Chapter 63 Alas! Physical cultivation is really miserable! Female Emperor of the Northern Regions!!


Even though this cultivator had reached the realm of quasi-emperors, it was still difficult to speak smoothly as usual in the face of the coercion of many great emperors.

“It’s never too late for him to talk first.”

Yangyan Emperor Xuanli floated, isolating the coercion of the great emperors.

It wasn’t the emperors’ reaction.

It was really that Yaoguang Holy Land was the number one sect in this Xuantian Continent.

Even the Yangyan Emperor and the Northern Region Female Emperor were in the same era as Na Ye Wuxin.

The light of the two was also blocked by that Ye Wuxin.

If you think about it, the collusion between the Yaoguang Holy Land and the Demon Race back then was indeed a little too untenable.

Over the years, under the suppression of the Taiyin Holy Land, the previous territories of the Yaoguang Holy Land have not only been divided, but even the disciples in the original sect have disappeared.

I think it is also under the operation of this Taiyin Holy Land, it will be like this.

“The Taiyin Holy Land has always taken the protection of the Xuantian Continent as its own responsibility, and has never framed this Yaoguang Holy Land in any way…”

The Quasi-Emperor said in a trembling voice.

“That’s it. This is also a brainwashed person. ”

The Liu Shen Immortal King threw the quasi-emperor to the Hua Feng female emperor not far away: “Don’t let him die.” ”

She was going to see for herself the forbidden place of life in her memory.

The faces of the great emperors were as heavy as a cold pool.

No one could have imagined.

Not even willing to think about it.

This Taiyin Holy Land took advantage of the Yaoguang Holy Land’s weakness in the rear of the Demon Race, and on the grounds of ‘eliminating the Demon Race’, entangled the Great Sect and countless sects and almost destroyed the Yaoguang Holy Land.

If it’s a conflict of interest.

If this Taiyin Holy Land colluded with the Demon Clan…

Just thinking of this, the hearts of countless great emperors were chilled.

These emperors themselves, some people have never even been compatible.

Even that Yangyan Emperor and the Northern Region Female Emperor are fine, it is a great war in the sky.

Even so, the great emperors put aside their grudges and resisted the extraterrestrial demon race together

If this Taiyin Holy Land really colluded with the Demon Race and deliberately induced other forces to destroy that Yaoguang Holy Land…

When you really can’t stay!

That quasi-emperor was honestly detained beside the Huafeng Female Emperor, and she couldn’t even move.

“Don’t worry.”

“If you really have any grievances in the Taiyin Holy Land, I will wait for no one to fail your Taiyin Holy Land.”

The Huafeng Female Emperor’s eyes were cold, and she didn’t want to say anything more to this quasi-emperor.

Above the canopy, in the picture of reincarnation.

The boy successfully passed the Xuanli assessment and was selected by the Great Sect together with the son of the scattered cultivator.

This great sect is the largest academy in this domain.

Both of them had to sit up from the last ordinary disciple and slowly move upwards.

The boy bears the name his father gave him.

It’s called Ye Yuanche.

And the child with him was very curious.

“Why didn’t you go down before? And only the two of us in the whole village were chosen! ”

The boy was a little helpless.

He didn’t even want to think back to his experiences in the mountains.

But there was no way to tell him, so I had to reply.

“I had a serious illness before, and my body was 550 and I was very weak.”

The boy seemed to understand whether he understood or not, and seeing that Ye Yuanche didn’t want to say something, he didn’t ask any more.

Soon, the two stepped into the inner door of the academy.

That boy’s cultivation talent is not bad.

Thanks to his father’s search for various exotic treasures in the village all day, the boy was only seven years old, and he was stable in the sea.

And there is a vision of fierce birds in the sea of wheels.

The selection in the village that day made the old monks who came happy, as if they had picked up a treasure.

And Ye Yuanche is a little different.

At the time of the selection that day, that old cultivator’s Xuan Qi disappeared directly as soon as he entered Ye Yuanche’s wheel sea.

The powerful old man at the head even suspected that Ye Yuanche had no Xuan Qi at all.

It was only when it came to the stage of testing that the kid with the vision could withstand the coercion of the Dao Palace level.

Ye Yuanche carried the pressure of that palace realm, and Sheng Sheng won the Pill at the selection conference.

Although he didn’t understand why Ye Yuanche could resist such a terrifying pressure without Xuanli floating, the old man had to take him back to the academy to study it properly.

After the dean and the group of old monsters took Ye Yuanche’s arm and carefully observed, they came to the conclusion that this Ye Yuanche cultivated the body.

The Xuan Qi is contained on the surface of the body and is not included in the sea of wheels.

Everyone was confused as to why they couldn’t detect his sea that day

The old monsters in the academy also didn’t know how to teach him, so they just opened a library building for him and let him enter and exit.

The dean of the academy even went to other domains, wanting to ask for some cultivation methods for him.

The disciples in the academy are all from all corners of this great domain.

Among them, many disciples of some great sects came to practice.

Looking at this Ye Wuya, who did not cultivate the sea of wheels, the other disciples were also puzzled and wanted to compete with him.

But fight around, none of those cultivators below the Dragon Transformation Realm can beat this Ye Wuya.

Even the junior brothers and sisters of the Dragon Realm, who want to wrestle with him without relying on my Xuanli, are somewhat incomparable.

The old monster in the academy was also quite kind to this strange boy, treating him as his grandson and treating him well.

If nothing happens, feed him some miracle elixir spirit fruits.

Seeing Ye Yuanche sweating all over his body, desperately suppressing the aura around him, and even running uncomfortably all over the mountains, venting the energy that had nowhere to release.

These old men’s beards trembled, which was their usual fun

Ye Yuanche knew that these old men were very good to him, and even his senior brothers and sisters took good care of him.

It’s just that he is not not cultivating the sea of wheels, but the advice left to him by his father.

He was asked not to try to keep the Xuan Qi in his body for a long time before his body stepped into the realm of slashing paths.

This also caused his body to be far beyond ordinary peers, and even crushed senior brothers and sisters who were older than him.

Gradually, three years passed.

Ye Yuanche’s senior brothers and sisters, two of them have reached the age of going down the mountain.

They are already eighteen.

Also you, two.

It is not until their cultivation reaches the age of twenty-three that the academy officially records their names.

For thousands of years.

On the thick roster of the academy, there were only a few thin pages.

And on the page, all of them are shocking names.

There are emperors of the Supreme Dynasty. There are also elders of the Great Church.

This is the glory of the Academy.

Ye Yuanche was a little stressed.

He clearly remembered that an old man in the academy gave him a delicate egg after drinking and told him that it was the Nirvana Origin of the Heavenly Phoenix.

You can help him wash his physique.

After he used it, his muscles and bones really exuded a strange treasure light.

When he happily ran to tell the old man, the old man said.

“If you can’t become a Saint King at the age of twenty, I will personally tear off a few of your ribs and take them to make wine!”

Several other old men were also listening.

If it was a weekday, he would definitely laugh because of the old man’s drunken words.

But at that moment, they didn’t say a word, and even nodded one after another… Thinking of it, Ye Yuanche was a little afraid, and his ribs were cold.

Although his physical body is extraordinary now, he is comparable to the little senior brother of the powerful realm, but he is still quite far from the slashing path.

Wait until he is cultivating Xuan Qi, and then cultivate from the wheel sea to the Saint King… Alas……


“You two are gone, and there will be two fewer people who will be scolded in the future. Those old men don’t know how to toss me…”

Ye Yuanche touched his head and sent the two senior brothers with some reluctance.


The two senior brothers were thinking of telling him something, when they suddenly glanced at the figure that was gradually becoming clear not far away, and hurriedly turned around and ran away, without saying a word.


Ye Yuanche turned his head curiously, just to meet the malicious gazes of the old men.

“Let’s go? Play chess with a few of our old men! ”

One of them, carrying a broken gourd, was flushed.

He was the elder who wanted to tear down Ye Yuanche’s ribs to make wine, and he was also the one with the highest reputation in this academy.

“Uh… It’s still not today, I’ll go down the mountain to send off the two senior brothers…”

A trace of bitterness appeared on Ye Yuanche’s face.

He knew that there was nothing ‘good’ about these old men looking for him.

Last time, these old men approached him and said that they wanted to go to the flower market under the mountain together.

As a result, he followed them to a valley full of soul orchids.

These old men forced him to stay at the bottom of the valley for seven days! That Soul Orchid was not an ordinary elixir.

After the invasion of the demon race, the demonic qi eroded the low-level elixir originally called the Soul Raising Grass and transformed into a mutation.

It has the effect of eroding the sea.

A departing soul orchid has a terrifying effect, and on weekdays, ordinary cultivators are afraid to avoid it.

The group of old men forced him to stay at the bottom of the valley for seven days.

He was like being torn apart every day, and the sea of knowledge was almost torn apart by that soul orchid.

These soul detached orchids act on the sea of knowledge, and the pain cannot be resisted at all.

Even if his physique was good, and even his physical body reached the realm of great power, it was still painful to touch this Soul Orchid, and he wanted to die.

The faint floral fragrance of the Soul Orchid condensed at the bottom of the valley, like a cold needle piercing the soul, and he wanted to strip his sea of knowledge from his body.

The terrifying fragrance of flowers was infinitely amplified in his mind, and even the voices of those elders gradually disappeared.


He shivered coldly, and the strange aroma was almost firmly engraved in his sea of knowledge.

If he could, he wouldn’t want to recall it at all.

Countless times, he was on the verge of death.

If he didn’t think of his weeping mother, or even his birth mother he had never met, he had no mind to condense the sea of knowledge that was about to disperse.

That’s soul-shattering pain!

Ye Yuanche’s face was condensed with cold sweat, and he somewhat resisted the several elders in front of him.

“Several elders, how about another day?”

He sneered, and unconsciously, took a step back.

The Great Elder at the head smiled, pulled out the plug of the gourd in his hand, and drank two sips of spirit wine.

As soon as he grabbed it with one hand, the big horn imprisoned Ye Yuanche and walked towards the back mountain.

“I didn’t ask your opinion!”

Goosebumps instantly appeared on Ye Yuanche’s body, and he twisted his body, instinctively wanting to retreat.

It’s just that.

This group of elders, I heard that the lowest is also the cultivation of the Great Sage…

“Alas… How miserable! ”

“These old men are going to take the little junior brother to be tortured again…”

“Last time, the little junior brother screamed in the back mountain… I heard it all during the retreat. Frightened, I woke up from the settling, and thought that someone in the academy had hit a ghost. ”

“I don’t think it’s a ghost, it’s a little junior brother who bumped into a few elders…”

“Little Junior Brother is going to suffer again~”

In the distance, several of Ye Yuanche’s senior brothers sneaked through the crack in the door, watching several elders take Ye Yuanche to the back mountain like catching chickens, their faces full of pity.

Even if they helped Ye Yuanche speak, there was no way to talk about it.

In the entire academy, only this Ye Yuanche cultivated the body.

The elders were also groping to help Ye Yuanche, and these ‘ordinary’ cultivators couldn’t plug in at all.

What’s more, just seeing that Great Elder, several of them shivered coldly, “Alas…”

“Physical cultivation is really miserable.”


As if sensing something, the Great Elder turned around and looked in the direction of the men.

Just for a moment, the few senior brothers and sisters who were frightened by Ye Yuanche did not dare to come out.

“I’ll check your homework in half a month!”

The Great Elder smiled slightly, took another sip of wine, dropped a word, and walked towards the back mountain with the other elders and Ye Yuanche.

Ye Yuanche’s senior brothers and sisters instantly pulled down, and they were a little hesitant for a while.

“It’s over… He won’t hear it. ”

“I just knew it and came to see it… Anyway, the little junior brother can’t hide, those old men love it the most. ”

“Tormented” him. ”

“If you talk like this again, I’m afraid the Great Elder will take you into that back mountain with you to accompany the little junior brother.”

A female friar glanced at the male friar who had just spoken, and there was also worry on her face.

“This academy…”

A wry smile flashed on Emperor Yangyan’s face.

In this academy, he and the female emperor of the Northern Regions also stayed.

It’s just that although the two have successfully left their names on the roster, they are disciples recognized by this academy.

But looking back at this academy, both of them have some rather ‘painful’ memories.

It’s like a picture in the sky.

These elders taught that Ye Yuanche according to his aptitude… Although the process is painful and strange.

Emperor Yangyan recalled that when he stayed in that academy, those elders threw themselves into that burial fire domain for half a month without saying a word.

Even if he was mainly based on the Xuan Power of the Fire System, he even cultivated the Golden Crow Flame, which was the most destructive among the ten thousand flames in the world.

In that hell, every moment was also suffering greatly…

These old perverts of the academy, although the effect of teaching people is indeed good, but the means are too much for people to ‘bear’… Not far away, a trace of embarrassment flashed on the face of the female emperor of the Northern Regions, obviously remembering the ‘rushed’ days in the academy.

Above the canopy of reincarnation, the picture of memories is still rolling.

Ye Yuanche was taken to the back mountain.

Several old men smiled, and Ye Yuanche was in a cold sweat when he saw it.

The Great Elder at the head moved slightly, and his face turned out to be a little more solemn than rare

With the help of several other elders, a large array slowly enveloped the entire back mountain.

Tick…… Tick……

A bit of spiritual liquid slowly fell from the air.

Ye Yuanche looked at the space in front of him in amazement.

This familiar back mountain, he has come countless times.

Even if he didn’t want to, he remembered every grass and tree in the back mountain deeply.

But in front of him, a pool was as quiet as a mirror, and only wisps of pure spiritual energy slowly floated on the surface of the pool.

Several elders looked at the pool quietly, a little distracted.

In front of everyone, there was a pool of less than ten square meters, and the pool was like a mirror.

In the middle of the pool, a snow lotus blooms proudly.

This snow lotus is several times larger than ordinary snow lotus, and the crystal petals are rubbed and stacked, each petal is the size of a baby’s arm, and the stems and leaves are faintly shining with a thin layer of spiritual objects.

The slightly blue sleep reflects the shadow of the entire snow lotus, and the pure breath is almost refreshing just by looking at it.

Suddenly, Ye Yuanche’s whole person seemed to fall into that flower heart.

The beautiful cold lotus blooms in the pool.

For the first time, Ye Yuanche felt a heavy sense of discomfort on a cold lotus.

It is not the pressure brought by the ordinary Xuanli crushing.

It’s that this cold lotus is so beautiful that people can’t bear to look away.

It bloomed alone in that pool, and even the spiritual flowers and plants of the entire back mountain were eclipsed.

I don’t know when, Ye Yuanche looked at the cold lotus quietly, and he didn’t even know that the Great Elder approached his side.

“I said, if you can’t become a saint king before you are twenty years old, I will personally pick your bones and make wine and drink.”

The Great Elder’s face was still flushed, but in the lowered eyes of the past, there was an infinite solemnity at this moment.

Ye Yuanche’s gaze was a little sluggish, as if his soul had been drained, and he looked at the cold lotus in a daze, whispering softly like a puppet.


“If it is your and my promise, then it will be fulfilled long ago.”

The Great Elder’s face was expressionless, and he gently touched Ye Yuanche’s back.

Just for a moment, he felt as if his body was falling apart, and even his consciousness was about to collapse.

He didn’t have any Xuan Qi on his body, and he couldn’t even see any scars, but he couldn’t exert any strength at the moment, and he couldn’t even speak.

A pair of eyes were full of pain, and he looked at the Great Elder who knocked himself out in amazement.

“Hold on to consciousness!”

The Great Elder’s face was full of seriousness.

No matter how these elders tossed themselves in the past, Ye Yuanche had never felt like this.

He tried his best to condense a trace of divine awareness, desperately trying to keep his eyes clear, but all he felt was pain.

Until now, he had never felt such extreme pain.

The body that could usually compete with the cultivators of the Great Power Realm was like tofu dregs under the hands of the Great Elder at this moment, and he only felt that his body was like a broken ice cube that would melt at any time.

When his consciousness was about to dissipate, an inaudible sigh came.

“He’s still too weak to bear.”

“Aren’t we in too much of a hurry…”

In Ye Yuanche’s increasingly dim gaze, the Great Elder’s face became more and more ugly: “Then what did I call you here for?!” ”


A strong Xuan light instantly filled the large array of the entire back mountain, and even the front mountain of the academy could see a strong white glow, almost crossing the heaven and earth.

Looking at the direction where the light source came, the disciples of the academy had a trace of fear on their faces.

A monk said in a trembling voice.

“Alas! Physical cultivation is really miserable! ”

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