Explorer of Teyvat

Chapter 790 ‘The Visitor’

During the time when I was communicating with Ms. Heita,

Wang Daoyi acquired a lot of knowledge in the universe,

Although it is unclear how valuable this knowledge is,

But since it can be remembered by Ms. Black Tower, it must be very important.

Among them, Wang Daoyi remembered some things very clearly,

That is, some Star Gods are self-sublimated, some Star Gods assimilate (devour) other Star Gods, and some Star Gods separate the fates of other Star Gods.

But there is no doubt that no Star God simply inherits the complete destiny of the previous Star God.

Destiny is everything to the Star God,

Simply inheriting the fate of the Star God is undoubtedly letting the other party's [existence] be reborn in one's body.

If Wang Daoyi really wants to use the immortal divinity, then he must at least have the ability to devour Him or split Him.

Simply using and inheriting is very dangerous.

"Hmm... Although I still don't believe that you won't be unmoved by Him, the water element told me that you didn't lie. I'm very sorry that I misunderstood you before."

Villette's eyes gradually softened as she looked at Wang Daoyi.

"If someone told me that they were not interested in the immortal divinity, I wouldn't believe it." Wang Daoyi put away his previous dissatisfaction and accepted Villette's apology, "The reason why you doubt me is Because you really don’t understand me.”

Along the way, although Wang Daoyi was full of curiosity about the unknown,

But...he never takes any chances.

Except for being almost killed by the Ice Queen once,

He has always been steady.

Immortal divinity, something related to the Star God, Wang Daoyi didn't want to get close to.

Having seen the power of Bo Shi Zun, he was wary of the Star God.

Moreover, there is another most critical reason,

Even if the next goal is to become a Star God,

Wang Daoyi didn't want to inherit anyone anymore.

He wanted... to go his own way.

In Teyvat, he was blessed by the God of Rock and inherited the legacy of the King of Red Gold.

In just two years, we have accomplished great things that would be impossible for ordinary people to accomplish in a lifetime.

But at the same time, it also resulted in Wang Daoyi not having much of his own. This flaw was not corrected until Wang Daoyi officially came into contact with the power of fate.

Therefore, Wang Daoyi no longer wants to follow the path that others have taken.

He wanted to walk a road that no one else had walked.

[The reason why geniuses are geniuses is not only because their intelligence is far beyond ordinary people, but also because they are willing to take the road that others have not taken - Genius Club # 83 Ms. Heita said this about her colleagues in the club. 】

It was the exchange with Heita that made Wang Daoyi feel that he seemed to have underestimated him.

As a person valued by Bo Shizun,

His potential is not just as simple as being able to imitate others.

Just like his most original authority,——


Category: Advanced concepts of theocracy

Ability: parsing, reading, backtracking, understanding.

Parse: When you use this authority, you can force everything on the target to be parsed.

Read: When you use this authority, you can read hidden information.

Backtracking: When you use this authority, you can directly go back to the root cause based on the information you have.

Understanding: As you use this authority, you come to understand everything.


Analyzing, reading, retracing, and understanding, all of this can be accomplished with the help of the power of authority.

Wang Daoyi has always done this.

But... something seems to be missing.

Missing practical application.

Authority can help Wang Daoyi understand knowledge, but it will not help Wang Daoyi use knowledge.

If you only know how to learn but don’t know how to use it,

Then, Wang Daoyi is just a living library.

"So, read knowledge, record knowledge, understand knowledge, then use knowledge, and then discover more knowledge. Rest when you want to rest, chase dreams when you want to, and live a life without any restrictions."

Wang Daoyi's eyes gradually brightened,

He should explore and discover more knowledge instead of being firmly limited to a certain destiny.

For most ordinary beings in the universe (including all beings under the Star Gods), becoming a Star God is probably an unattainable dream.

But for Wang Daoyi, becoming a Star God and being confined to a single destiny was a limitation.

The Star God cannot do anything that goes against his destiny. This is the biggest restriction.

When the scope of knowledge is limited, then knowledge is meaningless.

"This is what I should do."

Wang Daoyi became more and more determined.

Perhaps giving up his immortal divinity is the biggest regret in his life.

But if he chooses immortal divinity, he may be a regret in his life.

"Okay, let's stop talking about the dragon story and my philosophy here."

Wang Daoyi waved his hand and ignored the topic.

Then he looked at Villette,

"Since you're here, stay a few more days and I'll show you why I didn't block Teyvat."

Since Water Dragon has come by himself, let him see the spaceship and get a lot of resources.

Villette's eyes fluctuated slightly: "If you are talking about that spaceship, I think I have already seen it."

Before he went to False Heaven, Wang Daoyi and Tianli had ended the battle, but the spaceship was still there.

"Oh, that would be easier. How about getting involved? No matter how rich Teyvat is, it is just a planet. Instead of competing for one or several ecological niches within the planet, it is better to expand outwards."

Wang Daoyi looked at Villette and said.

He understood what Villette was thinking,

As a dragon, Navilette hopes that the dragon clan can do well.

As the supreme judge, Navilette sympathizes with and recognizes human beings, and he hopes that people will be well.

Therefore, no one hopes to achieve reconciliation between humans and dragons more than Navilette.

"What do I have to pay and what can I get?" Villette said calmly,

He knew that he was being manipulated by the Lord of Red Sand.

But Navilette is not tired of this kind of manipulation,

Because the cards in the Lord of Red Sand's hand are good for him.

If external interstellar development is truly realized, neither the Teyvat humans nor the Teyvat dragons will need to be confined to this planet anymore.

The expansion of the scope of activities and resource acquisition will inevitably lead to the emergence of more ecological niches (social seats).

The resource conflict between humans and dragons will quickly slow down.

At the same time, facing the danger of the unknown universe, the forces within Teyvat must unite.

Although this solidarity is not necessarily willing,

But as long as we unite and face long-term external pressure, some of the old grudges will be eliminated.

It would be possible for humans and dragons to coexist.

However, Navilette didn't think that the Lord of Red Sand would do good things and directly help him realize the coexistence of humans and dragons.

In fact, the unity within Teyvat itself is something Wang Daoyi needs to consider, at least Navilette did not expect this.

After seeing part of the concept of the Black Tower, Wang Dao and Teyvat already had the concept of a protagonist.

In Wang Daoyi’s view, in the future cosmic environment,

You and Teyvat must be inseparable.

In the universe, although the name of the Genius Club is still very useful, not all members are hunted down and persecuted.

However, there is a kind of genius that other forces are unwilling to touch.

Then there are geniuses with their own power.

The Black Tower has the power to rule the planet, the uncrowned mechanical king Screwgum, and Ruan Mei who activates the planet with her hands...

These geniuses have the support of a powerful civilization (culture, technology, military force, etc.), and they have a status that exceeds other geniuses in the universe.

And Wang Daoyi is ready to repeat their path first,

Upgrade Teyvat into a powerful cosmic civilization,

In this way, only the genius club members and the powerful cosmic civilization complement each other can they occupy a place in the universe.

Therefore, peace within Teyvat itself is what Wang Daoyi must achieve.

"It's very simple. I will set up an organization in the future to be responsible for interstellar development. I hope you can support the establishment of this organization." Wang Daoyi said.

This is what he just thought of,

Rather than letting Chisha be responsible for it, it is better to set up an organization and let everyone play together.

As long as the base of this organization is designed in the desert, he can still control the organization.

"I don't have that much time to spend on this plan, so I will divide the seats as a division of interests and authority. Except for technical aspects, other things will be left to the association of the institution to make decisions."

Similar to Teyvat, everyone forms an interest alliance and divides the interests and rights according to the amount of investment.

It also separated Wang Daoyi from this apparent division of interests.

But in fact, as long as you master the technical foundation and Wang Daoyi's own strong strength,

This alliance cannot escape his control no matter what.

"So, I don't need you to pay more, I just need you to bring Fontaine to join, and... persuade more dragons to join or not to block this plan."

Fontaine's participation can bring more funds and talents to this plan,

After all, Fontaine is still very wealthy, and the scientists at the Academy of Sciences also cherish talents.

As for the Dragon Clan...

As a descendant of the [Immortal Dragon],

Although they were defeated twice on the planet Teyvat,

But once they return to the cosmic environment and even get in touch with other dragons, they will definitely develop rapidly.

Although the [Immortal Dragon] has fallen, the dragon clan in the universe is still very powerful.

Whether it’s the Might-holding Dragon Clan of the Immortal Boat, the Supreme Dragon sitting in the Leiafar Star Vortex, or the Death Dragon in the Land of White Embers…

They have conquered many galaxies and spread the power of the Immortal Dragonborn.

(As long as you know the content about other dragon clans, I won’t write more)

In other words, although the Teyvat dragon clan seems to be in decline now, it actually still has great potential.

If they can be led to become stronger, these dragons will also be a good card in Wang Dao's hand in the future.

As for whether they are worried that the Teyvat Dragon Clan will betray...

Not worried at all,

As long as Teyvat is still in their hands, it is impossible for these dragons to betray.

Not everyone has the power of the Vidyadhara Nagas to cut off the source sea of ​​their home star and take it away.

After listening to Wang Daoyi's words, Villette was slightly silent. After taking a few breaths, he nodded: "If this is the case, then I have no reason to refuse. I will support your decision in the future agenda."

"It's a pleasure to cooperate." Wang Daoyi stretched out his hand.

Villette hesitated for a moment, then reached out and held Wang Daoyi's hand.

Beside, Felicis yawned, she was not interested in any of this at all.

I feel sleepy after hearing this.

"Your Majesty, if nothing happens, I will go back first."

She wanted to go back to sleep.

Wang Dao glanced at her and then said, "Have you had anything to do recently?"

It can be seen that Felicis is really free.

Felicis stretched, her proud curves clearly revealed,

"It's not like I have nothing to do. Anyway, the days are the same every day."

Felicis' job at present is only to maintain the operation of the canal, and other things...as long as it does not disturb the mistress's peace, she doesn't want to take care of anything else.

"If you were asked to serve as a manager in the organization I just mentioned, would you be willing?" Wang Daoyi asked.

Choosing Felicis as a manager was not just a whim, but a reason.

First of all, the location of the underground base is on Felicis's territory. Everything here cannot be hidden from the oasis governor. It is very convenient for her to manage it.

Secondly, Felicis, as the great town spirit, is undoubtedly the immortal species. She will serve as the manager. Once the system is formed, it can ensure stability for thousands of years.

Finally, Felicis is a strong person, and even though the Zhenling race is almost extinct, she is able to handle conflicts within the organization without taking any side.

Therefore, Wang Daoyi asked Felicis.

Of course, if the other party is unwilling, Wang Daoyi will not force it.

The worst thing is... find a replacement.

Although it is difficult to find people like Felicis, it is not impossible to find them.

"This... Your Majesty, I cannot leave the Eternal Oasis for too long."

Felicis was worried that she wouldn't be able to manage the time between different affairs.

Wang Daoyi smiled, as long as you don't object, it's fine: "It's okay. I will still place the location of this organization here. If there are any major issues, they will definitely be handled here."

"If that's the case, then I have no problem." Felicis agreed directly.

As the oasis governor of the former desert kingdom, Felicis was more than just an energy source. In the past oasis system, all matters of all sizes were handled by her and the priestesses under her command.

To put it bluntly, Felicis is a ‘complex’.

Energy source + civil servant + war department,

She can be satisfied on her own.

Can be called a super tool man.

"Very good, then you need to familiarize yourself with spacecraft and space-related knowledge as soon as possible. I will put together a knowledge package for you, and you can learn from it." Wang Daoyi said.

Since you want to be a manager, or a manager of such an important organization, professionalism is definitely indispensable.

At least, it must be able to suppress people from other countries.

Only in this way can we have the right to speak.

"No problem, Your Majesty, Zhenling's learning ability will satisfy you."

Felicis was not worried at all;

As Zhenling, the dependents of the Mistress of Flowers, they are extremely intelligent beings.

It is easy for her to learn some organized information.

After communicating with Felicis, Wang Daoyi looked at Navilette who didn't know what he was thinking.

"I'm going to Liyue. Do you want to go with me? I'm going to meet the Dragon King Ruotuo."


Don't tell me, he is really moved.

Originally, if he went to Liyue, he would definitely not be able to meet Morax.

Because from Navilette's perspective, the God of Rock is also the demon god who stole the power of the ancient dragon, and he is the one who will be judged.

But now...

The complete return of the Elemental Dragon King, Navilette, as the Water Elemental Dragon King, can feel it.

Morax would rather be harmed than to directly return the power of the Rock.

He and the Rock Dragon King are as close as brothers.

In this way, the Water Dragon King would have no reason to judge Morax.

Similarly, he can also go to Liyue to meet his people.

Caolong's disapproval made Navilette a little sad.

If you could meet the Dragon King who protects human beings just like you, you might gain something new.

"Ha, don't hesitate, you finally came out, why not do more things to save yourself from coming out again later." Wang Daoyi said.

"This..." Villette was even more excited.

As a workaholic, he really doesn't go out much. If Wang Daoyi and Tianli hadn't made too big a move in False Heaven this time,

He wouldn't rush out in such a hurry. He didn't even hand over the work, and just left everything to the people of the Revival Court.

"Stop doing this and that, let's go. Let's go now. We still have time to go to Wanmin Hall for dinner. Let me tell you, my wife is very good at her crafts."

(I’ll treat you to something spicy when the time comes, hahahahahaha)

Villette didn't know the evil thoughts in Wang Daoyi's heart. He was pulled by Wang Daoyi and half pushed and half pushed into the earth channel.

"Felicis, wait until someone sends you the information next time. Navilette and I are going to Liyue. If Nicored comes back, you ask him to design a multi-power and multi-race institutional plan first."

Leaving behind a word, Wang Daoyi pulled Navilette and left the underground base through the earth channel.

Felicis tilted her head and watched Wang Daoyi pull Navilette away, then curled her lips and left alone.

He didn't care at all about what notification he received from Nicolád. Since it was the institution he wanted to enter, of course he had to design it himself.


Wang Daoyi took Navilette and walked on the street.

The reason why he brought the other party to find Morax and Ruoduo Dragon King was certainly not out of pure bad taste, let alone to make Villette eat spicy food. Well, he really wanted to see Villette eat spicy food. .

However, the main purpose is to let the two Dragon Kings meet and then study Tianli's trump card.

Regarding the laws of heaven, the ancient dragons definitely know more than themselves.

Although Gu Long was defeated and suppressed by Tianli, Tianli also paid a huge price.

Nowadays, the reason why Tianli is so weak is probably due to the fact that the original body was shattered.

As Tianli's defeated generals, the ancient dragons must know more of Tianli's unknown secrets.

Perhaps, there is information that Wang Daoyi needs.

For example - how to really kill Tianli,

For example - how to enter the true origin sea of ​​Teyvat.

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