Chapter 73: The Layout of 10,000 Years!!!

A short sword with a floating white light instantly exploded in front of the dean.

The terrifying Xuan Mang turned the entire sealed space into a white glow.

The Xuan Li on the dean’s body roared sadly, and he waved his big hand and slammed Ye Yuanche and the Manwang of Qidong with one palm.

He grimaced and shouted loudly.

“Take him away!”


The Great Elder visibly froze, and looked at the dean in the distance with some hesitation.

The Great Elder held Ye Yuanche, who had a low breath, a trace of pain flashed in his eyes, and he was about to leave from the gap with Ye Yuanche.

“You don’t have to.”

A low but familiar voice came, and the Great Elder looked at Ye Yuanche beside him with some surprise.

At this moment, he slowly opened his eyes, his breath was weak, but his face was exceptionally calm.

He gently pushed the Great Elder away, and his figure suddenly flashed and appeared in front of the dean.


Looking at the figure that turned back, the dean was furious.

Ye Yuanche glanced back at him, the Xuanguang on his hand moved slightly, and the Xuanqi that was about to burst in the dean’s abdomen was actually under the guidance of Ye Yuanche, and quickly returned to the dean’s limbs.

“Don’t worry.”

Ye Yuanche raised his eyebrows, smiled slightly, and sent the hesitant Dean and Great Elder out of the space.

On his near side, the figures of those demon races were again black-pressed.

At this moment, those demon races finally realized that they had underestimated Ye Yuanche too much before.

“You have the ability to cut open this space, why don’t you escape?”

A demon emperor wrinkled his eyebrows, very puzzled.

Ye Yuanche’s sword just now, if it wasn’t for those demon emperors, he could have directly cut off the seal covered by this Taiyin Holy Land, why did he keep struggling here.

Under the gaze of the demon race, Ye Yuanche did not answer the demon emperor’s question, he just shook his head lightly and smiled bitterly.

The heartless sword that Shi Cai unleashed with all his strength almost emptied all of him.

And where the sword light passed, countless demon emperors were all destroyed in this stunning sword mang.

Ye Yuanche himself, also in that sword, faintly saw a woman.

Her whole body was surrounded by blue light, and behind her were three thousand divine kingdoms each radiating light.

Even when she saw that there were countless demons behind her, there was only a flash of surprise on her face.

Just from a distance, Ye Yuanche could sense the extraordinary nature of that woman.

She is by no means a person of this era…

The woman was standing with great mana and wanted to help him.

It’s just that even if she wants to cross the river of time and reverse cause and effect, she is still hurt by the law.

In the end, after paying a large price, it was still fruitless.

She left wounded.

Ye Yuanche looked at the breath on her body, and also understood what kind of realm this person was in.

There are really immortals in the world!

Emperor Ye Yuanche’s realm also fluctuated under the influence of that person, eager to go further.

It’s just that his current state is too bad… That sword drained almost everything he had.

“What a wizard.”

“It should be the first blood I have to sacrifice this Xuantian Continent!”

The voice fell.

In front of Ye Yuan733 Che, countless demon races instantly pounced on him.

The monstrous demonic power tore open one hole after another in the entire sealed space, and in the cracked space gap, you can even see the Xuantian Continent in the outside world.

“That’s it.”

Ye Yuanche’s eyes flashed with a strange look.

In front of him.

The foot-long Qiankun thorn slowly flew into the air.

Ye Yuanche suddenly shook his hand.


Under a violent roar, the entire sealing space was covered with an extremely faint layer of white light.

Ye Yuanche’s figure slowly floated into the air, and the Qiankun thorn was also whining and trembling.

The ground of the entire sealing space was changing violently.

All the Demon Emperors, and even the two Forbidden Zone Lords, looked at their feet.

The Taiyin Holy Land not far away was almost destroyed in the Xuanli explosion just now, and at this moment, it was completely turned into dirt!

Ye Yuanche’s figure slowly disappeared under the gaze of the Demon Emperors.

The Xuan Qi on the bodies of countless Demon Emperors was rioting, raging throughout the sealing space, wanting to force Ye Yuanche to appear again.

It’s just that the breath on his body is completely integrated with the surroundings at this moment.

Even those demonic qi passed by his side, they did not notice his presence at all.

“Immortal King…”

Ye Yuanche’s eyes were calm.

This state of complete hiding could not last long, and he had to take that step.

Above the sky, countless demons were raging in the sealed space, trying to find his location.

Ye Yuanche closed his brows, wanting to see that glimmer of opportunity.

The breath on that blue light woman’s body was simply not something that ordinary emperors could compare.

If they step into that realm, these demon races should also be solved.


He is running out of time.

The aura on Ye Yuanche’s body fluctuated.

The time to completely disappear was about to end, and the aura on Ye Yuanche’s body had only recovered less than sixty percent.

He frowned, a little worried.

Finally, as the aura on his body fluctuated again, an aware Demon Emperor suddenly burst out a demonic aura.

“Enough hiding?”

A demon emperor mocked.

Ye Yuanche was silent, but the white light floated on his arm again.

The gazes of several demon emperors around them suddenly jumped, and they hurriedly hid back for a few breaths.

The figures of the demon emperors were all far away from Ye Yuanche.

Obviously, the previous sky-rushing light had already left a tragic shadow in the hearts of the demon emperors.

“Trick us?”

A demon emperor reacted, his face full of anger.

The surrounding Demon Emperors also realized that if Ye Yuanche could really release the sky-rushing sword radiance just now, why wait until this moment to reappear.

All the Demon Emperors rushed towards him.

In the distance, the Lord of the Forbidden Zone also noticed the strange situation here, and rushed over with a group of Demon Emperors.

Ye Yuanche’s face was calm.

The moment he came out of the state of complete obscurity, he had already stepped into the Immortal King with one foot.

Even if it was not as good as the blue light woman at that time, it was enough for a two-foot-long white glow to appear in his hand at this moment.


With a gentle wave of Ye Yuanche’s arm, several blood lines suddenly erupted from those demon emperors.

The rest of them, the Demon Emperor who were about to rush up, after a moment, rushed towards Ye Yuanche again.

“Don’t give him a chance to breathe!”

The one who spoke was the Lord of the forbidden area.

“The moves he uses are extremely powerful, and the consumption is definitely not an ordinary occult skill, don’t give him another chance to breathe!”

The Lord of the Forbidden Area had a solemn face, and beside him, the seriously injured Lord of the Forbidden Area looked at him with a reluctant face.

“You will be here today!”


Ye Yuanche glanced at the lord of the forbidden area flatly, as if he just saw a garbage that could not enter the eyes.

The white clothes on his body fluttered, and the slender figure stood alone.

In the distance, there are endless demons.

Outside the canopy, all the great emperors were a little dumbfounded.

Emperor Ye’s life was so extraordinary… It’s only been so long!

Unexpectedly, he was close to the Immortal King from the realm of that great emperor.

“Such a talent, even if I wait, there is no one that can compare with it.”

The Huafeng Female Emperor looked at the figure of a demon emperor with a sword in the air and laughed at herself.

Beside her, the Liu Shenxian King’s eyes were calm.

Seeing this moment, she realized.

It turned out that the scene seen in that forbidden area of life at that time referred to this.

Even, when he was only one side of the world, he had his own understanding of the Immortal King realm.

Above the sky, in the picture, he suddenly erupted with the terrifying power of the Immortal King, the Great Emperor was far from the Immortal King… Is it really this close?

The Liu Shen Immortal King’s eyes were a little surprised.

“Between heaven and earth, there should be something missing.”

The female emperor of the Northern Region looked at the picture in the air, gently leaned in front of her, and grabbed it with her empty hand.

“When I entered the academy, there was no news of Emperor Ye Immortal.”

“There is no record of him even in the courtyard.”

“That great elder talked to us occasionally after drinking heavily all day, that is, he said that there was something less between heaven and earth than after he left.”

The female emperor of the Northern Region had cold eyes, as if she was saying something ordinary, looking at Ye Yuanche, who was fighting with all the demons in the air, she slowly spoke again.

“It’s just that no matter how we tell that great elder, he no longer mentions who he is in the painting.”

A trace of doubt flashed in the eyes of the Liu Shen Immortal King, as if she had thought of something, and she spoke solemnly.

“What you said about him…”

The eyes of the Northern Region Female Emperor and the Nayang Yan Emperor were unusually calm, as if they had expected it for a long time.

The Northern Region Female Emperor said softly.

“Perhaps, what other miracle can he bring about…”

The picture of reincarnation is still playing.

Ye Yuanche’s breath floated.

The time is too short.

The time left for him was too short.

He and the Immortal King really only had that step left, leaving only that layer of almost transparent tissue paper, which only needed him to poke lightly.

It’s just that.

There are too many demons in front of you.

Even if he tried his best to reduce his consumption with light and dust.

But those demon races, hundreds of emperors!

They attacked in turn, but Ye Yuanche was alone.

Gradually, Ye Yuanche also began to get injured.

He even sacrificed the source blood and wanted to hold out some longer.

But those demon emperors still have dozens.

Those two masters of the forbidden area also fell under Ye Yuanche’s sword.

Only one person was left seriously injured, gasping alone.

“Quick! Kill him soon! ”

The Lord of the Forbidden Zone shouted weakly.

Around him, countless Demon Emperors looked at Ye Yuanche in the air with some hesitation.

Countless times.

The same words have been heard countless times by these demon emperors.

But every time they rushed towards that powerless Ye Yuanche, they found that a terrifying white glow gushed out from his body, cutting off those demon emperors.

Over time, these demon emperors all looked at Ye Yuanche’s figure with some longing.

“Want us on! Why don’t you get on?! ”

A demon emperor looked at the severely injured lord of the forbidden area, angry and corrupted.

The demonic energy in his hand surged and directly threw the unsuspecting Lord of the Forbidden Zone towards Ye Yuanche in the air.


Ye Yuanche tried his best to support his body, and with another blow, he directly cut off the seriously injured Lord of the Forbidden Area.

His body was weak, and the breath on his body was also undulating.

At this moment, he had no time to maintain the same dust with the light, and the aura on his body was decayed in front of the Demon Emperor.

“He… Is it really powerless to fight anymore? ”

“Could it be that he wants to deceive us again like before?”

“This Great Emperor of the Xuantian Continent is really tricky…”

In the distance of Ye Yuanche, the Demon Emperors were cautiously discussing, and for a while, no one dared to step forward and try again.


The breath on Ye Yuanche’s body was extremely weak, and his eyes were once again dilated.

However, this time, no one can enter this space from the outside world anymore.

In the vicinity of Ye Yuanche.

The Qiankun thorn stood majestically in front of him.

The aura of Xuanli on the thorn’s body was extremely thick, enough to be thirty percent of Ye Yuanche’s body!

Ye Yuanche raised his head weakly and looked at the red thorn in the air.

In the distance, all the demon emperors had a palpitation in their hearts, and unconsciously took a step back

Ye Yuanche smiled gently, and his fingers touched the Qiankun thorn floating in front of him very slowly.


A crisp sound echoed throughout the enclosed space.

All the demon emperors were puzzled.

The Qiankun thorn standing in front of Ye Yuanche suddenly erupted with an incomparably strong red glow.

A breath… Two breaths…

When the red glow faded slightly, a demon emperor cautiously looked at Ye Yuanche in the distance.

His pair of fine eyes closed weakly at this moment, and only the short thorn in front of him stood quietly, exuding endless brilliance.

“This is…”

A demon emperor shot forward suspiciously.

A demonic aura flung towards the short thorn glowing red in the distance.


A mist appeared above the short thorn.

Just when those Demon Emperors were wondering, the red glow on the short thorn actually ignited from the Demon Emperor who made a move.

A faint red light lingered on his body.

The Demon Emperor was terrified and kept retreating, wanting to purify the strange red light with his demonic qi.

“High quality is good for one.”

A fierce cry made all the demon emperors rush towards him incredulously.


On the Demon Emperor who was slightly closer, I don’t know when, the same red glow appeared on the Demon Emperor who made a move.

The three demon emperors were all busy with smoke, screaming bitterly.

“This purifying power… How can it be! ”

Some Demon Emperors looked at the burning Demon Emperor in amazement.

The magic source in their bodies was constantly collapsing, and it was too late to even stop it.

The faint red light was like a tarsal maggot, firmly lingering on their bodies.

The reddish purification power completely eroded the skin of those demon emperors, and even the demon emperor who made the first move could already see the beating heart in his chest.

And Ye Yuanche’s breath also completely dissipated at this moment.

Above the sky, the picture of reincarnation also suddenly froze.

“Come with me.”

The Liu Immortal King suddenly thought of something.

In that forbidden area of life in the Xuantian Continent, there is also a living chessboard!

The Northern Region Female Emperor and the Nayang Yan Emperor had both been taught by that academy, but the two of them really didn’t know anything about Ye Yuanche.

Then there is only one explanation.

That space hasn’t dissipated yet!

The figures of the Liu Immortal King and the great emperors suddenly left the Heavenly Gate, and soon appeared in the forbidden area of life in the Xuantian Continent.

In front of the great emperors, a small chessboard was slowly floating in front of everyone at this moment.

The Liu Shen Immortal King frowned and slowly stepped forward.

On the chessboard, it was still different from what she saw at the time.

On that day, that Kuroko may have to suppress Bai Zi’s half eye.

And at this moment, Baiko’s situation is very good, and even suppresses Kuroko at a glance!

“This is…”

The female emperor of the Northern Regions had an incomparably solemn face.

The chessboard in front of him, but the base of the chessboard, is wrapped with chaotic qi

On the chessboard, Kuroko desperately tries to tear open Shiroko’s enclosure inside.

It’s just that the white layout is too broad and too early.

Even Kuroko’s movements at the moment, Shirako also expected.

Even more with the offensive of Kuroko’s vainness, he defeated Kuroko again.

“Is this his layout that day…”

The Willow Immortal King looked at the chessboard in front of him in disbelief.

At this moment, she could already understand why Ye Yuanche had to pay so much Xuan Power blessing on that short thorn in that space.

As soon as he stepped into that space, he laid out such a big picture! On the chessboard, it is vertically and horizontally.

Shiroko has a relaxed attitude towards Kuroko, and pays attention everywhere.

In terms of the general trend, if Bai Zi is given time again, it will not take long for Bai Zi to win this set.

Duh… Duh…

A crisp sound came.

Under the surprise of the emperors, the chessboard slowly cracked.

A strong demonic aura slowly penetrated outward.

The Liu Shen Immortal King frowned, and his figure entered the space inside the chessboard.

“You… Who is it…”

A voice seemed to come from the depths of the Nine Nether Purgatory

It came and went, echoing throughout the dimly lit space.

The Liu Shenxian King was surrounded by a masterpiece of blue light, and the three thousand god kingdoms behind him sang strange secrets.

The darkness around her was forced back by the blue light.

“This is?!!”

Gradually, the figures of other great emperors also appeared in the space.

In front of the great emperors, there were many pairs of red eyes, more than forty!

Above the space, a flash of red production that was almost extinguished flashed.

The Liu Shen Immortal King’s gaze jumped suddenly, and he smashed a demon emperor who was coming towards her with a palm.

“And breath!”

It’s like a dream.

The Willow Immortal King approached the red glow in the air and sensed that there was still a trace of life in it!

The eyes of all the great emperors suddenly fell, and the dozens of great emperors all shot out together and bombarded those demon emperors.

The aura on the female emperor of the Northern Region and the Yangyan Emperor led by them was even more terrifying and amazing.

From the reincarnation picture of which sky, the two of them also benefited a lot.

Those demon emperors trapped in this space were all delirious and did not even understand how to use the demon qi on their bodies.

In a short time, the great emperors solved the remaining demon emperors.

In the air, the Willow Immortal King cautiously crossed into the purest Xuan Qi into the red light.

The vitality in that red glow was almost only a very faint trace.

If it weren’t for the fact that Liu Shen had already reached the Immortal King, I am afraid that it would be difficult to detect the faint red glow, and there was still anger in this meaning.

“Go back to Heaven’s Gate.”

“Emperor Ye Immortal may still be saved!”

The Xuan Qi of the Liu Immortal King’s bodies erupted, and he tried his best to protect the faint red light, and flashed towards the gate of heaven…

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