Extraordinary David

Chapter 1133: forging

David put the two demi-god-grade materials on the two forging tables respectively, and the energy clones flashed out of his body.

In front of the legend of Annabella, he does not want to show the other clones. In fact, the legendary Anton knight clone who stayed at Garmixing is the best choice, but it is difficult to explain how the legendary knight clone of Anton is also the'master forging'. The problem.

Coupled with David's current spirit, it is easy to take care of multiple forgings at the same time, not to mention only two forgings.

He didn't add any other materials in the forging this time. At the demigod-level materials, there are few materials in the world that can match it, so it's better not to add them.

In the end, David himself did not reach the **** level, and he did not have the ability to obtain materials that only existed in the turbulent flow of time and space, and there were materials that matched the demigods and **** levels.

It is a pity that although he evacuated the lair of the "half-length spider king", the more precious treasure, the "half-length spider king" was not placed in the nest, but in a more hidden treasure house.

David didn't need to be too demanding either. Demigod-grade materials forged weapons are already powerful enough. Although they are not as good as the artifacts forged by gods, they are also the strongest weapons under the artifacts.

With a light tap of his finger, a group of purple flames appeared, and then two demi-god-grade materials were placed on top of the purple flames.

The natural ability of'Controlling Purple Fire' is a fifth-level ability. According to the general situation, it cannot have an effect on demigod-level materials. But who is the spirit of David, who displays the talent of'Controlling Purple Fire', is extremely terrifying.

Coupled with the display of the natural ability to control the purple fire, it is not a one-time attack, but a continuous roasting, which is much weaker in terms of power requirements.

The legendary Annabella stood by, silently speaking, but it didn't mean that she was not surprised in her heart.

Lord Arthur’s forging in person was beyond her imagination. Who would have known that Lord Arthur could forge demi-god-grade materials, knowing that even the ‘Master forging’ is not sure of this.

The first is flame. There is no flame in the world that can melt a demi-god-level material, and if it can't be melted, it cannot change its shape at all, let alone forging.

The legend of Annabella is still a few meters away from the purple flame, but she can still feel the terrible temperature of the purple flame, and she can be 100% sure that this purple flame can harm her legendary level.

The two demi-god-level materials turned red in the purple flames. Under the spiritual action of David's body and the energy clone, the two demi-god-level materials fell on two forging platforms respectively.

Two forging hammers covered with alchemy patterns were held by the body and the energy clone, and slammed heavily on the demi-god-grade materials.

With David's precise calculation, the amount of the two demi-god-grade materials is calculated when they are divided, which is just enough to forge a light long sword, no more, no less.

Of course, if according to normal forging, two demi-god-grade materials are forged into light long swords, it will not be possible within a day. This is the result of calculation based on David's own legendary power.

If it is the power of the Templars, it is estimated that it will take months.

If you want to reduce the forging time, you need more power, enough to easily shake the power of demi-god-level materials.

Even if the demigod-grade materials are softened by the purple flame, the softening is relatively speaking. Without the flame softening, its appearance cannot be changed at all.

The method used by David is to use the "Rule of Power". On the surface, the body and energy clones are forging demigod-level materials, but in fact, the "Rule of Forces" acts on the demigod-level materials.

Legend of Annabella felt that her brain, which she thought was still smart, was not enough. She saw that the demi-god-grade materials were rapidly prototyping under the beating of two alchemy-patterned forging hammers.

She doubted that this was still a demi-god-level material, and when did demi-god-level materials become so good for forging.

The legend of Annabella walked aside, checked the same set of alchemy pattern forging hammers on the shelf, and confirmed that it was an ordinary alchemy pattern forging hammer, not a magical tool.

In just ten minutes, after two reheating, the two semi-god-grade materials were forged into light long swords, and due to the precise application of power, the edges of the two light long swords were directly forged. come out.

David also felt the power of the “Rule of Power”. Although the distance is only ten meters, within ten meters, he can make the largest one not more than one-fifth of the mass of the soul space small world, and the smallest one can carry out infinitely small power. Extremely precise control.

David also lazily used alchemy-specific engraving tools. Of course, the most important thing is that no engraving tool can leave marks on demi-god-grade materials.

He took out his ‘artifact knight’s war sword’ and engraved the ‘acceleration pattern’ on the hilts of the two light long swords.

David's operation seemed easy, but if it weren't for the combination of his ‘alchemy master’ and ‘master forging’ abilities, the step of engraving the pattern would take a long time.

The ‘Master Alchemist’ draws the pattern, and the ‘Master Forge’ engraves it into the weapon, which is adjusted and activated by the ‘Master Alchemist’.

David omitted all the steps and directly engraved it, which also made the effect of the'acceleration pattern' reach the strongest.

"You can choose the decoration of the hilt and the scabbard by yourself. I will give this decoration to Speaker Gould!" David's spirit wrapped one of the light swords and threw it to Annabella. legend.

The Annabella legend quickly took it, the light long sword was not decorated, and even the hilt was not installed, but this did not affect the peerless elegance of the light long sword.

The whole body is a dark golden light long sword. The legend of Annabella did not even dare to approach the blade because she was worried that her spirit would be hurt by the blade.

The demigod-level knight's light longsword is definitely the first knight equipped in the divine world. The legend of Annabella selectively ignored the other demigod-level light sword that was forged at the same time.

She began to look for hilt materials in her space ring that could match the demigod-grade light long sword, but no matter what she chose, it felt a little bit less interesting.

On the other side, David had found a piece of spirit wood, controlled the carving knife with his mind, and after a while turned the spirit wood into the hilt of the ancient servant, and installed it on a demigod-grade light long sword.

David is holding a demigod-grade light long sword, feeling the touch in his hand.

The faint breath from the spirit wood made the palms comfortable, making it more comfortable when holding the sword.

The reason why he chooses spirit wood is because he has many spirit woods. In the cultivation space of the'artifact space card', he chooses a spirit wood with a hard material and digs out a section on it. It is repaired by the spirit family. Affect the growth of the spirit tree.

"Lord Lord, can you give me a piece of spirit wood? The same as this one is fine!" The legend of Annabella saw David's extravagance, although it was a bit heartache, but as long as it was a demigod-grade light long sword, it felt It's worth it.

Almost no one would use the trunk of the spirit tree as a material, because it was too wasteful. The most precious thing about the spirit tree is the fruit, and even the leaves.

Intercepting the trunk is tantamount to treating the spirit tree as a one-time consumable, which is intolerable to any forces.

David did not refuse to Annabella Legend's request, he took out the spirit wood of the same size and gave it to Annabella Legend.

As for how to carve, follow Annabella's own thoughts.

A ready-made ordinary scabbard was found, and David included a demi-god-class light long sword.

"It's almost time, let's go!" David looked at the time, and there was still an hour before Speaker Gould's promotion reception. Although it was a bit late, it was still too late.

With the Annabella legend about to leave, David thought for a while, and with a wave of his hand, a figure appeared from his shadow.

It is the demigod "Holy Knight" that appeared. The demigod "Holy Knight" used to be hidden in the shadow because of the need to keep it secret, but now the demigod "Holy Knight" has been made public, plus David's control After implementing the'Power Rules', its true combat power is not weaker than the demigod'Holy Knight', or even stronger, and no longer needs the protection of the demigod'Holy Knight'.

David was in front, followed by the legends of the demigods "Holy Knight" and Annabella. When their figures appeared at the Main Star Orb Portal, they attracted the attention of many nobles.

The main reason is that these three appearances are too famous. Needless to say, Lord Arthur has suffered a lot from the Temple of War.

Behind him, the legend of Annabella has rebelled against the Temple of War, and is the first knight to be promoted to the rank of legend in the divine world.

As for the demigod ‘Holy Knight’, it received extra attention. All the knights present had speculations about the identity of the demi ‘Holy Knight’, but they were not sure.

In fact, with the sacred and solemn temperament of the demigod ‘Holy Knight’, there is no second person in the entire God’s Great World.

It's just that this legendary demigod will appear at the promotion reception of Speaker Gould, making every nobleman who attended the reception a great honor.

"'Invincible Knight', the Patriarch of the Luce family, the great Lord Arthur with the legend of Annabella, the'Holy Knight' demigod arrived!" Steward Hayes saw the list sent by the legend of Annabella, he used A slightly excited voice announced loudly.

When hearing the name of the demigod "Holy Knight", the originally reserved nobles turned their attention to the demigod "Holy Knight", and even some aristocratic ladies moved here to get closer to the demigod "Holy Knight".

According to the age of the demigod "Holy Knight", it is many times older than the oldest person here, but the face of the demigod "Holy Knight" is still young, which has the reason of'immortality' , It also has the effect of natural beauty after reaching the demigod rank.

Coupled with the sacred temperament of the demigod "Holy Knight", it is of course to be welcomed.

"Lord Arthur, the legend of Annabella, the demigod of the holy spirit, my master asked me to apologize to you, he will come right away!" Butler Hayes came to David and said in a low voice.

"It's okay, my relationship with the Maine family doesn't need to be so polite!" With a glance of his eyes, David knew that this time the promotion reception was very large, far from the previous Annabella legendary promotion reception, as the host. Speaker Gould is very busy and normal.

Besides, the main reason is himself. The guests who attend this kind of reception usually arrive early, and the host has enough time to take care of important guests one by one.

But David arrived just short of the start of the promotion reception. At this time, Speaker Gould estimated that he was preparing for cumbersome matters such as a dress-up speech.

"My master is here!" When Butler Hayes was about to delay for a while, so as not to appear too rude, he saw Speaker Gould flying in from the sky and said with a smile.

Here came three important guests. Speaker Gould, the host, did not come to greet him. Outsiders would only say that Speaker Gould was impolite.

"Lord Arthur, it's too much for you to come here!" Speaker Gould said with a bow and salute.

"Speaker Gould, your important day, I know I will come to join me naturally, as long as it is a little late, it is too rude!" David said with a smile.

In public, although the relationship between the two is good, they also need to maintain due etiquette and not let the rest of the nobles read jokes.

"Legend of Annabella, how do I feel that you have some kind of aura that makes me feel threatened?" Speaker Gould asked with a trace of doubt in his eyes when he turned to look at the legend of Annabella.

He is so familiar with the Annabella legend, even after the Annabella legend is promoted to the legend, he should not feel that way because he is also a legend.

"President Gould, today is the promotion reception, I will not ask you to compete. When we have time, you will know!" Annabella legend replied with a smug look on her face.

The legend of Annabella has been inherited by David, transforming the knowledge of'swordsmanship' into the talent of'swordsmanship'. Her current combat power, regardless of David's knight clone, can be sure to win with several swords against other knights.

It's just that the legendary Annabella acquired the talent of'Swordsmanship' for too short a time, and it was still unable to reduce the edge of the talent of'Swordsmanship.

As a legendary rank, Speaker Gould is so sensitive that he can feel this edge from the talent of ‘swordsmanship’.

"Did Lord Arthur passed on'swordsmanship' to you?" Speaker Gould was so smart that he knew immediately that Annabella's legend relied on.

You must know that Speaker Gould and Annabella's original strength are not much different, even after they are promoted to the legendary rank, their strengths are not the same.

The legend of Annabella did not answer, but the expression on her face said it all. Speaker Gould couldn't help but feel envy. This is the benefit of devoting himself to a powerful family.

The problem is that the entire **** belongs to the great world, even if it is devoted to the temple, there will be no inheritance of the ‘swordsmanship’ talent.

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