Extraordinary David

Chapter 1134: Cocktail party

"His Majesty the Great Demigod "Holy Knight", on behalf of the Main Family, I welcome you!" Speaker Gould finally looked at the demigod "Holy Knight" and bowed in salute.

Speaker Gould's greetings are exquisite, which is based on the list passed down by Annabella's legend.

Otherwise, in terms of strength, the demigod ‘Holy Knight’ should be the first to see, and the gods belong to the great world are respected by strength.

The strength of the demigod rank is the most noble existence no matter in any period in the history of the gods of the great world, on any occasion.

Not to mention that the gods belong to the great world today, and the strength of knights is declining. Although they have just improved, the strongest are just new to the legendary level.

The demigod ‘Holy Knight’ bowed and performed a standard chivalry, and did not reply.

"Speaker Gould, you are welcome, he is my guardian knight!" David explained with a wave of a smile.

Speaker Gould's mouth twitched, and the demigod ‘Holy Knight’ was the guardian knight.

Guardian knights are confidant. The ugly point is that they have no real power and only provide combat power. Such knights are generally cultivated from an early age without a background. After being strong, they retain enough loyalty to become the master's guard.

Lord Arthur regards the demigod ‘Holy Knight’ as a guardian knight, which means that the demigod ‘Holy Knight’ is only the guard of Lord Arthur and has no other status in the family.

It's no wonder that the demigod ‘Holy Knight’ is ranked last on the list, which is ranked according to the status of the Luce family.

"Lord Arthur, there are a lot of guests here this time. Did you bring some of the red wine produced by Garmisch?" Speaker Gould was walking towards the main castle with David, and no outsiders were there to recover. Randomly, asked aloud.

There was no problem with what was originally prepared for this promotion reception, but who would have known that almost every invited guest brought a number of family members over, making the promotion reception more than expected.

Speaker Gould rarely held a cocktail party after he became the Speaker. This grand promotion cocktail party was held publicly. It is considered the top-level cocktail party among the noble circles of the gods and the great world. Guests who can be invited will naturally try to bring their tribesmen. Increase knowledge.

Of course, Speaker Gould can also use ordinary red wine to entertain those inferior guests, but he can't afford to lose that face.

Originally, I was planning to dispense some Garmistar red wine from other places. I didn't expect Lord Arthur to come by himself, and Speaker Gould didn't have to be polite and asked for it directly.

"Let me see it later!" David's spirit swept across the space pendant, took out a space ring from it and threw it to Speaker Gould.

Speaker Gould took the space ring and saw that it was piled up with Garmistar red wine, and a smile appeared on his face.

"Okay, this is your gift!" Speaker Gould said with a satisfied smile.

"Gould, do not regret your words!" Legend Annabella said with a chuckle.

Speaker Gould knew the legend of Annabella very well. Hearing the words of the legend of Annabella, and seeing the legend of Annabella winking at him, Speaker Gould knew that he must have made a big mistake.

"Well, I owe these red wines, and I will settle them later, so that Lord Arthur cannot suffer too much!" Speaker Gould quickly changed his meaning.

"President Gould, the gift is a demigod-grade light sword. Do you think it is confidential or public?" David had prepared the gift, so naturally he would not take it back because of jokes, he smiled Asked.

Speaker Gould was stunned, and then he was full of disbelief. If someone else said this, he would definitely think it was making him happy, but in front of him was Lord Arthur, not just his best friend. There are a lot of mysteries.

"It's better to make it public, it's not an artifact!" Speaker Gould thought for a while, nodded and said.

Because when you arrive at the main castle, the gifts brought by important guests will be recorded, and some special and precious gifts will be specially announced to express the host’s gratitude.

Speaker Gould also understands the meaning of Lord Arthur. What he needs now is more fame. This time the Legendary Promotion Cocktail Party is held to demonstrate his strength. At this time, the Demigod Light Longsword appears again. It can improve his reputation.

The greater the reputation, the stronger the strength, and the better the equipment, the more Speaker Gould can sit on his current position without being affected by the various methods of the temple.

Speaker Gould said, "It's not a divine tool," but he was a little restless along the way. He looked at Lord Arthur's body from time to time, as if he wanted to bring the demigod-class light long sword. .

It's not that Speaker Gould hasn't seen a good thing. The magical ‘Knight Forbidden Card’ David gave him before is a real magical weapon, and it’s powerful enough to make him rampant throughout the knight career.

But as a knight, his love for long swords is deeply etched in his bones.

Speaker Gould accompanied Lord Arthur to the gift area, but Secretary Kendall was recording the gifts.

The guests who were queuing to deliver the gifts hurriedly bowed and walked away. No one complained.

David put a light long sword with a sheath on the gift table. Manager Kendall was about to reach out, but Speaker Gould grabbed it first.

"Guardian Kendall, sing a demigod-grade light long sword!" Speaker Gould did not draw out the light long sword, and told Manager Kendall.

"Lord Arthur gave a gift a demigod-grade light long sword!" Although Manager Kendall was a little surprised, he reacted and sang loudly.

The gift area is next to the gate, and inside is the reception hall. This singing made the originally lively hall instantly quiet.

Then a few figures that were almost indistinguishable to the naked eye appeared at the gate. In David's perception, these figures were all legendary.

"Where is the demigod-grade light long sword, let me know!" Lord Ludwig yelled before he could stabilize his figure.

Now the interests of several lords such as Lord Ludwig and Speaker Gould are tied together, so there is less scrupulousness when speaking.

However, Lord Ludwig also saw Lord Arthur, and he hurriedly bowed to meet him, and several other legendary lords also saw him.

Perhaps the rest of the nobles would only guess that their promotion was related to Lord Arthur, but they knew best that Lord Arthur provided the resources needed for promotion to the knight training method used for promotion.

These legendary lords owe great favors to Lord Arthur, and they also express their respect for Lord Arthur, the strong man.

David smiled and replied. The strength of the legendary lords in front of him was nothing in his eyes, but the influence of these people was enough to shake the entire circle of the nobles of the great world.

"Just got it, I haven't seen it yet!" Speaker Gould said, raising the light sword in his hand.

At this time, the nobles who had their own status also approached, all wanting to see the first demigod-grade light long sword in the great world of the gods.

"Don't squeeze, the first item of today's promotion reception is to visit the demigod-grade light sword!" Speaker Gould, seeing the excitement of the guests, announced with a loud smile.

All the guests smiled and were able to see the demigod-grade light long sword. This time it was not in vain to come to the promotion reception.

After entering the lobby, although the reception did not officially start, most of the guests have already arrived, and the entire lobby can accommodate at least a thousand people.

This is still the main hall of the Main Family Castle is large enough to accommodate so many people.

First, Speaker Gould entered the hall, and then David appeared, causing the guests in the hall to pay attention. Although they heard the announcement and knew the arrival of the demigod'Holy Knight', they saw the demigod'Holy Knight' At that time, every guest showed a restrained look.

Facing a demigod, the nobles who are deeply educated by the great world of God have an instinctive sense of awe.

"Today's grand event, not only is there a demigod-level light sword to appreciate, but also the demigod "Holy Knight" is here. This is the glory of the Main Family! Why not ask the demigod "Holy Knight" to show us the half God grade light sword!" Speaker Gould walked to the center of the hall and said loudly.

Speaker Gould wanted to use the power of the demigod ‘Holy Knight’ to increase his influence.

There is a demigod "Holy Knight" at the Chairperson Gould’s promotion reception to show Chairperson Gould a demigod-class light sword. This title alone can make this promotion reception included in the history of many noble families. in.

The demigod ‘Holy Knight’ was silent, he stepped out, took the demigod-class light long sword from Speaker Gould, and then gently drew it out.

A rush of air followed, causing the knights in the hall to shiver involuntarily.

The other nobles who were not knights did not respond like this, but were ignorant and fearless. Only the knight's inherently sensitive perception of danger can react to the breath of the demigod-class light long sword.

The dark golden light of the demigod-grade light long sword flickered slightly under the lights of the hall.

The fifth-level Templars and Legendary knights have the strongest feelings. At their level, they can already have a strong control over the spirit, and the demigod-level light long sword makes them feel threatened.

This is just a static weapon. Once this weapon is in the hands of Speaker Gould, then who can stop Speaker Gould's attack here.

"Lord Arthur, I don't know which grandmaster forged this demigod-level light sword?" Lord Ludwig looked at Lord Arthur and asked.

Lord Ludwig knew that this was a gift from Lord Arthur to Speaker Gould, so he asked Lord Arthur directly.

"I occasionally obtained demi-god-grade materials and forged them at random!" David didn't hide it, and said truthfully.

Lord Ludwig's eyes flickered, and he didn't want to believe it, but he knew that Lord Arthur had no need to deceive him.

At the same time, Lord Ludwig was still a little disappointed. When he saw the demi-god-level light long sword, he thought of the master forging master who can forge demi-god-level materials. His level must be extremely high and he might go there in the future. Trouble each other.

But Lord Arthur considers himself a forger, and who can ask him to help forge, not to mention whether he wants to, but even if he does, Lord Ludwig can give Lord Arthur a reward that moves his heart.

Look at how many good things Lord Arthur has brought out, such as spirit wine,'Dawning Cultivation Method', artifact'Knight Forbidden Card', and today's demigod-level light sword, what kind of things such a rich Lord Arthur uses To impress.

Lord Ludwig saw the faintly visible alchemy pattern on the hilt of a demigod-grade light long sword, and he didn't inquire about it.

Unless the alchemy pattern on the weapon is a well-known weapon, the owner of the weapon does not want outsiders to know what this hole card is.

In the lobby, guests with identities come closer to watch, and those with less identities can only stand farther away.

Because it is a demigod ‘Holy Knight’ holding a demigod-grade light long sword, no guest dares to get too close. The demigod’s reputation is not simple.

"Annabella, we have a free time to fight, you have to be careful with your weapons!" Speaker Gould said softly to the legend of Annabella beside him.

He still remembered the challenge of Annabella's legend just now, but he hadn't challenged just now, now he has a demigod-grade light long sword, and he has a lot of confidence.

"Do you think you are the only one with a demigod-level light sword?" Legend Annabella looked up at Speaker Gould, and looked at him with a foolish look.

Speaker Gould immediately closed his mouth tightly, and he realized that Lord Arthur was so generous to his friend, let alone his family knight.

At three o'clock, all the guests arrived, and Speaker Gould walked back to the center of the hall again.

"Since there was a knight in the divine world, the people of the divine world have been protected by the knights, and their lives are peaceful and peaceful. The knight guards the world with a spirit of sacrifice, and the knight profession has become the mainstream of the divine world.

In the 10,000-year history of God’s Great World, the profession of knights has grown and declined, just like the demigod "Holy Knight" in the era when there were demigod knights, but in the last thousands of years, knights have been like Cursed, countless knights were trapped to death in the Templar ranks.

The dawn has appeared. Since the Annabella Legend successfully promoted to the legendary rank, the curse of thousands of years has been broken, the knight profession has entered a new chapter, and the glory of the knight has come again.

I, Gould Luce, is fortunate to be one of the chapters. Although today is a cocktail party celebrating my promotion to the legendary rank, it is also a celebration of breaking the shackles of the knight career.

Starting today, the knight will have the opportunity to achieve the legendary rank, and even restore the glory of the knight, just like the demigod ‘Holy Knight’, the demigod! "The voice of Speaker Gould is extremely infectious.

The words made all the nobles present, especially the knights excited.

Every knight feels the coming of the great era in his heart. They will become a part of the great era and leave a mark in history.

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