Explorer of Teyvat

Chapter 793 The dragon will be reborn and the snake will disappear

"After the second war, I...or the Nibelungen fell, and I woke up in the void world. I don't know if I am a Nibelungen, but there is no doubt that I have his memory and his ideals. , and...hatred for the original.”

"So, using the void world as my foundation, I began to continuously collect the wills of those civilizations destroyed by the sky. I stimulated their hatred and fueled their wills. After countless years, finally, layers of ruins of civilizations emerged one after another. It has become the abyss it is today, and those civilizational wills full of hatred for the sky have also unified into the so-called will of the abyss."

"Originally, I was planning to continue accumulating energy, and then take action to fight with Heavenly Law after it destroys the current Teyvat civilization."

"As a result, I suddenly discovered you."

The dragon shadow transformed by the will of the abyss flew around Wang Daoyi,

He seemed very happy, with barely hidden emotion of joy.

"Do you know? Two thousand eight hundred years ago, when you came into contact with the Abyss Star, the moment I saw you, I was so happy."

Wang Daoyi frowned slightly: "At that time, I was still an ordinary demon god."

Although Wang Daoyi was very strong before, compared to now, the identity of the Wisdom Commander can only be said to be an ordinary demon god.

How could such an ordinary demon attract the attention of the Will of the Abyss?

"Ordinary? Hahaha, no, not ordinary at all. You probably still don't understand that time... is the original condensed authority, the authority He gave to the shadow, and you have completed the time travel. What does this mean?"

The dragon shadow wandered in the void and laughed loudly: "Hahahaha, this means you have seized the original authority, which means you are qualified to resist Him."

The words "Abyss Will" clearly indicate that Wang Daoyi has traveled through time.

It is strange to say that these high-ranking beings can obviously not touch time, but each one of them can see that Wang Daoyi has traveled through time.

"No, my time authority was left to me by Istaru, I did not snatch it from the original." Wang Dao shook his head and denied the statement of the will of the abyss.

"One meaning is that you can gain the trust of the ruler of heaven. This is no different from robbing the original authority."

The will of the abyss does not care how Wang Daoyi obtained authority.

"Since that time, I have felt in you the overthrow of the original, oh, it should be called heavenly law now. I have seen in you the possibility of overthrowing Him."

Wang Daoyi: "Just because of the authority of time, do you think I can overturn the law of heaven?"

The words of the will of the abyss were a bit too crude, and Wang Daoyi did not believe it.

Although the authority of time is powerful, it is not omnipotent, let alone able to oppose the laws of heaven.

Otherwise, Istaru would not be divided by the laws of heaven, and Wang Daoyi would have to save him.

"It's not that you can overturn the law of heaven. It's more of a possibility, but even if it's a weak possibility, it's worth my bet."

The dragon shadow transformed from the will of the abyss stopped in front of Wang Daoyi,

"So, when the little snake came to the abyss, I blessed it and made it continue to grow stronger and grow.

In order that one day it will come back to you, or you will return to the abyss to find it. "

Wang Daoyi's expression darkened: "You have been targeting me from the beginning. Are you the one who pushed [Yuan] to the current situation?"

"Of course, everything is just to see you." The Will of the Abyss did not hide its wishes at all.

"No, that's not right. If you want to see me, you can come to see me the last time I came to the abyss, instead of trying to attract me by evolving [the abyss] now!" Wang Daoyi thought for a moment and discovered the other party's words. loopholes in the environment.

Sure enough, the will of the abyss was silent.

After a while, He spoke again: "The last time you came to the abyss, I was not awake."

Wang Daoyi looked at the other party in confusion.

What does not wake up mean?

If he doesn't wake up, it can be said that the other party is in deep sleep.

The word sober is not quite right.

Probably seeing Wang Daoyi's doubts, the Will of the Abyss spoke directly: "I am the will left by the Nibelungs. Although the Will of the Abyss is mostly dominated by me, it is not always dominated by me."

As he said that, the dragon shadow of the Will of the Abyss collapsed and turned into a purple shadow, and in the shadow, two shapes vaguely flashed.

One is a dragon shadow, and the other is a very obvious snake shape.

"did you see it?"

The dragon shadow in the virtual shadow swam out from it, but the snake shape was still in a fixed cycle.

"Accepting the will of the lost civilization is not without cost. When they gathered on me and formed the will of the abyss, they also continued to pollute me. In order to ensure that my will is not polluted, I separated them separately. In the end, the Serpent of the Abyss was formed.”

After a pause, he continued: "You may have never heard of the Snake of the Abyss, but you should be familiar with his other name. He is the [Black Snake]."


Wang Daoyi is indeed no stranger. The most direct ones are the black snake knights under the rocky abyss.

They were once the knights of Kanria, but because of the corruption of the king of Kanria, they were seduced and corrupted by the abyss.

Note that although the Black Snake Knight has fallen, he still retains part of his will.

When he completely loses the will of the Camria Knight, he will become a dark shell.

And the root of everything, the existence that tempted King Kanria to fall, is the [Black Snake].

"It seems that you have understood. The last time you came to the abyss, it was the black snake that dominated the will of the abyss. I was sleeping." Abyss Dragon Shadow said, "So, after I woke up, I found that the little snake had something on it. Your breath, and it is still brand new, means that I have missed you, and I can only bless it again, hoping that through its evolution, it will attract you to come again."

Wang Daoyi frowned slightly. It seemed that the will of the abyss had told him everything since the conversation, without any concealment.

But Wang Daoyi always felt something was wrong in his heart.

You know, as a god, his inner premonitions are often very accurate.

Therefore, Abyss Will seems to be open and honest, but there must be something secretly hiding from itself.

So, what is it?

Wang Daoyi fell into thinking.

The will of the abyss continued to swim around Wang Daoyi, seemingly not caring about Wang Daoyi's rudeness.

After a long time, Wang Dao's eyes flashed: "No, no, no, why do you need to bless [Yuan]? You can just contact Surte Lodge directly. Even if he doesn't listen to your orders, you let him Pass the word, he still knows how to do it.”

Compared with asking someone to send a message and give [Yuan] a blessing to attract Wang Daoyi's attention, this is somewhat... unnecessary.

Therefore, the will of the abyss did not tell the truth just now.

In other words, the other party did not finish telling the truth.

Sure enough, when Wang Daoyi asked these words, it was Abyss Will's turn to be silent.

Wang Dao didn't ask any further questions, just like the other party was waiting for him to think.

"Huh, I really can't hide it from you." Abyss Will sighed slightly, and then said, "It's true that it attracts your attention, but I do have selfish motives."

Wang Daoyi still didn't speak, and used his eyes to signal the other party to continue speaking.

"I'm going to die." The Will of the Abyss said.

Wang Daoyi's expression froze.

He thought that the other party would give various reasons, but he never thought about this.

"You have also seen that in the Abyss Star, the image of the Abyssal Will is becoming more and more like a snake, rather than a dragon."

There was a trace of helplessness in His voice,

"After the fall of the Nibelung, although I inherited his knowledge and part of his power, I was ultimately just a fragment of his will, just a rootless piece of grass. Over thousands of years, I slept longer and longer, [Black Snake] has more and more time to control the will of the abyss. One day, the wisdom of the Nibelungs will be wiped out, and I will turn into ignorant chaos and merge into the collective consciousness of the abyss."

Now Wang Daoyi finally understood.

As the will of the Dragon King Nibelung, after he fell into the realm of nothingness, he personally built an existence called the abyss out of the ruins of countless civilizations.

At the same time, it also collected countless fragments of civilization's will, and blended it into the abyssal will named [Black Snake].

It is estimated that [Black Snake] exceeded Nibelungen's imagination, and in the end he was unable to suppress the opponent.

In other words, the other party is ignorant and does not need wisdom. He only needs to keep expanding the abyss.

But Nibelung's will wants to ensure his own sanity,

The Nibelungen's will has been wearing away, and the [Black Snake] has been growing.

After going back and forth, Nibelungen's will became worse than that of [Black Snake].

"But, what does this have to do with [Yuan]?" Wang Daoyi asked.

Abyss Dragon Shadow suddenly became very serious: "I can die or disappear, but the Dragon Clan cannot. As the Dragon King, I must consider the Dragon Clan."

Seeing the other party's serious look, Wang Daoyi suddenly came to his senses.

"You gave your own origin to [Yuan]?"

The dragon shadow of the abyss smiled: "Yes, I am a dragon who is going to die anyway. Why keep the origin of the dragon king? Why not hand it over and contribute to the continuation of the dragon clan."

"To contribute to the dragon clan, why not leave it to other ancient dragons..."

Wang Daoyi's questioning voice paused, and a glimmer of understanding flashed in his eyes.

Got it, he got it completely.

Why would the Nibelungen's will rather give the Dragon King's final origin to [Abyss] than to other ancient dragons?


"Ha, it seems you already understand, yes, everything is because of you."

The Abyss Dragon Shadow started to swim again, looking very relaxed: "Without your existence, I will hand over the origin of the Dragon King to other ancient dragons in the future, and then use the Will of the Abyss to deliver a fatal blow to the Heavenly Law, but it is different now, you I have already been recognized by the greatest being in the starry sky. At this time, it would be a disaster rather than a blessing for me to hand over the origin of the Dragon King to the ancient dragons."

The idea of ​​the Nibelungen Will is very simple;

When he discovered that Wang Daoyi had been recognized by Bo Shizun and became the envoy of wisdom, Tianli had no chance to win.

As the new victor, Wang Daoyi will tolerate the continued existence of the Dragon Clan, which is very critical.

Therefore, the Nibelung will chose to hand over its origin to [Abyss],

In this way, [Yuan] will become the next [Dragon King] of the Dragon Clan,

And with the relationship between Wang Daoyi and [Yuan], the Dragon Clan can naturally continue to exist.

Even if there were dragons who wanted to rule Teyvat again, Wang Daoyi would not wipe out the dragons for the sake of [Yuan].

The remaining will of the Nibelungs is paving the way for the future of the entire dragon clan.

Thinking of this,

Wang Daoyi's eyes softened,

No matter what position or angle you are in,

The remaining will of the Nibelungs can achieve this level for the Teyvat dragons, and they are worthy of the name of Dragon King.

To be honest, in an era when the Dragon King has fallen for tens of thousands of years, even if the Dragon King's remaining will degenerates into evil thoughts, no one will blame him at all.

But he still supported it, still thinking of a way out for his tribe.

Wang Daoyi has to admire this kind of willpower.

Seeing Wang Daoyi's gradually softening expression, Abyss Dragon Shadow said seriously: "Originally, I wanted to wait until I dissipated and the little snake truly transformed into a dragon before I told you. Now that you know everything, let's tell you all at once. It's over.

After you deal with the law of heaven, the abyss will be Teyvat's last danger.

By then, I will probably have dissipated, and what you are facing is the endless black snake,

My last mission, please get rid of him and restore the final peace to the many civilizations in Vat.

It starts with my selfishness and ends with my existence. "

The Nibelung Will is apologetic for those civilizations that fell into the realm of nothingness and turned into layer after layer of abyss.

Of course, there was none at the beginning. Initially, the Nibelung Will regarded these relics of civilization as original creations, just tools for its revenge.

But as time passed, countless civilizations fell into the abyss, which made the Nibelungs hesitate.

Because he discovered that although these civilizations were original creations, in fact, civilizations had very strong independence, and it was these independences that caused them to be destroyed by the sky.

In the end, Nibelung felt that for the purpose of revenge, he dragged these remnants of civilization into the void and turned into an abyss, which was the wrong choice to let these civilizations sink forever.

Entrusting the Mystic Master of Cheng Dharma to solve the [Endless Black Snake] and completely free these relics of the will of civilization is probably the only wish of the Nibelung Will besides the Dragon Clan.

After a slight silence,

Wang Daoyi nodded towards the abyss dragon shadow: "I promise you, the dragon will be reborn and the snake will disappear."

"Hahahahaha, okay, I remember your promise." Abyss Dragon Shadow smiled happily, "Okay, go back quickly, your friends are still waiting for you, and they will come to see you the next time the abyss shakes. Let me hit the road."

After saying that, the abyss dragon shadow merged into the hazy purple light group again,

A dragon and a snake are entangled again,

After staring at the light ball formed by the will of the abyss for a while, Wang Daoyi turned and left without saying anything else.

When Wang Dao returned to the abyssal layer where Surtroch was,

Immediately I saw two figures that caught my attention.

A... doll, and... an eagle?

"[Gold]? And [Prophet]?" Wang Daoyi asked,

The eagle, which was as tall as a man, turned around and said, "The Lord of the Mysteries of the Everlasting Holy Might, I am glad to meet you. I am [Prophet] Visefnir."

The doll was also turned around and said to be a doll, but in fact it was no different from a real person.

Because the other party had no heartbeat, Wang Daoyi guessed that the other party was a doll.

"I am [Golden] Reindot, and I have yet to thank Your Majesty for taking care of my child."

"Albedo himself is very good. It's him who takes care of me." Wang Daoyi said politely, then looked at the two of them, "I originally thought that the two of you would come in person."

"Sorry, we are too dangerous. No matter where the real body appears, it may cause disaster. It is safer to use puppets and clones to act." Visefnir said.

Wang Daoyi raised his eyebrows. If [Gold] was said to be dangerous, he would believe it.

As for how dangerous the [Prophet] is, Wang Daoyi has never seen it.

"[The Prophet] is surrounded by... in Liyue words, the aura of cause and effect. When he appears around ordinary people, he will bring misfortune to others." Reindot probably saw Wang Daoyi's doubts and explained. One sentence.

Wang Dao nodded, not intending to delve deeper into this topic: "Two of you, do you still have any doubts about my plan?"

"We have no doubts about the battle in Teyvat. The only thing is whether Your Majesty is capable of sending us safely out of Teyvat." Visefnir said.

As one of the most powerful 'humans' in Teyvat,

They seem to have lost all fear of heavenly principles.

He didn't even care much about what Wang Daoyi would do with Teyvat after defeating Tianli.

They only care about their own path and whether they can still go on it.

Looking at the aura of wisdom carried by the two of them,

As soon as Wang Dao understood, this was another man who was mad because his destiny was cut off by Teyvat.

Once they leave Teyvat and are exposed to the true mysteries of the universe,

Either go crazy or become powerful very quickly.

‘Extreme people have great potential and can be won over. ’

Wang Daoyi quickly made a judgment in his heart.

"Of course, it's just right. I will form the first interstellar organization in the Great Red Sand Sea next. You two might as well come with me and have a look. Before you can obtain the ability to cross the stars, you can only use the power of the spacecraft and the cosmic silver track. , can we explore the star field."

Wang Daoyi issued an invitation to the two extremes.

Then, he very clearly saw [Gold] and was slightly stunned: "Aren't you afraid that I will be in danger if I enter the desert?"

"Ha, I have seen Dulin and Erinas. They are not vicious giant beasts. It is their power, not their souls, that cause danger. So, I am willing to believe you once. Besides, even if you are in the desert So what if it causes a dark disaster, for me now... I can suppress it with a backhand."

Wang Daoyi's words are both pleasant and generous.

"Ha, hahahahahaha, okay, I will go with you to the desert. Just in time, I will also go to meet Albedo."

Reindot smiled cheerfully.

Since the disaster five hundred years ago,

The gods of Teyvat regarded her as a demon, and even the God of Wind, with whom they had the best relationship, began to be wary of her.

Why did Reindot ask Surte Lodge to help ask Wang Daoyi to let her enter the desert?

Aren't you just worried about causing misunderstanding?

Reindot has a very clear understanding of his own reputation.

For ordinary people, the disaster was caused by Kanria.

But for the demon god, who doesn't know that the black disaster is actually a trivial experiment of this [Gold]'s subordinate.

(The experiment went wrong, causing a dark disaster to leak out.)

"Ha, then I'll go too. I've long wanted to see the outside world." Surtrodge interjected.

Beside him, Silk looked curiously.

Wang Dao nodded: "Then let's all come together."

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