Extraordinary David

Chapter 1137: Demi god

David thought that he would need to look for ways to increase his physicality for a long time in the future, so as to fulfill the basic requirements of the "Destroy Domain".

But he obviously misunderstood the promotion of the demigod. The demigod was not based on attack power, but based on the perception of power.

When David simulated the ‘Destroy Domain’ in his mind and reached the same parameters as the real implementation exhibition, a new crystal ‘Destroy Crystal’ appeared in his soul fortress.

The ‘rule of destruction’ is defined in terms of the ‘rule of destruction’ and is a new type of regular energy produced by the fusion of the ‘rule of power’ and the ‘rule of speed’.

In fact, ‘rule destruction energy’ shouldn’t be generated at all, because there has never been a **** among the gods who can have two basic rules at the same time and study them to the extreme.

You must know that the rules that you really own are those you have mastered before you become a demigod, and that the gods are based on these rules.

Later, no matter how the gods study other rules, they can at best have more attack methods, and they cannot let the new rules be integrated into the god's body and become their own fundamental energy.

It is extremely difficult to perceive any kind of basic rules at the legendary level, let alone perceive two basic rules.

Even if there are darlings of that kind of world, they can perceive the two basic rules, and it is impossible to enhance their perception of the two basic rules to the extreme before the **** body is conceived.

Without elevating the two basic rules to the extreme, it is impossible to merge the two basic rules into a ‘destructive field’.

In David's small world of soul space, only the soul fortress remained in its original state, and did not change due to changes in the small world of soul space.

Here is the concentration of David's soul and natural ability, as well as the manifestation of his soul.

After the ‘Destroy Crystal’ entered the Soul Fortress, the ‘Power Crystal’ and the ‘Speed ​​Crystal’ flew over, and the three crystals formed a fancy shape, forming a fusion crystal.

At the same time, ‘Destroy Crystal’ extracted part of the origin of rules from the ‘Power Crystal’ and ‘Speed ​​Crystal’, entered the ‘Destroy Crystal’, and merged into the origin of the rules of destruction.

At the moment when the origin of the rule of destruction came into being, a trace of rule of destruction overflowed from the ‘crystal of destruction’. The rule of destruction directly affected David’s body, and the first thing that affected him was his left index finger.

The world tree shook slightly, and the world rules of the small world of the soul space also expanded outward, enveloping David's body.

This is also the greatest authority that the world tree can do. The small world of the soul space is still just generated, and it is not easy to forcibly invade the big world of the gods that also has the world tree.

The purpose of the World Tree is very clear, which is to place David's ontology in the world rules of the small world of soul space.

Because the World Tree also felt the ‘rule destruction energy’, the World Tree instinctively acted to protect David.

The ‘rule of destruction energy’, which should not have appeared in the world, was used by the world rules of the small world of the soul space, and under the influence of the world tree, it forcibly merged with the flesh and blood of David’s left index finger.

David's left index finger slowly changed, becoming a form of fusion of energy and flesh and blood, which was the form of a demigod.

At the same time, the aura on his body suddenly rose, and the small world of the soul space also doubled under this effect. This is the effect of the promotion of the great realm.

David was only promoted from the legendary level to the lowest level of the demigod, because he only had the index finger of his left hand to be a demigod, but anyway, as long as he had a demigod, it was a demigod.

What he needs to do in the future is to continuously expand the body of the demigod, so that the whole body is transformed into the body of the demigod.

That way, every attack of David comes with its own regular attack power, and this regular attack power will grow exponentially with his strength.

This is the power of the demigod. Of course, the premise is that the regular energy of the body of the demigod must be strong enough, and the weak regular energy is also weak for the promotion of the demigod.

Just like the demigod "Holy Knight", as a demigod, he uses the worst way to become a deity by faith, integrates the power of faith with the body, and then uses the power of faith to simulate various rules. It is a pity that this There is so much difference between a demigod and a demigod that integrates true rules.

Don't look at the demigod'Holy Knight' after using the'Holy Spirit Realm', they can use various rules such as fire, frost, healing, etc. to attack at will, but the power of these attacks is powerful against the existence of the same demigod. Not caught.

The reason why the black dragon Alexis is extremely sturdy in close combat is because he specializes in the'Black Dragon Power Rule', which is a unique racial rule of the Black Dragon family. The'Black Dragon Power Rule' focuses on strengthening the black dragon's defense and strengthening the black dragon. the power of.

Relying on the ‘Black Dragon’s Power Rule’ alone, the black dragon Alexis can contend with any **** level.

David did not look at his body of the demigod first, but paid attention to the small world of his soul space. He did not expect to be promoted from the legendary rank to the demigod rank, which would double the soul space.

Perhaps for the other demigods, the effect of doubling the soul space is far less true than the actual increase in strength that makes the demigods more happy.

But David is different, his soul space small world has long reached a limit, that is the limit that the world tree can expand in his legendary level.

After being promoted to a demigod, there is no need for the active expansion of the world tree, just relying on the promotion brought by the promotion, the soul space small world doubles.

David tried to let go of his spirit, and sure enough, his spirit doubled, from one thousand kilometers to two thousand kilometers.

After seeing that the small world of the soul space has not had any bad effects due to promotion, and even the distance of the spirit has doubled, his heart can be considered settled.

The main reason is that the small world of David's soul space is too special. It is estimated that he has the same experience in any main world, or he has never been in this situation before.

David, who was relieved, looked at his left index finger. The left index finger looked no different from the rest of the fingers, at least from the outside.

But he knew very well that the index finger of his left hand was completely different from the rest of the body in the sense of life.

The rest of the body is still composed of flesh and blood, but the index finger of the left hand is a half-energy, half-substantial half body formed by the fusion of ‘rule-destructing energy’ and flesh and blood.

"Alexis, how about my index finger as a demigod?" David didn't make random experiments because he didn't have any confidence in the ‘rule of destruction energy’ formed by the fusion of the ‘rule of power’ and the ‘rule of speed’.

If he knew that the simulation in his mind would also be accepted, thus forming new rules suitable for him, he would never try so randomly.

Because David is very clear about what the ‘rule of destruction’ is about, it is only theoretically powerful, but this inexplicable theory has been accepted.

He was a little worried, and if he flicked his finger, he would flick his finger.

The good thing is that the original battle angel bone is a part of the **** body, which is stronger than his own demigod body. In addition, the battle angel bone contains infinite life energy and is extremely hard, even if he accidentally moves When the fingers flick, at least the finger bones will remain.

As long as there are finger bones left, he can consume the'immortal vitality' to recover the injury of the finger.

But before, David still wanted to consult the black dragon Alexis.

"My lord, you...you...really...combine the'rules of power' with the'rules of speed'...?" The black dragon Alexis stuttered, he asked incredulously.

Alexis, the black dragon, never thought that David could merge the “rule of power” with the “rule of speed”. He previously encouraged David to try to master the two basic rules and merge them, just to inspire David That's it.

In fact, David only needs to perceive any one of the basic rules of the ‘rule of power’ and the ‘rule of speed’ to reach the domain stage, and he can use that basic rule energy to advance to the semi-divine level.

As for why Alexis, the black dragon, didn't say it straight, because he didn't know which basic rule to let David give up.

Both basic rules are very powerful, and it is too difficult to perceive the basic rules. The black dragon Alexis does not know which kind of basic rules David has easier to perceive.

Who would know that David directly comprehend the two basic rules, not only reached the domain stage, but also directly reached the level of understanding of the gods.

In addition, he inexplicably merged the ‘rules of power’ and the ‘rules of speed’ into a new domain of rules, and the knowledge accumulated by the black dragon Alexis for thousands of years is no longer understandable.

"Yes, isn't this what you taught me at the time?" David looked at the black dragon Alexis with some puzzlement and asked.

"I don't have much research on the basic rules, so it's hard to judge your demigod body!" Black Dragon Alexis said helplessly.

"My biggest problem now is whether the demigod can be used. I feel that the energy contained in it is too overbearing. I am afraid that my half-length index finger can support it!" David heard the black dragon Alexis say. , Still raised his own question.

"Sir, no matter what the rules are, as long as they merge with the body to form a demigod body, then this kind of regular energy will not harm itself!" The other complex knowledge black dragon Alexis does not know, but he It's pretty sure.

David got a positive reply from the black dragon Alexis, and he decided to give it a try.

David flicked his left index finger, he didn't dare to use his full force, but after flicking his left index finger, he knew he was wrong.

With David's zero control over the body of the demigod, a flick of his left index finger has the same effect as a full flick.

Because at this level of power, it is no longer solely dependent on the superficial power, but the ‘rule destruction energy’ in the index finger.

The amount of "rule of destruction energy" in the left index finger is fixed. Unless he can completely control the half-body, he cannot control the size of his attack.

With a flick of the index finger of his left hand, the space at David's fingertips shook suddenly, and he could hear the sound of the space breaking.

David has a tingling scalp. It is necessary to know that he has formed a demigod body with the index finger of his left hand, and has such power, which is almost equivalent to the power of the gods fighting with all their strength.

The most important thing is that such terrifying power did not affect his left index finger, and even the left index finger did not feel any pain, as if the terrifying power did not take the slightest back.

David was about to try again, but found that his left index finger felt a little ‘transparency’, and the jade-like finger bones were vaguely visible through the flesh and blood.

The semi-energetic left index finger will produce this phenomenon when the fusion of "rule-destructive energy" decreases.

"My lord, you need to rest for a while. Although the energy of the demigod can recover on its own, if you consume too much at one time, the demigod will still be at risk of collapse." The black dragon Alexis reminded in time. .

David is paying attention to his left index finger at this time, and he can feel the energy is recovering. It may take ten minutes.

In other words, his powerful blow can only be performed once at least ten minutes.

David couldn't help but feel a little dissatisfied, but he soon corrected his mentality. He had just been promoted to a demigod and only integrated a finger. As long as he integrates his whole body with the'rule of destruction energy', he can display it at will A powerful attack.

He cares about how long the next fusion will take, and his mind enters the soul fortress of the small world of soul space.

David could perceive the obvious lack of energy in the ‘power crystal’ and the ‘speed crystal’, and the recovery process was extremely slow, so slow that he could barely feel the energy recovery of the basic rules.

Only the energy of the basic rules in the ‘power crystal’ and the ‘speed crystal’ is restored, before the next fusion is possible.

David couldn't help shook his head. His path to becoming a **** is probably extremely long. Just wanting to make the body of a demigod consummate, the time required is amazing.

But he laughed immediately, he was too greedy, he had only cultivated for a few years, and he had surpassed all the knights in the great world of the gods.

Although there is only one finger to achieve the body of a demigod, David is already very satisfied in comparison.

When he was looking at the small world of soul space, he also discovered that now, due to the expansion of the small world of soul space, he still needs some time to fully control the expansion of the small world of soul space.

Once the expansion of the small world of the soul space is fully controlled, not only will his mental strength increase, but it will also greatly increase his ‘rule destruction energy’ power.

We must know that the'rule destruction energy' is currently one-fifth of the mass of the soul space small world. Now the soul space small world has doubled. As long as David controls the expansion, then the'rule destruction energy' is equal to more Double the quality as the base of attack, the power generated will be increased several times.

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