Extraordinary David

Chapter 1135: meet

"I announce that the promotion reception has officially started!" Speaker Gould finally announced loudly.

The band hidden by the hall played melodious music, and Butler Hayes opened a curtain to reveal the pyramid-like crystal wine glass tower behind.

Speaker Gould waved his hand and a bottle of red wine flew up, opened it on the top of the crystal wine glass tower, and poured the wine.

A bottle of red wine has not been poured yet, and the refreshing aroma of Garmistar red wine permeates the entire hall.

Garmistar red wine is often available to some of the top aristocrats who have friendship with Speaker Gould, but it is rarely tasted for the rest of the nobles.

After all, the output of Garmistar red wine is too low. After it is supplied to the temple, only Speaker Gould and a small number of nobles can obtain it in the noble circle.

A bottle of red wine is poured into the crystal wine glass tower under the spirit of Speaker Gould. Although this seems to be a display of wealth, it is not a display of strength. Speaker Gould's strength has reached the legendary level, and he can be used for a long time. Fine manipulation of mental release.

When all the red wine was filled, the crystal wine glasses flew accurately into the hands of the guests present under the mental control of Speaker Gould.

Exclamation sounded in the hall, even if you don't know the knight career anymore, you know how difficult it is to be able to do this.

After the reception officially began, Speaker Gould began to greet him everywhere. As the host, he was naturally busy, but there were not many guests who really needed him to greet him personally.

The busiest one is Charlie, as the eldest son of Speaker Gould, Charlie greets every guest on behalf of Speaker Gould.

David was followed by the demigod ‘Holy Knight’, but no one dared to approach him.

This made him feel that bringing the demigod ‘Holy Knight’ over is the most correct choice, but he is not used to the entertainment of the nobles.

Annabella is very used to the legend, she is also a little annoyed to stay in Garmixing, wine will make her full of energy.

David looked at the state of Annabella's legend, and shook his head helplessly. Even if he became a legend, the legend of Annabella was first of all a woman, and she was a female nobleman of the great world, possessing all the hobbies of female aristocrat .

"Lord Arthur, come to the second floor together, let you meet some people!" Speaker Gould finally passed all the guests who needed to say hello, and said softly next to David.

David also felt bored. If it weren't for the rare Annabella legend, he would have been ready to leave. Hearing the invitation of Speaker Gould, he did not hesitate to follow.

Although the lobby can be seen on the second floor, there is an alchemy array. The second floor cannot be seen in the lobby, and even the sound is blocked.

When David came up, he saw the fourteen lords who were standing. Although they had seats, none of them sat down.

"These are all members of the'Dawn Alliance', they have always wanted to meet you, and today I take this opportunity to gather together!" Speaker Gould said to David with a smile.

David had heard of the "Dawn Alliance" and knew the influence of the "Dawn Alliance" among the nobles, but only after seeing these members did he understand the horror of the influence of the "Dawn Alliance".

The lords selected by Speaker Gould are all ranked high among the top nobles.

Each of these veteran top nobles has its own influence and can affect many big nobles, and even many top nobles will be affected.

"It's an honor to meet you all!" David said with a smile and bowed.

"Lord Arthur, everyone here knows the establishment of the ‘Dawn Alliance’, and you have an important role in it. We are very grateful to you!" Lord Daryl said when the fourteen lords responded at the same time.

Their gratitude is out of sincerity. Six of the fourteen lords here have achieved the legendary rank.

Without the help of the spirit red wine, the possibility of promotion of the six legendary ranks would be much lower. They all understood this very well, not to mention that even the ‘Dawning Cultivation Method’ was provided by Lord Arthur.

For all these efforts, Lord Arthur did not make any demands. Although Speaker Gould asked everyone to sign a contract, the contract only promoted the unity of everyone and did not harm everyone's interests.

"Well, today I invite Lord Arthur to attend the "Dawn Alliance" meeting, everyone will be friends in the future!" Speaker Gould said with a smile.

He let David sit in the vice seat, which is the highest position besides the master.

"Everyone, the development of the Dawn Alliance is very good. Even I have seven legendary ranks, and the rest are also preparing for promotion. Although the Dawn Alliance has just been established, it has also received a lot. An application to join, today’s meeting is to discuss the issue of joining the Dawn Alliance!” Speaker Gould waved.

The ‘Dawn Alliance’ is currently a secret organization. Those who can apply to join are introduced by members and help submit their applications.

Originally Speaker Gould was preparing to slowly develop the ‘Dawn Alliance’, but who would have thought that the emergence of the Legendary Tier was so strong, and that the Legendary Tier was concentrated among their lords who were closer.

Many clever Templars have seen the connection, and they have found these lords through various relationships, and want to join them.

Although I don’t know the name of the ‘Dawn Alliance’, many nobles have guessed that there is such an organization.

Now that the Templars alone have more than 30 applications, Speaker Gould doesn't want to turn the ‘Dawn Alliance’ into a large organization, he needs elite members.

Besides, the spirit red wine and the'Dawning Cultivation Method' are both precious, and they don't have a certain influence, and ordinary Templars don't want to receive them.

This meeting is to discuss this matter, and Speaker Gould needs to agree with all members.

"This is a list of all the applicants. They are all sent to me. Take a look!" Speaker Gould took out a stack of parchment from the space ring and distributed it to everyone.

David also had a copy in front of him. He glanced at it and found that there were almost no Templars he knew.

"We can't do this, it will lower the level of the'League of Dawn', either I look down on many Templars on this list, or let them join the'League of Dawn', how long will it take them to reach the peak of the Templars? One hundred years?" Lord Ludwig spoke first.

All the lords who were in charge of the top nobles were present, and when they saw the list, they understood Speaker Gould's concerns.

These lords had only seen the relationship of interest before, and by bringing in some Templars who were close to them, they could increase their influence, and by the way, they could also make the'Dawn Alliance' stronger.

But after seeing the list, the lords knew that they were wrong. These thirty Templars joining the "League of Dawn" will consume the resources of the "League of Dawn".

The biggest problem is that so many resources have been consumed, but the "Dawn Alliance" cannot increase the influence of the noble circle much.

"In the future, all applicants will need at least the strength of the Templar peak, and the joint recommendation of at least two members, and then after the vote of the plenary meeting, what do you think?" Speaker Gould looked at the fourteen lords and proposed.

Start-up organizations need to run in. Everyone knows that Speaker Gould's proposal can protect everyone's interests, so naturally they all agree.

"Okay, this issue has passed, and there is another topic. Recently, the sharing of intelligence has become the norm. However, due to the fact that various intelligence organizations work independently, the sharing of intelligence is often repeated, which greatly wastes intelligence resources.

So I propose to set up a new intelligence organization, select a coordinator from various intelligence organizations to join this intelligence organization, and 15 coordinators will jointly coordinate the work of 15 intelligence organizations. Speaker Gould continued.

Intelligence work is very important, especially when facing the temple, so unifying intelligence organizations is a must.

However, since the intelligence organization is the core secret of the top nobles, even members of the ‘Dawn Alliance’ cannot completely send out the family’s intelligence organization. The top noble family is not just the lord.

Speaker Gould's proposal solved this trouble. Although it was a little troublesome, it really integrated the intelligence organizations of 15 top nobles.

Once this new intelligence organization is established, it will cover all aspects of the entire divine world.

We must know that the 15 top noble intelligence organizations, at least have a thousand years of history.

One by one, David truly realized the horror of the "Dawn Alliance".

When the interests of the fifteen top nobles are bound and their actions are consistent, the energy that bursts out is extremely powerful.

For the first time, David felt the ‘Dawn Alliance’ created by Speaker Gould, and it was possible to contend against the Temple of War, and even break hands with the other major temples.

The reason why Speaker Gould asked David to participate in the meeting, David also guessed. He had promised Speaker Gould before that he would provide spirit wine for the Dawn Alliance. Speaker Gould showed David in this way. To the role of the'Dawn Alliance', let David rest assured.

Of course, Speaker Gould introduced all the members of the "Dawn Alliance" to David, which also allowed David to borrow the power of the "Dawn Alliance" at any time. This was also agreed by other members of the "Dawn Alliance".

The meeting lasted for more than an hour, after which everyone left the second floor, and the reception came to an end.

David found the legend of Annabella and took her and the demigod ‘Holy Knight’ to leave the reception first.

Neither David nor Speaker Gould noticed that the influence of this promotion reception would be so important.

The demigod ‘Holy Knight’ participated in the promotion party for Speaker Gould, and the news was far more sensational than the demigod-grade light sword.

Because in the knowledge of many people, demigods and gods are gods, and gods are all above them.

Moreover, the demigod ‘Holy Knight’ was originally a legend of the Temple of War, but it appeared with Lord Arthur, the enemy of the Temple of War. Coupled with the traitor of the legend of Annabella, people always feel that something must be wrong with the Temple of War.

Otherwise, why do the demigods and legends betray the Temple of War and choose Lord Arthur who is against it.

For the first time, people who belong to the Great World of God feel that the Temple of War has lowered the standard, and it is no longer one of the five major temples, but a much lower existence than the other four major temples.

Even due to the appearance of demigods, the belief in the temple has been affected, and belief is no longer as pure as before.

After David returned to Garmistar, he announced his retreat, and the legend of Annabella became Garmistar's manager again.

Attended the promotion reception, and took a good rest in the evening. The next day David's spirit was fully recovered.

Because the next thing to explore is the ‘rule of speed’, a basic rule that is more powerful than the ‘rule of power’, so he chose to go to the depths of space without affecting Garmistar.

Activating the ‘Break the Air’ talent ability, David came to space with ease.

His mind entered the small world of the soul space, and at first glance he saw a piece of spiritual seedlings. On this day, all the seeds turned into spiritual seedlings.

Like some spiritual plants with a short growth period, they are already about to grow into adult plants.

Because there is enough space, coupled with being with the world tree, so that the spirit race clan leader race is very at ease, so all the life seeds of the spirit race are resurrected.

A large number of spirit races make the area next to the world tree very lively, and a lively scene in the small world.

David did not interrupt the work of the Spirit Race, his mind came to the branch of the World Tree, where the crystal fruit of the fighting angel hung.

His mind touched the battle angel crystal fruit, the battle angel crystal fruit suddenly exploded, the main part of the crystal flew into the soul fortress, and the rest turned into knowledge into his brain.

This time, David took the initiative to activate the ‘Thinking Storm’ innate ability, put his brain in a state of extreme speed, and mobilized four legendary ranks, and all 183 fifth-level soul clones were in operation.

The reason why there are 183 fifth-level soul clones is that David’s “high-frequency howling” at the “half-length spider king” lair in the Zerg world last time, and twelve weaker ones died on the spot. Five-level Zerg.

Although those fifth-level zergs who died at that time were far away from David, David's mental range covered the area where the fifth-level zerg died, and Shadow Servant could also use the flash ability to absorb the souls of all dead zergs.

Even though David was prepared, the knowledge of the'speed rules' still made his brain aching, and working at full capacity made his brain a little unbearable.

He can only fully mobilize all available resources, accelerate his thinking, and turn this knowledge into his own knowledge.

David stood motionless in space. Beside him, the demigod ‘Holy Knight’ stood quietly, with the black dragon Alexis lying on his shoulders.

With the protection of these powerful existences, he doesn't have to worry about safety in space.

As time passed, David's face became paler and paler. On the fourth day, the "Thinking Storm" stopped automatically, but he still did not wake up.

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