Explorer of Teyvat

Chapter 792 The Will of the Abyss

That night,

Wang Daoyi hosted a banquet in Wanmin Hall to entertain several distinguished guests.

Among them, Mr. Navilette was full of praise for Xiangling's craftsmanship out of politeness.

It's like after eating boiled blackback bass, the frequency of drinking water increased three to five times.

He now somewhat understands why Wang Daoyi smiles like a fox when he talks about inviting guests to a big dinner.

It turned out that this guy had no good intentions from the beginning.

After the banquet,

After Wang Daoyi sent Zhongli and Mr. Kunwu away, he had time to see Navilette who was still drinking water.

"Hey, I'm still drinking~"

Wang Daoyi teased.

Villette rolled her eyes and ignored him.

Wang Daoyi didn't care, patted Xiang Ling's back and asked her to clean up a room and come out.

Then he walked to Villette,

"If the law of heaven is overthrown, what do you want to do next?"

Villette's movement of drinking water paused slightly.

He naturally knew what Wang Daoyi's question meant. It was not about what he wanted to do.

It's about asking him about his position and ideas.

If Navilette wholeheartedly performs the duties of the Water Dragon King and launches judgment against the trespassers,

So, no matter how closely they cooperate now, they will always turn against each other in the end.

the reason is simple,

Only two of the Seven Dragon Kings have returned completely now.

The power of the wind is in Wendy's hands, and Tevalin has become his dependent.

The power of grass is in the hands of Nasida, and Apep is even more subdued by Wang Daoyi.

If Villette wants all seven dragons to return completely, then Barbatos and Nacida will be insurmountable obstacles.

These two are both friends of Wang Daoyi, and Nasida is like a family member.

This is an almost irreconcilable contradiction.

That’s why Wang Daoyi asked.

Silent for a long time,

Then Villette slowly spoke: "As the Dragon of Grass said, some dragons choose to go with others, and they have long forgotten their past hatred. I think... I am one of them."

If Navilette really wanted to radiate the glory of the ancient dragon, then after he took control of the water element, he should directly take action against other countries.

But in fact, he did not take action. Instead, he chose to deal with Fontaine's affairs patiently.

He is even willing to separate authority and turn it into the Eye of God for mankind to use.

He himself was one of the ancient dragons dismissed by the Dragon of Grass as being close to humans.

"So, as long as the Dragon Clan is not persecuted, I will probably... just stay in Fontaine."

The Water Dragon King's statement made Wang Daoyi very happy.

He patted Villette on the shoulder hard: "Don't stay in Momang Palace all the time. Go out and walk more. When Tianli is gone, Teyvat will be even more lively."

The excitement Wang Daoyi refers to is the interstellar development business he is preparing for.

It also refers to the possibility that Teyvat will be included in the trade system of the Interstellar Peace Company.

By then, Teyvat will definitely be very ‘lively’,

Fontaine’s mechanical culture may attract the attention of many interstellar travelers

I just don’t know if Villette will like this kind of excitement.

Perhaps, he will launch Teyvat's first "Teyvat Interstellar Access Method"?

Hiss, if one day, it would be a good idea to let Villette be the judge of the entire Teyvat.

At least Shuilong's justice will allow him to ensure fairness in his work.

Unknowingly, Wang Daoyi's thoughts began to drift away.

Until Xiangling came back from the backyard, smiled apologetically at Villette, and then poked Wang Daoyi's arm.

"Brother Dao Yi, the room is ready."

"Ah, oh, Villette, stay here for one night today and go back tomorrow."


"He won't forget things, right?"

Surturoch scratched his head and complained.

It has been some time since the Hai Lantern Festival,

But the Lord of Red Sand who promised to come to the abyss to meet [Gold] and [Prophet] has yet to show up.

If he hadn't known that the other party was not the kind of person who was careless, Surte Lodge would have almost thought that the other party was going to let him go.

"Silk, how many days has it been?"

"Teacher, there are still seven days left before the fifteen days you and the others discussed." Silk, who was wielding a sword next to him, answered.

"That's right, it's still early." Surte Lodge breathed a sigh of relief, and then looked at the sleeping giant beast next to the stone house.

The size of the four-legged dragon snake has become larger and larger, the original purple-gold dragon scales have become deeper and deeper, and the dragon horns on its head have become more ferocious.

If he hadn't seen the changes in this giant beast with his own eyes, Surturoch might not have been able to tell that this giant beast was the previous four-legged dragon snake.

Its snake characteristics are disappearing, while its dragon characteristics are becoming more and more obvious.

The most intuitive thing is the increasingly strong dragon power on it.

The four-legged dragon snakes in the past also had very powerful pressure, but that was the pressure that belonged to higher elemental life forms and abyssal life forms.

But now, the aura and pressure on it are more like those of a pure dragon.

Surturoch has not studied things like bloodline, but he can also feel that the four-legged dragon snake is gradually transforming from an elemental life into a more advanced existence.

"Oh, I don't know if the Lord of Red Sand will be happy or suspicious after seeing this guy."

Surtroqi sighed slightly, not knowing how to explain to Wang Daoyi.

Could it be that your child was too outstanding and was chosen by the will of the abyss to become a child of the abyss?

Although the four-legged dragon snake has long been favored by the abyss and can be called the son of the abyss,

But this evolution is obviously more advanced and deeper.

"What doubt?"

Wang Daoyi's voice came from behind Surte Lodge.

The golden elemental power tore apart the barrier of the abyss, and Wang Daoyi walked into the abyss from Liyue in the dark night.

"Hey, you're here." Surte Lodge turned his head and smiled when he saw it was Wang Daoyi.

Then he pointed at the giant beast next to the stone house: "Here, your child."

Wang Daoyi looked along his fingertips,

A huge beast with no tail is lying over there,

The huge dragon head bowed down next to the stone house, with his eyes closed tightly. His subconscious breathing stirred up gusts of wind, blowing the lavender aura of the abyss.

Four-legged dragon snake...

No, it should probably be called the Dragon of the Abyss now.

The originally fine snake scales on the neck have all faded away and turned into thick dragon scales.

The slightly pointed head also became wider and thicker,

The weird feeling that originally belonged to a snake has been replaced by the heavy feeling of a dragon.

Besides, it's rude to say it's a snake.

"[Yuan] What's going on?" Wang Daoyi was a little surprised,

This level of change really made him a little unable to hold back.

You know, the dragon is the highest form of the Teyvat elemental world.

The first time Wang Daoyi used elemental creation, he could only construct the form of an eagle. After becoming a demon, he used elemental creation again to construct a half-dragon form such as a four-legged dragon and snake.

But now, the other party has completed the evolution from dragon snake to dragon.

This kind of thing is no less than a heterogeneous dragon lizard evolving into a true dragon.

For elemental beings to transcend super elemental beings and enter the realm of [Dragon], Wang Daoyi cannot do this kind of thing.

"After meeting you last time, it returned to the abyss and fell into a deep sleep. I can feel that there is a steady stream of blessings from the abyss descending on it." Schulte Lodge said.

Wang Daoyi frowned slightly: "Abyss Will?"

Surturoch nodded: "Well, at first I thought that the Will of the Abyss bestowed blessings on [Abyss] because of your relationship, but as the number of blessings increased, and [Abyss] became more and more It looked more and more like a dragon, and I realized that this was the will of the abyss in action."

Hearing this,

Wang Daoyi's expression darkened slightly,

[Yuan] is the child recognized by Wang Daoyi. He named it himself. Even Xiang Ling recognized the child.

And now, Abyss has actually taken advantage of his own child?

Before Tianli could be defeated, Abyss intervened, which caught Wang Daoyi off guard.

However, Wang Daoyi has nothing to worry about, let alone fear.

"It seems that we are about to meet the Will of the Abyss."

Wang Daoyi is actually no stranger to the will of the abyss. He once came into contact with the incarnation of this will in the abyss star.

[The black snake that surrounds, the black snake that circulates]

An endless black snake with scales like the world and hanging endless stars.

Of course, this does not mean that the will of the abyss is a black snake, it is just the manifestation of some of the opponent's characteristics.

If someone can perceive the origin of Wang Daoyi, they will also see a sun, or a long river of time, or even a book recording endless knowledge. These are the manifestations of Wang Daoyi's characteristics.

"I'm going to go to the deepest part of the abyss." Wang Daoyi looked at Surturoch with a relaxed look, "Please inform [Gold] and [Prophet] for me. When I come back, we will discuss how to deal with Tianli. .”

Although the will of the abyss is powerful, Wang Daoyi doesn't think that the other party can do anything to him. He goes to the depths of the abyss to find out what the other party wants to do, and then comes back to deal with the matter of [Gold] and [Prophet].

Surturoch frowned and did not stop Wang Daoyi. Instead, he said: "The abyss is very big. Even the will of the abyss cannot fully represent the abyss. You'd better pay attention to this."

As a veteran who has lived in the Abyss for more than two thousand years, although Surte Lodge has never seen the Will of the Abyss, he knows that the Abyss is definitely not something that the Will of the Abyss can completely control.

To put it simply, he, Surturoch, would not obey the orders of the will of the abyss.

There are also those relics of ancient civilizations who will not obey the orders of the will of the abyss.

In essence, the will of the abyss can only command those beings corrupted by its own hands, or pure abyssal beings derived from the abyss.

"Well, the life in the abyss does not mean that they are the people of the will of the abyss. Ha, it's such a familiar routine. I understand." Wang Daoyi laughed out loud, then nodded, indicating that he understood, "Please contact them, I Let’s go to the deepest part of the abyss first.”

Then he glanced at [Abyss], which was still sleeping and evolving, and Wang Dao turned around and headed deeper into the abyss.

the bottom of the abyss,

This is the origin of the entire realm of nothingness,

The entire realm of nothingness was born from here,

The power of the abyss spreads from here, and then expands outward until it touches the human world and the light world.

With the reincarnation of civilizations in the world of Teyvat,

The relics of civilization from Teyvat are like layers of thick soil, covering the origin, forming layers of abyss.

When Wang Daoyi passed through the layers of dead civilization relics,

What appeared in front of him was the biggest secret of the abyss - the will of the abyss.

From the moment he set out until he saw him, Wang Daoyi became a little wary.

"You finally came."

The old and vast voice sounded in this space, or to be more precise, it came from the will of the abyss in front of me.

It does not have a fixed form, sometimes it gathers, sometimes it escapes, sometimes it is misty, and sometimes it gathers into a dragon or snake, but in Wang Dao's eyes, it is just an aggregate.

Countless broken wills gathered here to form this great abyssal will.

"Are you the Will of the Abyss?"

Wang Daoyi raised his head, looked at the other party, and asked.

The faint purple radiance gathered to form a dragon shadow. He stretched his body slightly. It looked like it was only a few meters long, but it gave people the illusion of being infinite.

Wang Daoyi knew that this was the extension of the other party's will. The power of the will was endless, so it gave people the impression of infinity.

It was also because of this that Wang Daoyi saw the reflection of the opponent's endless black snake in the Yuanxing space.

It's not that the opponent's body is so big that it's boundless, but that the opponent's will is so big that it's impossible to see clearly.

"According to the description of me by those relics of civilization, I am indeed the will of the abyss?" Long Ying answered.

Wang Daoyi raised his eyebrows: "So, you don't think you are the will of the abyss?"

According to what those people said, isn't it because he doesn't think so!

"Of course, the abyss has never had a will." Long Ying sneered, "The so-called will of the abyss is just a group of losers to keep warm."

Looking at the opponent's body made up of countless will fragments, Wang Daoyi actually believed his words.

"Then, who are you?" Wang Daoyi asked again.

The dragon shadow swims slowly in the void,

"Me? I am a sacrifice to fire, a sacrifice to water, a sacrifice to thunder, a sacrifice to ice. I am a sacrifice entwined with endless branches, and a dragon falling from the sky. I... am a loser."

His figure is slightly distorted,

Sometimes it transforms into a sacrifice with silver branches, sometimes it turns into a giant dragon with broken scales.

Sometimes it evolves into the earth burned by fire, sometimes it evolves into a world frozen in ice,

Sometimes the floods wash away, sometimes the sky is filled with thunder and lightning,

The many fragments of will originally gathered on the will of the abyss roared, describing their sorrow and anger,

Finally, it turned into a dragon shadow again and continued to look at Wang Daoyi calmly: "Do you understand?"

Do you understand Wang Daoyi?

He told himself this so intimately, of course he understood.

"So, the so-called will of the abyss is the gathering of the wills of countless destroyed civilizations in Teyvat?"

Long Ying stopped swimming and looked at Wang Daoyi: "Yes, this is the truth of the will of the abyss. A loser cannot resist it, so he summons more losers. When countless losers gather together, we Then the realm of nothingness was transformed into an abyss, and it was also out of His control."

The He here should refer to the once complete original Pharnas, and now the largest original fragment has inherited all the laws of Pharnas.

How strong was the original Pharnas?

To put it simply, he is definitely not a star god, but he can suppress the dragon clan on his own. Therefore, he must be a command-level existence.

Make a simple guess,

In the First Dragon King War, Phanes and the four Heavenly Rulers suppressed the seven Dragon Kings and began to create the world and humans in Teyvat.

And the Dragon King Nibelungen escaped and left Teyvat to find more powerful power in the universe.

In the Second Dragon King War, the Dragon King found new power from the universe. The power outside the world may be the power of destiny, or in other words, the power given by the high-ranking destiny.

According to the description of forbidden knowledge, it is very much like a compound of fertility and destruction, with powerful contagion and destructiveness.

Therefore, after the Dragon King returns, there is a high probability that he will not be weaker than the envoy.

Therefore, during the Second Dragon King War, it was very difficult for Yuan to kill the Dragon King, and he himself was severely injured, and his body was turned into countless fragments, which was how the later demon gods were born.

This is also the reason why the heavenly law is so weak today.

Because he had already completed a kill on the Commander level before.

Because he was in a state of weakness, Heavenly Law sealed off Teyvat and refused knowledge from outside the world (the power of destiny) to enter Teyvat again.

The act of intercepting the power of fate made him even weaker, but it also ensured that no new envoys would be born within Teyvat.

So, having said that, why does the will of the abyss appear in front of Wang Daoyi in the form of a dragon instead of a snake?

Wang Daoyi already had some guesses in his heart.

"So, you who are communicating with me should be the first and biggest loser, right?" Wang Daoyi asked.

The dragon shadow was slightly shocked, its head raised, and its eyes looked at Wang Daoyi: "You are indeed smart, yes, I am the biggest loser. I have failed the ancestors of the dragon and my people."

As soon as the word "Long Zu" came out, Wang Daoyi knew that he had guessed correctly.

The controller of this dragon shadow, the largest component of the will of the abyss,

It should be the fallen one who was killed by the original Pharnas...the Dragon King Nibelungen.

In other words, he is a fragment of the will of the Nibelungen, and he inherited part of the knowledge and will of the Dragon King.

"In the beginning, Dragon Ancestor wandered in the original chaos, asking about the location of "Existence". Then, the true meaning of "Immortality" appeared on the road. As our father God, Dragon Ancestor should be immortal, even if he Even if it has fallen, it will return in the future. From nothing to something, from something to nothing, this is [immortality]."

Long Ying talked to himself. He didn't seem to be worried at all about Wang Daoyi leaking this knowledge.

"After the death of Father God, a ray of immortal divinity fell into the cosmic star sea. After countless years of wandering, it fell into a gestating sea of ​​origin, which is today's Teyvat."

"Then, the planet that gave birth to life in the Origin Sea, due to the influence of the immortal divinity, our dragon clan began to evolve, and I, as the first giant dragon in the world, deservedly became the Dragon King."

"Originally, I thought things would develop quietly like this. The Dragon Clan continues to evolve, from birth to death, repeating the process from nothing to something, from something to nothing again and again. The immortal divinity can also continue to accumulate power until... The return of the Immortal Dragon.”

"What I didn't expect was that a visitor from the star sea discovered Teyvat. What's even more unfortunate is that the other party's power is greater than mine."

"Originally, as an immortal dragonborn, I should have far more power than ordinary messengers. However, due to the death of the immortal, my strength is insufficient. In order to prevent other star gods from discovering the immortal divinity, I took the initiative to seal Teyvat. Rejected the intervention of the power of fate.”

"So, when Pharnas invaded, the immortal dragonborn who was blessed by nature could not defeat him. In the end, I was the only one who escaped from Teyvat."

Wang Daoyi was listening happily, but he saw Long Ying suddenly closed his mouth.

He seemed not to want to talk about what happened after He left Teyvat.

However, the other party's words also explained why the Dragon Clan was defeated in the first place.

In order to protect the immortal divinity from being discovered, the Nibelungs took the initiative to seal Teyvat and prevent the power of destiny from entering Teyvat. Therefore, the dragon clan at that time did not have a single destiny walker and relied entirely on the elemental power given by the immortal to fight.

Good guy, you can still go back and forth with the original ones like this. I have to admit that these dragons are indeed unique.

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