Chapter 72: Space that is about to collapse!!!

Ye Yuanche frowned.

As the figure of that old man appeared, more and more demonic energy surged up in the rear of the Taiyin Holy Land.

In a moment, there were already more than three hundred demon races gathered in front of him! The two lords of the forbidden area also slowly moved forward, their eyes full of indifference.

“The Great Emperor of Half Jiazi is indeed the number one in the Xuantian Continent today. It’s just that Xiaoyou is so unforgiving, I have to wait for the killer. ”

The Holy Lord of the Taiyin Holy Land was no longer hidden, and the whole person flew up, and nearly sixty percent of the cultivators of the Taiyin Holy Land behind him burst out with an aura similar to him, moving forward together.

Ye Yuanche looked at the gradually black pressure in front of him, and the heaviness in his heart increased a little.

These people… It’s really demonized!

The Taiyin Saint Lord at the head has already stepped into the quasi-emperor…

He closed his eyes lightly, and said with some sighs: “I originally still had hope, thinking that your Taiyin Holy Land was just coveting Yaoguang’s status… I didn’t expect it to really fester to this point. ”

Say it.

The breath on Ye Yuanche’s body completely disappeared.

In the distance, the two lords of the forbidden area and the demons all froze.

Then, the Lord of the Taiyin Holy Land hesitated, as if he had thought of something, and looked back with some horror.


In the isolated space, a hundred-meter-long blood-colored mark appeared on the Holy Lord of the Taiyin Holy Land.


He looked at the faint person who could hardly see what it was with some horror, and his lips moved slightly, a little incredulous.

“Holy Lord!”

“Holy Lord!”

In a cry of sorrow, the body of the Holy Lord of the Taiyin Holy Land was broken in two sections in the eyes of everyone, and even the sea of knowledge of the quasi-emperor disappeared.

“What is it?! How could there be a great emperor who could completely hide his Xuan Qi. ”

A demon emperor looked at the broken Saint Lord in the distance in surprise.

“Such a hidden Xuanli… He can also kill the Holy Lord who has transformed into the body of a quasi-emperor with one blow, this person is really terrifying! ”

Another demon emperor, he saw some clues.

The two forbidden zone lords looked at the holy lord whose body had slowly dissipated, and their minds kept recalling in their minds what Xuantian Continent had that could be somewhat similar to Ye Yuanche’s body…


With a crisp pop, a forbidden area lord looked at his chest with an incredulous face.

A short thorn with a red body appeared in front of his eyes.

The short thorn erupted with scarlet red light on his chest, and the tingling pain in his chest came continuously.

Seeing that his blow was blocked, a trace of surprise flashed in Ye Yuanche’s eyes, but he quickly recovered as before.

Ye Yuanche noticed that his Qiankun thorn was blocked by some kind of exotic treasure.

His consciousness was slightly released.

A small bronze temple was separated between Qiankun Thorn and the Lord of the Forbidden Zone.

Ye Yuanche withdrew his gaze and looked at the master of the forbidden area with some mockery.

“It’s a good thing indeed…”

“It’s just…”

As soon as he turned his words, a trace of murderous intent flashed on his face: “It’s really a violent thing to put on you.” ”

With a gentle word, the Qiankun in his hand turned in a fixed direction, and the lord of the forbidden area seemed to sense something, desperately urging the bronze temple on his chest.


A very low whimper instantly spread throughout the sealed space.

The Lord of the Forbidden Zone had round eyes, wanting to sacrifice the bronze temple with all his strength to block Ye Yuanche’s blow.


The other lord of the forbidden area also reacted, and a bronze ruler that exuded a strange aura smashed towards Ye Yuanche.


Sensing the incoming breath, Ye Yuanche’s eyes flashed with a cold light.

An incomparably dazzling red glow instantly erupted from the crimson Qiankun thorn, instantly filling the entire sealing space.


Another crisp sound.

In front of Ye Yuanche, pieces of bronze copper that exuded divine light appeared.

The Bronze Temple…


The Lord of the Forbidden Zone was full of incredulity, he looked down at his body, and on his chest, a fist-sized blood hole appeared.

And that strange bronze ruler, with endless destructive light, smashed heavily towards Ye Yuanche.


“How is it possible!”

The eyes of the Lord of the Forbidden Area were full of disbelief, and the bronze ruler had clearly smashed into Ye Yuanche.

At this moment, in front of his eyes, that Ye Yuanche’s figure was empty in his gaze?!

Just hit a forbidden area master with one blow, and at this moment, the figure disappeared in an instant?!

“What the hell is this!!!?”

The successive strange scenes made the Demon Emperors a little unable to hold back, and roared irritably.

“How could that great emperor’s breath disappear out of thin air like this!”

“I’ve lived so long, I’ve never seen such a strange mystery!”

“This person must not stay, if you give him out of this space, I will never have peace~”! ”

A demon emperor with a rather old voice said solemnly.

One blow can even hit the emperor hard!

After that, he disappeared directly under the full blow of another great emperor! What is this fighting?!

The eyes of the demons widened, even if they had lived for a long time, they could not believe that this was happening in front of their eyes.


The battered forbidden area’s gaze was a little sluggish, and he said stunnedly: “And light… Same dust. ”

Not far away, the pupils of another forbidden area lord also shrank suddenly.

Because he also thought of something.

All the demon races looked at the two forbidden area masters in amazement, while the remaining cultivators of the Taiyin Holy Land were completely stupid in place, unbelievably looking at Ye Yuanche who was holding a short thorn in his hand in the air.


The cultivator of the Taiyin Holy Land said tremblingly.

“Yaoguang’s and light are in the same dust… Someone else has cultivated it…”

“That kind of illusory exercise, will anyone really be able to cultivate successfully…”

“Before it was that Ye Wuxin, and now it is this Ye Yuanche. Yaoguang’s luck seems to be too good. ”

There were monks who clicked their teeth unwillingly.

In the distance, those demons really listened, but they couldn’t understand it.

“Dust with the light?! What is dust with light! ”

A demon emperor looked puzzled, and instantly grabbed a taiyin demon cultivator and asked about this and the same dust as light.

A moment later, the Demon Emperor’s face gradually changed from anger to surprise, and later, his face was even more gloomy and terrifying.

“While releasing your own breath, you can also use the breath around you…”

The Demon Emperor’s eyes flashed with coldness.

Even if he knew from that Taiyin Demon Cultivator what technique Ye Yuanche was using, there was no way to solve it at the moment.

One can completely fuse their aura with their surroundings and can even attack from any direction.

What is the truth of this?!

That Demon Emperor was angry and flew to Ye Yuanche’s distance with a dozen Demon Emperors.


“If you know each other, I can still share some divine lands with you in this Xuantian Continent, and you can live with your people.”

“If you are still so presumptuous, even if you have such a strange technique, there is absolutely no chance that you will leave this space alive today.”

Dozens of demon emperors blocked the lord of the forbidden area who was seriously injured by Ye Yuanche behind him, and with such a number of demon emperors gathered together, even Ye Yuanche was a little difficult to shoot.

“Good idea, do you want me to stay in the pen with those forbidden areas and become pigs and dogs?”

Ye Yuanche’s face was extremely indifferent, but the words that came out of his mouth reversed the blood of the lord of the forbidden area who was trying to heal, and it was Ye who took a mouthful of blood: “You!!” ”

Ye Yuanche’s words made those demon emperors look gloomy, and one or two demon emperors were even more surging with manic demonic energy, wanting to devour Ye Yuanche whole.

The Demon Emperor who first appeared before, the aura on his body was even stronger and amazing, and his gaze was full of greed, staring at Ye Yuanche’s gaze, almost swallowing Ye Yuanche alive.

“What else are you wasting time for?”

“Let’s go up together, refine this kid!”



In several continuous roars, the aura on those demon emperors urged with all its strength, and the monstrous demonic qi almost crushed the surrounding space.

A trace of emotion flashed in Ye Yuanche’s eyes, such a powerful demon race shot together, and they were all demon emperors, even if he was very detached, he still felt a little pressure in such a momentum.

And, the deadliest one.

It was the breath of those demon races and the cultivators of the Xuantian Continent, and the roots of cultivation on Ye Yuanche’s body were different.

The breath on Ye Yuanche’s body was particularly strange in this burst of demonic qi!

“Boom! Why don’t you hide your figure?! ”

A sharp-eyed demon emperor noticed Ye Yuanche’s strangeness, and his twisted face was full of mockery.

The other demon emperors also reacted in this sound, and the extremely fierce demonic qi just now broke out again at this moment.

“Hide like a shrunken turtle!”

There was another Demon Emperor taunting.

Ye Yuanche’s figure stood thousands of miles away in the air, and those demon emperors could rush with monstrous demonic energy in just a few breaths.

In the distance, the Lord of the Forbidden Zone who was healing his injuries looked at Ye Yuanche with fixed eyes.

He stood quietly in the air, and the Xuan Qi on his body did not move.

Only, even so.

A thick uneasiness still spread from the heart of the Lord of the Forbidden Zone.

“Dust with light…”

“Yaoguang Holy Land…”

In his slightly scattered gaze, a lone figure appeared.

That figure single-handedly killed the two holy sons and holy daughters of the Taiyin Holy Land of the same rank, and even fought to the death of the previous Holy Lord of the Taiyin Holy Land…

On that day, above the Yaoguang Holy Land, there was a white mark that was more than 10,000 miles long deeply imprinted in the air, and it took five years to dissipate.

“Ye Wuxin…”

It was clear that the person in his memory was just a quasi-emperor, and at this moment, the heart of the lord of the forbidden area still had some palpitations.

“The earth weeps… Only hate and no heart!! ”

He murmured something incredulously, and said incredulously the words spoken by the lone figure in his memory.

Near him, another forbidden area lord tried his best to condense the blood cave on his chest for him, but no matter how the Xuan Power in his body surged out, it was as if he had entered a bottomless pit, and there was no reaction.

Hearing the words of the Lord of the Forbidden Zone, he was a little dazed.

“What did you say?”

The seriously injured lord of the forbidden area, his eyes jumped from a distance, as if he had seen some extremely terrifying picture, twisted his body, and wanted to move forward.

He said with fear and a trembling voice.

“Don’t come close…”

“Don’t go near him!!”


In the distance, there were more than a hundred of those remaining demon races, all of them looking at the terrified forbidden area lord with some dazed at this moment.

“He couldn’t have been broken by that kid’s blow just now, right? How did you start talking crazy? ”

“This cultivator of the Xuantian Continent is really soft bones, and this was shocked like this by that kid.”

“If I hadn’t been here today, I’m afraid this yin person would have shaken his head and licked this young man again.”

Several demon emperors glanced at the terrified forbidden area lord with disdain, and no one took what he said seriously.

There are enough ten Demon Emperors in the air!

In the current Xuantian Continent, it is also an unrivaled force!

Even if that Ye Yuanche is extraordinary, and has the means to reach the sky, he can still turn the sky over in the siege of these demon emperors?!

In the distance, the breath on Ye Yuanche’s body was faint, almost making the Demon Emperors think that they were Xuanjian who had just entered the Xuan Dao.

Ye Yuanche stood there quietly.

Suddenly, the closed eyes suddenly expanded.

The brown chestnut pupils before were full of indifferent wisps of extremely faint white light.

There was still not much Xuan Qi surging on his body, just a slight white light, which could make those demon emperors in the distance feel that this was indeed a cultivator.

Slowly, Ye Yuanche’s voice was extremely low.

“The earth is crying…”

On his arm, I don’t know when a very thick white glow was wrapped…

The demon emperors who rushed towards him saw the strange appearance on his body, and a trace of surprise flashed in their eyes, but they still rushed towards him at great speed.

On Ye Yuanche’s arm, the white glow became thicker and thicker, almost covering the demonic qi of those demon emperors.

His face remained unchanged, but his lips moved lightly.

“Only hate… Centerless. ”


A trace of foreboding flashed in the heart of a demon emperor, and the figure rushing towards Ye Yuanche suddenly slowed down.

Boom! Boom!! Boom!!

The Demon Emperors looked at Ye Yuanche in surprise, and the entire chaotic sealing space suddenly quieted down.

In the huge sealing space, it was so quiet that those demon emperors could clearly hear their heartbeats.

“This is… What…”

Following the words of that Demon Emperor, the other Demon Emperors also looked at the thick white glow in front of them in amazement.


A demon emperor looked at Ye Yuanche, who was close at hand.

Ye Yuanche smiled slightly, and his face instantly became much bleaker.

He gently waved that arm.


In the silent space, an extremely harsh tearing sound came.

The Demon Emperor who was closest to Ye Yuanche looked at the young face in surprise, and touched his waist in disbelief.

What appeared in front of his eyes was a dark red…


On that demon emperor’s waist, an extremely intense white glow split him into two segments

All the Demon Emperors looked at him a little stunned, and suddenly took a step back, just…

It’s late.


In the distance, the seriously injured lord of the forbidden area gently waved his hand, stopped the person who still wanted to relieve his injury, and sighed deeply.

“It’s late…”

Relying on the Demon Emperor of the Lord of the Forbidden Area, his eyes instantly sank, and there were dozens of Demon Sects

The furious demonic energy instantly condensed, and they joined hands to hold up a dark gray Xuanli shield, wanting to help those dozen demon emperors.

It’s just that……

As soon as those demonic qi were formed, the terrifying white glow passed through the bodies of those demon emperors and through the dark gray Xuanli shield.

The earliest demon emperors, the demonic energy around their bodies dissipated, and their faces were full of incredulity.

As soon as they wanted to say something, the thick white glow passed through their bodies in an instant.

Multiply…… Multiply……

An inexplicable burning sound of flames came.

Those demon emperors who attacked Ye Yuanche in the air were all a little dazed…

But after exchanging glances, they did find that the noise was coming from their own body.

And the white light that Ye Yuanche swung out stayed in the air thousands of miles away at this moment, cutting the sealed space alive.

“Yuan Che!”

A anxious voice echoed throughout the space.

It was the Great Elder and the Dean.

The two had just forced in from the severed space, and the Xuan Qi on their bodies was still erupting.

Looking at Ye Yuanche, who was a little pale in the distance, the Great Elder was a little anxious, and wanted to pull the dean to go with him.

It’s just that the dean’s figure is really stunned, as if nailed in place.

His eyes were full of amazement at the scene in front of him, and he tried his best to open his mouth to say something.

The Great Elder only had Ye Yuanche in his eyes, and he was also following the dean’s gaze at the moment

Just at a glance, the Xuan Qi on the Great Elder’s body was also powerlessly extinguished, and both of them looked at the distance in amazement.

In front of Ye Yuanche, the bodies of more than a dozen demon emperors had been cut into two sections

The intense white glow was still like flames, devouring the bodies of those demon emperors.

As for those demonic qi that belonged to the demon race alone, it had actually disappeared at this moment!

Farther away, there were some demon emperors, who were also engraved with an extremely heavy white mang, and they struggled silently, trying to get rid of that white mang.

It’s just that no matter how they break free, even if they resist with Xuan power, that white light is born, as if imprinted on their demon souls, silently extinguishing all the vitality in their bodies.

“Yuan Che!”

The Great Elder reacted, and his figure flashed hurriedly, wanting to help him.


A crisp sound came, and the power on Great Elder Ye Yuanche’s body crashed out abruptly.

Seeing that the aura on Ye Yuanche’s body was sluggish, and even his pupils were a little dilated, the Great Elder went crazy in a hurry.

“Yuanche!! I’m the Great Elder Ahgan! ”

The figure of the dean also rushed over.

Outside, the original place of the Taiyin Holy Land disappeared directly in front of everyone’s eyes as if it had been completely cut off by something.

When everyone noticed this large array, an extremely heavy white light shot out from the space.

That white glow was engraved in the sky of the Xuantian Continent at this moment, and even the people of the entire Xuantian Continent could see it.

“You’re already doing well…”

Looking at Ye Yuanche’s pale face,

There were still a lot of demons in the distance, and the aura on the dean’s body instantly exploded.

The strength that was close to the half-emperor was completely burning at this moment.

He’s going to be desperate…

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