Extraordinary David

Chapter 1126: plan

"It's a breath!" David counted the time in his heart.

The spirit radiated from the clone of the demigod'Golden Winged Beetle King' has discovered the hole hidden in the target location. Compared with the ordinary hole, the hole is obviously larger and has a layer of energy protection.

At this moment, a legendary aura appeared, and a ‘fang venomous giant ant king’ rushed out of the hole.

Obviously, this was sent by the "half-length spider king" to protect his descendants, but David did not expect it to be a legendary zerg.

It’s also to blame David himself. He continuously mines space quarries in the Zerg world, which has caused chaos in the Zerg world. In addition, the conflict between the half-length spider family and the gold-winged beetle family makes the half-length spider king 'Only then will a legendary rank'fang poisonous giant ant king' be sent here.

David began to count the second breath in his heart. He knew that the legendary ‘fang poisonous giant ant king’ must be solved immediately, otherwise his plan would fail.

The wings of the demigod "Gold Winged Beetle King" avatar spread out, and the speed suddenly increased by a large amount. A pair of demigod claws were placed in front of him, and at the same time the demigod aura belonging to the gold winged beetle was like The wave-like impact on the'fang poisonous giant ant king'.

Only the legendary ‘fangs poisonous giant ant king’ did not expect to come to the demi-god level, let alone the demigod ‘golden-winged beetle king’ has the courage to enter the hinterland of the ‘half-length spider king’ territory.

You must know that once discovered here, it is difficult to escape back to the territory of the "Golden Winged Beetle King". With a hostile attitude, the demigod "Golden Winged Beetle King" died in vain.

The legendary'fang poisonous giant ant king' insect body slowly, the demigod'Golden Winged Beetle King' clone has rushed to its front, the golden light flashes, the legendary'fang poison giant ant king' insect body Separate to the sides.

The avatar of the demigod "Golden Winged Beetle King" rushed through the separated insect body, completely ignoring the green insect blood. At this time, there was still flame on its body that was ignited by rushing into the atmosphere from outer space, and the insect blood was not stained. The body was gasified.

"Time is not enough!" Although the battle ended at the touch of a touch, David knew in his heart that this delay made his plan change.

The avatar of the demigod "Golden Winged Beetle King" gathered a demigod energy and threw it towards the entrance of the cave, while its body flew away in the opposite direction.

"Three breaths!" David said silently in his heart.

He didn't know the effect of the blow he had just manipulated the clone of the demigod "Golden Winged Beetle King". The only thing he had to do now was to speed up his departure from the scene.

Accelerate, accelerate again, the demigod "Golden Winged Beetle King" clone almost used its limit speed, and the golden wings behind it kept flapping, flying out of the atmosphere and returning to space within a few breaths.

After arriving in space, David took a long sigh of relief, because there is no resistance from the atmosphere in space, allowing the demigod "Golden Winged Beetle King" clone to increase its speed as much as possible.

Most importantly, after entering space, the avatar of the demigod "Golden Winged Beetle King" also has more directions to escape.

Just as the demigod ‘Golden Winged Beetle King’ clone madly accelerated to leave the outer space of the planet, David sensed a terrifying aura descending on the planet through the spirit of the demigod’s ‘Golden Winged Beetle King’ clone.

"Damn it, why is it so fast!" David was shocked. The demigod ‘Golden Winged Beetle King’ clone used its potential without any scruples, and used the acceleration method that hurt itself to increase its speed again.

As long as you get out of the perception area of ​​the Half-length Spider King, you don’t need to worry about it anymore. Although the Half-length Spider King has the ability to teleport, it needs to be positioned. If there is no clear positioning, the space teleport ability does not Not suitable for short-distance movement.

The rough application of divine power by the Zerg God-level is reflected in this aspect. Obviously, it can carry out more remote spatial transmission, but it cannot accurately perform medium and short-distance spatial transmission, unless the distance is within the spiritual range of the Zerg God-level.

Just as the demigod'Golden Winged Beetle King' clone accelerated, a mental wave swept behind it. Its acceleration was so fast that it could avoid the mental scan from the'Half-length Spider King', and it was almost lost. Half-length spider king' found.

Regardless of the demigod "Golden Winged Beetle King" clone is good at speed, but as long as it is scanned by the spirit of the "Half-length Spider King", there is 100% chance of escape.

After receiving the alert from the training ground, the "half-length spider king" burned the spider silk frantically without any hesitation, broke through the space and came to the location of the training ground.

The scene seen by the "half-length spider king" made it extremely angry. The legendary "fang venomous giant ant king" was killed, and the energy protection of the cultivation ground hole was broken.

In the world of Zerg, there are not many zergs with excellent talents, but what is lacking is resources. To cultivate a legendary zerg, the resources needed are extremely terrifying.

The fall of the legendary ‘fang venomous giant ant king’ is tantamount to causing the ‘half-length spider king’ to lose a lot of resources.

This is not what makes the'half-length spider king' the most angry. The loss of the cultivation base is the most serious.

The blow that David sent through the clone of the demigod "Golden Winged Beetle King" used David's own understanding of energy, and was not a common energy application method used by ordinary Zerg demigods.

The demigod energy emitted by the avatar of the demigod "Golden Winged Beetle King" is like a missile of the Interstellar Federation, and only the energy of the missile shell breaks the energy shield of the cultivation base.

The missile composed of demi-god energy enters the cave to detonate the internal energy. The power of demi-god energy exploding in the cave is much more serious than a simple energy attack.

Almost all the bloodline descendants of the'half-length spider king' in the cave died, and some were destroyed by the demigod energy burst together with the egg before they even hatched from the egg.

The "half-length spider king" radiated his spirit with extreme anger, but it was a pity that he did not find the enemy.

But through the legendary ‘fangs poisonous giant ant king’ and the demigod energy in the cave, the ‘half-length spider king’ can be 100% sure that this is the ‘golden-winged beetle’ clan.

If it is an ordinary attack, the'half-length spider king' will suffer this big loss, but this attack on the immediate descendants is beyond the limit of the'half-length spider king' endurance.

David chose the right time point. Previously, the "mother emperor" issued an order to find humans because two "imperial inheritance patterns" disappeared from the Zerg world, making the "mother emperor" think that human has left the Zerg world.

The Zerg unanimously tracking down the orders of humans no longer need to be carried out, and the original unity with the outside world also disappears.

The contradiction between the'half-length spider king' and the'golden-winged beetle king' has also accumulated for a period of time, and the provocations between the two territories have also continued. At this point in time, a big action came, which is equivalent to igniting the explosion point. .

The'half-length spider king' knew who the attacker was, and it didn't go around chasing down the demigod. Instead, it was ready to look for the'Golden Winged Beetle King' directly, and it wanted the'Golden Winged Beetle King' to pay Enough price.

While flying the avatar of the demigod'Golden Winged Beetle King', David entered into the Zerg contact network and sent a message to the'Golden Winged Beetle King'. He successfully completed the'Golden Winged Beetle King' 'Command, completed the task of revenge on the territory of the Half-length Spider King.

'Golden Winged Beetle King' gave orders to the demigod'Golden Winged Beetle King' when the legendary'Half-length Spider King' sneaked into the territory last time, asking the demigod'Golden Winged Beetle King' to find a chance to take revenge on the half-length spider The emperor's territory.

Originally thought of as the "Golden Winged Beetle King", no matter how the demigod "Golden Winged Beetle King" acts, it will only be a conflict between subordinates, and whoever suffers will default.

After receiving the report from the demigod "Golden Winged Beetle King", the "Golden Winged Beetle King" was still very happy, but just after disconnecting from here, I felt the fluctuation of space energy.

Then the "half-length spider king" came out of the space. Because it was preparing to fight the "golden-winged beetle king", the "half-length spider king" would take a rest after each space teleportation.

Fortunately, the territory of the'Golden Winged Beetle King' is adjacent to the territory of the'Butterfly Spider King', and it does not need to be consumed too much by the'Between Spider King'. When it appears from outside the planet where the'Golden Winged Beetle King' is located, Also maintained a relatively complete combat power.

The ‘Golden Winged Beetle King’ did not expect that the ‘Half-length Spider King’ would appear here. It is important to know that although the territories of the two sides are constantly friction, they have not yet risen to the level of a battle of gods.

The figure of the'Golden Winged Beetle King' flashed and appeared in front of the'Half-length Spider King'.

Under normal circumstances, the Zerg God-level will not fight on the planet, and that will have too much impact on the planet, and it may cause irreparable consequences.

"Half-length Spider King, why are you here?"'Golden Winged Beetle King' asked in a deep voice.

The'half-length spider king' stared at the'golden-winged beetle king', and the anger in his eyes was still in an explosive state.

No one knows how much effort the "half-length spider king" has put into that cultivation base, and many years of hard work have been burned.

Not to mention the descendants of the direct bloodlines that have fallen, it is just that in the future, I want to restore the number of direct bloodline descendants on such a scale, it is impossible to do without a thousand-year recovery.

And this waste of thousands of years may have killed the newest imperial bloodline of the ‘half-length spider’ family with the ‘imperial inheritance pattern’.

As long as you want to get to this point, the whole body of the "half-length spider king" can't stop the agitation.

"Golden Winged Beetle King, you don't know why I am here?"'Bulk Spider King' gritted his teeth and replied.

Seeing the appearance of the "half-length spider king", the "gold winged beetle king" thought of the news just now, and his eyes were proud.

"Did your territory have been attacked? This kind of thing is just a joke, don't take it too seriously!" said'Golden Winged Beetle King' with a smile.

"My five hundred direct bloodlines were killed, it turned out to be just a joke!" After hearing the words of the'Golden Winged Beetle King', the'half-length spider king' could no longer suppress its own anger. It shouted and threw countless numbers from its mouth. Of spider silk.

"You're serious!" The'Golden Winged Beetle King' couldn't help being startled, and the figure disappeared in place, just avoiding the range of the spider silk.

The'Golden Winged Beetle King' also reacted at this time. It then knew what the demigod'Golden Winged Beetle King' had done. If its five hundred direct bloodlines were killed, its anger would definitely be better than the'Half Spider King' Even more.

But the'Golden Winged Beetle King' cannot blame the demigod'Golden Winged Beetle King' because it gave the order. It seems that the demigod'Golden Winged Beetle King' not only fulfilled its order, but also completed it too. Okay, too good.

The'Golden Winged Beetle King' understands that if there is no match today, it will not be able to let the'Half-length Spider King' down.

The'Golden Winged Beetle King' and the'Half-length Spider King' have faced each other for many years, and they know each other's strengths, and the strengths and weaknesses of both sides are very clear.

The ‘half-length spider king’ possesses terrifying control within the range of the spider silk. Once it gets on the spider silk, it is definitely a big trouble.

The'Golden Winged Beetle King' has an unparalleled advantage in speed. Except for the'Ultra Electric Scorpio King' which can compete with it, there is nothing comparable in the Zerg God level.

'Golden Winged Beetle King' has the confidence to fight against the'Half-length Spider King'. Although the'Half-length Spider King''s talents are more restrained against speed enemies, as long as the'Golden Winged Beetle King' is not crazy, it will not Engaged in a close battle with the'half-length spider king'.

The "Half-length Spider King" was crazy at this time, but it was still sober, this kind of magical warfare didn't have the slightest effect.

"Don't run, come and fight to the death!" Seeing the dodge of the Golden Winged Beetle King, the'half-length spider king' roared and chased after him.

The'Golden Winged Beetle King' is also deliberately moving the battlefield to the airspace farther from the planet. On that planet is its nest, which is very important.

Between chasing and flashing, the divine battle began in space, the divine power spread out, and the terrifying power made the space constantly broken.

Under the deliberate guidance of the "Golden Winged Beetle King", the battlefield went outside the galaxy, and it did not have the slightest scruples, and it unfolded around the "Half-length Spider King" constantly looking for opportunities.

A small meteorite star turned into a battlefield, and the spider silk of the'half-length spider king' swept across its surface, immediately cutting the surprisingly hard meteorite star into many fragments.

The spider silk's attack power is weak, and that is also aimed at the gods of the same level.

In fact, in the Zerg God-level battle, it is difficult for both sides to give each other a fatal blow, because they are so familiar.

Like two god-level Zerg god-level battles, they will eventually fall into a depleted ending. It depends on who has the better background and supports longer.

Most of the talent abilities and domain abilities have little effect in God-level battles. The real threat is always the Zerg God-level body.

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