Extraordinary coach

Chapter 8 Sun, this is for you

The little attention from the outside world did not bring any changes to Sun Yi. He still tried to help the team and learn from Mourinho and Clark. There were no match tactics and training plans in the system.

As the team members began to adapt to his improved status, everything went smoothly except that he had more and more arguments with Clark.

After winning four consecutive games, Chelsea seemed to be back on track. Mourinho's requirements began to be well implemented again. Many problems that had appeared before seemed to have disappeared.

Days without too many waves always pass quickly.

Chelsea's games are also being played one after another.

After entering 2016, in January. In addition to the game with Crystal Palace, Chelsea played five more games. Two of them were FA Cup games, and the other three were Premier League games.

In these five games, the FA Cup was a complete victory; three Premier League games were two wins and one draw, and one of the wins was an away win over Arsenal.

Five games with four wins and one draw, this is an extremely satisfactory result.

Chelsea fans are once again enjoying the joy of constant victory, and the entire team is filled with laughter. This situation also allowed Mourinho to sweep away the depression of more than a month ago and return to the confident and domineering Magic Bird.

Sun Yi's frequent appearance and communication with Mourinho has gradually become a common thing. And he has also learned a lot from such frequent discussions with Mourinho. He has learned a lot of concepts that he could not understand when he was in China.

Feeling his own progress, Sun Yi is particularly happy. Many things cannot be learned by looking at the surface by oneself without the guidance of others. It was impossible to get Mourinho's guidance before. Ordinary people do not have such an opportunity.

Therefore, Sun Yi is very enjoying and cherishing the present day.

Time soon entered February of the Gregorian calendar. Chelsea played two games in succession.

And Chelsea continued its good momentum and won one win and one draw. It won the not weak Watford team and drew with Manchester United.

It is still a good record. The outside world has basically confirmed that Chelsea has completely recovered its original strength.

On such a smooth day, it is easy for people to forget the time.

On this day, Sun Yi, wearing a thick winter coat, was concentrating on his work on the computer in the office. Mourinho, dressed handsomely, walked in and knocked on the door gently.

"Come in!" Sun Yi heard the voice and shouted without turning his head.

"Sun, why haven't you left work yet?" Mourinho came closer and asked.

"Ah. Boss. It turned out to be you." Sun Yi was a little surprised to find that it was Mourinho, and then pointed to the computer and said: "There are still some data that have not been completed. I am going to leave after finishing it."

Mourinho smiled and shook his head. "Sun, you work overtime privately like this, but you don't get overtime pay? If the union knows about it, the team will be in trouble."

"Ah! This~ It's not that bad?" Sun Yi scratched his head embarrassedly. He has also heard of the strange regulations of many countries in Europe.

For example, many countries stipulate that stores cannot be open on weekends, otherwise they will face huge fines. Sun Yi always couldn't understand such a weird rule. That's why he stayed in the office to work when he should have left.

Mourinho was not lying.

"Haha. Don't be nervous. I'm kidding you. Relax, you've been too serious lately." Mourinho laughed.

"Haha." Sun Yi also laughed at this.

"That's right, young people like you should relax. And on an important day like today, you should relax even more. You should go out and play, instead of staying here to work."

"Important day?" Sun Yi thought about it, but couldn't think of what important day in the UK today.

"Yes. Happy New Year! Sun!" Mourinho said with a smile.

"Happy New Year? Isn't New Year's Day over?" Sun Yi was a little confused for a while.

"Oh, my God! You didn't forget it?" Mourinho looked incredible. Then he took out a red envelope from his pocket.

"Oh! My God! I actually forgot it." When Sun Yi saw the red envelope, he slapped his forehead in sudden realization. After looking through the calendar, I found that today is exactly the New Year's Eve, and tomorrow is the Spring Festival.

"Happy New Year! Right? That's what you Chinese say, right? And congratulations on your prosperity. I heard that your Chinese elders will give red envelopes to the younger generations on this day." Mourinho said his congratulations in poor Chinese, and then handed the red envelope to Sun Yi.

"Ah! Thank you! Thank you! Boss, Happy New Year. I wish you all the best and great fortune!" Sun Yi happily took Mourinho's red envelope, and then said some congratulatory words in Chinese.

Although Mourinho didn't understand Chinese, he obviously knew that it was a good word, so he smiled happily. Then he patted Sun Yi on the shoulder and said, "Okay, Sun. On such an important day. You shouldn't stay here. Go out and play. Go out and have a drink with friends. By the way, Chinatown will have a more Chinese flavor and will be very lively. You should go there."

"Yeah!" Sun Yi nodded. Touching the thick red envelope, he thanked him again.

"Okay. That's it. You go now. Leave now. This is an order." Mourinho became serious as he spoke.

"Yes. Sir." Sun Yi stood at attention and saluted.

"Haha." Mourinho chuckled, then waved and walked out.

"Boss, take care."

Mourinho nodded, then pointed to Sun Yi's computer which was still turned on. Sun Yi nodded knowingly and turned off the computer.

Mourinho then continued to walk out with satisfaction. But he stopped at the door. "Oh, I almost forgot. I have another gift for you."

"Ah! There is another gift?" Sun Yi was even more surprised. He thought that such a boss was really good. He gave a red envelope and other gifts.

What gift would it be?

Mourinho walked back with a smile, then took out an envelope from his pocket again and handed it to Sun Yi.

"What is it?" Sun Yi took the envelope. It was very thin, could it be a check? Or maybe a concert ticket?

Sun Yi opened it and pulled out a piece of letter paper. After reading only the beginning, he exclaimed: "Oh! God! Letter of recommendation!"

"In a few days, the first training class of this year will start. I said before. You should also go for further study." Mourinho was very satisfied to see Sun Yi's excitement.

"Thank you, thank you. Boss, thank you so much." Sun Yi kept thanking excitedly.

"Work hard. Come back to help me after you finish your study." Mourinho patted Sun Yi on the shoulder again, then turned and left.

"Yeah!" After Mourinho left, Sun Yi jumped there excitedly.

This gift from Mourinho is really important to him. This is a stepping stone for him to realize his dream of becoming a professional coach. This is an opportunity that he could not get no matter how hard he tried in the past in China.

"Haha!!!" The laughter kept echoing in the office.

After a long time, the laughter finally stopped, and Sun Yi also left the studio with his backpack. On such a day, getting such a gift, what are you waiting for? Let's celebrate!

Afterwards, Sun Yi took a bus to Chinatown as suggested by Mourinho.

Today's Chinatown is indeed very lively, with lights and decorations, and it looks quite festive. Sun Yi found a high-end Chinese restaurant and ordered a full table.

Mourinho gave him a red envelope of up to 1,000 pounds, so he could spend it as much as he wanted.

Sun Yi started eating with excitement. Although the taste is not as authentic as in China, it is not bad.

Sun Yi ate at a table alone, which seemed a bit strange compared to other people who ate at the same table with their families.

After eating for a while, he also discovered this situation. Turning around, he saw that other families were all big and small. Even the foreigners who came to join in the fun were the same.

The excitement began to fade from Sun Yi's face, replaced by loneliness.

Later, a self-deprecating smile appeared on his face.

"Hehe, I'm used to it anyway. Eat, don't waste!"

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