Extraordinary coach

Chapter 9 Rescue Again

That night, Sun Qian got himself drunk.

After spending the Spring Festival abroad, Sun Yi quickly took Mourinho's recommendation letter and set off to attend a coaching training course.

Sun Yi was away for more than two months. Winter was gone and spring came. When he returned to Chelsea again, it was already spring.

With the vitality of spring, Sun Yi came back with a sense of vitality all over his body.

When he saw Sun Yi again, Mourinho also felt that his spring was back.

"Sun, you are finally back. It's great." Mourinho seemed a little excited when they met for the first time after returning.

Compared with Sun Yi, who was full of energy, Mourinho now looked a little haggard. Mourinho, who always paid attention to his image, now looked a little unkempt and decadent.

"Boss, don't be depressed, everything will be fine." Seeing that Mourinho no longer had the high spirits of two months ago, Sun Yi could only comfort him.

During the time he was attending the coaching training class, Sun Yi had been following the developments of Chelsea.

And the situation of Chelsea really made him confused. When he left, Chelsea was in a good momentum. Although the possibility of winning the championship was small, it should be no problem to qualify for the Champions League. Who would have thought that during his absence, the situation took a sharp turn for the worse. Mourinho was even more worried.

Sometimes Chelsea had more defeats than wins, sometimes there were reports of conflicts between Mourinho and the players, or there were reports of players in the locker room who did not obey Mourinho. In short, it was a lot of bad things.

Chelsea had clearly returned to the half-dead state it was a few months ago. And the day before he came back, he heard Chelsea fans asking Mourinho to leave again.

You don't have to think about how difficult Mourinho's current situation is. This is also the reason why Sun Yi rushed back immediately after the exam.

"I'm glad you're back. How is it? How are you learning?" Mourinho asked with forced ease.

"I have successfully passed the exam. However, the coaching certificate will not be issued until some time later." Sun Yi answered truthfully. The two months of training class have not been in vain. He has put in more efforts than others. Finally, he passed the final exam successfully.

"Very good. Congratulations."

"Thank you."

"There will be a game in two days, another difficult hurdle. But now you are back. I don't know why, I have confidence again." Mourinho said with a bitter smile.

"Boss, don't worry. No difficulty can stop you." Sun Yi said.

"I hope so. Let's go and say hello to others." Mourinho said and left the office with his arm around Sun Yi's shoulders.

Most of his colleagues were very happy about Sun Yi's return. But some people disagreed.

And Sun Yi soon discovered that during his absence, Chelsea recruited another technical analyst. Sun Yi didn't have any idea about this. After all, he had been in training for a long time, and it was not like a wealthy club would be short of a technical analyst for a long time, right?

Now that he is back, he might as well be Mourinho's assistant. This is exactly what he wants.

After returning to the team, Sun Yi couldn't wait to get into work. At the same time, he soon saw that the system had another task.

The latest task is: "Rescue Again".

The boss is in crisis again. How can the host who cares about the world turn a blind eye? Use your ability to help him resolve the crisis of dismissal again.

Success reward: unknown.

Failure penalty: Degeneration of ** function in certain parts. (Note: No medicine will work.)

"I copied. Are you going to take my life again?" Sun Yi was angry when he saw this task. This failure penalty is really abominable. Once it comes true, wouldn't he be a eunuch who is not a eunuch but better than a eunuch?

When he thought of this, Sun Yi was particularly annoyed. Let's not talk about the fact that the success reward is unclear, it is probably a pit. Let's just say that this punishment specifically for some of his body functions is simply a bad taste.

And the biggest problem is:

"Hey, it's Mourinho who is in danger, not me? I'm doing good things, why should I accept the serious consequences of failure? This doesn't make sense! Hurry up and reply. You flop system. Why is it so unfair?" Sun Yi was getting more and more depressed the more he thought about it. But the system on him was just an underdeveloped mentally retarded person and didn't respond to him at all.

"Ah!! I'm so angry. Who can fix this system on me? Can I return it?" Sun Yi couldn't stand this kind of disproportionate effort and reward. He even began to think that this system was designed to trick him. He was not the protagonist at all, the protagonist was Mourinho.

Who can guarantee that tasks will always succeed? If the system continues to follow this nature, he will one day become a healthy eunuch with complete tools.

Since getting the reward of "Unarmed Sanda Mastery", Sun Qian will never doubt the authenticity of the punishment.

Thinking of his future fate, Sun Yi felt that there was not much fun in life.

But Sun Yi couldn't just ignore this mission. It was mandatory, and he didn't even have the right to protest or change the mission.

In order to prevent himself from becoming an inhuman guy in a few days, no matter how depressed Sun Yi was, he could only muster 200% of his energy to find a way to help Mourinho.

After knowing that his mission failed, Sun Yi began to work frantically. Mourinho couldn't help but look at him with such enthusiasm. He almost thought that Sun Yi was in danger of being fired.

Sun Yi's enthusiasm for work and what he learned from the training class made his work more effective than before.

And with the help of the system function, Sun Yi quickly grasped the current situation of the Chelsea team.

The situation of the Chelsea team itself was not ideal. The state and mental outlook of the whole team were very poor. In response to these situations, Sun Yi formulated improvement strategies depending on individuals.

Sun Yi proposed the most accurate and targeted plan. Mourinho agreed immediately after seeing it.

Within two days, the state of many players improved. And Sun Yi made a lot of suggestions to Mourinho on the condition of each player and the upcoming game. And most of them were recognized by Mourinho.

This is what Sun Yi did after returning, and it is what he can do.

Chelsea's problems are far more than these. There are many problems in the locker room, problems with generals and coaches, and many other headaches. These problems are not something that Sun Yi, an assistant, can solve.

Having done what he can, all Sun Yi can do is pray to God to let him go.

The feeling of waiting for his fate to be decided is really tormenting, especially since he cannot control this fate. This is the most uncomfortable part.

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