Daoyi knew that since an object and a concept can be called immortal,

Then He must exist from where He exists.

Before the birth of the universe, when everything was nothing, there was no concept of existence.

And when the universe was born and produced the first unit of matter, the first unit of concept, and the first unit of existence,

Then [Immortality] was born.

What is [immortality]?

From existence to disappearance.

Then create something from nothing.

This process is called [immortality].

(This is not true immortality, it is just Wang Daoyi’s conjecture. The folly of all things, true immortality can only be understood by immortality.)

When he knew that [Immortal Divinity] still existed, Wang Daoyi understood that [Immortal] had not fallen yet.

Of course, this does not mean that [Dragon] is still alive;

The death of [Dragon] does not mean the death of [Immortal].

It was the [Dragon] that fell, not the [Immortal].

If Wang Daoyi chooses to destroy Teyvat and extract the immortal divinity, with better luck, he can directly ascend to the Star God.

So what will be the ending?

As we all know, Star Gods need to perfectly implement the concepts corresponding to their destiny.

The concept of [Immortality] was first confirmed by [Dragon],

In other words, [Immortality] was born because of [Dragon],

Therefore, there is no doubt that any existence that inherits the destiny of [Immortality] will continue to practice the destiny of [Dragon].

That is, becoming the next [Immortal Dragon].

See, [Dragon] is not resurrected, but you become [Dragon].

Of course, maybe the name [Dragon] can be changed, but his essence is still the fate left by [Dragon].

"The power of the Star God is greater than you imagine, and the price you need to pay to practice your destiny is even more unspeakable. Therefore, Villette, [immortality] is really not what I want."

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