Chapter 62: An inner ghost appeared in the Xuantian Continent?!!

Seeing that the Liu Shenxian King also said so, the female emperor of the Northern Regions also felt better at reproaching herself.

She quietly looked at the picture screen that gradually fell in the air, a little sad.

There was such a person before.

Accompanied her in her teenage years.

It’s just that……

At that time, she thought too much.

The Northern Region Female Emperor’s cold face brought a wry smile.

Above the canopy, the picture of reincarnation began to rumble again.

“The process of reincarnation is constantly accelerating.”

Emperor Yangyan lowered his eyes and looked at the picture in the air.

In the golden light of the sky, it gradually condensed.

And within the Heavenly Gate, the breath on Ye Changge’s body was condensed.

The strong aura of Xuanli was almost difficult to approach.

“He became an emperor in the flesh.”

A great emperor looked at Ye Changge’s body in surprise.

All the great emperors looked at Ye Changge.

On his body.

The medicinal power of those immortal medicines condensed into medicinal spirits of different shapes.

There was an endless aura of law surging on that simple jade-like skin.

This body alone is enough to overwhelm ordinary emperors! Not far away, Ye Qingge had also woken up.

She quietly looked at the faintly glowing body, with tears in her eyes, and her blue silk turned into wisps of white.

Only, she didn’t care at all.

“Brother… You will definitely come back. ”

“It will definitely be…”

Ever since Ye Qingge woke up from extreme pain, she seemed to have sensed something.

During the time she passed out.

She saw a figure blocking in front of the Xuantian Continent.

Even though he was covered in blood, he was still struggling to hold on.

Even in the end, it turned into the Gate of Heaven to block the demons.

She saw Ye Changge with a smile on his face, gently patted her shoulder, and told her that there was nothing wrong.

After waking up, she saw that the aura on the Liu God Emperor’s body had also gone further.

Even she still wants to save her brother without giving up hope.

What reason do you have to give up.

Even if you continue to wait in this troubled world, wait until the entire continent collapses.

Why not?

Calm your mind.

Ye Qingge sat there quietly, trying his best to stabilize the Xuan Qi of the riot in his body.

The picture of reincarnation above the sky rumbled again.

She gently raised her eyes and quietly looked at the memories that belonged to her brother.

However, as soon as she raised her eyes, her pupils instantly shrank to the minimum.

It’s like unbelievable.

She looked at the picture in the air with trembling.

In the picture of reincarnation, a small toddler is born.

His face was like that…

“This… How can it be!! ”

Ye Qingge looked at the familiar boy and stood up abruptly.

Not far away, the Liu Shen Immortal King’s gaze was also shocked.

The picture above the sky screen was too familiar, and even the eyes of the other emperors suddenly shrunk.

“Similar flowers?”

The Primeval Female Emperor frowned, looking at the picture in the air with some solemnity on her face.

This face is too familiar, even several great emperors can hardly bear the mood at the moment.

The young child in the picture is almost no different from Ye Changge in the gate of heaven!

“How is this possible.”

Emperor Hua Feng’s face also became solemn.

Even as emperors, they can stand on the river of time and gaze.

But no matter how meticulously they searched, they had never seen such a scene.

A person can change his appearance by other means.

But the breath on his body was extremely difficult to completely hide.


Just like in the picture, the breath of the two people is similar.

The great emperors have never seen it before!

Above the canopy, in the picture of reincarnation.

That young child gradually grew up, and when he was six or seven years old, his appearance was even more similar to that Ye Changge!

In this life, he was born in an ordinary farmer’s family.

However, when he was five years old, his father accidentally fell in the mountains while going up a mountain.

After that, only her mother was left to live with him.

Despite his young age, he has always helped his family and his mother with various farm chores.

When it came to the triennial Xuanli screening in the village, he was hesitating whether to go.

His mother pulled him over and said softly, “Your father is not a person who does not have any Xuanli talent. ”

There was a sweet smile on his quiet face, and his mother remembered the past.

“He was also once the most talented disciple of a Great Sect, the youngest Great Sage in this Xuantian Continent!”

“It’s just that when that great sect went to resist the extraterrestrial demon race, it was united by other great sects and severely damaged your father’s sect together. In anger, your father exhausted the essence blood in his body, and even more dispersed his cultivation. ”

“Fighting his meridians, even the chakra sea will be shattered, and your father killed into those great sects alone, making them pay the price of blood.”

“It’s just…”

A trace of pain flashed on his mother’s face: “I tried my best, but I could only save his life.” ”

“As for not being able to cultivate the Xuan Dao…”

A wry smile flashed on his mother’s face, “This is a regret in his life.” ”


The boy looked at his mother, he didn’t know what to say.

Even if he was young and ignorant, he knew it.

His father was so familiar with the situation on the mountain, how could he easily fall down the mountain.

Since he became conscious, the boy’s memory stayed on this mountain.

Not only did the family not live with the villagers below the mountain, but they even talked very little on weekdays

When he was fine, the boy’s father was sitting on the edge of the cliff, looking at the red sun in a quiet daze.

Every time, when he wanted to go to his father, he would be stopped by his mother, and even told himself not to disturb him…

His little heart was very excited, it turned out that his father was also a gifted cultivator.

In the old days.

Although the boy’s parents did not often go to the village, they did not detain the boy.

He often ran down the mountain by himself to play with children his age.

The children did not discriminate against him because he did not live in the village.

Kid! When do you think so much in your mind, one more playmate is the best.

A dozen children were playing together all day.

But every time it is noon, when the sun is at its most poisonous.

The children were all going to the river for a shower, except for a four-year-old who was running home at this time.

A group of children are puzzled, soft and hard bubbles.

That’s what I knew.

The child’s father was also a high-ranking monk.

I heard that it is still what kind of dragon step!

You can plan a 10,000-pound boulder in one lap, and you can stun a wild boar by yourself!

He was one of the dispersal monks invited by the village to resist the rebels.

I heard that the village chief has to provide him with a lot of food every week, and even has to sell the excess grain in the village in exchange for Xuan coins for his cultivation!

The children listened fascinated, and they also wanted to ask the monk to obtain some cultivation method, and wanted to be admired by others like that cultivator.

But even with the monk’s teaching, the children still didn’t know how to get started.

Only he listened to the monk’s words, and he seemed to be a little puzzled.

One day, he muttered.

“Transform your qi into your body and keep your mind.”

“Looking at the Gate of Heaven, you have to do the right thing and accumulate qi below!”

A faint Xuan Qi condensed in front of him.

But this Xuan Qi is too thin.

So meager that the boy didn’t even notice it, it was a flash.

The boy’s father, who happened to be standing outside the door, looked at the boy with shocked eyes.

Since then, the boy’s father has become much stricter, and he is no longer allowed to play with the children at the bottom of the mountain.

The boy’s father even went up the mountain all day to bring back all kinds of medicinal herbs and wanted him to drink them.

Those medicinal herbs taste very strange.

Some, like piping hot water.

As soon as he got out of his belly, his whole body was as if he was burned by fire, and his whole body was red.

And some, after eating, he shivered coldly as if he was standing naked in the heavy snow.

Even when the boy begged his parents not to play with the young children in the village in the future, his father still found all kinds of strange things out of nowhere for him to eat.

Even, forcing the boy to carry heavy loads back and forth to and from the mountains when he was fine, regardless of whether he wanted it or not.

During that time, the boy was a little scared when he saw his father, and he wanted to hide from his father.

Minmin screamed in pain in that medicinal bath, his father’s face also flashed a trace of pain, her mother was also very distressed, and several times wanted to persuade his father.

He couldn’t understand why his father had tossed himself like this.

There was even a hint of doubt in my heart.

Does his own father hate himself?

But every time I saw my father come back with medicine, there were several more deep scars on his body, and even sometimes his arms hung weakly.

He couldn’t bear it in his heart.

How can their own parents harm themselves? He endured.

No matter what kind of pain the different medicinal herbs went, he clenched his teeth and wanted to hold on.

Cold and summer.

The boy’s body changed dramatically.

His figure seems to be carved, and the lines on his body are perfect.

Although he is only six years old, there is also an extraordinary divine power hidden under the muscles of his small arms.

He could carry two loads of Xuan Tie, which was about to weigh a thousand pounds, running around in this mountain, without even taking a breath.

It’s our sixth birthday.

His father even handed him a thin piece of jade, white and somewhat old, with a few short lines of text engraved on it.

He didn’t say what it was, just told him to keep it well and not show it in front of others.

The boy’s mother also taught him to read during this period.

When he watched the seriousness on his father’s face fade, and even smile as before.

He knew his hard days were coming to an end.

But at this juncture, his father never came back after going up the mountain.

Her mother only told him that his father had accidentally fallen from the mountain.

But she washed her face with tears all day long, how could the boy believe it?

“Then my father…”

The boy was sad in his heart, but he still couldn’t help but want to ask his mother.

He couldn’t be so vague, and he didn’t even know the true cause of his father’s death.

For a long time, a trace of hatred flashed on the boy’s mother’s face.

“Your father went to follow the elders of the sect to resist those demon races, and even did not hesitate to go out.”

“The entire Yao Light Sword Pool is up and down, even if only the disciples of the Saint Realm go to fight with blood to kill those demon races.”

“Those despicable great sects, taking advantage of the fact that there is no one in the sect, joined forces, broke the formation of the great sect, and slaughtered the young who were waiting in the two religions.”

“Under the emperor, your father forcibly broke the void and returned to the sect at a great cost, regardless of the injuries left on him by the devil.”

“Besides, I’m not your birth mother…”

The boy looked at her mother a little stunned, not knowing why she said this, she paused and slowly spoke.

“Your mother, like him, is the Tianjiao of this world.”

“I am just a saint in the church, I originally thought that I was beyond the world, and I was unmatched in the religion.”

“It wasn’t until your father entered my Yaoguang and comprehended the essence of my Yaoguang in less than three days, that there was a trace of uncertainty in my heart.”


“No matter how much I followed his script, I still got worse and farther away from him.”

“After his last battle, he fought to the death to kill two quasi-emperors, and he ran out of oil.”

“I fought Yaoguang’s secret technique to transfer my life source to him, which stopped his continuous dispersion of life source breath. I also fell from the Great Sage realm to great power, and I can no longer cultivate. ”

“As for your birth mother, the Xuanli she cultivates is too strange. The sea of knowledge and the sea of wheels are one, and I can forcibly make up for the broken sea of wheels, but the rupture of the sea of knowledge means the real end of life. ”

“Besides, she gave birth to you desperately…”

The boy’s ‘mother’ slowly closed her eyes, and on her hand, a pure light slowly lit up in the room.

A jade tablet hidden in a strong white light appeared in his mind.

The boy was surprised, he was a little incomprehensible.

“This Yaoguang Illusion Dictionary is still difficult for you to understand, wait until you cut the road and look at it, you can also gain something.”

“If you don’t want to in the future, why will he call his aunt?”

The boy was a little sad and hateful.

He does not understand.

Why do both of their parents go to resist the demon race, and people who are on the same continent have to sneak attack at this time…

He solemnly knelt on the ground, kowtowed to the woman in front of him, and gave a big salute.

“Although you are not my biological mother, you have been raising me all these years, and you are also my mother.”

The woman had tears rolling down her face, hurriedly pulled up the boy, and said in a trembling voice.

“Take what your father left you and go to the village to participate in the Xuanli screening.”

“There is no point in me holding you around.”

“Your father and I have visited the mountain, and there are traces of Xuanli fluctuations on the mountain. Although it is very light, I can be sure that it is the Xuanli of the Sun Concealing Sect and the Peerless Star Tower. ”

“These two are just small factions that took advantage of the chaos to deceive me Yaoguang that day, and behind them there is a forbidden area of life and a Taiyin Holy Land, if you are not completely sure in the future, don’t expose your identity in front of them.”

The woman tried her best to endure, not wanting to cry, but the boy in front of her was seen by her since she was a child.

She didn’t know when, she already regarded him as her own.

“You are extraordinary…”

The woman forced a smile on her face and said softly.

“The words of that dispersal cultivator under the mountain, you just listened to them once and wrote them all down. Even the first operation drove Xuan Qi. That was something that ordinary Dao Palace Realm cultivators could hardly do. ”

“And your physique, inherited from your parents, is by no means understandable to ordinary people.”

“You must seize the opportunity, cultivate well, avenge your parents, and avenge my Yaoguang.”

The boy nodded firmly.

He took the relics left to him by his father.

It’s a wrench.

As soon as his consciousness moved, the space in his wrench appeared in his sea of knowledge.

It contains countless texts left by his father.

In the middle of the space, there is also a small dagger.

The dagger was less than half a foot long, and the dark red dagger had a heavy aura of Xuanli on its body.

As his consciousness moved.

The small dagger appeared in his hand, “This is…”

The boy was a little puzzled.


The woman near him looked at the dagger stunnedly, and her eyes were red again: “Qiankun thorn…”


The boy could not understand and cast his gaze towards his mother.

“There’s no point in knowing too early… The power of this thorn can break the sky, unless it is to the realm of life and death, you must not use it. ”

With that, the woman waved her hand gently, signaling the boy to go quickly.

“Taiyin Holy Land?”

The face of the Willow Immortal King was iron-cold.

The terrifying coercion condensed behind her, if it weren’t for the memories in front of her still playing, she would now want to go to the Xuantian Continent to find out that Taiyin Holy Land and directly slap it out!

“This holy place has always acted ruthlessly, and that Yaoguang holy land did have a big conflict with him at that time.”

An emperor added.

The Yaoguang Holy Land, which was well known to the great emperors, had long been destroyed and destroyed.

Neither the resources nor the scale of the Holy Land could compare with that Taiyin Holy Land.

“The Yaoguang Holy Land… The youngest Great Sage…”

A trace of doubt flashed on the face of the Huafeng Female Emperor.

“Heartless Sword…”

“Ye Wuxin!”

The female emperor of the Northern Regions said with a lost soul.

The gazes of all the great emperors froze suddenly.

“That seventeen-year-old defeated three of the strongest Heavenly Monarchs at that time with the heartless sword technique he comprehended.”

“One move of the Heartless Sword destroyed the two Quasi-Emperor Ye Wuxin?!”

This name, even if the emperors do not want to know this name, it is difficult.

Several emperors had deep stunned faces on their faces.

In their memory, this Ye Wuxin entered the Dao with a sword, achieved a great saint at the age of sixteen, and shone through the Xuantian Continent at the age of ten.

That Yaoguang Holy Land was also because he jumped to the head of the Holy Land, and even single-handedly blocked the extraterrestrial demon race.

As for the conflict between that Taiyin Holy Land and the Yaoguang Holy Land…

Also in the description of the Yaoguang Holy Land, it became the collusion between the Yaoguang Holy Land and that demon race… Celery.

“What a dare!”

The female emperor of the Northern Regions looked cold, and beside her, the thick Xuan Qi stirred, and even wanted to turn the surroundings into ice hell.

“Come on!”

The branch of the Willow Immortal King passed through the void and detained the quasi-emperor of the Taiyin Holy Land not far away.

The dozens of quasi-emperors around him tried their best to suppress their breath, and even so, the quasi-emperor of the Taiyin Holy Land still felt like Wan Yue falling to the top, and he couldn’t breathe.

“If the ruthless emperor is here, it will not be your turn to argue in the Taiyin Holy Land today.”

“It’s not impossible for her to ruin your Taiyin inheritance in one chapter.”

Hua Feng Female Emperor Feng Rong was angry and pressing…

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