Extraordinary David

Chapter 1124: solve

David didn't expect that Baron Hornby would do this. No matter what his mind was, his performance was worthy of recognition.

He manipulated Lord Harlow's clone to pat Baron Hornby lightly, making him stand back.

At this time, the aura of the five deadly Templar knights reached their extremes. Their instinctive killing made their eyes red, and it seemed that only blood was the reason for their survival.

The five deadly Templars launched a charge towards Lord Harlow. Due to countless years of deadly death, the five deadly Templars exudes a decadent air.

It is not the first time that David has seen the Templars of the Dead, but every time he sees the Knights of the Dead, he feels sad for the knight profession.

It is estimated that he is the only person in the divine world who knows that the knight profession would not have the emotional loss of the fifth-level Templars, and eventually become a fighter that only knows about killing.

If you practice according to the ‘perfect version of the knight’s training method’, the knight’s body and spirit will develop in a balanced manner during the training process, and there will be no emotional loss, let alone loss of intelligence and becoming a killing machine.

David was not sure whether this was deliberately done by the gods, or the consequences caused by the imperfect cultivation method, but it was certain that the temple suppressed the knight profession.

David manipulates Lord Harlow, and has free time to distract himself from thinking about things. It is conceivable that he has no nervousness about the siege of the five deadly Templars.

In fact, at the moment when the five deadly Templars attacked, David knew that the deadly Templars could not pose any threat.

Not to mention that Lord Harlow is already a legendary rank, it is that these five deadly Templars did not even have the slightest cooperation when they launched the knight charge, let alone formed a knight battle formation.

Perhaps this is because the five deadly Templars have lost their wisdom. Fighting is just an instinct. Although the fighting ability is not reduced much, the cooperation of the knights that require wisdom to carry out cannot be achieved.

Without a knight battle formation, the threat of five deadly Templars is almost zero.

The welcoming crowd who had not yet dispersed also saw the battle in front of the main castle, and they all exclaimed.

Among them, some are afraid, some are happy, some are worried, some are worried, and complex emotions are rising in the hearts of everyone.

The smart people among these people, especially those from the Morse family branch, are more worried about the safety of Lord Harlow, and more worried about their own safety.

Once Lord Arthur's subordinate knights are killed in Morse, the revenge from Lord Arthur will be terrifying.

Needless to say, Lord Arthur’s revenge, it would not be easy to survive the slaughter of the entire planet by five deadly Templars.

Although the death-level Templars will not attack people of the same blood, if the entire planet is slaughtered, who can guarantee that the red-eyed death-level Templars will also kill them easily.

Under the complicated gazes of the onlookers, the battle began.

Lord Harlow took the initiative to take two steps, which of course was to prevent Baron Hornby from being affected by the battle. With the strength of Baron Hornby, let alone direct contact, the aftermath of the battle was enough to make it deadly.

Lord Harlow didn't even put on the knight armor, and there was a fifth-grade light long sword in his hand.

The talent of'Swordsmanship' was stimulated, and the fifth-grade light long sword stabbed at will, piercing through the gap in the helmet of the Templar in front of the death pass, straight into the head.

The power of the legendary bloodline exploded in the skull of the Templar knight of death, completely destroying the inside of the skull.

Then Lord Harlow drew out the fifth-grade light sword, swiped it again, swept in from the gap in the death-level knight’s breastplate on the left, and accurately did not damage the fifth-grade knight’s armor, breaking the death-level knight’s armor. The heart of the Templars.

The fifth-grade light sword did not stop, drawing a graceful arc in the air, sweeping across the neck of the Templar Knight on the right side, avoiding the front of the armor again, and following the gap in the armor to bring the Temple of Death. The knight's head was thrown away.

In fact, at this time of the battle, if it were five conscious Templars, they would either flee or surrender at this time, because the difference in strength between the two sides of the battle was too great.

Even ordinary people watching from the sidelines can see the huge gap between the two sides, this gap is like a moat.

Dorothea was also watching the battle blankly. Her ancestors, the well-known Templars who existed in the family history, each of them was a powerful Templar who crossed the world of God before the retreat.

But the battle before him was like a hunter slaughtering a chick, the chick couldn't even generate a threat.

At this moment, Dorothea's last hope collapsed, and she didn't believe that she could still take revenge.

You must know that no matter how hard she works, she will become a fifth-level Templar at most. This process will take at least a hundred years or more, and she still has sufficient resources.

But Dorothea's ultimate goal was in front of Lord Harlow, without even a trace of resistance.

After seeing Lord Harlow’s "swordsmanship", Dorothea thought of the information recorded in the family, the legendary horrible rule-level "swordsmanship".

She always thought that the thirteen knights in the noble circle who talked about Lord Arthur possessed the rule-level ‘swordsmanship’, which was a kind of rumors and exaggeration. This was done for propaganda after the war.

At this time, Lord Harlow's sword light circulated, and the last two deadly fifth-level Templars were beheaded.

At the legendary level, as long as the fifth-level Templars do not gather together to form a knight battle formation, Lord Harlow, who has the talent of ‘swordsmanship’, has no fear at all.

Because of David's manipulation, Lord Harlow had spare capacity in the battle to deliberately protect the fifth-grade knight's armor from being destroyed.

These are the wealth left by the Morse family, and if he is capable, David naturally does not want to damage it.

"Baron Hornby, introduce me to the castle!" Lord Harlow gathered the five corpses into the space ring, and then said to Baron Hornby with a smile.

It seemed that the five deadly Templars were not worth mentioning at all, and did not affect his mood in the slightest.

The result of the battle also changed everyone who was watching. Originally, there might be some people who were still hostile to Lord Harlow. At this time, the hostility completely disappeared and replaced by incomparable fear.

More people are worshiping, which is the natural character of people who belong to the great world. The instinctive worship of the powerful has been integrated into the soul of people who belong to the great world.

"Yes, Lord Lord!" Baron Hornby heard Lord Harlow's closeness, and a smile appeared on his face shocked by what happened just now.

Baron Hornby knew he was betting right, and he was trusted by Lord Harlow.

Dorothea left, instead of returning to the safe house, she went in an unknown direction.

Since then, Dorothea has never appeared again. She has lost the knight who is determined and enterprising. She is no longer a knight, and the confused Dorothea has become a member of ordinary people.

David manipulated Lord Harlow’s clone and visited the castle. He also understood Lord Harlow’s situation. If Lord Harlow was asked to fight, it’s needless to say, but Lord Harlow managed so many properties on his own. He divided a part of his mind to manage it.

Where can David spend so much time here? These external wealth are nothing to him.

If it wasn't for the influence of God's great world, he wouldn't even want Lord Harlow to take over the inheritance left by the Morse family.

"Baron Hornby, my main focus is on cultivation. You will be responsible for the management of the Morse Stars and the industries distributed in other places. In addition, among your juniors, you can choose two talented I will teach the knight training method inherited by the family. Although I can't guarantee anything, as long as the talent is not too bad, it should be no problem to become a Templar!" Lord Harlow said to Baron Hornby in a deep voice.

This is the reward for Baron Hornby. On the one hand, Baron Hornby's performance was just now. On the other hand, Baron Hornby dedicated everything to the entire Morse family.

Although Baron Hornby didn't help much in the battle just now, the Morse family's industry was also the operation of Speaker Gould. Without Baron Hornby there would be other branches willing to come forward.

But at present Baron Hornby is the most suitable person to manage these industries. Baron Hornby himself is a business talent, and coupled with this loyalty, he is enough to entrust the important task.

Baron Hornby was not excited because he had power, but rather happy that two of his descendants could receive the teachings of Lord Harlow.

If someone else said that as long as the talents were not bad, they would be able to guarantee that the two younger generations would become the fifth-level Templars, and Baron Hornby would directly scream at him.

But the speaker was Lord Harlow, so Baron Hornby didn't have the slightest doubt.

Perhaps before the appearance of the legendary rank, Baron Hornby had a little doubt about this, but the birth of all the legendary ranks of the gods of the great world are more or less related to Lord Arthur, which shows that Lord Arthur owns Knight training resources that other nobles do not have.

"I swear to you with the blood of the black dragon, I will be loyal to you as soon as possible, and I will dedicate my life and everything to you!" Baron Hornby landed on one knee and said solemnly.

This is an extremely heavy oath, and it also represents the mood of Baron Hornby at this time.

"I accept your allegiance, you live up to me, I will treat you kindly!" Lord Harlow took out the long sword and lightly tapped on the left and right shoulders of Baron Hornby, and said in a deep voice.

David stayed at Lord Harlow's avatar for a while to learn more about the affairs of Morse Star, and then he recovered his mind.

Soon, the news of Lord Harlow's promotion to the legendary rank spread all over the world of the gods as he easily killed the five remaining death knights of the Morse family with one enemy and five.

The appearance of legendary ranks made the knights extremely excited.

This is the best era, an era when knights are born in large numbers.

The knights felt excited for being born in this era, because they had a slight possibility to approach the legendary order, or even touch the demigod order.

The destruction of the Morse family did not involve many nobles, because the appearance of the ‘Knight’s Forbidden Card’ made the relationship between the nobles and the temple reach an unprecedented low point.

At this time, the Morse family was exploded in colluding with the war temple to arrange traps against Lord Arthur. After that, the entire family members were killed. The family was taken over by Lord Harlow and no nobles opposed it.

The unprecedented unity of the nobles, especially the divine tool ‘Knight’s Forbidden Card’, was controlled by the Supreme Council, which made it possible for the nobles to control their destiny for the first time.

Annabella’s legend is very busy. She receives a lot of messages every day that she wants to meet. At first, all of these messages wanted to see Lord Arthur.

But after the legend of Annabella made it clear that she represented Lord Arthur with full authority, Lord Arthur retreats to practice, the news that wants to meet is to meet and discuss with her.

Most of these are top nobles, and the meaning of top nobles is very clear, that is, they want to obtain spiritual wine.

David had already explained the matter of the spirit red wine, and everything was handed over to Speaker Gould to handle, and then to Speaker Gould to collect it from Legend of Annabella as needed.

The Annabella Legend declined all applications for this part of the meeting.

The other part is a very special group of knights in the great world of the gods. There are not many knights in this part, but they are absolutely talented knights.

They are the genius knights who are not from the top nobles. The general way out for this part of the genius knights is to join the top noble families in order to obtain the training resources of the top nobles.

But the resources of the top aristocrats are not so easy to obtain. The training resources of the top aristocrats are still provided to the knights of their own clan. The talented knights can only complete difficult tasks desperately if they want to obtain resources.

Lord Arthur has now become the top nobleman that the genius knights most want to take refuge in, because there is a red wine of spirits, and the legend of Annabella, the senior who has been promoted to the legend.

At least Lord Arthur has everything to become a legendary knight, the spirit wine is the resource, and Annabella's legendary knight training method is the basis.

Of course, the most important of these is that the Annabella Legend was promoted to the legendary rank with the help of Lord Arthur after taking refuge in Lord Arthur. This shows that Lord Arthur will not suppress the genius knight because he is not of the same race. Will not be stingy with resources.

For any genius knight, a top aristocrat who can provide resources is the most suitable top aristocrat.

The Annabella Legend screened these talented knights through the intelligence of Speaker Gould. Now that Lord Arthur has given power to her, she will do her best to consider the Luce family.

Don't underestimate the fact that these talented knights joined the family. It seems that there are many Templar knights in the Ruth family, but these Templar knights are not in the family now. In the eyes of many people, those knights are independent.

The addition of these talented knights to the family will bring a stronger heritage to the Luce family and also make the Luce family more influential among the nobles.

The Annabella Legend has received six genius legends, all with the strength of the fourth-level sky knights. These knights are carefully selected by her. Without the drag of the previous family, they can completely join the Luce family.

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