Extraordinary David

Chapter 1125: aims

David wore a ‘stalking crown’ on his head. He stayed in the Zerg world for two months. Apart from occasionally caring about information about the Divine Great World and the Interstellar Federation, almost all his thoughts were spent on the Zerg world.

After two months of hard work, he collected most of the world tree into the small world of soul space, and his spiritual range reached a terrifying radius of 800 kilometers.

"Alexis, is my situation normal?" David let go of his spirit, and he asked in disbelief.

The main thing is to rely on the world tree to absorb the energy of the space stone, so that the small world of his soul space will continue to expand, and his spirit will also increase crazily. It is too easy.

Think back then, in order to increase the 100-meter spiritual range, he had to absorb a lot of souls through Shadow Servant.

This exceeded his initial estimate, and he did not expect that his spirit would improve like this.

"My lord, some gods are good at soul research, and their spiritual distance even exceeds yours!" Black Dragon Alexis hesitated and replied.

In fact, the black dragon Alexis was also extremely surprised, surprised that David's soul had improved.

The world tree is a legend, and the black dragon Alexis did not expect that the world tree would have such an effect. Of course, even if he knew it, no one could control the world tree.

Because when the World Tree doesn't want people to see it, even the gods can't find it.

The example of the black dragon Alexis at this time is already using the gods to compare with David.

In his heart, this level of spirit shouldn't appear in the legendary rank, and even the demigod rank should not have such a powerful spirit.

If it weren't for David's extremely strong physique, he was a ‘black dragon’s body,’ it is estimated that with a human physique, such a strong spirit would be enough to burst his body.

David felt a little more at ease, at least there were spirits stronger than him, indicating that he was still in a normal category.

But what he didn't know was the example of the black dragon Alexis. Those gods who were good at soul research were not ordinary gods. Every one of them was a top existence among gods.

David felt the world tree above his head again. At present, only 20 meters were left exposed, and the rest were in the small world of soul space.

It’s a pity that although he hollowed out a suitable space quarry within the distance, it was still a little worse. This is also considered a problem in his judgment. He did not expect that the world tree would absorb the choice of space stones as the small world of soul space increases. More and more strict.

The number of qualified space stones is also getting less and less. In order to increase the speed of mining space stones in the past two months, David borrowed the effect of the divine tool "Crown of Traces" to hide his breath.

Constantly using the ‘Broken Air’ talent ability to speed up the journey, the number of space ore mines mined alone reached eleven.

No matter how far away the Zerg world is, it is not that there is no space quarry. On the one hand, it is far away. On the other hand, due to his crazy mining, it has aroused the vigilance of the Zerg, and the space quarry is prepared.

David looked at the star map of the Zerg world in his head. He needed to find a suitable space quarry.

You must know that there are not many opportunities for him to mine. In the Zerg contact network, there has been news that the Zerg should pay attention to all the space quarries.

Even through the contact network of the demigod'Golden Winged Beetle King', I learned that the'Golden Winged Beetle King' has received the order of the'Mother Emperor', ready to break the space and catch the thief who stole the space quarry as soon as there is news. live.

The "mother emperor" suspected that this was done by humans, and the only person who could freely enter and leave the world of the Zerg was the human lord Arthur who stole the "Imperial Inheritance Pattern".

That is to say, David’s divine tool, the "Crown of the Traces", has a very good hidden aura effect. In addition, he did not let the demigod clone clones come out of the "artifact space card", and the "Royal Inheritance Pattern" did not absorb the Zerg world. The power of faith makes the'mother emperor' only doubt, not sure.

Otherwise, it is estimated that it will be the same as the previous one. The entire Zerg world is full of investigating Zerg, searching the world for the breath of David.

Just when David was worried, he found a message from the Zerg contact network of the legendary ‘Half-length Spider King’ clone.

The lair of the "half-length spider king" used to be a giant space quarry. After being mined for a period of time, it was occupied by the "half-length spider king".

According to the half-length spiders who have been to the lair of the'half-length spider king', there are large space stones dotted everywhere there.

To be honest, David was a little moved, but he knew very well that it was not easy to get into the nest of the "half-length spider king" to steal the space stone.

In the Zerg world, if there is no ability to kill the Zerg God-level in seconds, any battle with the Zerg God-level will turn into an ending surrounded by the Zerg God-level that is constantly reinforced.

The Zerg God-level or the application of divine power in other aspects is not good enough, but it has an extraordinary talent for applying divine power to space teleportation.

This is related to the inherently powerful insect body of the Zerg. Although the Zerzu god-level application of divine power is extremely rough, the god-level of the Zerg god-level is hard enough to be strayed into the space turbulence for a short time.

In addition, the divine power is too easy, so that the Zerzu God-level does not care about the waste of divine power.

Therefore, the ability of the Zerg God-level to forcibly break through the space with a large amount of divine power and carry out long-distance space movement has become the most expert movement method of the Zerg God-level.

As long as any zerg **** level is in danger, within a few breaths of time, there will be the first batch of zerg **** levels rushing, the latter may be slower, but it is only a matter of minutes.

This kind of movement speed is unimaginable in any main world, but it is normal in the Zerg world.

David had to consider this situation. If he had not connected to the Zerg contact network, he would dare to challenge the Zerg with the black dragon Alexis by his side without knowing the terrifying mobility of the Zerg God-level. God level.

But after knowing the space movement ability of the Zerg God-level, he did not dare to have such a thought.

However, David did not intend to give up, and the space stone of the'half-length spider king' nest ** may be able to meet the needs of the World Tree at one time.

According to David's idea, as a Zerg god-level, the "half-length spider king" cannot collect bad space stones, and a Zerg god-level who likes to collect space stones and uses them as decorations, a collection space The number of stones will never be less.

If David is not too anxious, in fact, the safest way is to return to the great world of the gods. After a year or a half, when the wind of the Zerg world has passed, he will go to the space quarry in the distant place to mine.

At that time, perhaps the Zerg World will not be too strict in guarding the space quarries, and he does not need to take such a big risk.

But David had to consider one thing. He knew exactly that the God of War wanted to capture him alive, so the Temple of War could not let him go.

Recently, it was only because of the power transfer of the war temple that he had a safe life.

David did not dare to underestimate the Temple of War. Once the war machine of the Temple of War is activated, its power can be seen when the world of Zerg invades.

The huge temple that can move, can push almost all enemies horizontally.

This is only the strength exposed by the temple of war, a powerful temple with a history of tens of thousands of years. There are no hidden means, and David does not believe it.

So David needs to improve his strength as soon as possible. He has a feeling that as long as the world tree can fully enter the small world of his soul space, it will bring him a huge benefit.

It is precisely because of this feeling that he insists on getting more space stones in a short time.

David has already determined the location of the nest of the Half-length Spider King. This is thanks to the Zerg contact network of the legendary half-length Spider King clone.

The ‘half-length spider king’’s nest location is still eligible to know the legendary ‘half-length spider king’ clone, so it’s easy to get the news.

David was hiding in a star field closer to the planet where the'half-length spider king' lair was located, and found a huge meteorite as a hiding place.

This place is far away from the perception range of the Half-length Spider King. At least with the guarantee of the black dragon Alexis, this distance cannot be perceived by the Half-length Spider King.

And when this distance is needed, David can use his talent ability to break through the air, and he can reach the lair of the Half-length Spider King in just ten breaths.

Of course, the prerequisite for all of this is that the magical ‘Crest of the Divine Crest’ serves as a guarantee of safety. There is no hidden breath function of the ‘Crest of Divinity’. With the breath of David, approaching any Zerg will cause the Zerg’s induction.

Long ago, the "Blade Mantis King" added David's breath to the Zerg's hatred gene, and David's breath was the public enemy of the Zerg.

David used his talent ‘sneak underground’ to open a room inside the meteorite, and his body rested in the room.

His mind is manipulating the demigod "Golden Winged Beetle King" to fly to the selected target, which is a seemingly ordinary planet.

The surface of the planet seems to be no different from ordinary Zerg planets. The countless Zergs and holes on the ground show that this is a fully loaded planet.

However, David got the information through the Zerg contact network of the legendary "Half-length Spider King" clone, which is an important descendant training base of the "Half-length Spider King".

Of course, with the strength of the'half-length spider king', the possibility of producing a direct descendant is almost impossible, unless it is a descendant born in its early years.

With the increase in strength, the probability of giving birth to an offspring is constantly decreasing.

Although the reproductive ability of the Zerg is extremely terrifying, but it is only the ordinary Zerg, the stronger the Zerg, the reproductive ability will decrease accordingly.

The planet that the demigod "Golden Winged Beetle King" visits is the descendant of the "Half Spider King" for dozens of generations.

The reason why this place is extremely important is not just because it has the bloodline of the "half-length spider king", but the chance of the birth of the royal bloodline is higher.

This is a little higher, perhaps tens of thousands or even tens of thousands of years before a descendant with a royal bloodline appears, but it is also more controllable than the royal bloodline that randomly appears in the entire Zerg world.

Because in the direct bloodline of the'half-length spider king', the royal-level bloodline of the'half-length spider king' has appeared, and the probability of reappearing the royal-level bloodline is higher.

Not only the "half-length spider king" is doing this, the rest of the Zerg gods are also doing this. As long as they successfully cultivate a descendant with the'Imperial Inheritance Pattern', they can have their own race in the Zerg world. Power of survival.

Another advantage of this concentrated and large-scale training is that it is easier to appear mutant ‘half spiders’ with special talents. Many fifth-level ‘half spiders’ originate from here.

This place is definitely a taboo place for the'half-length spider king', and it will get angry at the touch.

What David asked was to provoke the "half-length spider king", but this is also to be careful, if he is chased by the "half-length spider king", he will lose his strongest clone in the Zerg world.

The avatar of the demigod "Golden Winged Beetle King" began to accelerate when it was still some distance away from the planet, and its huge body smashed into the planet's atmosphere and turned into a huge fireball.

David didn't care about the flames outside the avatar of the demigod "Golden Winged Beetle King". These flames could not harm the body of the demigod "Golden Winged Beetle King".

What he needs is speed, the fastest to cause heavy losses to the cultivation area, and then get out immediately.

This is the territory of the'half-length spider king'. Although the'half-length spider king' is not good at remote space teleportation, it only uses space teleportation in the territory, and the price paid is not high.

The time that David set for himself was that after reaching the ground from the air, there were only three breaths of time for destruction, otherwise the clone of the demigod "Golden Winged Beetle King" would not be able to escape successfully.

The calculation of this time is based on the intelligence obtained from the legendary "Half-length Spider King" Zerg contact network.

It is estimated that even the Zerg world has not seen the operation of breaking into the inside of the opponent's race. You must know that the Zerg's racial concept is extremely important, and it is impossible for the Zerg of the same race to betray their own race.

On the surface of the planet, Zerg saw the fireball in the sky, but the speed of the fireball was so fast that it almost swooped down to the ground at the same time as the fireball was seen.

The terrifying demi-god-level coercion caused the Zerg on the surface to crawl on the ground and lose the ability to move.

Then the avatar of the demigod "Golden Winged Beetle King" swept across in flames, and all the Zerg races disappeared in the area it passed.

So far, the demigod "Golden Winged Beetle King" clone has not issued any attacks with its own characteristics, and even the unique body shape of the "Gold Wing Beetle" has not been exposed.

These ordinary zergs are not worthy of the demigod ‘Golden Winged Beetle King’ clone to take the initiative. David’s goal is very clear. He has no idea of ​​slaughtering on this planet. That makes no sense.

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